Patch Notes
- Increased chance to gain Wild Bittersweet Taro during Ancient Book from the Green Tower quest.
- Fixed config files were not working when having some special characters in username/directory names in Windows.
Auction House
- Added option to promote offers with special backgrounds, top of search and dashboard (opening of AH).
- Fixed and translated some wrong strings.
- Changed displaying of left time for items.
- Increased maximum opening time from 10 to 30 minutes.
- Added slider for amount of decimal digits of price per unit within settings tab.
Browse Tab
- Fixed scrollbar was disabled after switching tabs.
- Aligned browse information label to left side within the bar.
- Fixed clicking on Seller and Price per Unit to select the current row.
- Fixed History button and Purchase button were switching positions sometimes.
My offers Tab
- Fixed display of auction duration for Prestige extra days in duration dropdown menu.
History Frame
- Aligned some categories.
- Adjusted date format from MM/DD/YYYY to DD-MM-YYYY.
Item Shop
- Excluded Festival Offers from appearing in Newly added category.
- Added click pointer cursor when hovering clickable buttons and blocks.
- Added tabs with all New and Newbie items available from dashboard blocks.
New Items
- Added Chicken Sword.
- Added Primal Chaos Hammer.
- Added Staff of the Oak Walker.
- Added Kreyen Demon Blade (Style 3).
- Prolonged current season to end of year.
- Disabled Prestige benefits in Battlegrounds.
- Disabled Auction House fee reduction benefit.
- Added Prestige spins history to Wheel of Fortune.
- Moved mount summon speed benefit to Mounts category.
- Fixed Prestige purchase frame text were overflowing sometimes.
- Removed low level loot from Cyclops Lair (Hard).
- Improved obtaining Nero Millionaire title requirements.
- Disabled using mounts near Bethomia movement puzzle.
- Fixed it was possible to use pets to tank monsters inside Pumpkin Malatina.
- Fixed „Leave Instance” was sometimes teleporting you between instance room instead outside.
Visual Changes
- Added date/time to guild war history frame.
- Added Ctrl+A highlight support to most of text boxes.
- Fixed Xal-Dun was using 1h sword animations instead of 2h.
- Changed guild post frame header label to disappear after writing one character.
- Fixed using zone hyperlink dropdown „open in world map” for continents and cities.
- Added spell name to Cooling Down warning message.
- Added GM chat message when zone was closed or crashed.
- Fixed some warning messages were white after recent patch.
- Changed Stifle to be cancellable, also fixed it was being consumed unintentionally in particular situations.
- Fixed Fed by Malice isn’t triggering in Arena of Darkness kills.
- Added
Auction_PromotePrice( ItemPrice, CurrencyType, PromoteType, PromoteTime )
. - Updated
CreateAuctionItem( ..., PromoteType, PromoteTime )
. - Updated
CreateAuctionMoney( ..., PromoteType, PromoteTime )
. - Updated
..., PromoteType, PromoteTime = GetAuctionSellItemInfo( ... )
. - Updated
..., PromoteType = GetAuctionBrowseItemInfo( ... )
. - Updated
..., PromoteType = GetAuctionBidItemInfo( ... )
Autumn Banquet Festival
- 8 custom cards from festival mobs.
- 7 hidden custom titles from festival events.
During the festival you can exchange Water Zodiac materials and Hydro Draconaris for a Draco Pet.
Obtain Hydro Draconaris from:
- Fez William – exchange 15 x Autumn Banquet Vouchers for a reward.
Provision Collection
Location: Varanas Gates
NPC: Provisions Supervisor
Event Target: Collect food bags from the farms and deliver to the Bridge at Varanas
The Roast Ostrich Feast
Location: Logar, Varanas, Silverfall, Obsidian Stronghold, Valley of Preparation
NPC: None
Event Target: Eat and enjoy festival food served on event tables, get buff and title.
Cinnamon Leaf
Location: Whole Taborea
NPC: Fez William
Event Target: Trade collected items for rewards from NPC.
Colorful Feather Prayer
Location: Dalanis City Gate
NPC: Lavanda Vitt
Event Target: Feed the Ostriches & pluck their feathers!
Ostrich Caravan
Location: Silverspring
NPC: Lorence Hollow
Known Issue: Ostrichs sometimes don’t spawn or despawn after event start
Lost Eggs
Location: Varanas Gates
NPC: George Makov
Event Target: Trace and brought back lost ostrich eggs.
Errand (chain quests)
Location: Varanas Central Plaza
NPC: Anoraf Laiken
Duck Out
Location: Outside The Kingdom of Lechif
NPC: Florent
Egg Thief
Location: Varanas Gates/Silverspring (Southwest Farm)
NPC: Chamo/Kardly Auck
Event Target: Collect and exchange items in order to earn a reward.
Ostrich Code
Location: Varanas Gates
NPC: Ostrich Caretaker
Event Target: Find the correct order of emotes to communicate with Ostriches.

- Added Arcadia icon to custom zones tooltips.
- Fixed Kardly Auck event wasn’t always having maximum number of ostrich eggs.
- Fixed tooltips icon way was sometimes freezing game on cutting names in some languages.
- Fixed it was possible that player information tooltip was showing VIP and Newbie icon together.
- Fixed Prestige was showing season time buttons in wrong position when having permanent subscription.
- Fixed issues with launcher and game language.
- Added integrity report information on front of screen.
- Added support for special accented letters in save variables path.
- Fixed issues with custom save variables path when it contained backslash at end.
- Changed zone chat to work across all channels.
- Fixed „% Damage of Dots” attribute wasn’t working.
- Changed Advent Calendar to check all player class levels.
- Fixed buffs time when reviving after death was not deducted.
- Updated Lorence Hollow broadcast with more accurate location description.
- Added 269 new furnitures. — A few furnitures are missing icons.
Auction House
Dashboard Tab
- Moved golden promoted offers into new Dashboard tab.
My offers Tab
- Added search box to search for own offers.
- Added promote type background to placing offer area.
History Frame
- Changed display of price per unit to use same settings as Browse tab.
- Fixed sometimes Prestige benefits were able to exceed maximum value.
- Fixed bonuses for extra currency were triggered even after reaching cap value.
Arena of Darkness
- Added Arena of Darkness world map.
- Fixed buyback previews in Arena of Darkness title shop.
- Fixed ping display in Battlegrounds.
- Fixed crash on game close in Battlegrounds.
- Changed Battleground queue errors to use warning frame.
- Reenabled Goram Woram due to being required for new Honor Title questline.
- Added temporary block to enter Battlegrounds after repeatedly denying to enter paired matches.
Siege War
- Fixed some dialogues weren’t closing fully when timing out.
Windrunner Race
- Fixed Windrunner Races battlegrounds were never allowing to join more than 4 players.
- Fixed multiple issues.
Visual Changes
- Fixed weapon plussing glow was missing.
- Reduced size of Zhargos metamorphed pet.
User Interface
- Fixed ranking top place textures were reversed.
- Updated old slider textures to use new thumb texture.
- Fixed blood bars were displaying over blind visual effect.
- Added „1x” to chat messages when paying or obtaining currency.
- Added „Bound” to virtual item previews (shops, dialogs, addons).
- Fixed truncating cast bar text when string contained special characters.
- Added search box in hotkey navigation frame for searching certain hotkeys.
- Blocked
function from automated xml events.
- Fixed Frenzied Attack was blocking Root effects.
- Fixed multiple Auction House issues.
- Fixed bonuses from buffs were incorrectly displayed client-side.
- Fixed multiple Auction House issues.
- Fixed issues with errors about amount of used accounts.
- Fixed Prestige Purchase window was appearing on every zone change when having display on startup selected.