Check out patch notes
The doors to the survivals are opened for all heroes of Taborea. Chapter VIII Chariot of Goddess reveals it’s hidden secrets and new threats. The level cap has been raised to Level 100 and Hall of Survivors opened it’s Hard Mode. Pick up your equipment and defeat them before they destroy Taborea.
We have added a small patch to fix the droprate of the CL healer boots and some English language strings of the new items. You should be now able to link them properly in chat.
The work is done, gates to the Cyclops Week were opened.
Great new things are waiting for you ingame. such as a new instance, a whole new zone, many new items, and a real great new adventure.
Have a nice week!
Dear Chronicles of Arcadia community, it is time.
Here is the thing everyone of you is waiting for a long time, we are pleased to present you an amazing remake of the old level 50 instance “Cyclops Lair”!
Strong mobs and four even stronger bosses are waiting for you and bring new epic items with them.