Patch Notes

New content
New zone has been added:
Lost Island of Atlantis
This zone contains interactions for existing and new coming players.
It’s a friendly zone which contains most daily NPC’s in order to reduce the load and crashes at Varanas.
Atlantis is also equipped with the latest developed features to level your weapon level by using the Training dummies for Melee and Ranged weapon disks.
New questline
“A forgotten Myth”
Visit Varanas bridge and interact with Juno. She has an important message.
New Worldboss – Aldo
New world boss has been added and located in deepest jungle of Atlantis.
Note: this world boss can be summoned after meeting specific conditions.
New title
“Discoverer of the Lost”
Finish the questline “A forgotten Myth” and you earn the title “Discoverer of the Lost”
Anniversary Festival zone
The birthdays of CoA will be celebrated in this area by GM’s.
12 New cards
Anniversary celebrations
Anniversary event has been activated, and include:
- Arcadia-3rd Anniversary Gasha – can be received once per day.
- Arcadia-3rd Anniversary Special Gasha – can be received on special conditions.
- Arcadia-3rd Anniversary Event Gasha – can be received during GM event activities.
- Secret Garden with updated rewards has been activated.
- Anniversary regular event has been activated.
Relationship system upgrade
Maximum Relationship slots have been extended from 20 to 50.
Every player will be allowed to unlock 1 additional slot for free permanently.
All bought slots will be unlocked permanently.
New relation
New relation (Parent & Child) has been added.
Following attributes will be available from Parent & Child relation:
- Increases physical damage by 50 points.
- Increases physical damage by 1% and 100 points.
- Increases physical damage by 1% and 150 points.
- Increases physical damage by 2% and 200 points.
- Increases physical damage by 2% and 250 points.
- Increases physical damage by 3% and 300 points.
- Increases physical damage by 3% and 350 points.
- Increases physical damage by 4% and 400 points.
- Increases physical damage by 4% and 450 points.
- Increases physical damage by 5% and 500 points.
- Increases magical damage by 50 points.
- Increases magical damage by 1% and 100 points.
- Increases magical damage by 1% and 150 points.
- Increases magical damage by 2% and 200 points.
- Increases magical damage by 2% and 250 points.
- Increases magical damage by 3% and 300 points.
- Increases magical damage by 3% and 350 points.
- Increases magical damage by 4% and 400 points.
- Increases magical damage by 4% and 450 points.
- Increases magical damage by 5% and 500 points.
On dead buff
Increases critical physical damage by 10%.
Siege War Titles (reworked)
New Siege War quests and titles have been added.
- Mighty Prince – All attributes: 400.
- Wrathful Prince – STR: 790 / AGI: 495.
- Malicious Prince – INT: 790 / MND: 495.
- Honorary Mighty Prince – All attributes: 445.
- Honorary Wrathful Prince – STR: 890 / AGI: 555.
- Honorary Malicious Prince – INT: 890 / MND: 555.
- Honorable Mighty Prince – All attributes: 500.
Scorching Rage: Increases attack speed and spellcasting speed by 15%. Effect duration: 10 seconds.
Cooldown: 240 seconds. - Honorable Dark Prince – AGI: 995 / STR: 625.
- Honorable Wrathful Prince – STR: 995 / AGI: 625.
- Honorable Iron Prince – STA: 995 / MND: 625.
- Honorable Malicious Prince – INT: 995 / MND: 625.
- Honorable Gracious Prince- MND: 995 / INT: 625.
Iron Prince Commander – Regal Cry
For 20.0 seconds, all team members within a range of 80 will have their physical attack speed and physical attack increased by 10.0%.
Cooldown: 240 seconds.
Iron Prince Officer – Regal Cry
For 20.0 seconds, all team members within a range of 80 will have their physical attack speed and physical attack increased by 5.0%.
Cooldown: 240 seconds.
Iron Prince Senior Officer – Regal Cry
For 20.0 seconds, all team members within a range of 80 will have their physical attack speed and physical attack increased by 15.0%.
Cooldown: 240 seconds.
Dark Prince Commander – Storm Assault
For 20.0 seconds, all team members within a range of 80 will have their spellcasting speed and magical attack increased by 10.0%.
Cooldown: 240 seconds.
Dark Prince Officer – Storm Assault
For 20.0 seconds, all team members within a range of 80 will have their spellcasting speed and magical attack increased by 5.0%.
Cooldown: 240 seconds.
Dark Prince Senior Officer – Storm Assault
For 20.0 seconds, all team members within a range of 80 will have their spellcasting speed and magical attack increased by 15.0%.
Cooldown: 240 seconds.
Attributes calculations
Effects of Attributes on Scout class has been changed to original values:
Strenght 1.0 PATK
Dexterity 1.0 PATK
Corrected damage type done by of „Rune Overload“ to physical damage.
Other changes
- Festival zones has now the name: “Celebria”.
- Ravenheart instance has been fixed.
- Shadowmoon merchant is provided with more spawn locations.
Cedric changes
Before: diamond price: 1 diamond for 800.000 gold.
Now: diamond price: 1 diamond for 700.000 gold.
Agnes changes
Before: gold price: 1 diamond for 600.000 gold.
Now: gold price: 1 diamond for 500.000 gold.
Game experience
Reworked interface and textures – 4K monitor compatible.
UI frames
- NEW Player Frame.
- NEW Target Frame normal included new name bar.
- NEW Target Frame Elite and Boss.
- NEW Party Frame width has been extended to match decent amount of HP and better visibility.
- NEW Scroll Paper for dialogue frame has been updated to higher resolution paper.
- NEW Bottom Frame included with experience bar and backpack section.
- NEW Minimap Frame.
- NEW NPC & Player HP bar on top of the head has been redesigned to enhance visibilities.
- New Interface Actionbar holders.
- NEW Base borders are re designed together with the drag and drop arrow.
- NEW Base borders for items inside the backpack has been re designed.
- NEW Item quality color glow has been made more bright to increase visibility.
- NEW Chat interface scrollbar and resizing triangle has been re designed.
- Minimap for Celebria (Christmas, Spring, Valentine, Halloween, Birthday).
- Worldmap for Celebria has been added for the following languages: ENEU, DE, ENUS, ES, PL.
- NEW Boss crown icon
- NEW Currency Icons
- NEW Class Icons Target Frame
- NEW Class Icons for player name above the head
- NEW Target indicator icon for HP bar frame has been changed from bullseye to normal red eye.
Terrain textures
- Inferno of Divinity
- Howling Mountains
- Silverspring
- Ravenfell
- Aslan Valley
- Ystra Highlands
- Dustdevil Canyon
- Dragonfang Ridge
- Sascilia Steppes
- Savage Lands
- Weeping Coast
- Aotulia Volcano
- Tasuq
- Korris
All terrain textures are provided with shader effect which can be activated by Audio & Video Settings.
Set “Terrain Shader” on “High” for maximum shader visibility.
Colorweave Festival
- 4 reworked rings.
- 25 custom cards from festival mobs.
- 12 hidden custom titles from festival events.
During the festival you can exchange Water Zodiac materials and Hydro Draconaris for a Draco Pet.
Obtain Hydro Draconaris from:
- Kyle Cronn – exchange 10 x Functional Weaving Material Packages for a reward.
Doll Challenge
NPC: Rebel Saiji
Event type: fight with event skills against NPCs
Start location: Varanas City Central Plaza
Requires: party between 3 – 6 people
Event Target: defeat the doll
Prototype Breathable Clothing
NPC: Yanikki Nirr
Event type: use items on other players to get a reward
Timeslots each day: 13:00, 16:00, 19:00, 22:00
Start location: Varanas City Central Plaza
Event location: Varanas City Central Plaza
Event Target: use items on other players to get a reward
Ultimate Fashion Guru
NPC: Host Heidi Cohen [Phirius Weaving Guild]
Event type: Choose equipment
Location: Varanas Central Plaza
Team Size: 2 to 4
Event target: collect points to obtain items
Magic Weaving Machine
NPC: Jamie Rayer
Event type: use object on correct status
Start location: Varanas City Central Plaza
Event location: Varanas City Central Plaza
Event target: collect points to obtain items
Magic Tailor
NPC: Ayna Rett
Event type: use skills on correct status
Timeslots each day: from 8:00 to 23:00, 20th minute of each hour
Sign-up 10 minutes before event start
Start location: Silverspring near Varanas City Bridge
Event location: Silverspring near Varanas City Bridge
Event target: collect points to obtain items
Charity Auction
Event type: use skills to win charity auction
Timeslots each day: from 8:00 to 23:00, 40th minute of each hour
Sign-up 10 minutes before event start
Requires: Item (Breathable Silk),
Start location: Varanas City Entrance
Event location: Varanas City Entrance
Event target: place bids to win
Classic Clothing Expo
NPC: Lilelle
Event type: Collect Items and get a prize
Timeslots each day: 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00
Sign-up 10 minutes before event start
Requires: Item (Breathable Silk), Sign-Up
Start location: Varanas City Central Plaza
Event location: Varanas City Central Plaza
Event Target: collect items in the world, with this items you can sign-up for this event