Patch Notes
Kalin Shrine (Hard Mode)
- Opened gates of new 6-man hard mode nostalgia instance Kalin Shrine in the Dust Devil Canyon.
- Added new quest line “Memories of Taborea” which is prerequisite for entering the instance.
- Enabled new card system from newly obtained cards in hard mode.
- Reworked and revised some original events and mechanics.
- Adjusted monster and boss values.
- Added 3 new artefacts.
- Added 1 new card.
- Added 1 new title.

- Noticed travelers from Talaghan lands in Dust Devil Canyon that brought some materials and recipes.
- Added Talaghan materials (herbs/woods/ore) and recipes for upgrading them.
Added new gear type – artefacts:
- There are 3 types of artefacts: Sun, Moon, Legendary. Sun and Moon can be placed only in certain slot, Legendary can be put in both.
- They use 2 new gear slots that have to be unlocked by completing condition for entering the Kalin Shrine (Hard Mode).
- New artefacts will be added with future nostalgia instances.
- Provide passive and active bonuses.
- In future; will have rune slots.
- Own 100% plussing stones.
- Can not be unbound.
PNC Store
- Added new tab in Item Shop – PNC Store. It will contain only visual elements and future extended VIP system. All of them are tradeable on regular conditions.
- Added 131 new weapon skins.
- Added 27 new shield skins.
Skins for other weapons will be added later.
Known issue: Search in Item Shop is broken now. Will be fixed with next client patch.
- Changed name of stats dropped from Medusa in Heart of the Ocean (Hard) to Unknown One from Depth.
- Fixed disenchanting was allowing to process unallowed items.
- Adjusted gear score of some of custom item stats.
- Enabled Battlegrounds back.
- Fixed multiple UI elements.
Festival of Fire
- 7 custom cards from festival mobs.
- 8 hidden custom titles from festival events.
During the festival you can exchange Earth Zodiac materials and Geo Draconaris for a Draco Pet.
Obtain Geo Draconaris from:
- Ajis – exchange 5 x Festival of Fire Voucher for a reward.
- Lujken Lajet – exchange 5 x Festival of Fire Voucher for a reward.
Rune Chessboard
NPC: Rune Chessboard
Event Target: Align one or more lines of crystals of the same color to obtain points
Start location: Next to bridge in front of Varanas
Ignite the Holy Fire Altar
NPC: Dorimy Laso
Event type: mini-game
Start location: Next to bridge in front of Varanas
Party Pest Control
NPC: Ajis
Event type: find and defeat
Start location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event location: Varanas Gates
Event Target: Find mice and drive them away with the use of the Flame Altar
Iron Chef
NPC: Drake Gates
Event type: Collect Items & Cook
Start location: Varanas Gates
Event location: Silverspring – Oblivion Shrine
Event Target: Collect food in Silverspring and cook it at Varanas Central Plaza
NPC: Ethan Bryce
Event type: Cure Monsters
Start location: Varanas Bridge
Event location: Silverspring (Around Varanas Gates)
Event Target: Cure the sick monsters with Flame Powder.
Flame Fortune
NPC: Giselle Fred
Event type: Help NPC/Collecting Points
Event location: Taborea
Event Target: Collect Runes in the Magic Circle and throw them at the Altar.
Light the Pyre!
NPC: Lujken Lajet
Event type: Help NPC/Control Fire
Start location: Thunderhoof Hills, outside Dalanis City
Event location: Thunderhoof Hills, outside Dalanis City
Event Target: Control the fire with water and catalyzed runes as the NPC wants it.
Drive Beast
NPC: Aishas Gracia
Event type: Help NPC, defeat monster
Start location: Varanas Bridge
Event location: Dust Devil Canyon
Event Target: (Group) Defeat the Ice or Fire monster by either assisting NPC or assisting your group.

Patch Notes
- Fixed Item Shop search.
- Fixed some NPCs in different zones were wrong.
- Fixed new card was missing attributes. Previously obtained cards will be fixed with next planned maintenance.
Post Patch Notes
Kalin Shrine (Hard Mode)
- Adjusted boss attributes.
- Changed Iron Rune Warrior to spawn a barrier at entrance during fight.
- Fixed teleport crystal was working one-way.
- Extended Yusalien event trigger delay, excluded pets from event.
- Increased Icebreaker radius to 80 from 25, removed cast time.
- Disabled loot from monsters before first boss temporary, to review it.
- Fixed monsters were respawning after some time.
Patch Notes
- Fixed that it was possible to get stuck during „Strange Memories“ quest.
- Fixed that it was possible to get stuck during „The Antidote“ quest.
- Fixed some artefacts were mistakely in hidden High Durability.
- Fixed crafting gear with fixed durability was allowing to get High Durability.
- Fixed Kalin Shrine (Hard Mode) boss ads were counted in kill quests.
- Fixed Protection of the Past artefact was disappearing on logout.
Patch Notes
- Implemented new refined artefacts that are an upgrade from the normal versions.
- Added additional crafting recipes to Logden Darkstove shop.
- Reworked tank and dps artefact effects.
Kalin Shrine (Hard)
- Fixed previously obtained Terpsichore cards had no attributes.
- Added new item „Sun Essence“ to final boss Regin loot.
- Increased Iron Rune Warrior base movement speed.
- Restored loot from monsters before first boss.
- Reduced Yusalien pull range.