Patch Notes
Housing Rework
We present external houses! Choose one of style, ground, sky, music and fill it with dozens of new furnitures and decorations.
- Added new house frame.
- Added around 2400 new furnitures.
- Increased maximum furnitures slots to 1000.
- Added 3 external house styles with different size of useable area.
- Added options to customize external houses – ground, sky and music.

Other changes
- A lot of small improvements.
- Added possibility to lay on beds.
- Reworked furniture item tooltips.
- Added possibility to scale furnitures.
- Enabled mount riding in external houses.
- Enabled names over house servants heads.
- Adjusted house name change energy price.
- Added more house entrance control settings.
- Added house servants tooltips and hyperlinks.
- Categorized all furnitures by 3 level categories.
- Adjusted exp and tp bonuses of some furnitures.
- Increased maximum plant count reachable bonus.
- Increased maximum house name to 32 characters.
- Enable bank access at main house maid for guests.
- Restored need of placing furniture to gain bonuses.
- Added world map and minimap for external houses.
- Added possibility to set custom label for all furnitures.
- Added possibility to set custom title name for house maids.
- Added warning when trying to insert non-furniture iteme to Depot.
- Moved house furnitures and contracts from Item Shop to new frame.
- Increased by two times maximum zoom out for external house styles.
- Added learning speed furniture bonus that is affecting encyclopedias.
- Increased Maximum Plant Count achievable with furniture bonus to 30.
- Added storage slots and contained music information to furniture tooltips.
- Fixed house friends were not seeing storage furniture icon when they had access to it.
- Fixed house furniture bonuses were providing crafting speed unintentionally for guests.
Known issues
- Players list is not refreshing until adding or removing someone from list.
- Servants are not showed as unsummoned when changing house style.
- You can not walk between bought styles temporary.
- Label and title names are not supporting spaces.
- Open Type „All“ is not including regular friends.
- Some existing furnitures scale is wrong.
Further plans
System is meant to be developed further along time with some of such elements:
- Removing need of repay energy once payment for space size when running out of energy.
- Servants 7-12, based on house styles, non-humanoidal, different storage and/or bonuses.
- Buildings system (similar to Guild buildings) with different benefits.
- Possibly option for having multiple external styles active at once.
- 6 other external styles (added by 1 once per few months).
- Option for auto stacking items with right click from bag.
- Wheel of Furniture (similar to Wheel of Fortune).
- Increasing EXP and TP maximum bonus to 2000.
- Option for viewing all storage items at once.
- Better house furnitures manipulations.
- Option to change height of furnitures.
- 2 new craftings related to buildings.
- More interactions with furnitures.
- Option to auto anchor furnitures.
- Option to lock furnitures moving.
- Sky/Weather selectable cycles.
- Cleaning actions for servants.
- More social interactions.
- Planting improvements.
- Music sample preview.
- Music playlists.
- Gift option.
- Changed human crouch animation.
Ruins of the Ice Dwarf Kingdom (Hard Mode)
- Fixed artefact runes were bound.
- Fixed artefact runes couldn’t be extracted.
- Fixed some quest requirements weren’t being shown in quest book during the new quest line.
- Added
. - Added event
. - Added
Array = Houses_GetData()
. - Added
. - Added event
. - Added
. - Added
Houses_KickPlayer(int index)
. - Added
. - Changed
. - Added
Houses_ChangeOpenType(int 1-4)
. - Added event
. - Added
. - Added
Houses_BuyHouseItem(int OrgObjID)
. - Added
. - Added
. - Added
<Frame>:SetMinBounds(int X, int Y)
. - Added
<Frame>:SetMaxBounds(int X, int Y)
. - Added
Count = Houses_GetOptionsInfoCount()
. - Added
..., IsShow = Houses_GetServantInfo()
. - Added
Houses_BuyHouseOption(int category, int index)
. - Renamed function
. - Renamed function
. - Renamed function
. - Renamed function
. - Renamed event
. Added arg1Type
(0-2). - Added
Name, Icon, Obtained, PriceType, Price = Houses_GetOptionsInfo(int category, int index)
. - Added
..., LearningHQPoint, Open Type, Gold, HouseRuby, HouseStone, HouseRune, Ore, Wood, Herb, Crystal, Gem, Geode, Stone = Houses_GetHouseInfo()
. - Added
Count = Houses_GetBuildingCount()
andOrgObjID, Type, Level, Gold, HouseRuby, HouseStone, HouseRune, Ore, Wood, Herb, Crystal, Gem, Geode, Stone, RequiredType1, RequiredLevel1, RequiredType2, RequiredLevel2, RequiredType3, RequiredLevel3, Charge = Houses_GetBuilding(index)
Patch Notes
Housing Rework
- Halved furniture scaling speed.
- Added open storage button to UI.
- Added return to housemaid button.
- Fixed some general map and UI issues.
- Fixed some items were in wrong categories.
- Added confirmation before buying house style.
- Removed click distance limit for storage furnitures.
- Added click cursor for objects while in Furniture tab.
- Fixed UI was sometimes broken when visiting guests.
- Fixed some storage items were missing storage bonus.
- Decreased house daily energy cost for slots 200-1000.
- Improved filled storage furniture removal warning message.
- Fixed furnishing placement mode was not disabled after closing UI.
- Disabled confirm button when Open Type slider value was not changed.
- Added furniture selection in UI when clicking object in furnishing mode.
- Fixed pets weren’t losing Loyalty and Nourishment inside custom instances.
Ruins of the Ice Dwarf Kingdom (Hard Mode)
- Fixed cards weren’t dropping from mobs inside.
- Increased speed that players obtain Insulation Barrier during Icebound Guardian.
- Fixed “Heavenly Arrows” to apply Threaten and no longer take your life and MP whenever an enemy is hit when Blood Arrow is not active.
- Reduced “Blood Arrow” Mana cost to 1% from 2% per tick.
- Changed “Holy Light Domain” to no longer grant additional magical attack rating or defenses. No longer applies Threaten.
- Changed “Briar Shield” to be triggered with all hits instead.
- Removed “Entangle” energy cost.
- Changed “Double Chop” Aggro multiplier to x2 from x5.
- Changed “Beast Chop” Aggro multiplier to x2 from x5.
- Changed “Feral Leader” Aggro reduction for allies to 10% from 50%.
- Increased “Coat of Arms” connection range to 400 from 300.
- Fixed “Damage Transfer” keeping you in combat unintentionally, additionally decreased Movement Speed loss to 5% from 10%.
- Changed “Spirit of Embodiment” to do not cooldown instead of having 300 seconds, added a mana recovery to successful heals, reduced healing done in tooltip numerically by about 60%.
- Reduced “Psychic Arrows” cast time to 1 second from 3.
- Reduced “Holy Tune” cooldown to 10 seconds from 20.
- Changed “Rune Vitality Mechanism” to have 8 seconds cooldown and duration from 16, fixed that it was providing 4% Heal instead of 2% Heal and 2% Mana, increased its range to 200 from 150.
- Changed “Augmentation Mechanism” to have 8 seconds cooldown and duration from 16, increased its range to 200 from 150.
- Reduced “Detection” Aggro gain to 25% from 100%.
- Reduced “Shadow of the Baron” Aggro gain to 40% from 75%.
Patch Notes
Housing Rework
- Fixed base scale of furnitures.
- Fixed Furnitures tab crash when reverse sorting.
- Removed wrong storage slots info from hangers.
- Fixed storage furnitures category for UI storage access.
- Added possibility to stop furnishing mode by clicking current mode button again.
Monster Cards
- Fixed cards from Ruins of the Ice Dwarf Kingdom (Hard Mode) weren’t possible to be disenchanted.
- Fixed cards kill and disenchant amounts were not refreshed while altering different cards with closed UI and was preventing current zone filter from being updated.
- Fixed Spirit Embodiment was entering cooldown state if it is cancelled in certain circumstances.
- Added
. - Added
. - Added
Patch Notes
Housing Rework
- Improved readability of UI list.
- Disabled cursor for non-functional furnitures.
- Corrected categories of some furniture items.
- Added tooltip for currency icon with it’s name.
- Added list scroll when clicking furniture object in furnishing mode.
- Added possibility to use spaces in furniture labels and housemaids title names.
- Fixed furnishing mode was not enabled when reopening UI closed on Furniture tab.
- Fixed unit tooltip on offline raid members.
- Changed laser colors on last boss of Dark Core.
- Fixed some elixirs were overridden by unrelated buffs.
- Fixed some Fear effects weren’t possible to be removed by Fear Immunity.
- Fixed crafting was locking more source item stacks than needed, causing lags.
Monster Cards
- Fixed that new system cards were possible to gain kills in old system instance modes.
Ruins of the Ice Dwarf Kingdom (Hard Mode)
- Fixed that barrier was getting stuck sometimes after Crasset Hairyfoot.
- Added afk prevention to Siege War.
- Added extra timeslot to Atlas Rush event at 03:00.
- Fixed that score frame was showing wrong information when you were on the blue team.
- Added
<FontString>:SetSpacing( float spacing )
. - Added
<FontString>:GetSpacing() => float spacing
. - Added
<FontString>:SetFontName( string FontFile )
. - Added
<FontString>:SetJustifyVType( string Key {"TOP", "MIDDLE", "BOTTOM"} )
. - Added
<FontString>:SetFontWeight( string FontWeight {"THIN", "NORMAL", "BOLD"} )
. - Added
<FontString>:SetFontOutline( string FontOutline {"NONE", "NORMAL", "THICK"} )