Patch Notes
- Reworked Item Shop gift friend list.
- Allowed to set dark hairs in model and beauty frame.
- Fixed that New Bag Markers weren’t working correctly.
- Changed The Cost of Magic Daily to work inside a group.
- Moved aggro in character frame out of attributes dropdown.
- Fixed some custom titles weren’t counting towards Title System Rare Count.
- Enabled back some addons disabled in previous patch. If you deleted „awsmDropdown“ library before, you might need to restore it now.
- Disabled login screen addons.
- Removed manual keyboard frame.
- Added built-in login Save Credentials feature.
- Added clickable link on version number to open patch notes website.
Newbie Pet
- Disabled seeing Newbie Pet of other players.
- Moved level up messages of pet to dialogue of Newbie Pet.
- Added visual effect to pet when it has information for the player.
- Improved general visual.
- Improved background texture.
- Added built-in Quest State addon.
- Added quest marker to quest boards.
- Added completion marker for repetable quests.
- Changed „Leave Conversation“ text to gray color.
- Reduced amounts of quest condition kills and items.
Dark Core
- Changed purpose of Zurhidon Assassin, it and its affection will be removed when Shashank is dead.
- Changed tactic to fill progress bar entirely with one attempt always.
- Added a lever in front of boss room to reset mechanism when needed.
Dark Core
- Changed the way Dark Core tactic NPCs receive their immunity.
- Changed the way Dark Core tactic NPCs spawn to be quicker.
Monster Cards
New Zones
- Open World:
- Weeping Coast
- Ravenfell
- Public
- Ystra Labyrinth 1
- Ystra Labyrinth 2
- Ystra Labyrinth 3
- Instances:
- Queen’s Chamber
- Ystra Labyrinth: Boss 1
- Ystra Labyrinth: Boss 2
- Ystra Labyrinth: Boss 3
HP/MP/PD/MD attributes – now have higher numeric values.
- For defensive cards was: 5-15. Became: 13-38.
- For physical and magic cards was: 5-8. Became: 13-20.
- Updated existing card values that were under new minimum.
Random Stone formula
Improved random stone randomization formula:
- Getting high numerical values has become easier. Now any quality of stones will be of the highest value:
- The better the quality of a random stone, the higher the chance of getting high numerical values.
- The higher the Stardom, the higher the chance of obtaining maximum numerical values. Stardom provides the greatest value for success. It is the first priority if you wish to get high odds and in combination with the rarity of the stones, you get times the amplified effect.
- The more stars, the higher the minimum numerical values of the attributes, below which the card cannot be improved with random stones. In the example we took a physical monster card:
- 100% Stones now give higher numerical values depending on the number of Stars on the monster card.
- When you get a new star, the card will automatically have the new minimum numerical values, even if the current numerical values are lower.
- For example: on a card [1.1-3], when receiving the first star, the numerical values on the card will change to [1.2-3]. Thus, receiving stars on the monsters card, the player will passively increase the minimum numerical values.
- Changed the description in the tooltip when hovering over the Stars.
NPC Asmial
- „Breakthrough“ Stone has been removed from the „Star Soul Stone“ tab. It is now available only for the „Elemental Soul Stone“ currency.
- You can now see information about bonuses when hovering over closed Stars.
- Changed information about new bonuses when hovering over the Stars.
- Corrected some Ystra Labyrinth bosses were in wrong zone.
- Add missing Ystra Labyrinth boss zones to instance category.
A new system for quests in monster cards:
We promised to introduce a new system where the more 5 star cards, the lower the following conditions for quests. We haven’t forgotten about this and plan to develop this system in a future patch for monster cards.
- Added Lyliya’s Magic House Repeat Ticket.
- Added Andor Training Range Repeat Ticket.
- Fixed Lyliya’s Magic House was wiping all objects on start.
World Map
- Added level boundaries to zone and instance icons.
- Fixed party position share was not removed on map change.
- Moved dropdown with Go To and Share Position to left click on map.
- Fixed sometimes switching to continent map was keeping old quest markers.
- Fixed switching map to instance and back was causing quest markers were missing.
Character Creation
- Improved a few small elements.
- Updated sliders to more modern ones.
- Added auto fix feature for some corrupted file.
- Added free disc space checker for executing patches.
- Changed server status „Offline“ text to „Maintenance“ during maintenances.
- Changed Divine Urge item set skill to provide 6% movement speed & 6% all attributes instead of 8% movement speed.
- Updated
..., _Tutor = GetQuestNameByIndex(x)
Autumn Banquet Festival
- 8 custom cards from festival mobs.
- 7 hidden custom titles from festival events.
During the festival you can exchange Water Zodiac materials and Hydro Draconaris for a Draco Pet.
Obtain Hydro Draconaris from:
- Fez William – exchange 15 x Autumn Banquet Vouchers for a reward.
Provision Collection
Location: Varanas Gates
NPC: Provisions Supervisor
Event Target: Collect food bags from the farms and deliver to the Bridge at Varanas
The Roast Ostrich Feast
Location: Logar, Varanas, Silverfall, Obsidian Stronghold, Valley of Preparation
NPC: None
Event Target: Eat and enjoy festival food served on event tables, get buff and title.
Cinnamon Leaf
Location: Whole Taborea
NPC: Fez William
Event Target: Trade collected items for rewards from NPC.
Colorful Feather Prayer
Location: Dalanis City Gate
NPC: Lavanda Vitt
Event Target: Feed the Ostriches & pluck their feathers!
Ostrich Caravan
Location: Silverspring
NPC: Lorence Hollow
Known Issue: Ostrichs sometimes don’t spawn or despawn after event start
Lost Eggs
Location: Varanas Gates
NPC: George Makov
Event Target: Trace and brought back lost ostrich eggs.
Errand (chain quests)
Location: Varanas Central Plaza
NPC: Anoraf Laiken
Duck Out
Location: Outside The Kingdom of Lechif
NPC: Florent
Egg Thief
Location: Varanas Gates/Silverspring (Southwest Farm)
NPC: Chamo/Kardly Auck
Event Target: Collect and exchange items in order to earn a reward.
Ostrich Code
Location: Varanas Gates
NPC: Ostrich Caretaker
Event Target: Find the correct order of emotes to communicate with Ostriches.

Patch Notes
- Fixed some UI errors.
- Improved some quest dialog elements.
- Blocked some addon versions that started to crash game during startup.
Patch Notes
- Disabled built-in QuestState addon temporary.
- Enabled back some previously disabled addons.
- Fixed Item Shop was sometimes not opening first item tab on opening.
- Fixed some players were crashing on game loading due to addons conflicts.
- Disabled incompatible DailyNotes version. Uploaded new to CoA CurseForge.
Patch Notes
- Corrected default game settings for fresh installed game.
- Updated Edward Wilson Proof of Myth store with new rings selling Unknown/Times Past stats.
- Made it more clear when failing event that the group weren’t eligible for extra loot from the chest in Dalanis Nightmare.
- Improved insert furnitures to drag without click.
- Improved FPS performance by disabling collision on far furnitures.
- Fixed some furnitures (like fireplaces) were not possible to interact with.
- Added possibility to insert furnitures by Shift + Right click on items in bag.
- Fixed furnishing mode was sometimes not disable while visiting other houses.
- Disabled possibility to mistakenly walk by clicking on ground while in furnishing mode.
- Added option to save credentials directly at login screen.
Monster Cards
- Fixed visual preview of multiple card NPCs.
- Improved random stones formula when improving monster cards.
- Changed the information in the tooltip when hovering over the Asterisks.
- Fixed a bug where the minimum numeric attribute values did not change when getting a Star.
- Fixed Treasure Hunter’s Corpse card was dropping rarer than intended and was not possible to count kills for it.
- Added new hints in the improving monster card menu:
- Now when you hover over the numeric values of the attributes, you can get information about among which numeric values are generated.
- When using random stones, information that the numerical values can remain unchanged will be available after the attribute list.
- Other minor visual changes.
Siege War
- Increased time taken to extract crystals from a tower.
- Increased amount of Atlas Tokens given from Damage.
- Reduced amount of Atlas Tokens given from Merit Count.
- Reduced amount of Atlas Tokens given from Crystal Count.
- Added descriptions to Queue Frame with information on the batteground.
- Added possibility to link battleground hyperlink to chat from Queue Frame.
Dark Core
- Fixed boss reset lever.
Hall of Survivors (Hard)
- Improved Frank Welsh dialogs.
- Moved Frank Welsh from Varanas to instance entrance.
- Fixed Frank and Luisa Welsh were missing from npc search.
Title System
- Added 34 new quests.
- Removed PvP quests from list.
- Reduced the requirements of some Minigame quests.
- Fixed that Title System was not possible to upgrade your level.
- Increase amount of Badge XP gained from completing the daily quests.
- Added possibility to get quests of all levels underneath your current active level.
- Added Advanced Title System Reset Ticket – Can be used to repeat quests again the same day.
- Added quest coloring to hyperlinks.
- Reimplemented Quest State addon as built-in.
- Fixed quest book wasn’t updating correctly on deleting quest.
- Increased droprate of some quest items with small drop chance.
- Added possibility to copy quest id by middle clicking on quest book list.
- Added player hyperlinks to party, raid and loot messages.
- Added zone channel information to Ask player information.
- Added new option (default disabled) to color raid member names by class combination color gradient.
- Disabled incompatible versions of LootIt and Lootomatic. Updated versions will be uploaded soon to Chronicles of Arcadia Curse Forge.
User Interface
- Removed old channel popup windows.
- Improved multiple of visual UI elements.
- Added icons to a lot of speak option dialogs.
- Added hyperlink for Item Shop purchase chat messages.
- Fixed new gear markers were appearing in Magic Wardrobe.
- Added possibility to copy shop id by middle clicking on shop title.
- Fixed new item markers disable options were not working properly.
- Corrected visual display of shields and talismans in item merge frame.
- Fixed „Hide Other IDs“ interface option wasn’t working for unit tooltips.
Auction House
- Fixed name of Golden rarity.
- Improved a few visual elements.
- Removed possibility to place a bid offer.
- Disabled possibility to use old frame in some cases.
- Added default enabled setting for hiding advanced options.
- Added possibility to view item history without active auctions. Known issue: First opening takes long and is missing loading indicator.
- Reduced Katana damage gain to 76.5% from 91.8%
- Changed Flame Spirit attack scalings;
- Physical Attack: to 3.125% magical attack + 37.5% magical damage, from 5% magical attack
- Magical Attack: to 12.5% magical attack + 100% magical damage, from 20% magical attack
- Added
GetQuestID_QuestDetail() => int OrgObjID
. - Added
IsEpicQuest( int OrgObjID ) => bool isEpic
. - Added
AuctionItemHistoryRequestByID( int OrgObjID );
. - Added
GetQuestColor( int OrgObjID ) => string HexColor (8 chars)
Patch Notes
- Fixed some minigame Title Quests weren’t completable.
- Fixed talking with Roghknu on French client was causing game crash.
- Fixed interface settings tabs were incorrect with conflict of some addons.
- Fixed Reasonable Exchange wasn’t possible to be completed under time limit.
Auction House
- Added loading text to history search.
- Improved performance of history search.
- Fixed history search was not working with card IDs.
- Fixed location of history search was covering other elements.
- Fixed Auction House advanced settings checkbox was not saved.