Patch Notes
- Disabled in-game phirius token merchants.
- Implemented dynamic attributes system to be used later in main contents.
- Adjusted visual of Barrier Neutralization Device Setup Point to make Kulech Annihilation easier to complete.
- Changed monsters to respawn faster when were looted longer than their revive time.
- Reduced maximum looting time for non-elite and non-boss monsters for faster respawn in public open world zones.
- Limited maximum time of total holding monster loot to 5 minutes, regardless of total looting time when not holding.
- Fixed movement and riding speed was calculated multipliable instead additively.
- Fixed MDMG raw number bonus from shields and talismans was never working.
- Fixed DMG raw number bonus from shields and talismans was affected by 0.7 multiplier rate.
Fixed MDMG raw number bonus from main hand and off hand weapons green non-stat attribute was applied twice.
- Fixed some skills were not dismounting from ride.
- Fixed it was possible to use class cast spells during same time as server casts.
- Changed the way musical instruments are working, altered their cast bar to be visible with other cast bars simultaneously. Music cast will be interrupted upon inflicting/receiving damage or moving.
- Disabled Pet Perfumes after 5 minutes of AFK when pet is summoned.
- Allowed to enter custom instances/zones with effects that are deleted on entry.
- Changed Provisions Ostrich Courier to not disappear on zone change/logout in most cases.
Guild Castle
- Increased ride speed buff costs.
- Added Atlas Gold item to Item Shop.
- Increased guild tower maintenance cost from irrationally low value.
- Added new building “Guard Tower”, reducing costs of obtaining towers buffs by up to 25% and increasing their duration by up to 50% depending on it’s tier.
- Fixed Old Bags weren’t usable.
- Added popup on login for players who took old level boost and hadn’t reached level 91 yet to boost to level 91.
- Added Newbie icon to Ask Player Info.
- Added Newbie badge when character play time is lower than 24 hours. (icon will be updated)
- Added Newbie icon to Player Info tooltip when play time is under 24 hours.
- Added movement and riding speed bonuses to Novice Adventurer title.
- Added movement and riding speed bonuses to Robins Blessing buff; Removed offline time expiry; Reduced duration from 36 > 24 hours.
Item Shop
- Renamed Costumes tab to Cosmetics.
- Added 47 new weapon skins & 6 shield skins.
- Added pet perfume to loot only monster cards.
Random Costume
- Added option to hide Random Costume effect.
- Blocked some bigger NPC models from random costume potion.
Reputation Badges
- Introduced 64 Reputation Badges – collectable (in Title Frame) overhead icons obtainable from various places. (quality of icons will be improved)
- Added ranking for Reputation Badges.
- Added skill to toggle VIP badge to Skill Book.
- Added Reputation Badge to self and target unit frames and unit tooltip.
- Added header to frame.
- Added category for Reputation Badges.
- Added information about total bonus for obtained titles.
- Fixed it wasn’t possible to link not owned titles from frame.
- Fixed bonus for obtained titles was lowered by a small amount of value.
- Changed every obtained title to provide +1 All Attributes instead +5 Health Points like previously.
- Changed “Application Form for a Custom Title” to allow spaces, numbers, custom character sizes and maximum length of 32.
- Fixed class swappers weren’t usable.
- Blocked Prestige functions on Arena of Darkness.
- Reviewed prestige bonus list slider to be more visible.
- Fixed Prestige rank 20 was able to pickup more rewards than intended.
- Fixed overhead color and icon wasn’t instantly updated after changing Prestige type.
- Fixed using Prestige Arcane Transmutor Charges was always giving 5 less than intended.
Monster Cards
- Added Guard Tower card to Siege War.
- Fixed some monster cards weren’t obtainable.
- Changed Kladoren Dipper card to unique type.
Auction House
- Improved visual elements slightly.
- Fixed some items like recipes were able to be placed for free.
- Improved description and visuals of Prestige visibility button.
- Fixed Prestige extra days were showing wrong offer placement price visually.
- Fixed it was possible to own some house styles when not purchasing them.
- Added possibility to hide yourself from Rankings.
- Fixed Androlier Health rank was displayed incorrectly.
Entity Chamber (Hard)
- Disabled certain sigil usage inside.
- Wiped unintended ranking registries.
- Changed death message for hard mode.
- Changed the way immunes are handled.
- Changed Stability Master title to be obtainable.
- Fixed an issue that killing normal mode was locking hard mode occasionally.
- Removed NPC Cathy from hard mode as it was out of the story of hard mode.
- Replaced Titan stats with another Colossus stat in the pool.
- Fixed Phargos Metamorphosis Elixir recipe wasn’t working properly. Consumed recipes will be restored shortly later after-patch.
- Adjusted Raw Dragon Scale and Chitin Shield values due to physical damage formula limitations, fixed their upgrading stats were wrong.
Necropolis of Mirrors (Hard)
- Fixed Teddybomb was sometimes dealing double damage.
- Fixed Silenced had unintentionally cast time of 1 second again.
- Fixed that sometimes Androlier’s Shadow was playing tactic multiple times.
- Added delay before recasting Wither and Silence when successfully interrupting.
Arcane Chamber of Sathkur (Hard)
- Added maximum fail limit of 3 attempts.
Arena of Darkness
- Fixed Robots and Robot Components had no level limit.
Visual Changes
- Updated Phirius Token Coin item Icon.
- Reduced over head names and icons black outline size.
- Updated cursor when using teleport crystals in Dark Core.
Object Blood Bars
- Updated bar texture.
- Added option to scale size.
- Increased max distance to 300.
- Changed color of level differences.
- Added bold and outline to bar fonts.
- Changed color of PlayerNet guild to GM.
- Reduced alpha of highlighted target texture.
- Changed bar text to show also shortened current HP.
- Moved Target position of blood bar frame to right side.
- Fixed it was possible to use higher than maximum distance.
Player Information
- Added play time to Ask Player Info.
- Reduced delay between using Ask Player Info function.
- Added play time to Unit Frame with setting to disable it.
Elite Warning
- Added NPC attitude color to elite bell warning message.
- Disabled triggering of elite bell warning when monster is dead.
- Added option to copy quest text from quest book with copy button.
- Fixed cities and continents hyperlinks inside quest description and speak dialogs were showing empty tooltip.
- Fixed Item Preview color wasn’t saving.
- Added number formatting to guild castle tower cost.
- Improved Craft Frame searching to be case-insensitive.
- Fixed displaying of Custom Title in personal info frame.
- Added number formatting to all areas of Arcane Transmutor.
- Added player hyperlinks to duel chat messages.
- Added player hyperlinks to trade chat messages.
- Added player hyperlinks to mail send chat message.
- Added player hyperlinks to mount ride chat messages.
- Added player hyperlinks to relation level up chat message.
- Changed guild level up message to yellow instead red warning.
- Fixed using general pet reset ticket was giving wrong system message.
- Updated description of Masked Ball Transformation potions to display attributes given.
- Reverted Electric Compression removal from recent patch that caused an issue.
- Increased Wisdom and Bravery scaling back to 30% from 25%.
- Increased Meteor Shower damage loss for each extra target to 12% from 10%.
- Reduced Shock Strike rage cost to 20 from 25.
- Corrected Energy Passage description about slowing chance, changed it to allow Static Field to recover rage for each hit up to 3 times per cast.
- Reduced Electric Bolt range to 100 from 200.
- Reduced Voltage Seize range to 120 from 220.
- Increased Lightning range to 250 from 150.
- Increased Shield of Lightning aggro gain to 80% from 20%, damage reduction to 40% from 35%.
- Increased Holy Light Domain radius to 75 from 50.
- Changed Intensification to be active as long as Light Energy Weapon is active, fixed it was providing wrong amount of base magical damage percent boost.
- Changed Free Will to additionally remove Harmful Effect & Curses, changed cost to 10% MP, reduced cooldown to 30 seconds from 120.
- Increased Holy Protection aggro modifiers to 28% from 21%.
- Reduced Echo Effect duration & cooldown to 5 seconds from 20.
- Increased Damage Transfer aggro to 40% from 20%.
- Reduced Healing Ripple damage loss for each extra target to 10% from 50%, increased maximum target amount to 10 from 3.
- Increased Rune Vitality Mechanism healing to 0.4 x WIS from 0.25, decreased MP recovery to 0.1 x WIS from 0.25.
- Reduced Rock Protection cooldown to 90 seconds from 180.
- Changed Mechanism
ExplosionImplosion; now it pulls target towards center of cast area properly, increased cooldown to 45 seconds from 20. - Changed Essence of Vitality to provide a Nature’s Power upon using a skill additionally.
- Increased Swampland damage reduction to 10% from 5%.
- Fixed Sage of the Swamps wasn’t working properly.
- Changed Solo heal interval to every second instead of every 2 seconds.
- Reduced Good Vibes cooldown to 20 seconds from 30, reduced its duration to 10 seconds from 15.
- Reduced Saces’ Impatience cooldown to 15 seconds from 18.
- Changed Precise Dark Magic to additionally recover 2 Psi after Willpower Blade ends.
- Increased Soul Seal cooldown to 120 seconds from 90, changed 8% MP & 35 Focus cost to 4 Psi.
- Reduced Focus Build Up intelligence gain per stack to 7% from 9%.
- Added
. - Added event “RANKINGS_ISHIDE”.
- Added
Rankings_SetIsHide( bool )
. - Added
int count = GetOwnedTitleCount()
. - Added
int scale = GC_GetBloodBarScale()
. - Added
SetHideRandomCostumeEffect( bool )
. - Added
GC_SetBloodBarScale( int 100-200 )
. - Added
bool = IsHideRandomCostumeEffect()
. - Added
int playTime = UnitPlayTime( unit )
. - Added
int count = GetReputationBadgeCount()
. - Added
SetReputationBadgeRequest(int TitleID)
. - Added
string filePath = UnitReputation( unit )
- Added
arg10 = playTime
return to “ASK_PLAYER_INFO” event.
Fairy Tale Festival
- 15 custom cards from festival mobs.
- 2 hidden custom titles from festival events.
During the festival you can exchange Fire Zodiac materials and Pyro Draconaris for a Draco Pet.
Obtain Pyro Draconaris from:
- Fairy Tale Event Committee Member – exchange 15 x Fairy Tale Point Cards for a reward.
Little Angel Love
Event type: use spell on players
Start location: Varanas Lower City East
Event Target: use spell on players
Little Demon Mischief
Event type: use spell on players
Start location: Varanas Lower City West
Event Target: use spell on players
Magical Nautilus Shell
Event type: collect monsters via magical shell
Start location: Varanas Bridge
Event Target: find and collect squirrels
Event type: herd cows
Event Information: Varanas Central Plaza and Silverspring
Start location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event Target: use spell on NPCs
Theatrical Performance
Event type: be part of a theatrical performance
Start location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event Target: players need to speak “their lines” in a performance
Dragon Story
Event type: fight
Start location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event location: Varanas Administration District
Event Target: defeat giant dragon
Story Ceremony
Event type: use items on other players to get a reward
Start location: Varanas Bridge and Varanas Central Plaza
Event location: Taborea
Event Target: collect story elements by group with other players
Little Red Riding Hood
Event type: click on the signs to guide Little Red Hood
Start location: Varanas Bridge
Event location: Varanas Bridge
Event Target: help Little Red Hood to pick flowers and evade the wild wolf
Support Storytelling Troupes
Event type: Quest (Daily Reset)
Start location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event location: Silverspring
Event Target: finish quest
Players receive randomly 1 of 5 quests every day:
Quest 1: Pumpkin Shortage: Collect 10 Giant Pumpkins
Quest 2: Three Playful Brothers: Search for the 3 brothers
Quest 3: Apples and Boars: Capture 1 Wild Boar and purchase 5 Apples
Quest 4: Delicious Home-Baked Cookies: Answer questions and bring Reginald 10 Home-Baked Cookies
Quest 5: Wolf Costume Materials: Collect 10 fine manes from Grassland Hyenas and 5 sharp wolf fangs from Mutated Wolves

Patch Notes
- Fixed MDMG from weapon slots was not applied.
- Fixed server issues caused by upcoming dynamic attributes system.
- Fixed guild tower buffs weren’t working properly in certain circumstances.
- Fixed Solo Nature’s Power consumption was too frequent.
- Fixed Holy Light Domain after an elite was still using old radius.
Patch Notes
- Fixed some issues with Androlier’s Shadow.
- Added variation to Zalkenrys spawn time like other NPC’s.
- Allowed to progress Ogest stage of zone event when killing him.
- Fixed Windrunner Race was allowing to dismount mount by action skill bar.
- Disabled teleporting to instances with Black Codex that you don’t meet requirements to enter.
- Allowed to move music cast bar.
- Fixed some skills weren’t causing dismounting.
- Fixed some aura effects were causing dismounts.
Pet Perfumes
- Fixed Pet Perfumes were not collecting loot when bag queue was full.
- Adjusted Pet Perfume afk detection to instead prevent looting when not moving for 5 minutes rather than removing buff.
Item Shop
- Added permanent bank scrolls.
- Added Superior Mount Potion giving 75% more riding speed.
- Added 9 new mining/herbalism/lumbering furniture.
Guild Castle
- Reduced cost of Stable Buffs by 25%.
- Improved visual of stable and towers buff dialog options with details.
- Increased effect of Horse Care and allowed to cancel it with right click.
- Fixed Guild Building maintenance costs were deducted 4 times lesser than showed in UI.
Titles & Badges
- Added 7 new Reputation Badges.
- Improved quality of badge textures.
- Fixed “Check Title” wasn’t working correctly.
- Fixed Newbie badge was displayed for too long play time.
- Moved player badge icon due to conflicting with party icon.
- Added possibility to buy titles/badges directly from NPC shops.
- Fixed badge was not displayed on unit frames when hidden over head.
- Added error to Polis Leighton when you don’t have requirements to upgrade your title level.
- Fixed attempting to purchase badges from Item Shop was not giving error when already owned.
- Increased maximum title system level to level 6 – in future custom titles will be introduced as level 6.
- Reduced Title System daily login rewards.
Dark Core
- Changed punishment for not having enough gear score to be applied with 3 seconds of delay.
Arena of Darkness
- Reduced Nero Millionaire title offhand damage gain to 15% from 20%.
Visual Changes
- Corrected header of Beauty Frame.
- Added zone ID to Ask Player Info tooltip.
- Reworked visual of Transport Book frame.
- Added background texture to Character Frame.
- Fixed visual of day time texture on minimap frame.
- Added “(Completed)” text next to quest names in tooltips.
- Added minimap icon to housemaids and Guild Castle Managers.
- Updated GM message when trying to gather info from GM hyperlink.
- Added info button on Item Set Skill frame about earning additional slots.
- Merged Disenchanting success messages.
- Fixed some Fairytale Broadcasts were sent twice in quick succession.
Object Blood Bars
- Unified setting descriptions.
- Added option to disable level.
- Added option to hide Pets blood bars.
- Added option to disable Shortened HP.
- Added option to disable Percentage HP.
- Separated Title/Guild into unique settings.
- Changed stacking of bars over each other to default disabled setting.
- Increased Balance rune offhand damage gain to 20% from 12%.
- Changed Assassins Rage to increase main hand weapon damage instead of physical damage.
- Changed Yawaka’s Blessing set skill to provide 2% physical attack instead of offhand damage.
- Changed Premeditation to increase Wound Attack damage by 50% instead of 20, decreased duration to 10 seconds from 15.
- Removed Sprint duration & cooldown, changed it to cost 5 Energy every 5 seconds, removed possibility to use it on friendly targets.
- Changed Night Attack set skill to move behind target instantly instead of requiring being behind, reduced duration to 10 seconds from 15.
- Increased Dark Path movement speed to 30% from 20%.
- Reduced Poisonous Feedback duration to 12 seconds from 60, changed it have an 50% chance to reduce cooldown of Dwarven Forge by a second for each attack while its at full stack.
- Changed Awakening of the Wild → Wild Berserk; increasing received damage instead of reducing now.
- Added
bool enabled = GC_GetOBGuildVisible()
. - Added
GC_SetOBGuildVisible( bool enable )
. - Added
bool enabled = GC_GetOBLevelVisible()
. - Added
GC_SetOBLevelVisible( bool enable )
. - Added
bool enabled = GC_GetOBHPRawVisible()
. - Added
GC_SetOBHPRawVisible( bool enable )
. - Added
bool enabled = GC_GetOBHPPercentVisible()
. - Added
GC_SetOBHPPercentVisible( bool enable )
. - Added
bool enabled = GC_GetPetBloodBar()
. - Added
GC_SetPetBloodBar( bool enable )
. - Added
bool enabled = GC_GetBloodBarStack()
. - Added
GC_SetBloodBarStack( bool enable )
Patch Notes
- Fixed disenchanting cards were not giving message with removed item.
- Changed Golden Wings effect to share cooldown with other back slot skills rather then ring slot.
- Temporary disabled dismounting of spells introduced in recent patches.
Monster Cards
- Increased rate of obtaining most festival cards when using drop rate effects.
- Increased Nero Millionaire badge offhand damage gain to 18% from 15%.
- Decreased Protector of the Forest badge offhand damage gain to 12% from 15%.
Visual Changes
- Added hover texture to Transport Book.
- Added option to search rankings by index.
- Added background image to Social frame.
- Corrected some visuals in Character Frame.
- Changed guild functions coloring on max level to blue.
- Fixed newbie icon on Player Info was still using old icon.
- Fixed object blood bar settings were being overwritten by defaults on login.
- Added gold name and prestige star to Player Info tooltip when having Prestige Plus.
- Increased Assassins Rage main hand damage gain to 20% from 12%.
- Increased Assassins Rage main hand damage gain to 32% from 20%.
- Changed Poison Feedback to trigger Disassemble with 20% chance with regular attacks when its fully stacked. (requires an hammer)
- Increased Wild Berserk damage reduction decrease to 30% from 20%, increased skill cooldown to 90 seconds from 60.
- Reduced Battle Faith damage gain to 22.8% from 30%.
- Fixed Siphonic Etching & Soul Crusher was healing more than intended in certain situations.
- Disabled pet teleports if target is not existing due to i.e. death.