Patch Notes
- Improved game client crash report message.
- Added Energy of Justice member to Talaghan.
- Added cooldown to „Ritual” quest device recharging.
- Added „Transport: Heffner Camp” teleport spell when taking secondary class.
- Fixed some Arcadia quests were having weird strings on incomplete talk with NPCs.
There is known issue where sometimes obtained fish can get stucked in bag queue. To resolve it please move away last item from before first free slot and wait 10 seconds / relog. Please do not report it as bug, we are working on fixing it.
- Added new crafting.
- Added fishing tutorial to tutorial frame (F10).
- Added 5 fishing craftsman along with fishing tools to teach fishing and improve fishing level further.
- Added 3 new fish baits.
- Added 5 new fishing rods.
- Added 3 craftable fishing upper body clothes.
- Added 24 fishes that can vary in weight, length and type.
- Added recipes allowing to dry fish and use it as food providing bonuses.
- Added possibility to sell caught fish to craftsman across all main open zones in Taborea.
- Added 6 titles.
- Added 24 monster cards.
- Added 13 fishing rankings.
- Added 2 fishing tool furniture for housing.
- Added Elven Island, Yrvandis Hollows and Taffrock – Southern District to collectibles system.
- Added color highlight for completed categories in World Map.
- Included first completion of dailies and publics to quest counters.
- Fixed card amounts were showing higher than intended amounts.
- Reduced card reduction stages from 5 to 4 (25/50/75/100%).
- Added Jin Mae to Atlas City to explain collectibles and spend Cosmetic Fragments for unique skins to collectible system.
- Prepared internal steps for introducing rewards obtained at milestones for Titles, Quests and overall zone progress (25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) for next patch.
World Bosses
- Improved zone performance on some world bosses.
- Added exact time when reward was obtained to tooltip in World Boss Schedule.
- Added error message when trying to enter Kidd’s Grave without prequest.
- Fixed Sismond was not fully invincible for damage outside destroying stones.
- Fixed Cashback wasn’t working properly sometimes for low benefit percent values.
- Removed power modifiers from Gathering tools.
- Changed spare white tools price in instructor shops to 15 000 Gold.
- Fixed Chain of Life was not working correctly sometimes.
- Fixed some of cooldown reset/reduction mechanics weren’t working.
- Edited lists to have same style as in house frame.
- Aligned title and description of level benefits centered.
- Removed flickering of tooltips for nearby buttons in lists.
- Adjusted sort frame to have correct size and fixed positioning.
- Fixed texture size of sort options and aligned text right next to it.
- Adjusted dropdown menu in level benefits tab and zone tab to be visually as in house frame.
- Adjusted size of images in Overview tab.
- Allowed displaying of only active promotions and events.
- Adjusted size of slider texture depending of displayed news.
- Added tootip for titles of news section in overview tab if IsDrawDot().
- Enabled automatically updating Overview tab while receiving new data.
Party Finder
- Reworked edit & delete icons.
- Changed layout of party recruitment settings.
- Reworked invitation functionality via party finder.
- Fixed visibility of party recruitment settings in other tabs.
- Fixed bug with overflowing tooltip in zone and party finder tab.
- Fixed party finder was not saving variables correctly on last logout.
Visual Changes
- Added second state for expand buttons.
- Added possibility to preview and link items from queue in case of stuck.
Character Frame
- Improved Gathering Bonuses titles.
- Added an info tooltip when the subtitle is incomplete.
- Changed Cenedril tabs to be disabled upon entering battlegrounds.
- Fixed hide option for Broken Gear.
- Added option to hide sparkly loot effect.
- Fixed overlap for checkbox strings in warnings tab.
- Hidden inactive experimental resolution scale option.
Frame Specific
- Chat Frame: Updated Highlight texture.
- Public Event Frame: Fixed multiple areas merging.
- Auction House: Added sort mode to the headers of history tab.
- World Boss Schedule: Added the exact time the reward was obtained to tooltip.
- Added
bool Hide = IsHideLootEffects()
- Added
SetHideLootEffects(bool enable)
- Added
string link = GetItemQueueLink( index )
- Updated
..., itemID = GetItemQueueInfo( index )
- Updated
..., BaseDropRate, BaseBonusDropRate = GetPlayerAbility("DROP_BONUS")
Flower Festival
- Visit Celebria at 14.02 to obtain gifts and enter Boss Spawn instance.
- Visit Celebria between 14.02 – 17.02 and complete new Love Hunt challenge.
- Added 4 new titles (3 obtainable from Community Events and 1 from Love Hunt).
Community Events
- Love Hunt (Game)
- Creative Declarations Contest (Discord)
- Creative Photo Challenge (Facebook & Instagram)
- Participate in the Interactive Story Contest (Forum)
- 15 custom cards from festival monsters.
- 9 hidden custom titles from festival events.
During the festival you can exchange Wind Zodiac materials and Aero Draconaris for a Draco Pet.
Obtain Aero Draconaris from:
- Flower Festival Reward Representative – exchange 4 x Flower Festival Attendance Certificate for a reward.
True Love
Event starts at: Auermo
Event area(s): Thunderhoof Hills
Event goal: Complete multiple tasks within a quest line.
Note: A minimum level of 50 is required to complete this event quest line!
Lilies of Love
Event starts at: Karlindola
Event area(s): Dalanis
Event goal: The player will receive 5 Lilies of Love to use on other players.
Heralds of the Flower God
Event starts at: Allen Romero, Varanas bridge
Event area(s): Taborea
Event goal: Find the heralds of the flower God.
Create Love Chocolate
Event starts at: Adam
Event area(s): Varanas Square, Logar, Taborea
Event goal: Collect ingredients to create Love Chocolate.
Cultivate a magical rose
Event starts at: Eva
Event area(s): Varanas Square
Event goal: Plant and cultivate magical rose seeds.
Flower God’s Blessing
Event starts at: Adam, Varanas
Event goal: Receive the blessing from the Flower God for a small fee!
Stairs of the blue roses
Event starts at: Ayfur, Varanas Square
Event area: Varanas Square
Event goal: Find and collect blue roses.
Flowers from Evana
Event starts at: Evana Javelin at Varanas Square
Event area(s): Varanas Square, House, Silverspring
Event goal: Catch 5 Pollinating Butterflies.
Flames of Love
Event starts at: Gary Burton, Varanas Bridge
Event area(s): Silberquell, Tagena
Event goal: Use special skills for beat other players with points in a small arena.
Four parts of the wedding flower
Event starts at: Captain Ali
Event area(s): In front of Varanas bridge
Event goal: Find the stolen pieces of the wedding flower and bring them back.
The Flower Pixie and the Flower Blessing
Event starts at: Gaster
Event area(s): outside Varanas Gates
Event goal: Protect Follow and defend the Flower Pixie from the Flower Thieves.
Mr. Swallowtail’s Toss of Elegance
Event starts at: Nikljars Wulfft
Event area(s): Varanas bridge
Event goal: Get as many points as possible by hitting enemies with a throw.
Food Hunt
Event starts at: Sisaylin the Perplexed Event area(s): Thunderhoof Hills
Event goal: Get multiple items within a quest line to receive a reward.
Note: A minimum level of 50 is required to complete this event quest line!

Patch Notes
- Changed Alchemist’s Smelting Crystal in Item Shop to 14 days with smaller conversion percent.
- Fixed sometimes Use Object feature was causing client crash.
- Fixed few spells involving movement could have been causing backports.
- Added information about recipes to game guide.
- Fixed 40 level quest was showing wrong requirement.
- Changed newly obtained Fishing Rune to be not bound.
- Added descriptions to fishes, Unknown Box and materials.
- Added „Recipe – Fishing Net & Harpoon” to level 40 fisherman.
- Adjusted fish bait slot to be visible if bait is equipped without rod.
- Corrected information about location of Thunderhoof Hills fisherman.
- Added „(1 Hour)” to Golden Fishing Rod name to indicate its expire time.
- Changed recipes to be obtainable from Scroll in Bottle (new separate tradeable treasure item) instead of Unknown Box.
- Changed Fishing Rod Repair Kit to lower 20% of maximum durability instead broking rod completely when failing on higher durability, disabled it for maximum durability rods.
- Fixed collectible objects were missing names.
- Fixed tools were missing equip sound.
- Fixed tools were not giving broken item message.
World Bosses
- Fixed some class spells were causing heavy performance drops during world bosses.
- Changed early hours to weaken world bosses only if there is smaller amount of players.
Seasonal Windrunner
- Adjusted card rate for first and second place.
- Added time limited titles for other festivals for Snowy Pathway map.
- Reworked scroll animation to be more fluent.
- Fixed tooltip flickering on swipe buttons if reaching boundary positions.
Party Finder
- Fixed player waiting time for next party apply was not always correctly reset.
- Changed style of dropdown to be visual similar to other dropdowns in the frame.
- Changed title colors of selected instance category, instance and party recruitment title.
- Limited dropdown menu to have a maximum of 10 items displayed like other dropdowns.
- Replaced reset party settings button with show party button to list up all available party announcements.
Visual Changes
- Added descriptions to Item Shop titles and some world bosses.
- Added warning about time limitation on items starting along with falling item into backpack to recipes and link preview.
Flower Festival
- Removed tier III runes from Flower Festival Happiness Package.
- Added Festival Card Boosters to Flower Festival Happiness Package.
- Added option to purchase reset tickets for Flower Festival Attendance Certificates.
Post Patch Notes
- Fixed World Bosses Arcadia Coins amounts:
In we fixed abuse bug that was giving Arcadia Coins from World Bosses without splitting total count to amount of players. It caused slightly less dangerous bug that the more later reward was collected, the more Arcadia Coins were obtained. Now all these bugs are solved and everyone is obtaining Arcadia Coins calculated from poll (defeat time based and divided by amount of players) as intended. There are no planned „refunds” of Arcadia Coins obtained with second bug, since it was still more than intended.
Adjusted fish sell prices and chance for obtaining certain ones.- Reduced Golden Fish price to 10kk
20kkgold from 50. Reduced fish prices by 20%.Reduced heavy fish drop chance by 85%- Reduced Fishing Net and Harpoon fishing speed by
20%50%. - Increased minimum fishing time to 6 seconds from 4.
- Increased randomness of fishing time to 15-30 seconds from 10-30 seconds.
Patch Notes
- Added 2s GCD when equipping robot.
- Improved zone and client performance upon login and zone change.
- Added auto taking screenshot on client crashes for better understanding the problem by team.
- Added new rankings and titles for AFK fishing (preparation for future patches).
Price factors
- Adjusted fish prices.
- Added min/max fish values to fish tooltips.
- Changed length of fishes to have a correlation with their weight.
- Fixed some fishes were having too low weight (mostly heavy fishes).
- Disabled fishing in Aotulia Volcano.
- Added interruption of fishing while doing some other actions.
- Changed base fishing catch time to 6-36 seconds from 15-45 seconds.
- Changed interval between reel indicator & pre-caution indicator to make it more random.
Flower Festival
- Adjusted rewards of Flower Festival Happiness Package.
- Increased required Flower Festival Certificates per exchange from 4 to 7.
- Added frame scale feature.
- Fixed auto show function was not working while first assistant data event was not retrieved yet.
Party Finder
- Improved visual elements.
- Increased maximum Party Finder inactivity time from 10 to 60 minutes.
Visual Changes
- Changed labels of dropdown menus to inherit color.
Character Frame
- Colored player value dropdown menu options.
- Aligned attribute frame on left side to be centered with its text.
- Added option to use hotkeys to open remaining character panels.
- Added Hyperlink cursor for hovering on title to ensure it is possible to open Title Frame.
- Fixed bug of unintentional repositioning equipment slots while in Magic Wardrobe and clicking again tab 1.
Frame Specific
- Macro: Added more icon options.
- Guild Resources: Updated get color method for the resources titles.
- Tutorial Alert: Updated tooltip to display the complete category in the title.
- System & Warning Messages: Added the ability to move them by pressing the Shift key.
- Social: Fixed an issue in the private channel lists regarding the visible player limit of the channel.
- Login Settings: Fixed a checkbox that changed its name when applying changes in the video tab.
- Deleted
and all related functions & events. - Deleted
and all related functions & events. - Deleted
and all related functions & events. - Deleted
and all related functions & events. - Deleted
and all related functions & events. - Deleted
and all related functions & events. - Added
property to dropdown table to allow using textures right to the dropdown text.
Patch Notes
- Fixed Alchemist’s Smelting Crystal (30 Days) was giving „Can’t be used” message on usage.
- Fixed Alchemist’s Smelting Crystal (30 Days) was providing no gold if buff was active from before patch
- Fixed some buffs were causing fishing to be interrupted.
World Bosses
- Fixed teleporting out from Kidd’s Grave could retrigger entering.
- Fixed Sismond stones had no damage reduction buff applied properly.
- Fixed quest not being displayed when not meeting requirements and using world boss reward chest.
Visual Changes
Auction House
- Changed default sorting to show most recent sales first.
- Fixed item history frame was showing wrong tooltips for items.
Wheel of Fortune
- Resized item count like in regular item buttons.
- Disabled history button if player has no item entries.
Frame Specific
- Tutorial: Added button for opening settings.
- Macro: Disabled save button when missing icon or name.
- Character: Fixed color of secondary class was always golden.
- Screen: Fixed there were Korean images appearing on top of game window.
- Bag: Fixed new item marker was not correctly disappearing after item was gone.
- Deleted
and all related functions & events. - Deleted
frame and all related functions & events. - Deleted
frame and all related functions & events. - Restored
as empty frame due old addon incompatibilites.
Post Patch Notes
Changes are mostly to balance gold inflow from fishing system.
- Reduced fishing rod repair kit success chance to 30% from 70%.
- Reduced normal/heavy fishing sell rates to 3.5/0.65x from 5/0.8x.
- Reduced Multihook Fishing Rod fishing speed to -50% from -20%.
- Reduced treasure chance of Fishing Net and Harpoon to -10% from 2%.
- Fixed sometimes fishing was updating AFK rankings instead regular ones.
- Fixed fisherman bulk fish sale was not considering origin zone multiplier correctly.
Patch Notes
- Increased maximum stack of Celebratory Chocolate to 100.
- Changed Fire Thorn and Runic Thorn arrows to not expire on logout.
We are constantly working on improve game performance on both client (FPS) and server (ping). This requires removing a lot of old dependencies, that are loading up to resources plus making it harder for developer to optimize further. It can result with unexpected issues to appear, that are not possible to be tested within test server due dozen of possible scenarios (especially about addons not updated for over 10 years). We try to keep compatibility, but it is not always possible, or consuming too many time that could be instead put into further improvements. We are also constantly working on fixing backports for those classes and players who still experience them. This issue is not easily findable, as is not related directly to any change, but as result of game updates over period of year. We will appreciate all of your understanding and cooperation.
- Fixed game crashes loops.
- Fixed rare reason of game crash.
- Improved logs for debugging backports.
- Improved logs for debugging crash on closing game.
- Improved logs for debugging performance on crowded areas.
- Reduced slightly amount of scripts executed on login and zone changes.
- Fixed some skills had no any cooldown, allowing unlimited cast per second causing lags.
- Disabled incompatible old versions of XBar and fSlimUI addons – updated versions can downloaded through launcher.
- Improved greatly performance of client and zone when starting game, opening and keeping opened World Boss Schedule.
Price changes are constant follow up based on system logs. System is performing way more better than expected, and hence is being important factor in server economy. We adjust it to ensure economy is not harmed to avoid hyperinflation. We are also seeking fair balance between all players. Along with it, we wanted to remind that this content is not supposed to be quickly consumed by fully „completing” it. We are open to hear your ideas that can make system even better.
- Changed Salt to have maximum stack of 999.
- Added 2 new craftable and 12 purchasable fishing-related furniture.
- Blocked possibility to use automation for fishing rod interactions and selling fishes.
- Added new Perfect Fishing Rod Repair Kit for 5.000.000 Gold to fisherman merchants.
- Increased Fishing Rod Repair Kit price to 500.000 Gold from 5.000 Gold, reduced its success chance to 10% from 30%.
- Added unique fish models and descriptions to monster cards.
- Added information to fish tooltips that price can vary depending on current zone.
- Increased Golden Fish price to 50.000.000 Gold from 10.000.000 for new caught ones.
- Reduced Golden Fish and Treasure Box chance to 1.33%/0.67% from 13.33%/6.67% within treasure pool.
- Added option to sacrifice fishes in bag for a chance for getting their monster card at Fishing Trainers, based on weight and length.
- Fixed sale prices were being normal if you try to sell a fish in its origin zone instead of being opposite since latest post patch changes.
World Bosses
- Fixed World Bosses weren’t healing themselves properly.
- Changed client-side crowded area to apply before 15 minutes of world boss instead 10.
World Boss Schedule
- Improved visual of reward tooltip, separated it.
- Added info to boss tooltip about flee time when World Boss have been not defeated.
- Reduced stone HP by 50%.
- Changed Sismond to be targettable to see his current HP.
- Added error messages when failing to upgrade storage slots.
- Fixed it was possible to rent furniture slots without having required daily energy upkeep.
- Fixed Arcane Forge, Sun Temple of Eternal Sleep (Easy/Normal), Tomb of Souls (Easy/Normal), New Pantheon (Easy/Normal) enemies were giving higher than intended XP/TP.
(Seasonal) Windrunner Race
- Fixed some spells weren’t working correctly.
- Fixed Hide Sigils graphic option was hiding also sigils from race.
Flower Festival
- Fixed blue rose event platforms could get out of sync making it harder to progress.
- Changed sun tank artefact effect to be disappear upon zone change and log off.
- Fixed some cooldown reduction mechanics weren’t working properly (mostly the ones that reduces cooldown more than 1s depending on a condition).
Visual Changes
- Changed Pet text bubbles to always only appear for owner.
- Fixed Item Shop items were missing warning about expiry time.
- Added client language and party status to Player information tooltip.
- Improved setting „Hide pets” of other players to never render them initially.
- Added new background texture for listed elements.
- Replaced window scale button with grow up button.
- Fixed Diamond promotion was not displayed in Overview tab.
- Fixed prequest buttons in zone and level tab were not visible anymore.
Auction House
- Added plus state of item to name in history list.
- Added stat information to tier stone in history list.
- Added not final tab that explains filters for Advanced mode.
- Disabled price history button while search is active to ensure correct values.
Character Frame
- Updated gathering info tooltip.
- Added rare crafting chance info to the character dropdown.
Target Frame
- Added option to adjust amount of visible buffs/debuffs.
- Increased maximum number of visible buffs/debuffs to 40.
- Moved the „Sort Buffs” dropdown to the „Interface Elements” tab of Settings.
Frame Specific
- Use Object Popup: Added background texture.
- Login: Added box with login tips right next to user input fields.
- Frame Rate: Added ability to move frame rate text to any position.
- Whisper Manager: Fixed close button was sometimes not working and printing error.
- Added
event. - Updated
ID = GetSkillDetail(int index)
- Updated
arg12 = string Language, arg13 = bool InParty
- Removed
events. - Restored size to removed
due old addon incompatibilities. - Added
Patch Notes
- Added public quest for Bounty: Rootwrath.
- Changed Defensive and Power rune matrix to be unbound.
- Fixed single use Guild Castle rune transports weren’t consumed.
- Fixed some world bosses were spawning as resentful after killing normal mode.
- Allowed to use random attribute extractors with more than 1 inside Arcane Transmutor.
Game Engine
- Fixed client crash loops.
- Fixed some reasons of backport occurrences.
- Improved Random Number Generator script to work more reliably.
- Fixed some fishing furniture had no textures.
- Fixed Golden Fish Statue recipes were missing.
- Added confirmation window when sacrificing fishes.
- Changed name of old Golden Fish to Golden Fish (Imitation), and added it to treasure pool.
- Replaced Fishmaster’s Robe golden fish requirement with 25x Fishing Rune, added 100kk gold craft fee.
- Increased average card chance from sacrificing fishes by 65%.
- Fixed card chance from fishing wasn’t affected by treasure chance, along with other treasure rate changes, average card chance from fishing is increased by 200%~ at maximum treasure rate.
Fish Buffs
- Changed Dried Herring to provide 35% movement & ride speed instead of only 50% movement speed.
- Fixed Dried fish buff effects were disappearing upon entering some zones even though they aren’t custom Arcadia instance.
- Adjusted all other treasure pool rates accordingly.
- Increased Scroll in Bottle stack amount to 99 from 1.
- Increased Treasure Box chance within treasure pool to 3.67% from 0.67%.
- Fixed Golden Fish chance within treasure pool was 0.34% instead of 1.33%.
- Reduced base treasure chance to 0.2% from 1%, multiplied all treasure chance sources by 10.
- Fixed catching fish was possible to sometimes get it stucked in bag queue.
- Updated fishing bait to auto equip next stack of bait of same type when running out.
- Added option to reel by interacting with Fishing Skill from skill book with Right-Click.
- Fixed fishing rods were losing durability on player revive.
- Replaced Golden Fishing Rod requirement with new golden fish item.
- Changed Fishing Rod Repair Kit to lose 20% of current durability instead of maximum durability upon fail (minimum 2 durability will be removed).
Mr Swallowtai’s Toss of Elegance
- Disabled ability to target objects.
- Disabled hitting other players targets.
- Removed transport rune requirement.
- Added it to Flower Festival Repeat Ticket.
- Fixed cast speed was influencing throw time.
- Fixed Atlas Defense was effected by server droprate bonuses.
- Changed Dalanis Nightmare ring quests to be repeatable once every 7 days per player.
- Fixed Yrvandis Hollows was having different options for degrading craft levels without warning.
- Added guaranteed spawn of Hillarzu the First after reaching certain amount of kills without a spawn.
User Interface
- Updated icon for „Turkish Flag” weapon.
- Added colours to weapon skill level up messages.
- Fix non-pet dialogue bubbles were always hidden.
- Fixed some errors in Spanish translation causing some UI issues.
- Changed Prestige Cashback notification to only appear in chatbox.
- Fixed some hyperlinks weren’t displaying mounts recolour correctly.
- Adjusted Music Instruments cast bar messages to have name of instrument played.
Arcadia Utilities
- Changed addon usage warning from message to popup.
- Fixed warning on login about being dangerous to performance/client was not showing anymore.
- Disabled original Arcadia Utilities due to no longer being supported by it’s author – you can use updated Lite version and relevant sub plugins which are available through the launcher.
- Fixed interface issue when hovering over some queued items.
- Disabled possibility to sort bag whilst having trash bin/disenchant frame open and containing more than 1 item.
Character Frame
- Added weapon level tooltip.
- Fixed contract button texture in Cenedril tab.
- Moved fishing progress to the gathering category.
- Fixed a missing space in the tab tooltip description.
- Added title tooltip while hovering on the title name.
- Fixed player name in title bar was not correctly loaded.
- Added ability to link currencies and weapon level to chat.
- Added empty button texture if no tutorial is available for the selected tab.
- Removed Crafting bonuses from dropdown, moved them to tooltips in crafting tab.
- Added message when removing item from house storage.
- Disabled OK button for buying a new house slot if player has not enough house energy.
- Increased the character limit for the subject from 28 to 40.
- Added a character counter to the subject and message body.
- Added placeholders to the message body, subject and
- Reduced the character limit for the message body from 2048 to 1024.
- Fixed an issue where the rarity color of the cell didn’t disappear from the empty cell after sending items.
- Fixed the issue where the scroll would get stuck when the cursor was over the disabled „Mark All” button.
- Fixed a bug where objects appeared to duplicate in the bulk mail view when moving items in the backpack.
- Added time detail to the day cycle icon.
- Added a missing state of expand button.
Monster Cards
- Added tooltips to disenchant & kill bars.
- Fixed favourite button icon was reversed.
- Added message when adding cards to favourites.
- Optimised card book refreshing to improve performance.
- Changed card remove/convert messages to be hyperlinked with colour.
- Fixed Festival Monster cards rounding for their 50% requirement reduction.
- Fixed that not all the attributes of the cards were visible in the additional decks.
- Fixed some issues with visuals of card reduction requirements when using „All zones” filter.
- Added an option to customize the buffs time style.
- Added an option to customize cooldown time visuals.
- Separated video settings tab into screen, camera and graphics.
Social Frame
- Fixed the issue where groups weren’t expanding correctly.
- Fixed the issue where the list of private channels didn’t appear.
- Fixed the problem of being unable to leave the private channel.
- Added a missing dropdown menu for the players, correcting the interface error it generated.
World Map
- Updated crafting icons in legends tab.
- Added Locate Me button to highlight player cursor.
Frame Specific
- Game Info: Improved visual appearance.
- Unit Menu: Added option to copy player name.
- Cast Bar: Added full name to tooltip when name was cut short.
- Store: Added option to multibuy up to 20 items/stacks of each item.
- Disenchant: Added configuration options to lock weapons and armor.
- Player Info: Fixed „In Party” status wasn’t updating when leaving party.
- Login: Added forum button to connection popup if server is under maintenance.
- World Boss Schedule: Fixed an issue when entering an empty cell or one without data loaded yet.
- Added
int size = GetItemQueueSize()
. - Added
int time = GetDetailedGameTime()
. - Updated
_, AllTitleCount = GetTitleCount()
. - Added
arg2 = action
event. - Added built in
function for strings and tables. - Added
array = GetPlayerCraftBonus(string CRAFTTYPE).
- Updated
bool canMultibuy = GetStoreSellItemInfo(int Index)
Post Patch Notes
- Disabled sell all feature on fisherman NPCs.
Patch Notes
- Added Planting XP Potion (7 Days).
- Added a buff to reduce amount of gold you receive by selling fishes that increases stack up to 95% reduction with every 2.5kk gold you receive from sales, including Golden Fish sales. Golden Fish will increase this buff stack but its price won’t be affected.
- Fixed bag queue stuck occurring when fishing rod breaks.
- Changed Golden Fishing Rod recipe to require 5x Essence of the Sea instead of Golden Fish.
- Added minimum fishing required levels to obtain certain fishes.
- Changed Golden Fish (Imitation) and Golden Fish to be sellable to merchants.
- Changed Golden Fish to provide 5x Essence of the Sea upon consuming it with right click.
- Changed Golden Fish (Imitation) to provide 1x Essence of the Sea upon consuming it with right click.
World Bosses
- Fixed Taren was using unoptimal code for tactics.
- Increased Kolanda fight time to 20 minutes from 15.
- Changed Resentful Hackman teleport to pulling mechanic.
- Increased Wodjin, Hackman, Mandara fight times to 15 minutes from 8/8/10.
- Changed regular Hillarzu the first messages to also announce his spawn to zone.
- Fixed last boss of Dark Core instance could sometimes stuck in fight on party wipe.
- Excluded crafting related quests from quest counters.
User Interface
- Improved errors of refining jewels.
- Disabled scrolling if no scrolling possible.
- Corrected colors of zone/npc hyperlinks in shouting message.
- Added new radio button textures to party and party recruitment tabs.
- Fixed bug that auto shout was not working when Party Board button is invisible.
- Changed auto shout setting to default off and disabled interval buttons accordingly.
- Changed hyperlinks in shout message to be clickable to select party in party tab automatically.
- Disabled auto shouting tool if player has no active party board announcement (hint: own party board announcements will be deleted after 60 minutes without any group interaction).
Character Frame
- Removed green coloring from plants value.
- Repositioned crafting tooltip like in currency and weapon list.
- Removed gathering options from player attribute dropdown (values are shown in tooltips in crafting tab while hovering the status bar).
- Fixed default general CD.
- Improved target buffs display.
- Added subtab for Audio settings.
- Added tooltip to FPS Limit slider.
- Added option to adjust size of buffs in buff bar.
- Added option to adjust gap between action bar slots.
- Updated tooltip of Show Player Count to be visual same as optimize performance tooltip.
- Added warning for 'no funds’ case in bulk purchase.
- Blocked bulk buy option when not having enough currency.
Frame Specific
- Use Object Popup: Added background.
- Loot: Improved auto-sorting loot for left items.
- Bag: Optimised performance when obtaining items.
- Frame Rate: Added color to values and the option to link FPS and ping to chat.
- Card Stone: Fixed visual bug to allow upgrading cards if player has no stones in bag.
- Game Guides: Refreshed and added some information and images to multiple guides.
- Partner: Corrected the visibility of the random summon button when not having any mounts or pets.
- Fixed
was often sent without arg1 position. - Updated
SaveVariables(string variableName, string saveFileName).
- Updated
SaveVariablesPerCharacter(string variableName, string saveFileName)
Post Patch Notes
- Changed Golden Fish and Golden Fish (Imitiation) to be bound.
- Reduced Golden Fish catch chance by 50% temporarily until next patch.