Patch Notes
- Added 7 new reputation badges.
- Enabled again new system for upcoming weapons.
- Fixed some effects were removing Camoflaged Armor Guard.
- Fixed mount summon time from partner frame was still having cast bar when 0s.
- Cleared history of repurchase back items sold to merchants due new system; if you need to restore something that was lately sold before patch, you can contact support.
- Improved playing music similar to original functionality.
Seasonal Windrunner Race
- Added Seasonal Windrunner Race – a new battleground during specific festivals.
- Playable once per day.
- Contains 7 new rankings.
- Added 8 new monster cards.
- Added Attribute Pumpkin Pies as extra reward for highest finishers.
- Gameplay of the race is changing depending on currently active festival.
Siege War
- Blocked entering when another character is already inside.
- Disabled registering multiple guilds for Siege War at same time.
- Reduced requirements to create Matrixs to 20.
- Added recipes to craft Matrix’s as extra option.
- Fixed Eye of Wisdom mages strings weren’t correct after completing parts of Strange Memories.
- Added event system to Arcane Chamber of Sathkur (Hard) allowing to earn more Sathkur’s Ancient Coins on special holidays.
Auction House
- Corrected categories tab.
- Updated some old translations.
- Updated Layout of History Frame.
- Changed layout of the bar below the Browse List.
- Fixed position of currencies when advanced mode was disabled.
- Updated old information about max 500 items in tooltip of Browse info label.
Browse Frame
- Corrected whisper function.
- Added hover and click to Browse Frame on Price.
- Added mouse wheel on Seller and Price in Browse Frame.
- Added colour for headers in Browse Frame while hovering.
Sell Frame
- Added mouse wheel on Price in Sell Frame.
- Added hover and click to Price in Sell Frame.
- Aligned edit box in Sell Frame for promotion tab.
- Aligned left time in Sell Frame for lower values.
- Added new Promoting tab with features in the future.
- Added colour for headers in Sell Frame while hovering.
- Changed alignment of sections in top of the Sell Frame.
- Increased list of my offers to take the full space of the Sell Frame.
- Aligned pricing categories vertically and centered in the top of the Sell Frame.
History Item List
- Fixed scroll bar in History item list.
- Changed some visuals in History item list.
- Excluded not translated names in History item list.
- Updated .NET version.
Visual Changes
- Changed Flying Sofa mount seating position.
- Added gatherings to crafting filter in skill book.
- Added option to disable auto move on world map.
- Added descriptions to most zones that were missing it.
- Added tooltip warning to items inside shops that have expire time.
- Fixed visual issue while walking to other zone across one continent.
- Fixed Prestige Star wasn’t being removed when using player tooltip on a GM or offline player.
- Fixed mount item descriptions.
- Fixed some skills had old/wrong/broken descriptions in translations.
- Fixed a lot of strings in Turkish, Russian and Arabic were showing system key names instead English strings when untranslated.
Pumpkin Festival
- 28 custom cards from festival mobs.
- 1 hidden title from custom festival event.
- 9 hidden custom titles from festival events.
- Added pumpkin festival reset ticket.
- Changed Pumpkin Pies to scale XP/TP based on player level.
- Visit Celebria and Boss Spawn instance (at gates of Lost Island of Atlantis) between 31.10.23 00:00 CET and 03.11.23 23:59 CET.
During the festival you can exchange Wind Zodiac materials and Aero Draconaris for a Draco Pet.
Obtain Aero Draconaris from:
- Pumpkin Festival Reward Manager – exchange 20 x Pumpkin Coins for a reward.
Lost Portal of Death
Location: Entrance of Necropolis of Mirrors (Aslan Valley)
NPC: Jason Warrens
Time: Entire Festival, can be completed only once per festival.
Pumpkinhead Says
Location: Abandoned District of Dalanis (Thunderhoof Hills)
NPC: Pumpkinhead – Between west and south gates
Time: On the hour, every 2 hours
Pumpkin Pranksters
Location: Middle city gate of Dalanis (Thunderhoof Hills)
NPC: Belle Rossly
Pumpkinhead Challenge
Location: Abandoned District of Dalanis (Thunderhoof Hills)
NPC: Pumpkinhead
Pumpkin Warrant
Location: City gates of Varanas
NPC: Ms. Pumpkin
Mr. Pumpkin
Requires completion of event quest „Pumpkin Warrant”
Location: Forsaken Abbey
NPC: Mr. Pumpkin
Ghost Hunter
Location: Central Plaza – Event Area (Varanas)
NPC: Herska
Ghost Farm
Location: Central Plaza – Event Area (Varanas)
NPC: Kathy Poole
Let’s Scream a Little
Location: Lower City West of Varanas
NPC: Mr. Ghost
Halloween Malatina
Location: Atlas (Lost Island of Atlantis)
NPC: Yolius
Trick or Treat – Part 1 (Celt Family)
Location: Central Plaza – Event Area (Varanas)
NPC: Suspicious-looking Ghost
Trick or Treat – Part 2
Location: Lower City West of Varanas
NPC: Little Anna
Colored Ribbons Exchange
Location: Dorian’s Farm (Silverspring)
NPC: Shalson
Monster Parade
Location: City gates of Varanas
NPC: Monster Parade Organizer
Kaz Madness
Location: Oblivion Shrine (Silverspring)
NPC: Kaz Bamandis and Kaz Listo

Patch Notes
- Reworked currency icons.
- Fixed cast bars in minigames and event dungeons.
- Added 100 level requirement to Seasonal Windrunner Race.
- Added amount of free spins of Wheel of Fortune for Prestige.
Patch Notes
- Improved Horatio Tia aggroing when player was higher level.
- Adjusted spawn monsters inside Pumpkin Malatina to be set to level of player.
- Reduced Arcadia Coin cost to use stat fragments from Gorge of the Ice Giants and Inferno of Divinity at Edwards family in Lost Island of Atlantis.
Item Shop
- Fixed searching by ID in Item Shop wasn’t working.
- Added giftable item to activate Prestige to Item Shop.
- Fixed weapon attack speeds of some item shop weapons were incorrect.
- Disabled mount speed benefits inside battlegrounds.
- Fixed it was possible to take login rewards inside Seasonal Windrunner Race.
Monster Cards
- Fixed it was impossible to use share to other decks feature on monster cards with maximized attribute values.
Seasonal Windrunner Race
- Fixed obtaining some titles.
- Increased allocated time to obtain Phantom Pharaoh.
- Adjusted distance Giant Pumpkin spawned from player.
Visual Changes
- Added amount of items sold to auction house system mail.
- Fixed item tooltips in chat were not showing details about current item.
- Updated description of temporary transformation potions to indicate they’re consumed upon use.
- Fixed a lot of strings in Turkish and Arabic were showing outdated text English strings when untranslated.
- Fixed tooltips were unintentionally being hidden if a bag item is changed/updated when tooltip is visible.
Auction House
- Fixed resizing of frame for settings tab.
- Fixed search function in History item list.
- Aligned PPU check button in Browse Filter.
- Fixed and aligned Scroll Bar for History Frame.
- Added amount to mail content about sold items.
- Changed Layout of bar below the Sell List in Sell Frame.
- Adjusted display for price per unit, added Tooltip for values < 1.
- Added possibility to resize Auction House Frame without Advanced Mode.
- Added another tab left to Settings to switch between Basic Mode and Advanced Mode.
- Added a toggle button (Default: Off) to enable the display of the price per unit in the Browse List within the Settings tab.
Guild Post List
- Fixed numbering of posts.
- Added hover texture for posts.
- Aligned Buttons below the List.
- Fixed Scroll Bar for more than 8 posts.
- Added Edit Message Button to edit selected posts.
- Fixed Bloodless’ Arrow was taking HP unintentionally since one of recent patches.
- Fixed Premeditation were behaving weird occasionally.
- Fixed Blood Arrow was taking more than intended HP upon execution.
- Fixed Sage of the Swamp wasn’t working correctly.
Patch Notes
- Changed Strange Memories to be Tutor Quest.
- Added popup confirmation when renting 7 day Trial Weapon.
- Fixed sometimes items were looted/obtained with lower amount of stats if twice same stat was rolled.
- Fixed Guild Castle buildings were deactivating late when not enough gold for maintenance cost was available.
Auction House
- Added item amount to buyout confirmation.
- Added a toggle button (Default: On) to display the accurate value of the price per unit in Browse List within the Settings tab.
Guild Post List
- Removed black overlapping background.
- Improved visual elements and alignments.
- Increased maximum of characters in new post frame from 512 to 1024.
- Added display of current characters on top of guild announcement frame.
- Increased maximum of characters in guild announcement from 256 to 512.
- Added display of current characters below the header in new guild post frame.
- Added possibility to leave edit mode for header with ESC for new/edited posts.
Guild Detail List
- Removed Slider.
- Changed alignments of rank items on click.
- Improved some visual elements and alignments.
Siege War
- Removed Guild Level being compared when matching guilds.
- Blocked
function from automated xml events.