Patch Notes
- Adjusted few title attributes.
- Added Doomlord Trousers to Doomlord Costume Package.
- Fixed upgrading skills when using skill book filters/searchbox.
- Reduced required gold cost to open Arcanium Chamber to 10kk; Removed phase 2 donation phase.
- Fixed issues with The Thieves Attempt quest in some situations.
- Wiped Light in the Shadows & Heart of Dark Power completion time ranks.
- Fixed that sometimes Talaghan Events were not finishing when timer expired.
- Changed Enemy of Darkness, Glowing Warrior, Soul of Light titles to include progress from all 3 public events.
- Fixed the number of Ostrich received on rank 4.
- Swapped rewards for 60 and 90 minutes online time.
- Fixed Prestige mount could be used inside PvP Zones.
- Added a Prestige purchase button near the subscription timer.
- Fixed Raider Spirit benefit. The effect did not work when the conditions were met.
- Added the ability to track the remaining number of attempts of expended benefits. The information can be seen on the benefits tooltip.
- Added possibility to see the duration of the Prestige subscription and the end of its season. Switching is available on a special button near the timer.
Arena of Darkness
- Adjusted daily quest Nero Coins rewards.
- Added Robot category to Auction House.
- Fixed some robot effects were providing reverse effect instead.
- Changed steel recipes to require irons instead of one-below rarity steel.
- Changed Challenger buff icons.
- Reduced NPC damage to 50% in zone.
- Fixed green heal objects had no model visible.
- Removed clone event, replaced that with a harmful effect.
- Fixed auto-revive was stucking player character randomly.
- Fixed Arena Beverage: Arena Wisdom wasn’t working properly.
- Fixed Component: Lockpicker wasn’t losing durability upon use.
- Changed Dragon Breath to be visible regardless of effect settings.
- Fixed loot score from potions weren’t increasing drop chance properly.
- Fixed Bot Builder title wasn’t purchasable even after requirements met.
- Disabled possibility to enter before everyone in party is at the entrance.
- Fixed Challenger: Defense Breaker was reducing received damage instead of increasing.
- Fixed Shadow Hunter title purchasing requirement wasn’t existing, updated description.
- Changed Component: Nimble attributes to 1/3/5/10% movement speed from 5/10/15/20%.
- Fixed daily quest wasn’t working properly.
- Fixed auto-revive was stucking player character randomly.
- Changed mystery boxes to provide 3 effects after 300 seconds.
- Reduced saw damage to 50% of maximum HP from instant kill.
- Adjusted team balances.
PvE Drop Table
Name of related dynamic | Value (Elite/Boss) |
Chance increase per each loop after required loop | 2% / 4% |
Amount increase per each loop after required loop | 0.25 / 0.75 |
Average drop rate for each gear score/loot score after 1500 | 0.03% (varies) |
Loot Name | Amount (Elite/Boss) | Chance (Elite/Boss) | Required Loop (Elite/Boss) | Required Mode (Elite/Boss) |
Machine Spirit | 0-1 / 2-6 | 1% / 10% | 1 / 1 | Any / Any |
Nero Coins | 0-1 / 5-10 | 50% / 100% | 1 / 1 | Any / Any |
Basic Iron | 0-1/ 3-4 | 2% / 40% | 1 / 1 | Any / Group |
Improved Iron | 0-1 / 2-3 | 1% / 30% | 3 / 3 | Any / Group |
Screw | 0-1 / 2-3 | 10% / 10% | 3 / 2 | Group / Any |
Pile of Screws | 0-1 / 2-3 | 4% / 5% | 4 / 5 | Group / Any |
Pile of Screws | – / 6-8 | – / 5% | – / 4 | – / Group |
Magical Energy Battery | 0-1 / 0-2 | 2% / 4% | 2 / 2 | Group / Any |
Enhanced Energy Battery | 0-1 / 0-2 | 1% / 2% | 5 / 5 | Group / Any |
Wires | – / 0-1 | – / 2% | – / 5 | – / Any |
Wires | – / 1-2 | – / 4% | – / 3 | – / Group |
Microchip | – / 0-1 | – / 0.5% | – / 5 | – / Any |
Microchip | – / 1-2 | – / 2% | – / 3 | – / Group |
Circuit Board | – / 0-1 | – / 0.1% | – / 5 | – / Any |
Circuit Board | – / 1-2 | – / 1% | – / 3 | – / Group |
Visual Changes
- Improved Guild Furniture Frame.
- Updated icons for new Titanium/Repair hammers.
- Fixed Search in Item Shop was appearing for non-itemshop items right click dropdown.
Class Changes
- Changed Rapacious Poison damage over type damage type to physical from magical.
- Reduced Substitute damage to 384% from 960%.
- Increased Holy Note aggro multiplier to 1000% from 250%.
- Removed Blazing Barrier duration.
- Removed Aquatic Knowledge duration.
- Updated
, OrgObjID = GuildHouses_GetFurnitureInfo(xxx)
Crafting Festival
- 6 custom cards from festival monsters.
- 22 hidden custom titles from festival events.
During the festival you can exchange Wind Zodiac materials and Aero Draconaris for a Draco Pet.
Obtain Aero Draconaris from:
- Craft Festival Cashier – exchange 6 x Craft Festival Celebration Certificates for a reward.
Element Conversion
Start Location: Varanas Bridge
Event target: Help Myden Neil test his new Element Converter
Yizzi & Yasha – Artificer [Artificers‘ Guild]
Gifts special recipes only to those that have Mastered (level 60) at least one Production Craft.
Nolika’s Research
Event type: collect items
Start location: Varanas City
Event location: everywhere in Taborea
Event target: help Nolika to collect
Flea Market
Event type: collect / get items changed for other items
Location: Dalanis City
Event target: Help Nobo Yanag to collect items
The Great Production Leap
Event type: level up crafting skills
Location: Varanas and Dalanis City
Event Target: increase crafting skills
Spinning power
Related NPC: Abu Laruel
Location: Silverspring, near Bridge to Varanas
Event Info: control the Energy Acceleration of Nucleus
A Mission from the Craftsmen
Event type: collect items
Start location: Varanas City
Event location: Varanas City and Silverfall
Event target: get quest item by killing monsters, collect items
Event Info: 6 Sub Quests
- Armor Crafter’s Commission
- Alchemist’s Commission
– Blacksmith’s Commission
– Carpenter’s Commission
- Cook’s Commission
– Tailor’s Commission
Helping Hand of the Craftsmen
Event type: craft items
Location: Varanas City
8 time slots each day: 2:20 am, 6:20 am , 10:20 am, 2:20 pm, 6:20 pm, 10:20 pm
A broadcast will be sent out when the event starts
Event ends after 30 minutes
Event Target: assist the Craftsmen

Post Patch Notes
Arena of Darkness
- Fixed opening chest was reducing maximum durability of the component instead.
- Reduced amount of spawned chests in solo mode.
- Reduced amount and chances of listed items from loot table.
Loot Name | Amount (Elite/Boss) | Chance (Elite/Boss) | Required Loop (Elite/Boss) | Required Mode (Elite/Boss) |
Machine Spirit | 0-1 / 1-3 | 0.1% / 10% | 1 / 1 | Any / Any |
Machine Spirit | 0-1 / 4-6 | 1% / 40% | 1 / 1 | Group / Group |
Nero Coins | 0-1 / 2-4 | 10% / 100% | 1 / 1 | Any / Any |
Nero Coins | 0-1 / 5-10 | 50% / 100% | 1 / 1 | Group / Group |
Patch Notes
- Fixed Auction House search.
- Added cooking recipes to crafting festival.
- Fixed Artefacts were not losing durability during regular combat.
- Fixed crafting skills were sometimes disappearing from skill book.
- Fixed craft festival craft objects couldn’t be interacted with mouse.
- Fixed Wheel of Fortune free spin was possible immediately without waiting 15 minutes.
- Swapped rewards for 60 and 90 minutes online time.
- Fixed bag and bank were sometimes blocked after Prestige expiration.
- Removed daily ticket reset chat message when finishing prestige quests.
- Fixed recipe event might was slowing down game client a bit during gameplay.
- Enabled back „Materials for certain Special Recipes“ Prestige benefit, disabled it for gathering craftings.
- Cleared Heart of Dark Power rankings.
Arena of Darkness
- Adjusted boss attack & damage balance.
- Changed Rumlar to be damagable during his skill sequence.
- Fixed Solo mode bosses were dropping Nero Coins & Machine Spirits twice unintentionally.
- Changed robots to have different stats for each rarity.
- Added new rare stats.
- Removed rare stat possibility from white/green robots.
- Removed common stat possibility from higher rarity robots.
- Added Manipulator of Rhognu, the robot stat shuffler to PNC store.
- Increased critical damage stats‘ values to 8/7/6/5/4% from 4/3/2/1%.
- Changed Robot Components to don’t lose durability during regular combat.
- Fixed The Sage item set skill critical hit rate boost had wrong duration.
Patch Notes
- Fixed Demon Blade Metamorphosis Elixir’s had reversed visuals.
- Added Appointment with the Master Mage requirement to Unlimited Energy and The Cost of Magic quests.
- Fixed Energy Pressure Vessel wasn’t deleted when earning Soul Energy during Soul Energy Investigation quest.
- Fixed that experience modifier was sometimes resetting.
- Fixed that experience blocker was sometimes disappearing.
- Added descriptions to stat fragments from Inferno and Gorge.
Arena of Darkness
- Allowed bind lifters to work on Robots.
- Changed robots to be bound upon crafting.
- Changed gathering components to lose durability while gathering.
- Disabled durability loss from received attacks for robot components.
- Fixed robot components were conflicting with weapon experience charms.
- Fixed it wasn’t possible to store Basic Iron in other type of storages except backpack.
- Changed title Light Guide → Dim Guide, updated description.
- Changed title Slayer of Darkness → Slayer of the Arena, updated description.
- Updated title descriptions to include the requirements. Changed the way to obtain few titles.
- Revised time limits.
- Added random sigils around room after loop 5.
- Changed Rumlar to be still attackable during its smash skill.
- Changed Atreus to reduce damage by maximum 80%, but includes damage over time effects now.
- Allowed bind lifters to work on Artefacts.
- Changed Artefact driller recipes to be unbound.
- Fixed Staunching rune was increasing DoT damage you receive instead.
Arcane Chamber of Sathkur
- Reverted previous changes to wishing well.
- Added maximum throw amount at once to 1000.
- Fixed it was possible to receive more rare items than intended when using larger amounts of coins.
- Fixed it was possible to use surrender card with 0 opponents inside.
Visual Changes
- Added rarity item color to quest delete item warning.
- Added color and chat hyperlink to obtained title message.
- Changes Bullseyes in Itnal Camp to have proper hit for effects & name title locations.
- Corrected red coloring properly to indicate the benefit of Taken Damage Reduction attributes properly.
- Fixed Earth Core Barrier was causing cast times to be absurdly high when you reach high amount of cast speeds.
- Reduced Rapacious Poison damage over time effect by 80%.
Patch Notes
- Adjusted Agnes reset time.
- Fixed Blocking rune was increasing damage taken.
- Added 5s cooldown to using Coded Crystal Pendant.
- Disabled leave instance button inside event dungeons.
- Fixed sometimes settings were not saved when closing game.
- Fixed Guardian Rock Spirit was not giving XP/TP when in party.
- Fixed it was possible to change guild ranks without permissions.
- Fixed some Zhargos effects were triggering on pets unintentionally again.
- Fixed Forsaken Abbey (Hard) artefacts were requiring materials from Ice Dwarf Kingdom (Hard).
- Unified item & currency messages in chat.
- Added searching of items inside packages in Item Shop.
- Increased ore, wood and herb items maximum stacks to 9999.
- Fixed obtaining large item stacks was causing bag queue stuck.
- Removed doubled chat message when obtaining currency via items.
- Added warnings to pet errors causing stopping of crafting.
- Changed pet crafting product limit to use max stack of certain item.
- Fixed obtaining last Broken LV Ball.
- Blocked placing quest items into bank.
- Allowed to track talk-only quests in Quest Log.
- Added ability to search by quest ID in Quest Book.
- Fixed Quest Book anchors when quest had no goals set.
- Adjusted Study of Myrmex quest to be easier to complete.
- Fixed over-head NPC icon wasn’t prioritizing tutor quest type.
- Changed Quest Book to always display quest start and end NPC.
World Map
- Added continents and cities zone tooltips.
- Fixed that world map displayed enemies in Battlegrounds.
- Fixed not all quests were being displayed on continent maps.
- Fixed World Map icons overflow when using smaller map scales.
- Fixed Quest Helper was causing continent quest marker conflicts.
- Fixed world map was sometimes displaying quest icons incorrectly.
- Fixed NPC with tutor quests were not appearing on world map properly sometimes.
- Fixed world map was sometimes not displaying any icons for players who had previously disabled showQuestNPC option.
- Changed player unit tooltip to show Prestige type.
- Fixed some texts were sometimes too small in Prestige frame.
- Fixed VIP over-head icon was visible also on Prestige: Regular.
- Fixed Prestige quests were possible to be performed even with inactive Prestige.
- Fixed permanent VIP text in Prestige frame was sometimes displayed incorrectly.
- Disabled „Cleaning the Fishing Boats is a Difficult Job“ quest in Prestige Daily Quests.
- Fixed sometimes sky in House was restarted.
- Fixed Seed – Grimmsoul Darkbloom was giving wrong level 100 herb.
- Fixed sitting or laying on furnitures in house was not dismounting from current ride.
- Fixed house frame servants add button was not hidden when having maximum amount.
- Added showing of house bonuses in UI tooltip even with 0 values and maximum possible.
- Disabled Item Set Skills inside Battleground zones.
- Allowed to enter Battlegrounds from Chamber of Elements.
- Changed Battleground chat type to work between both teams.
- Hidden guilds with 0 wins, loses and draws from Siege War Leaderboard.
- Removed questline completion requirement from Honor Title Reset Scroll.
Visual Changes
- Fixed sometimes dot separation was not working.
- Changed Body Sculpt tabs to show character naked.
- Added possibility to copy NPC id with middle clicking it’s model.
- Fixed Punchbags in Itnal Camp to have proper hit for effects & name title locations.
- Fixed windowed size specified game client was maximized after reshowing it from task bar.
Channel Change
- Fixed it was often not working.
- Fixed it was showing wrong time left.
- Fixed button was often displaying wrong current channel.
- Unified Ancient Memento descriptions.
- Updated Grand Platinum Repair Hammer icon.
- Changed currency colors to related with their icon.
- Fixed Nero Coin was missing color in currency frame.
- Changed Auction House to give warning already before dragging item impossible to sell.
- Added option to pick background color of Item Preview frame.
- Allowed players with permissions to adjust ranks to read rank settings in read only mode; Changed button text to Guild Details.
- Changed Energetic to provide aggro effect as different buff.
- Changed Unbridled Rage to be permanent buff that costs 1% HP per second.
- Changed Psychic Tap to make Psychic Arrows instant.
- Reduced Combat Master physical damage to 16% from 24%.
- Changed Light Pulse to require any hammer rather than 1-H hammer particularly.
- Deleted strings „SYS_PAY_MONEY_1“, „SYS_GIVE_MONEY_1“, „SYS_GIVE_ITEMS“.
- Edited format of „SYS_GIVE_ITEM“ and other strings.
- Added
GetMoneyColor( int index ) => string HexColor (8 chars)
. - Updated
BS_SetPlayer( <Model>, bool defaultGear = true, bool hideGear = false )
. - Added
bool = SpellIsLocation()
. - Added
bool = GF_CanGuildRankAdjust()
. - Added
bool = GC_GetAutoLocationSpell()
. - Added
GC_SetAutoLocationSpell( bool )
. - Added
int npcID, npcID2, ... = GetQuestStartNPC( int questID )
. - Added
int npcID = GetQuestEndNPC( int questID )
. - Added
bool = CanAcceptQuest( int questID )
Patch Notes
- Added group info to amulet tooltips.
- Fixed some issues with housemaids UI.
- Improved world map visuals when on lower scales.
- Changed time format of revive time in NPC tooltips.
- Fixed Guild Ladder frame wasn’t displaying correctly.
- Added
int ImageID = GetPetItemFaceOff( int slotNumber )
. - Added mirrorworld type color to Mirrorworld entrance popup.
- Fixed some chat messages from obtaining items were missing.
- Fixed Goblin Mines Repeat Ticket was classified as a quest item.
- Fixed Prestige+ was displayed for regular prestige on Unit Tooltip.
- Fixed craft frame money cost was displayed when craft had cooldown.
- Fixed engineering house furniture bonus had wrong color in item tooltip.
- Implemented technical debugs for players having issues with entering house.
Arena of Darkness
- Fixed some daily quests weren’t working properly.
Class Changes
- Fixed Unbridled Rage had cooldown unintentionally.
- Changed Reduced Sadism damage gain to 3% from 5% per stack.
- Changed Fed by the Malice related scripts to be reset when you change zone to avoid possible issues.
- Fixed Psychic Arrows weren’t working properly.
- Changed Rage Sublimation; Consumes all Rage and yields 6 Psi, for every 10 rage consumed, cooldown will be reduced by a second.
- Increased Intensification magical damage gain by 50%.
- Increased Active Mana aggro reduction to 30% from 20%.
- Increased Rage Mana duration to 25 seconds from 20.
- Changed Essence of Magic to be a passive instead.
- Changed Outburst → Electric Outburst; Inflicts 8500 wind damage to target, if target is under effect of Soaking Wet, a Discharge will be cast around it. Cast Time: 1s Cooldown: 5s Range: 150
- Increased Magic Drain magical damage to 30% from 18.8%.
- Changed Tide Burst to reset cooldown of Electric Outburst if target is under effect of Soaking Wet.
- Changed Cosmic Call to reduce its cooldown by 45 seconds if you use it while having 20 stacks of Green Guardian.
- Reduced Infiltration Spirit MP cost to 10% from 20%.
- Changed Soul Stepping to consume focus every other second instead of every second.
- Changed Elements of Pride to include Fireball, Purgatory Fire, Thunderstorm and Discharge to be triggered too.
- Reduced Voltage Influx critical damage to 20% from 25%.
- Changed Lightning Shield to inflict area damage around yourself instead of direct reflection damage to the attacker. Radius: 100
- Increased pet magical attack scaling to 15% magical attack from 10%.
- Changed Magical Interference to include Mana Drain Shot to be modified, Mana Drain Shot inflicts 750% CPS poison damage but costs 15 focus.
Post Patch Notes
Following changes may not appear in tooltips but effects will be correct until next patch. Applied zones: custom instances & Atlantis CH3
- Fixed Intensification had wrong attributes.
- Fixed Tide Burst wasn’t resetting cooldown of Electric Outburst properly.
Patch Notes
- Fixed interacting with first servant on the list.
- Fixed it was possible to obtain titles in PvP Zones.
- Adding saving position after relog to Item Shop Bag.
- Fixed pet preview was sometimes displaying incorrect pet.
- Fixed Guild Ladder frame wasn’t displaying correctly sometimes.
- Fixed Item Shop bag wasn’t updating item count unless reopening frame.
- Fixed Budbasher and Thornslinger cards weren’t showing in Talaghan zone.
- Disabled Magic Transmutor confirm button when you don’t have enough charges.
Patch Notes
- Fixed Border Page description in some situations.
- Removed death popup on zones with auto revive.
- Fixed Blacksmithing was missing from house bonus tooltip.
- Fixed Prestige title bonus was not working with float attributes.
- Added possibility to smelt Artefacts and showed tier in their tooltip.
- Changed player progress to save more often in case of unexpected server disconnects/crashes.
Monster Cards
- Fixed some cards had incorrect type.
- Fixed some cards weren’t obtainable.
- Fixed some cards couldn’t gain kill progress.
- Fixed some cards with attributes were missing in Monster Compendium.
- Disabled ability to enter battleground queue with more than one character.
Arena of Darkness
- Reduced game time to 300 seconds from 600.
- Changed reward distribution to include death count from another player additionally. Tied scores will be randomly given to only one person. Occasionally double reward can be still given if randomized dice roll is again tied.
- Changed Ruler of Darkness title to be unlocked with 5 loops in solo runs additionally.
- Fixed Intensification had wrong attributes.