Patch Notes
- Fixed it was possible to get stuck during 60 elite questline.
- Fixed Gathering wasn’t giving correct XP/TP when higher than level 100.
- Fixed Hide Sigils, Hide Weapon Glow and Optimize Performance options were affected by settings presets.
- Fixed purchasing Magic Wardrobe gear slot was labeling page even when not filled which was costing extra diamonds.
For Newcomers
- Added descriptions to Shadowmoon-Merchant and Wanderer tooltips.
- Changed level boost from 80 to 90. Removed zone teleport at NPC due to Daris leading there. If you already obtained 80 level and aren’t above 90 at any class, you can talk to Johnny Dalker in Varanas.
Item Shop
- Added Dashboard tab.
- Improved various visual elements.
- Reworked item background textures.
- Added listing with items useful for new players.
- Changed Item Shop to reopen in same place where closed.
- Added new quest to learn about Item Shop from Gaspar in Class Hall.
- Added Decoration Scores.
- Added price type filters to frame.
- Improved sorting options in frame.
- Made housemaid re-take potions buff visible.
Please note that some of accumulate rankings will have past values migrated in future, adding to newly obtained values.
- Added 259 new rankings.
- Added pagination to result list.
- Reworked visual of entire frame.
- Added search box to menu panel.
- Added nickname and guild searching.
- Changed frame open shortcut to F11.
- Added possibility to favourite rankings.
- Splitted rankings into 12 main categories.
- Removed Andor Training billboard opening.
- Added possibility to sort by clicking on headers.
- Added icon with date of creation/clearing ranking.
- Added possibility to display more result rows at once.
Title System
- Added badge tier III to 11 festival titles.
- Added badge tier II to 135 festival titles.
- Improved description of Advanced Title System Reset Ticket.
- Fixed it was possible to get stuck during some Green title board quests.
Monster Cards
- Increased numerical values of attributes HP, MP, PDEF, MDEF in boss cards to standard values.
- Added recipe link to learn message.
- Improved description of Production Runes.
- Fixed some crafting objects had doubled overhead effect.
- Added error message when trying to learn recipe without having crafting skill.
- Reduced chest open timer of Ancient Treasures chests to 3 seconds.
- Allowed players to remove injury debuff during siege hours.
- Fixed using ReloadUI would cause you to leave arenas on first entry afterwards.
- Fixed chance to obtain PvP cards after successful match was not including drop rate buffs.
Siege War
- Fixed that recapturing main crystal was not possible.
- Fixed that sometimes guild score was not correctly adjusting.
- Changed the amount of Atlas Tokens given out for battle time.
Windrunner Race
Some changes were implemented on live already a few days ago.
- Fixed some chat messages.
- Fixed that windrunner race was not possible to give cards.
- Fixed some character buffs were not removed inside racing zone.
- Fixed rewards were sometimes given incorrectly between partipicants.
- Added Atlas Tokens reward on completion based on time and taken place.
Arcane Chamber of Sathkur (Hard)
- Fixed provisions ostrich courier was usable.
- Removed visual and sound from Plunderer’s Protection.
- On overlapping values, both items will be given to the player.
- Changed Arcadia Coin donation increment to reset each week.
- Added visual buff after completing showing cooldown until entry.
- Fixed Ancient Supression was being removed too early sometimes.
- Fixed that some unintended npcs were being effected by Plunderer’s Protection.
- All currently gained progress is transferred to new system and given to the player upon throwing in the next coins.
- Added a mercy system that will grant the player guaranteed rewards in addition to randomized rewards after a certain amount of coins has been thrown into the well.
Gained after x Coins | Material |
750 | Dust of the Petrified |
1000 | Splinter of Form |
2000 | Sun Essence |
Ice Dwarf Kingdom (Hard)
- Fixed it was sometimes possible that transporter had extra teleports.
Kalin Shrine (Hard)
- Reduced Health of Locatha minions to 10kk.
- Fixed Strange Egg Parasites effect was ignoring immunes.
- Removed ability for tank to be effected entirely by Parasites.
Dalanis Nightmare
- Added 3 day cooldown to all players characters when clearing.
Gorge of the Ice Giants
- Fixed Hekhig outside of Gorge of the Ice Giants was chatting even before meeting him.
Dark Core
- Updated some Dark Core textures.
Visual Changes
- Added skill name coloring to some places.
- Updated most broadcasts to use hyperlinks.
- Added item coloring to buff tooltip descriptions.
- Fixed some frames were not saving their positions.
- Fixed fireworks were showing sys name while spawning.
- Fixed house storage frames were missing dynamic anchors.
- Added „Copy ID“ to right click dropdown on target portrait.
- Fixed quest rewards anchors for some cases in Speak Frame.
- Added zone colour and channel to guild member zone in frame.
- Updated items and promotions left time info to be more precise.
- Corrected some loading screen screenshot zone names were incorrect.
- Added option to see advanced quest details to quest link right click menu.
- Fixed that channel wasn’t displayed when requesting player info in some zones.
Auction House
- Added item rarity color to placing offer slot.
- Fixed Auction House currency filter description was missing.
- Moved Auction House sell currency type checkers over currency editboxes.
- Fixed Auction House history was shown after swapping tabs unintentionally.
Social Frame
- Added search bar.
- Increased transparent of highlight.
- Added colors to character details panel.
- Added chat message when removing relationship.
- Added colors for relationships.
- Improved tooltip of relationship details.
- Changed relationships status bar to be filled according to current level experience.
- Improved Raid creation message in UI.
- Added color to guild and party channel.
- Reduced ‘Hammerfall’ cooldown to 15 seconds from 30.
- Reduced ‘Shield Form’ strength-to-stamina conversion to 50% from 65%.
- Increased ‘Runecraft – Fortify’ defense gain to 105% from 94%.
- Fixed a bug where ‘Feedback Defense’s damage reflection portion would not trigger on parry
- Changed ‘Runecraft-Devotion’ to not modify Holy Aura anymore
- Changed ‘Divine Vengeance’ to no longer have a rage cost, added a 3% Mana Cost, added a 1 second cast time and a 3 second cooldown.
New: Added an effect that reduces your damage taken by 50% and your raid members by 20% for 5 seconds. - Changed ‘Reviving Blast’ health cost to 40% from 75%.
- Changed ‘Shield of Discipline’ to reduce damage by up to 34% from 10.5%
- Changed ‘Holy Roar’ to have an additional aggro multiplier of x4
- Cleaned up ‘Determination Rune’ tooltips.
- Reduced ‘Blast of Vengeance’ area of effect to 150 from 200, it’s cooldown to 6 seconds from 8, changed its taunt to only be applied while in shield form.
- Reduced Shield form Intelligence to Stamina Conversion to 50% from 80%.
- Reduced Echo damage to 678% from 848%.
- Reduced Solo: Shredding damage to 508% from 636%.
- Changed ‘Rune Vitality Mechanism’ to heal based on the users Wisdom instead of %-Based.
- Changed ‘Warm Spring’ to affect the entire raid instead of party.
- Changed ‘Punishment’s Heal Radius to 200 from 100.
- Changed ‘Shield of Life’ to no longer increase the damage taken by the user after it’s been used.
- Changed Perfect Slice to perfect timed attacks to inflict elemental damage instead of fire, changed it to refresh Grandmaster buff duration upon correct timing.
- Changed Golden Cicada Skin set skill: You will receive 20% lesser area damage if no enemy is targetting you.
- Increased Target Defense set skill duration to 20 seconds from 10, increased cooldown to 40 seconds from 30.
- Changed Soul Storm set skill to inflict dark damage instead of phyiscal.
- Changed Poisonous Embrace to increase physical damage by 36% instead of dagger damage by 42.9%.
- Changed Combo Throw channel time to 1 second from 1.5.
- Changed Poisonous Infection to inflict 97% main + offhand weapon DPS poison damage to enemies around every second.
- Increased Death’s Touch rage cost to 25 from 15, increased attack gain to 21.8% from 10.9%.
- Increased Morale Slash damage decrement for each extra target to 6% from 4%.
- Reduced Rose Vine damage gain to 10.9% from 21.8%.
- Changed ‘Surprise Attack’ to no longer have a range requirement to stun, increased its rage gain to 35 from 25.
- Reduced Elemental Knowledge damage gain to 64% from 72.7%.
- Fixed Flame Spirit magical damage was not scaling with intended values.
- Changed Flame Spirit scalings;
- Magical Attack; 12.5% magical attack & 100% magical damage → 10% magical attack & 100% magical damage
- Magical Damage;
3.125% magical attack & 37.5% magical damagewas 80% of pets physical damage unintentionally → 2.5% magical attack & 37.5% magical damage - Physical Attack; 3.125% magical attack & 37.5% magical damage → 0
- Increased Archer’s Agility attack speed to 15% from 8%.
- Reduced Boiling Blood damage gain to 18% from 26.5%, corrected description about MP consumption by reducing rate to 1 second from 2, reduced amount to 1% from 2%.
- Changed Genius Creation to provide 8.1% stamina additionally.
- Reduced The Devourer extra damage to 240% from 480%.
- Reduced Mass Destruction cooldown to 4 seconds from 10.
- Changed Dark Rune to inflict damage every second instead of every 2 seconds.
- Changed ‘Holy Note’ to no longer have focus cost.
- Changed ‘Harmony’ to no longer be interrupted by moving.
- Changed ‘Festival of Victory’ to additionally grant a stack when used on a boss
- Changed ‘Holy Note’ to no longer have focus cost.
- Changed ‘Harmony’ to no longer be interrupted by moving.
- Changed ‘Festival of Victory’ to additionally grant a stack when used on a boss
- Changed Archer Rune to be triggered only with single target skills, changed triggered attack to be Soul Gale spell instead.
- Increased ‘Frost Scars’ aggro loss to -20% from -10%.
- Changed ‘Healing Void’ cooldown to 40 seconds from 60.
- Changed ‘Mana Retention’ cooldown to 60 seconds from 120, it’s range to 150 from 80 and changed it’s mana recovery effect to have an additional 0.2x wisdom per tick.
- Fixed a Bug where ‘Briar Shield’ healing wouldn’t apply to its user
- Fixed a bug where ‘Holy Crystal’s ‘Healing Will’ would not apply to its owner.
- Changed Chain of Light to have at least 1 second of cooldown.
- Fixed Shield of Darkness was not reducing aggro properly.
- Fixed a bug where ‘Living Xylophone’ would take resources twice.
- Reduced ‘Living Xylophone’ interval between note switches to 0.5 seconds from 1.
- Changed ‚Divine Sacrifice‘ to ‚Divine Intervention‘, reducing up to 18.8% physical and magical defense from enemies for 18 seconds with 18 second cooldown, exclusively to Druid seeds and the Priests Holy Void.
- Reduced Ill Will damage gain to 100% from 111%.
- Reduced Blood Arrow dark damage gain to 11.4% from 22.8%.
- Changed ‘Dreadful Sleep’ to no longer need Willpower Construct and changed its cost to 50 focus from 4 psi and doubled its pull speed.
- Reduced Charged Chop damage to 2174 from 2471.
- Increased Power of the Wood Spirit damage to 1627 from 1453.
Changed Notes from the Hell to 900 seconds buff, removed cooldown, changed it to increase Wand magical damage by 60% instead of magical damage.effect is not working properly
- Added
string timeString = SecondsToTime( int seconds )
. - Added
string HexColor = GetRelationshipColor( int RelationIndex ).
- Added
int arg1 = RecipeID, int arg2 = SkillValueType
event. - Updated
..., tChannel = GetGuildRosterInfo(...)
. - Added rarity coloring titleName result from
. - Changed date formats in
functions. - Blocked usage of
function from xml events. - Updated
, DecorScores = Houses_GetHouseInfo(xxx)
. - Added „DecorScore“ to Shop, Styles, Options, Items arrays of
. - Added
string DD-MM-YYYY = GetServerTime()
. - Added
string HH:MM:SS = GetServerDate()
- Renamed
. - Deleted functions:
. - Deleted functions:
. - Added
arg2 = Min, arg3 = Max
to „RANKINGS_ITEM_UPDATE“ event for general table. - Added functions:
int count = Rankings_GetCategoriesCount();
int category, string keyStr = Rankings_GetCategoryInfo(int categoryIndex);
int count = Rankings_GetGroupsCount(int categoryIndex);
int category, int group, string keyStr = Rankings_GetGroupInfo(int categoryIndex, int groupIndex);
int count = Rankings_GetItemsCount(int categoryIndex, int groupIndex);
int category, int group, int item, string keyStr = Rankings_GetItemInfo(int categoryIndex, int groupIndex, int itemIndex);
int category, int group, int item, string keyStr, int itemCount, int refreshTime, string creationDate, bool isRecord, bool isAccumulate, bool isZoneChange, bool isUnique, bool isGear, bool isBG, bool isEvent, bool isDeck, bool isHouse, bool isTime = Rankings_GetItem(int item);
Rankings_LoadItem(int item [, int min = 1, int max = 100]);
int rank, int score, string name, string guild, int voc, int lv, int voc_sub, int lv_sub = Rankings_GetItemRow(int item, int index);
int rank, int score = Rankings_GetMyItem(int item);
Flower Festival
- 15 custom cards from festival monsters.
- 9 hidden custom titles from festival events.
During the festival you can exchange Wind Zodiac materials and Aero Draconaris for a Draco Pet.
Obtain Aero Draconaris from:
- Flower Festival Reward Representative – exchange 4 x Flower Festival Attendance Certificate for a reward.
True Love
Event starts at: Auermo
Event area(s): Thunderhoof Hills
Event goal: Complete multiple tasks within a quest line.
Note: A minimum level of 50 is required to complete this event quest line!
Lilies of Love
Event starts at: Karlindola
Event area(s): Dalanis
Event goal: The player will receive 5 Lilies of Love to use on other players.
Heralds of the Flower God
Event starts at: Allen Romero, Varanas bridge
Event area(s): Taborea
Event goal: Find the heralds of the flower God.
Create Love Chocolate
Event starts at: Adam
Event area(s): Varanas Square, Logar, Taborea
Event goal: Collect ingredients to create Love Chocolate.
Cultivate a magical rose
Event starts at: Eva
Event area(s): Varanas Square
Event goal: Plant and cultivate magical rose seeds.
Flower God’s Blessing
Event starts at: Adam, Varanas
Event goal: Receive the blessing from the Flower God for a small fee!
Stairs of the blue roses
Event starts at: Ayfur, Varanas Square
Event area: Varanas Square
Event goal: Find and collect blue roses.
Flowers from Evana
Event starts at: Evana Javelin at Varanas Square
Event area(s): Varanas Square, House, Silverspring
Event goal: Catch 5 Pollinating Butterflies.
Flames of Love
Event starts at: Gary Burton, Varanas Bridge
Event area(s): Silberquell, Tagena
Event goal: Use special skills for beat other players with points in a small arena.
Four parts of the wedding flower
Event starts at: Captain Ali
Event area(s): In front of Varanas bridge
Event goal: Find the stolen pieces of the wedding flower and bring them back.
The Flower Pixie and the Flower Blessing
Event starts at: Gaster
Event area(s): outside Varanas Gates
Event goal: Protect Follow and defend the Flower Pixie from the Flower Thieves.
Mr. Swallowtail’s Toss of Elegance
Event starts at: Nikljars Wulfft
Event area(s): Varanas bridge
Event goal: Get as many points as possible by hitting enemies with a throw.
Food Hunt
Event starts at: Sisaylin the Perplexed Event area(s): Thunderhoof Hills
Event goal: Get multiple items within a quest line to receive a reward.
Note: A minimum level of 50 is required to complete this event quest line!

Post Patch Notes
- Fixed ranking updates were causing server performance loss in last weeks.
Patch Notes
- Fixed Quest Rewards couldn’t be clicked in Speak Frame.
- Fixed Binpike Brothers would sometimes stay unattackable.
- Added The Principle of Reciprocity quest requirement to the following quests: Research Expert, Mixing Ratios.
For Newcomers
- Reviewed newbie packages rewards, added new newbie packages for beyond level 50. Packages will be given with various quests through Candara, check our wiki for quests.
- Changed list to include ex aequo ranks.
- Reviewed some rank names and added descriptions.
- Fixed Time Mode Andor training rank was displaying in wrong format.
- Fixed Bolinthya Rift.
- Fixed Siege War Vehicle.
- Fixed Portals Destroyed.
- Fixed Visdun Balloons Killed.
- Fixed Course of Terror Timed.
- Fixed Farmed Cores, reset them.
- Fixed Tyrefen Crystals Captured.
- Fixed Tempest Heights collection.
- Fixed Unique Public Events, reset them.
Item Shop
- Added item categories to tooltip.
- Improved time limit information in item tooltips.
- Excluded Newbie and Promo items from list of New items.
- Fixed Unlock and explore the Item Shop quest was not possible to finish sometimes.
- Fixed a few issues about sorting & price filtering.
Title System
- Fixed Kashaylan Dig quest wasn’t completable.
- Reduced Arcadia Coin cost when exchanging PvP fragments for stats.
Visdun Fortress
- Fixed Towers were weaker than intended.
Siege War
- Enabled auto groups upon joining.
- Fixed siege items were only being deleted on login.
Kalin Shrine (Hard)
- Fixed tank wasn’t always being excluded from parasite effect, fixed it was ignoring magical immunes.
Arcane Chamber of Sathkur (Hard)
- Fixed Wishing Well Arcadia Coin buff had no description.
- Fixed previous rolls weren’t correctly transferred to new mercy system.
Flower Festival
- Increased Love Chocolate cost for Owen Harkins broadcast to 30.
- Added option to directly exchange for guaranteed card/title for 35 Love Chocolates.
- Fixed Sneak Attack wasn’t working properly.
- Fixed Golden Cicada Skin set skill was causing some effects such as Hide to be removed constantly.
- Fixed Living Xylophone was interrupting casts.
- Removed Entling Offering cooldown.
- Increased Focus attack gain ratio to 50% from 45%.
- Increased Rain of Vengeance maximum target hit to 8 from 5.
- Increased Incineration damage to 250%/300% from 160%/300%.
- Changed Binding Silence to do not resist anymore.
- Changed Divine Urge set skill effect to be visible in buff list.
- Fixed Curing Will was healing dead members.
- Fixed Rune Recovery was healing dead members.
- Fixed Healing Surge was healing dead members.
- Changed Bard’s Influx; Passive: Bard’s Influx increases magical damage by 8% for 30 seconds. Receiving any recital will provide Bard’s Influx.
- Increased Flame Spirit magical damage scaling to 3% magical attack + 45% magical damage from 2.5% magical attack + 37.5% magical damage.
- Changed Earth Marking to increase magical damage instead of magical critical damage.
- Updated
, s1, s2, s3 = CIMF_GetItemInfo(xxx)
Patch Notes
- Fixed Gun and Instrument Encyclopedias were not IS item.
- Fixed Alchemy tools in Lost Island of Atlantis were not working.
- Fixed Siege Bandage item type and added Item Shop Item category.
- Added message when obtaining currency that reached maximum limit.
- Added „Leave instance“ button on portrait. It will not reset instance progress.
- Changed Race Change (Dwarf) to automatically change sex to male if you were female.
Item Stacking
- Removed House Maid potions and food automatical stacking.
- Allowed to manual join stacks of timed items with different Left Time – it will always make them use smaller Left Time.
Arcane Chamber of Sathkur (Hard)
- Removed treasure chest when starting the next torch event.
Chamber of Elements
- Fixed mobs in front of Realm of Forgotten Legends were not using their skills.
- Removed need of completing Inferno of Divinity and Gorge of the Ice Giants quests in order to go into next instance after getting requirements of Understand the Happenings quest complete.
Realm of Forgotten Legends
- Fixed Fancy Boots effect wasn’t being removed during stone event.
- Fixed list scrollbar when searching.
- Changed rankings to load all pages at once.
- Fixed Bolinthya timed rankings.
- Fixed Osalon Valley Completions.
- Fixed Malatina’s Portals Destroyed.
- Fixed some games weren’t counting to drill ground completions.
Monster Cards
- Added sorting by Maxed attributes.
- Blocked opening Card Book in Battlegrounds.
- Added Inprisoned Ghost card from Arcanium Arena.
- Fixed Card Book was showing Unique card types as Old.
- Removed House Maid food level requirement.
- Fixed music furnitures were sometimes not clickable.
- Fixed furniture placing mode was auto enabling back sometimes when interacting with objects.
- Improved visual of multiple elements.
- Fixed that sometimes rewards were not received and rankings not updated.
- Fixed Arena Blocked would sometimes occur without leaving early.
- Blocked other characters when main character is currently arena blocked.
- Fixed Arena Blocked wouldn’t increment during consecutively leaving arenas.
- Removed automatic class buffs added in a recent patch.
- Added ‚The Scales of Justice‘, a buff that applies to players within battlefields.
- The Scales of Justice will modify Damage Dealt, Damage Taken, Hitpoints and Healing Taken depending on class combination.
Main Class | Sub Class | Damage Dealt | Damage Taken | HP | Healing Taken |
Warlock | Champion | -40% | 20% | -40% | -20% |
Warlock | Knight | 15% | 20% | -30% | -20% |
Bard | Scout | -15% | -10% | / | -30% |
Scout | Bard | -25% | / | / | / |
Arcanium Arena
- Added title names to skill shop NPCs.
- Changed Skill Book button appear only when learning new skill.
Siege War
- Changed Guild War Merits to be bound, can be transferred to another player by right clicking with desired player in target.
Visdun Fortress
- Disabled buffs, cards, pets and titles inside.
Windrunner Race
- Fixed a few small issues.
- Added timer of current race.
- Reduced amount of Atlas Tokens given slightly.
- Adjusted game start to allow for more players to join.
- Fixed race winners were still being effected by skills of other players.
- Fixed rewards frame was sometimes showing wrong Phirius Token values.
- Fixed race winners were able to still use skills after crossing the finish line.
Visual Changes
- Added white color to bonuses in skill descriptions.
- Fixed some frames were stuttering while moving them.
- Changed most of party related messages to Party chat type.
Minimap Frame
- Added possibility to change zoom by mouse wheel.
- Changed guild quests color to green.
- Changed tutor quests color to orange.
Quest Book
- Fixed group by zone/catalog button was showing tooltip reverse.
- Fixed deleting quest popup wasn’t updating correctly when opening quest from Quest Tracker.
- Added sorting for Guild Quests.
Raid Frame
- Fixed lag occuring when moving members.
Skill Book
- Added possibility to change pages with mouse wheel.
- Added possibility to use mouse wheel to adjust skill level when upgrading.
- Added possibility to use Shift + Left-Click to set skill to maximum level or minimum level when upgrading.
Social Frame
- Improved sorting.
- Improved dropdown menus.
- Grouped special relationships under their own categories.
Speak Frame
- Fixed some quest rewards would stay visible even after completing the quest.
Title Frame
- Added title color to Title System frame.
- Added classification breadcrumbs to title tooltips.
Tutorial Frame
- Added possibility to link tutorials to chat.
World Map
- Fixed map icons were hoverable through Legend Frame.
General Skill Changes
- Changed following buffs to be aura effects, which will be removed if the source is 1.000 units away or dead.
- Grace of Life – Priest
- Amplified Attack – Priest
- Blessed Spring Water – Priest
- Magic Barrier – Priest
- Angel’s Blessing – Priest/Mage
- Shadow Fury – Priest/Rogue
- Musical Joy – Priest/Bard
- Defender’s Roar – Warrior/Priest
- Concentration Prayer – Druid
- Savage Blessing – Druid
- Neotropical Warmth – Druid/Bard
- Briar Shield – Druid/Warden
- Sublimation Weave Curse – Warlock
- Holy Protection – Knight/Priest
- Potent Blessing – Knight/Druid
- Fixed Reviving Blast was affecting only party members instead of raid.
- Reduced Solo: Perfect Storm damage to 445% from 636%.
- Removed Recover Nature’s Point warning message.
- Changed Perfect Slice Master buff to trigger Grandmaster regardless of bleed level on target upon reaching 3 stacks.
- Reduced Assassins Rage cooldown to 180 seconds from 300.
- Reduced Soul Storm set skill cooldown to 8 seconds from 20.
- Changed Demon Wolf Claw set skill to inflict dark pierce damage instead of physical raw damage.
- Changed Claw Scar set skill to inflict dark pierce damage instead of physical raw damage.
- Reduced Assassins Rage cooldown to 150 seconds from 180.
- Increased Spiritual Advantage focus cost reduction to 40% from 20%.
- Increased Flame Spirit magical damage scaling to 5% magical damage + 50% magical attack from 3% magical damage + 45% magical attack.
- Changed Static Resonance; Passive – Changes Meteor Shower to inflict additional fire damage equal to wind damage.
- Changed Lightning Display to increase elemental damage by 24% and magical critical hit rate by 480 instead of wind damage by 36.5% and magical critical hit rate by 730.
- Reduced Will of Pride cooldown to 90 seconds from 120.
- Changed Soul Stepping to be permanent effect. Cost: 30 Focus & 5 Focus per sec
- Changed Soul Step to increase movement speed and cast speed by 30% instead of 20%.
- Changed Forgotten Black Magic; For next 30 seconds, using offensive skills will provide Forgotten Black Magic, which will reduce the targets physical defense and magical defense by 70% of your magical attack and increases your magical damage by 1% of this reduction for 10 seconds. Magical damage cannot be stacked with more targets. Cooldown: 90 seconds Cost: 20 Focus
- Changed „UI_TITLE_TYPE_X“ strings from global variables in lua to .db (requiring TEXT).
Patch Notes
- Fixed some small visual frame elements.
- Changed back party treasure messages to system chat.
- Fixed inflicted damage was multiplied unintentionally in some zones.
- Fixed EXP/TP bonuses were not working globally.
- Fixed leaving arenas by closing game wasn’t applying Arena Blocked.
- Fixed few aurasd were not working properly.
- Changed Concentration Prayer wisdom bonus to be maximum MP instead.
Patch Notes
- Improved description of Public Event Points.
- Fixed quest packages level 35-50 were missing Purified Stone.
- Added one-time popup information if you reached 90 level and didn’t take beginner equipment from Johnny Dalker yet.
Ancient Dreamland
- Increased maximum amulet capabilities by a factor of 100.
- Added „Dreamland Amulet Charges“ to the shop, which when used will increase the duration of the currently worn amulet by 1% of it’s maximum charges.
- Fixed donating guild resources from SW rewards were not updating rankings.
- Fixed some issues with Battlegrounds.
Windrunner Race
- Fixed some skill sigils were duplicated causing lags and excessive skill obtaining after a few races.
Visual Changes
- Reworked Title System Badge icons.
- Moved Frantic Plea message to description in skill.
- Grouped and added explanations of weapon skills in character frame.
- Fixed charging currency system message was removed unintentionally.
- Added new passive: Distant Friend: Increases your damage by up to 15% depending on distance between you and the target. only works for ranged weapon DPS type
- Increased Perfect Slice energy recovery to 50, changed Master and Grandmaster to provide 10% energy cost reduction per stack.
- Changed Poison Infection area damage to have 16% damage reduction for each extra target.
- Reduced Death’s Touch duration to 6 seconds from 15.
- Changed Thunderbolt Paralysis name to be Paralysis.
- Changed Energy Well to reduce all skill resource usage instead of just MP.
- Changed Deep Inspiration; Reduces cooldown of Intensifications by 30 seconds.
- Changed Soul Stepping to be deactivated when used again, changed it to cease when there is not enough Focus to consume.
- Changed Master of Words to increase instrument magical damage by 30% and magical attack by 5% additionally.
- Reduced Fiery Song Extraction cooldown to 5 seconds from 20.
- Removed Disable cooldown trigger.
- Increased Wave Essence cast speed to 20% from 12%.
- Reduced Holy Influx cooldown to 90 seconds from 180.
- Increased Messenger of Light magical damage gain to 25% from 20%.
- Changed Voltage Influx to be applied maximum once within 2 seconds.
- Changed Electrolysis Power; Generates 50 Rage upon use. Cost: 10% MP, Cooldown: 40 seconds
- Increased Thunderclap duration to 10 seconds from 5 for NPC enemies.
Mage/Druid – Earth’s Prophet
- Level 15: Perception – Increases maximum HP by 8.4% + 660, magical damage by 25% + 440.
- Level 20: Mother Earth’s Blade – Inflicts 2376 + 0.2 x INT earth damage twice to target. Casting time: 3 seconds: Cost: 544 MP
- Level 25: Green Guardian – Every second you stand still, you gain one stack up to 20 stacks. Each stack provides 1% earth damage, 1% magical attack and 1% received damage reduction. Moving will cause you to lose 1 stack per second for a second even if you stop. Losing a stack in any way would cause you to recover 2% HP & 2% MP.
- Level 30: Gravity – Modifies Thunderstorm to Earthquake, makes it inflict earth damage instead.
- Level 35: Lava Blade – Inflicts 1950 + 0.3 x INT earth and 1950 + 0.3 x INT fire damage to target. Cost: 2040 MP, Cooldown: 1 second, no global cooldown trigger
- Level 40: Boiling Rock – Lava Blade will inflict damage twice if you have maximum Green Guardian stacks.
- Level 45: Rock Volley – Changes Meteor Shower to inflict earth damage instead. Makes it consume a Green Guardian stack in order to increase damage by 1000.
- Level 50: Elven Mystic – When active, your offensive skills will provide a stack for 10 seconds up to 5 times. Each stack provides 5% cast speed and 5% magical damage. Cost: 10% MP + 300MP, no cooldown/duration for main buff.
- Level 60: Infiltration Spirit – You sacrifice some MP to gain 10 Green Guardian stacks. Cost: 20% MP, Cast Time: 2 seconds, no cooldown, no global cooldown trigger.
- Level 70: Cosmic Call – Summons a giant meteor in the designated area that inflicts 5400 earth damage to targets within. Cooldown: 60 seconds, Cast Time: 4 seconds, Cost: 1 stack of Green Guardian for each target it hits.
- Reduced Notes from the Hell instrument damage gain to 30% from 60%.
- Decreased Focus Build Up cooldown to 60 seconds from 90, increased duration to 30 seconds from 20 and removed global cooldown trigger.
- Reduced Blood Arrow dark damage & intelligence gain to 8.4% from 10.4%.
- Fixed Oak Power was possible to be used by others in raid.
Post Patch Notes
Following changes will be applied in custom instances and atlantis ch3.
- Disabled Fireball until next patch.
- Reduced Perception magical damage gain to 16.7% from 25%.