Patch Notes

- Visit Celebria by portal in Lost Island of Atlantis.
- Take part in 4th Anniversary Screenshot Contest.
- Grab leveled up housekeeper with Housekeepers Event.
- Visit Boss Spawn event instance from Celebria once a day.
- Level up your relationships faster with Relationship Event.
- Take free Restoration Card (1 use) from .PlayerNet platform.
- Login to game every day to obtain rewards, including Gashas.
- Visit GM Event at 09.09.2018 on 20:00 in Celebria to obtain unique rewards.
- Discover mystery of island duplicated by dark powers.
- Collect new titles and cards from monsters around zone.
- Collect new cards in Hard Mode of Sun Temple of Eternal Sleep instance.
- Visit Sun Temple of Eternal Sleep instance and face the brain teasers prepared by strong leaders.
- Added Dynamic Mirror Sewers with cenedril Tatuin.
- Added Mystical Mirror Pirate Ship with cenedril Garsit.
- Added Steadfast Mirror Dreamworld with cenedril Ardes.
In-game Rankings
- Reworked Ranking Frame.
- Added Maximum HP, Maximum MP, Monster Cards rankings.
- Decreased non-attributes rankings refresh time to 10 minutes.
- Excluded buffs and pet attributes increase from attributes rankings.
- Cleaned attributes rankings. (All non-dungeons rankings are updated after logout of character.)
- Added new rankings for Sun Temple of Eternal Sleep (Hard). (Ranking is updated only on successfully ending complete task.)
- Fixed a few issues with Transport Book.
- Fixed One-Hand Axe Mastery passive spell.
- Fixed damage issue with Truth Shield Bash.
- Corrected a few Item Set Skills assignments.
- Corrected a few strings in multiple languages.
- Fixed interface freezes after long and intense playing.
- Fixed some Badge Title attributes were displaying minus instead of plus value.
- Fixed loot chance for Chief’s Staff of the Horn, Broken Axe Guard’s Spear, Sand Hoof Sentry’s Staff and Dark Moon Sacrificer’s Staff.
- Reworked Bank Frame.
- Updated WoWMap addon.
- Adjusted Blood Arrow spell.
- Increased Bank Item Shop slots by 200.
- Changed screenshot file format to JPEG.
- Changed free title from Tina in Lost Island of Atlantis.
- Improved visibility of flames on last boss in Inferno of Divinity.
- Increased phase duration on second boss in Gorge of the Ice Giants.
- Ended further English strings updates for Russian and Turkish game clients.
- Added level 85-98 cooking and alchemy recipes to Legendary Instructors in Varanas.
Anniversary Festival
- Festival will lasts for 7 days.
Treasure Riot
Event type: find and collect items
Start NPC: Kekonee
Start location: Varanas Bridge
Event Target: Find a collect the set of cards to trade them with Kekonee.
A Magical Method of Disaster Aversion
Event type: transform into a frog, find and collect monsters
Start NPC: Sebastian
Start location: in front of Dalanis City
Event location: Thunderhoof Hills
Event Target: find and collect frogs
Frog Killer
Event type: find and kill monsters, collect items
Start NPC: Witch Daila
Start location: Logar and Heffner Camp
Event location: Howling Mountains, Coast of Opportunities
Event Target: find and kill magic frogs to collect items
Candara Frog Contest
Event type: like a battue
Start NPC: Ivan Asla
Start Location: Varanas City
Event location: Varanas City
Event Target: drive frogs through race course
Sea of the Frogs
Event type: collect items, defeat monsters
Start NPC: Misian
Start location: Heffner Camp
Event location: Coast of Opportunities
Event Target: collect ingredients, transform to a frog, find items and defeat guards
Flogg’s Fortune Cookie
Event type: find and collect
Start NPC: Flogg Shuiss
Start Location: Varanas Bridge
Event location: Varanas Bridge
Event Target: use transformation potion and speak to frogs to obtain items
Space Supremacy
Event type: collect within the time
Start NPC: Gredd Starchaser
Start Location: Varanas Bridge
Event Target: capture the colored space balls within a limited time
Clear the Playground
Event type: capture monsters
Start NPC: Fell Cage
Start location: Varanas Bridge
Event Target: Use the net to capture the Light Crows flying above the ground
Research Materials
Event type: capture monsters
Start NPC: Dennis Jones
Start location: Varanas Bridge
Event Target: Use the scent to capture a Greedy Ball floating in space
Retrieve the Space Balls
Event type: capture items
Start NPC: Abu Brokenlamp
Start location: Varanas Bridge
Event Target: Retrieve the Faulty Space Balls to be repaired
Frog Transformation
Event type: transform into a frog, find and catch monsters
Start NPC: Standler Luya
Start location: Varanas Bridge
Event location: Silverspring
Event Target: find the fairies and touch them in right order
Alalis Trial
Event type: Find the NPC
Start NPC: Peacher
Start Location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event Target: Follow Alalis closely and find her.
Buzzkill – Help the Cook
Event type: find, collect and deliver items
Start NPC: Convokenz Rushman
Start Location: Varanas City Entrance
Event location: Lake of Magic Mist
Event Target: find items and bring them to Convokenz Rushman
Patch Notes
- Added new Proofs of Myths items.
- Fixed issues with Frog Magia login buff.
- Fixed missing Mirrorworld free daily runs.
- Changed load technique of in-game Rankings.
- Fixed Raven Heart second boss was disappearing.
- Fixed Raven Heart third boss was always enraged.
- Fixed missing quests and titles state in titles descriptions.
- Restored possibility to extend Bank slots rent at any time.
- Added Housemaid, Mailbox and Auction House NPC to Enoch.
- Fixed transport stones/snoop to Enoch from Korris and Tasuq.
- Fixed issues with visibility of Secret Temple of Tikal quest NPCs.
- Fixed EXP and TP limit was restarting above reaching 500% limit.
- Added Sun Temple of Eternal Sleep to Black Codex transport spell.
- Changed Mazzren in Boss Spawn event instance to hard mode version.
- Added Enoch and Sun Temple of Eternal Sleep to world map dropdown.
- Fixed right click on Item-Shop items were not using new Item-Shop bank slots.
- Added possibility to obtain 5 free Mirrorworld Tickets from Tina in Lost Island of Atlantis.