Patch Notes
- Added Vortis and Chassizz to Snoop transport dialogues.
- Fixed Snoop Candara transport package was missing Silverspring.
Reward Coins
- Added Reward Coins currency with store at [Thomas Bennett] in Atlas – allows to obtain rewards for involvement into server.
- Added option for personal purchases through Item Shop with Reward Coins using checkbox in purchase frame – no gifting is possible and no Ruby bonus is provided.
Grafu Castle (Awakened)
- Launched gates of the new 12-player instance in the Nostalgia line. It will be available to players after gaining sufficient progress in the continuation of the ‚Memories of Taborea‘ Questline plus after Annelia gathers enough of power to face you next day.
- Added additional information to the tooltip of all offensive and defensive runes that if a second copy of the same rune is placed in both sun and moon artefacts, the second rune will only grant 10% of it’s power.
- Reworked and revised behaviours and tactics of certain events, monsters and bosses.
- Introduced 3 new Moon Artefacts and their upgraded variants.
- Increased Monster levels to 107+.
- Added 1 new craftable mount.
- Added 36 new monster cards.
- Added 9 new rankings.
- Added 9 new titles.
- Duration of Season 2 – 4 months.
- The new Season 2 will be active until 30.11.2024 (inclusive).
- Changes to Boost Mechanics:
- Now, when you purchase a boost, it will apply to all 5 ranks of benefits simultaneously. No need to purchase a boost for each rank separately. The strength of the boost is based on the highest rank, Demigod. The duration of the boost has been changed: minimum – 7 days, maximum – 90 days. The boost purchase menu has been moved to the top right corner, where currency and experience are usually purchased. The first boost purchase at the beginning of the season will be offered at a 25% discount.
- Experience Increase:
- Completing quests will now grant players approximately twice as much experience. This change allows players to reach the highest rank in Prestige without using diamonds, simply by completing Prestige quests.
- New Reward System in the Prestige Shop:
- A reward system has been introduced to encourage players to spend Prestige coins on purchasing items. The subscription type determines the number of items required to receive a reward. A player can claim up to 3 rewards daily. The more rewards, the greater the selection: the first reward offers 1 of 3, the third – 1 of 5 items.
- To encourage players to spend Prestige coins on purchasing items. The subscription type determines the number of items required to receive a reward. A player can claim up to 3 rewards daily. The more rewards, the greater the selection: the first reward offers 1 of 3, the third – 1 of 5 items.
- Retention of Accumulated Experience and Currency:
- Starting from the 1 season, we will begin saving the following player progress:
- Percentage of accumulated experience.
- Regular: 10% experience.
- Plus: 15% experience.
- Gold: 20% experience.
- Platinum: 25% experience.
- Currency earned from completing quests.
- Gold: 10% Courage Coins.
- Platinum: 15% Courage Coins.
- Quest currency will be restored to players in next maintenance(s).
- Currency purchased with diamonds.
- Percentage of accumulated experience.
- Starting from the 1 season, we will begin saving the following player progress:
- Redistribution of Benefit Prices:
- In the new season, the prices of benefits have been redistributed based on their popularity. This happens automatically each new season.
- Bonus Information:
- Hovering over experience or currency in the quest menu will now show more information about the sources of all bonuses.
- Changes in the Auto-Completion Quest Menu:
- Now all 5 quests can be auto-completed at once, always providing a 20% discount when completing 5 quests in a single transaction.
- Price Reduction in the Prestige Shop:
- Prices for items in the Prestige shop have been nearly halved.
- Linking Benefits in Chat:
- Purchased (active) benefits in the Prestige menu can now be linked in the game chat, like any other item.
- Changes to Prestige Battle Pass Purchase Mechanics:
- Starting from Season 2, the price for Prestige will be set for the entire season. There will no longer be subscriptions for 1 month, 6 months, and so on. This will make the price most beneficial for all players. All prices for each subscription type have been significantly reduced considering a one-time purchase for 3 months.
- Players with an old subscription – nothing has changed for you, when your subscription time expires you will be able to switch to the new type.
- With the new Prestige monetization system, old items will still work: activate them to get Prestige for a set period. However, if you buy a new pass, you can’t use old items until the current season ends to avoid conflicts.
- New Prestige Experience and Currency Purchase Menu:
- When purchasing Prestige experience and currency, as well as in the shop, players will be offered a menu to choose the desired number of transactions. The toggle button for the pop-up menu has been removed.
- Changes in Auto-Completion Quest Costs:
- The cost of auto-completing quests has been increased at certain ranks. This change affects ranks from Overlord I to Demigod IV.
- Simplified Benefit Purchase:
- Now, benefits related to a specific subscription type can be purchased immediately, without the need to purchase previous benefits in a specific category. This feature is available for Plus, Gold, and Platinum subscriptions.
- Bug Fix in the Shop:
- Fixed a bug where a phantom error „Prestige is not active“ appeared when purchasing in any in-game shops.
- Added 8 New Benefits:
- Other (All type battle pass):
- Mirrorworlds: Free Entries: Adds daily free attempts to complete mirror worlds. The number of attempts does not accumulate and resets daily.
- Taborea Teleports (All type battle pass):
- Recall Skill: Shorter Cooldown: Reduces the cooldown time of the Recall skill.
- Auction House (All type battle pass):
- Additional Slots: Increases the number of available auction slots.
- Durability:
- Plus Pass:
- Gathering Tools: Reduces durability loss of gathering tools.
- Gold Pass:
- Gears: Reduces durability loss of equipment except robots, artefacts and gathering tools.
- Platinum Pass:
- Robots: Reduces durability loss of robots.
- Artefacts: Reduces durability loss of artefacts.
- Plus Pass:
- Object Use (Plus, Gold & Platinum Pass):
- Chests in Malatina: Reduces the usage time of certain chests in Malatina. The bonus is effective in the following zones:
- Malatina Survival Game
- Goblin Mines
- Malatina’s Course of Terror
- Ancient Treasures
- Chests in Malatina: Reduces the usage time of certain chests in Malatina. The bonus is effective in the following zones:
- Other (All type battle pass):
- Fixed battleground chat wasn’t utilising blacklist.
- Fixed PvP stats weren’t displaying red when not on a mana stone.
- Disabled transmuting PvP armour mana stones higher than tier 11.
Siege War
- Increased search range of guild guards.
- Changed Atlas Tokens to be equally distributed amongst guild members.
Visual Changes
- Improved visual for UI dropdowns.
- Fixed Agnes was missing staff weapon.
Action Bars
- Adjusted default action bar positions.
- Adjusted method for how previous action bar locations were loaded.
Frame Specific
- Exp Bar: Splitted tooltip texts to two columns.
- Title Frame: Added badges subcategory to favourites.
- Tutorial Popup: Added confirmation for hiding tutorials and changed checkboxes to buttons.
- Separated some item cooldowns so they won’t interfere with class skill cooldown.
- Fixed elemental physical damage over time effects weren’t getting affected by related elemental damage boosts.
- Changed Wind Bastion to also modify Surprise Attack to inflict 1500% Wind damage and gets its cooldown reduced by a second with each Electric Attack.
- Reduced Rapacious Poison damage over time effect to 642 from 957.
- Reduced Toxic Splash damage over time value to 2077 from 3047.
- Reduced Precision channel time boost to 20% from 30%.
- Fixed Poisonous Wound wasn’t ticking damage if its reapplied too fast, halved its damage.
- Reduced Disturbing Mist damage to 544% from 628%, increased damage loss for each extra target to 8% from 6%.
- Increased Power of the Wood Spirit damage to 584% from 525%, increased maximum amount of targets to 15 from 6 but added 8% damage loss for each extra target.
- Changed Wood Spirit’s Grasp: Makes Power of the Wood Spirit to inflict more damage and increases amount of targets it hits to 15 from 6. no longer provides damage when used.
- Reduced Poison Shroud damage over time effect to 1540 from 1687.
- Increased Poison Feedback chance of triggering Disassemble to 34% from 25%, fixed offhand attacks were inconsistent to trigger the effect.
- Increased Fireball damage to 4515 from 3010. Modified Fireball skills with elites will still keep old damage value.
- Increased Electric Bolt duration to 15s from 12.
- Increased Wisdom and Bravery conversion to 27% from 25%.
- Changed Intensification to give 1% magical damage for each 4% MP you have, maximum 25% at 100%.
- Fixed Vitality Explosion was triggering more than once with Power of the Wood Spirit unintentionally.
- Fixed Feedback Defense was causing repetitive SFX while its active.
- Increased Holy Roar aggro modifier to 500% from 400%, doubled its damage.
- Changed Harmony to have 10 Focus cost.
- Reduced Soul Blast focus cost to 10 from 20.
Functions will be described more detailed in wiki later.
Added XML methods
- Multi-texture support for <Button>
- <Frame>:SetCapture
- <Layout>:GetMoneyType
- <Layout>:SetMoneyType
- <Tooltip>:AddCustomTooltipLine
- <Texture>:AddTexCoord
- <EditBox>:GetEmojiCountMax
- <EditBox>:GetEmojiCount
Updated XML tags
- <Texture alphaMode=“…“> | LUMINANCE
- <Layout moneyType=“…“
Added Lua functions
- PrestigeCashbackGift_GetData
- PrestigeCashbackGift_GetRaward
- PrestigeBoost_BuyRequest
- PrestigeBoost_GetPrice
- PrestigeBoost_GetTime
- PrestigeBoost_GetInfo
- PrestigeBoost_HaveAnybenefit
- Prestige_GetGiftItem
- AddAnimatedEmoji
- AddEmoji
- EmojiPackAvailable
- BuyEmojiPack
Updated Lua functions
CIMF_ShoppingBuy( int GUID, item Count, bool IsRewardCoin )
Deleted Lua functions
- Prestige_BuyBoostRequest
- Prestige_GetBoostPrice
- Prestige_GetBoostTime
- Prestige_GetBoostInfo
Crafting Festival
- 6 custom cards from festival monsters.
- 22 hidden custom titles from festival events.
During the festival you can exchange Wind Zodiac materials and Aero Draconaris for a Draco Pet.
Obtain Aero Draconaris from:
- Craft Festival Cashier – exchange 6 x Craft Festival Celebration Certificates for a reward.
Element Conversion
Start Location: Varanas Bridge
Event target: Help Myden Neil test his new Element Converter
Yizzi & Yasha – Artificer [Artificers‘ Guild]
Gifts special recipes only to those that have Mastered (level 60) at least one Production Craft.
Nolika’s Research
Event type: collect items
Start location: Varanas City
Event location: everywhere in Taborea
Event target: help Nolika to collect
Flea Market
Event type: collect / get items changed for other items
Location: Dalanis City
Event target: Help Nobo Yanag to collect items
The Great Production Leap
Event type: level up crafting skills
Location: Varanas and Dalanis City
Event Target: increase crafting skills
Spinning power
Related NPC: Abu Laruel
Location: Silverspring, near Bridge to Varanas
Event Info: control the Energy Acceleration of Nucleus
A Mission from the Craftsmen
Event type: collect items
Start location: Varanas City
Event location: Varanas City and Silverfall
Event target: get quest item by killing monsters, collect items
Event Info: 6 Sub Quests
- Armor Crafter’s Commission
- Alchemist’s Commission
– Blacksmith’s Commission
– Carpenter’s Commission
- Cook’s Commission
– Tailor’s Commission
Helping Hand of the Craftsmen
Event type: craft items
Location: Varanas City
8 time slots each day: 2:20 am, 6:20 am , 10:20 am, 2:20 pm, 6:20 pm, 10:20 pm
A broadcast will be sent out when the event starts
Event ends after 30 minutes
Event Target: assist the Craftsmen

Patch Notes
Grafu Castle (Awakened)
- Fixed some issues.
- Removed stand from Ardmond event. In future patch it will be replaced with other model.
- Fixed it was possible to stuck on new questline on certain classes.
- Fixed it was not always possible to pick up 20-minutes online time rewards.
Patch Notes
Grafu Castle (Awakened)
- Fixed „Awakened“ mode wasn’t checking prequests correctly.
- Fixed it was possible to brute force first event through macros.
- Updated visual of rabbits on first event to prevent clipping into objects.
- Made some boss events appear faster for first iteration.
- Reduced Alberts self healing.
- Fixed „Exploration“ benefit was showing channels incorrectly.
- Fixed „Recall: Shortened Time“ was not showing reduced cast time in tooltip.
Visual Changes
- Action Bars: Fixed bars were resetting position.
- Amulet Bars: Fixed durability bars were resetting position.
- Auction House: Added expand arrows for categories containing subcategories.
- Added
int position = <EditBox>:GetPlaceCaret()
Patch Notes
- Fixed some newer mounts were missing 2s casting time.
- Fixed some game client memory leaks for better performance.
- Fixed Shadowmoon Merchant was spawned on other coordinates on CH2.
Grafu Castle (Awakened)
- Increased drop rate of Lunar Light loot.
- Added Sanctity of Delusion to stat table.
- Reduced damage of Quick Claw Swipe Dot.
- Reduced damage taken when succeeding Cayus event.
- Increased Maximum HP of Herl grafu during Annelia Fight.
- Added additional hints for Odd-Looking Ticketing Agent event.
- Improved Albert final animation when players weren’t in range.
- Reduced offensive attributes of Insidious Bears during Annelia fight.
- Increased received damage to Herl Grafu during some tactics in Annelia Fight.
Ice Dwarf Kingdom (Awakened)
- Added Sanctity of Stasis to stat table.
Forsaken Abbey (Awakened)
- Added Sanctity of Stasis to stat table.
- Fixed visual bugs of the new benefits.
- Fixed a bug where a player could not buy a Regular subscription.
- Fixed subscription prices when the price was -1 PNC everywhere.
- Fixed a bug for Regular subscriptions where a player could not get a daily reward.
- Introduced dynamic prices for subscriptions: the less time remains until the end of the season, the cheaper the price. The price is recalculated every 10 days.
Monster Cards
- Added card to Targonharl’s Essence.
- Decreased jump step between scaling furnitures.
- Fixed auto running via LBUTTON and RBUTTON was disabled in battlegrounds.
Visual Changes
- Added Taborea zone tooltip image.
Amulet Bars
- Shortened long durability amounts.
- Changed numbers to be colored based on durability.
Auction House
- Improved the input text for offers to accept numeric only.
- Corrected visibility issues during expanding in the browser list.
- Increased Lightning Burn damage over time value by 20%.
- Changed Water Element of Rebirth set skill to be remove pet upon reuse.
- Changed Oak Walker attack/damage scaling to 100%/100% from 60%/3200%.
- Added
bool isVisible = GetNPCVisible( int OrgObjID );
Patch Notes
- Fixed some addons were causing game to crash after one memory leak fix.
Grafu Castle (Awakened)
- Adjusted some tactics to be forced visible through FX settings.
Visual Changes
- Amulet Bars: Updated texture.
- Auction House: Corrected some string alignments and overlaps.
- Doubled Sepal Stab damage.
- Reduced Oak Walker scaling of attack/damage to 150%/1000% from 70%/5000%.
- Fixed Oak Walker was unintentionally scaling attack/damage with 70%/5000% rates instead of 60%/3200%.
Patch Notes
- Improved game freeze when opening Item Shop sometimes.
- Fixed housemaids random magic buff wasn’t providing buff sometimes.
- Fixed Rewards Store Item Set Skills picker was showing wrong options sometimes.
- Changed transformation title skills to have one common skill with dialog picker for visual NPC.
Grafu Castle (Awakened)
- Disabled ability to use both conduits by same player.
- Fixed Albert event was reobtaining Zurhidon Magic more frequently than intended when succeeding tactic.
- Fixed a visual bug in the daily rewards menu.
- Fixed a visual bug in prices in Prestige purchase frame.
- Fixed a visual bug in disabled purchase button in Prestige frame.
Visual Changes
- Fixed green quest board message.
- Item Shop: Updated purchase button textures.
- Title Frame: Improved category dropdown arrows.
- Blood Bars: Disabled bars on not interactive objects.
Patch Notes
Power & Loot Rework
Goal of most of the following power/attribute/currency changes are to balance endgame power spike while avoiding already-strong raids to feel much difference, further changes might be applied shortly. It will reduce gap between new players, making it easier for them to reach end game and make more of older content still enjoyable without removing challenges on enemies entirely or obtaining inadequate rewards. Keeping current values would reduce possibility of creating new content soon due various limits, which can not be increased without extra complicated gameplay systems.
- Reduced respawn time of Zalkenrys from 24 to 12 hours.
- Fixed 15th PvE Equipment Slot was causing Amulets to be lost.
- Enabled adding quest items to trash bin with confirmation popup.
- Restored x7 server item drop rates inside Silverspring and Dust Devil Canyon.
- Changed Flea Market Attendance Certificate to not disappear on death/class change.
- Changed items and currency that drop to all party to drop to single client window per player, based on play time.
- Increased speed that mailbox spam filter is being reset. Adjusted error message about changing zone to instantly reset it.
Game Guides
- Refreshed some screenshots.
- Updated some game guides with new pages/information.
- Changed image zooming behaviour to use only original hover boundaries.
Boss Spawn Event
- Disabled Ostrich Courier inside.
- Added bosses from Realm of the Forgotten Legends.
- Reduced Arcadia Coins obtained from Boss Event by 50%.
Goblin Mines
- Updated rewards of goblin glitter capsule.
Grafu Castle (Awakened)
- Increased player damage inside by 33.3%.
- Added additional hint for obtaining one title.
- Added additional Moon Essence to Herl Grafu.
- Adjusted some damage of boss and monster spells.
- Added additional Selenium drops to Ticketer and Albert events.
- Increased time taken before Annelia insidous bears would explode.
- Adjusted Snake Charmers to remain immune until Snake is dead for more accurate balancing.
- Increased player damage inside by 33.3%.
Corruption System
- Changed possible % magical attack range to 3-12 from 2-10.
Monster Cards
- Added 47 monster cards to zones newly updated to new system.
- Added 25 monster cards to some older zones with new system that were missing them.
- Added Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan, Chrysalia, Merdhin Tundra, Syrbal Pass and Sarlo to new card system.
- Changed some monster quest cards to have 5 stars by default. Cards in Card Book have been updated, cards stored elsewhere will be updated in next patches.
- Furious Goblin
- Armored Kasumille
- Redeye Night Bear
- Morrison
Card Book
New Filters
- Added „0-5 Card Stars“ filters.
- Added „0-5 Abilities Cards“ filters.
- Added „Not Mirrored Cards“ filter.
- Added „Minigames“ zone category.
- Added „Not Converted Cards“ filter.
- Added „Upgradeable Card Star“ filter.
- Deleted obsolete „Star Up“ sorting.
- Corrected names of some zone categories.
- Fixed some cards had no any zone category.
- Fixed „City“ filter dropdown wasn’t working.
- Added card currencies to bottom bar of frame.
- Improved search box to remove spaces from begin and end.
- Fixed some instances were grouped in wrong zone categories.
- Changed zone sorting in filter to be more similar to world map.
- Changed font of filter dropdown texts.
- Changed search box placeholder text color.
- Added white color to non-zone related filter texts.
- Added zone and mirrorworld colors to dropdowns.
- Changed current filter marking from other color to bolding.
- Fixed „Physical Card“ type filter was showing new system star icon.
Arcadia Coins
Value changes are made to make previous instances still to be considered for farming, in order to make more varying gameplay with choices of zones, along with public events. It also makes it easier for new players to get into end game by being easier to find party for previous instances. It also prevents making new content provide unbearable amounts of Arcadia Coins that are hard to be stored/spent or making any of new goods being obtained instantly with no effort and therefore giving no feeling of achievement.
- Reduced required Arcadia Coins for Wishing Well titles, if over new limit, throwing any amount of Arcadia Coins inside will grant you title.
- Added Arcadia Coin daily event, giving extra Arcadia Coins for 1 random instance for 24 hours – event zone can be found in zone tooltips or broadcast every 4 hours.
- Reduced crafting cost of Arcadia Coins ammo from Orkham.
- Rebalanced Arcadia Coins between all instances:
- Cyclops Lair (Awakened): 250 -> 500
- Hall of Survivors (Awakened): 450 -> 700
- Forsaken Abbey (Awakened): 3 750 -> 3 000
- Necropolis of Mirrors (Awakened): 5 225 -> 3 250
- Ruins of the Ice Dwarf Kingdom (Awakened): 4 625 -> 3 050
- Grafu Castle (Awakened): 5 900 -> 5 200
- Sun Temple of Eternal Sleep (Normal): 120 -> 200
- Sun Temple of Eternal Sleep (Hard): 250 -> 800
- Tomb of Souls (Normal): 200 -> 300
- Tomb of Souls (Hard): 500 -> 900
- New Pantheon (Normal): 200 -> 400
- New Pantheon (Hard): 500 -> 1 000
- Dalanis Nightmare: 400 -> 500
- Secret Temple of Tikal (Normal): 1 170 -> 1 050
- Inferno of Divinity: 5 625 -> 3 500
- Gorge of the Ice Giants: 6 425 -> 4 425
- Realm of Forgotten Legends (Normal): 5 625 -> 3 000
- Realm of Forgotten Legends (Hard): 6 425 -> 3 625
- Realm of Forgotten Legends (Awakened): 12 050 -> 6 000
- Dark Core: 9 375 -> 6 500
- Orkham: 13 000 -> 7 000
- Aldo: 20 000/2 000 → 30 000/3 000
- Added Arcadia Coins to Talaghan public events:
- Bee Event: 0 → 750
- Hydra Event: 0 → 500
- Core Event: 0 → 1 000
- DungeonLoots addon may show incorrect data until updated by addon developer.
Mirror Shards
- Reduced cost of Red Flame Feather from Shadowmoon Merchant to 4000 Mirror Shards.
- Added transformation potions purchasable for Mirror Shards in limited quantities per day.
Majority of end game titles are weakened to prevent it being ahead of gear progression in terms of effectivity upon character’s power spike. It is also reducing too wide gap between new players, who were too weak for end game instances when had no chance to obtain strong titles yet. As well it increases variety of using different titles in different class combinations or gameplay styles for certain tactics or instances.
- Changed following title attributes:
- Code Buster – 5% All Attributes -> 3%
- Feline Friend – 10% Attack/Cast Speed -> 7%
- Maidenless – 15% Strength -> 10%
- Fox in a Box – 12% Wisdom -> 7%
- I love my Teddy Bear – 13% All Attributes -> 8%
- Unexpected Destruction – 12% All Attributes -> 7%
- No Prayers Left in This Abbey – 10% All Attributes -> 6%
- Once Ascended, now no more – 10% Elemental Damage -> 6%
- Zhargos Captor – 8% Elemental Damage -> 5%
- Dragon Slayer – 5% Elemental Damage -> 4%
- Nature’s Saviour – 7% Earth Damage -> 5%
- Corrupted Champion – 7% Dark Damage -> 5%
- Shadow Hunter – 7% Wind Damage -> 5%
- Salt Kingdom Liberator- 7% Water Damage -> 5%
- Demolition Expert – 7% Fire Damage -> 5%
- Hero of Midgard – 5% Fire Damage -> 4%
- Song of Light – 7% Light Damage -> 5%
- Slayer of the Arena – 7% Poison Damage -> 5%
- Snake Slayer – 6% Poison Damage -> 3% Poison Damage & 6% Damage of DoTs
- Lord of the Lightning – 7% Physical Damage -> 2% & Removed attack speed reduction
- Sentry Annihilator – 8% Physical Damage -> 3% & Removed attack speed reduction
- Master of the Arena – 9% Physical Damage -> 4% & Removed attack speed reduction
- Graceful Destruction – 15% Intelligence -> 6% Wisdom
- Alarm Specialist – 15% Dexterity -> 10%
- Logical Thinker – 15% Intelligence -> 10%
- Master Engineer – 12% Hammer Damage -> 9%
- Bot Builder – 8% Hammer Damage -> 6%
- Slime Bomber – 12% Area Damage -> 9%
- Feast Preparer – 10% Area Damage -> 8%
- Challenge Master – 7% Area Damage -> 5%
- Nero Millionaire – 18% Offhand Damage -> 15%
- Protector of the Forest – 12% Offhand Damage -> 10%
- To Know Every Trick in the Book – 2% Damage -> 1%
- Disabled hide in combat inside battlegrounds.
Visual Changes
Amulet Bars
- Changed amulet name to be colored by quality.
- Changed texture to be colored based on durability.
- Adjusted amulet durability tooltip colours and formatting.
House Frame
- Added frame size scale feature.
- Disabled continuous refresh of Store list.
Title Frame
- Added tooltip for custom title.
- Removed rarity button from the custom title.
Zone Tooltips
- Added currency and item rewards.
- Fixed some instance subrooms were missing header image.
Other Frames
- Blood Bars: Improved visual and anchoring of strings.
- Exp Bar: Added green layer for book quest XP amount.
- Quest Track: Improved the save method for the quest list.
- Exchange Class: Added slots for fast combinations change.
- Auction House: Added tooltips for frame height expand and collapse.
- World Map: Added scaling compatibility with QuestHelper and Dungeon Loots addons.
- Updated
InsertGarbageItem(.., IsQuestInsert)
. - Added
General Class Related Changes
Following buff duration changes are to prevent classes to still have their strong burst while curbing their long sustain which is trivializing the burst ability. It is also going back to roots how burst durability was in original skills before we increased them in past. It leads to activating more players for runs, as well with new players which extra power might be now useful factor. Change is also creating more of satisfaction when beating up more challenging enemies which could require a slightly more attention with tactics. It also encourage to use burst in more wisely moments to get full benefit, which is positively stimulating thinking, and so efficiency.
- Fixed some issue that causes actionbar cooldowns to be flickering.
- Reduced Frenzy duration to 15s from 30.
- Tagged Morale Slash as crowd disparser attack.
- Increased Spear bleed rate to 2500% from 2200%.
- Changed Surprise Attack → Charge Attack: Inflicts damage thrice if you wield a Spear.
- Changed Crescent Moon Cleave → Crescent Surge: Additionally resets cooldown of all crowd disparsel skills.
- Changed Moon Cleave to require great sharp weapon, tagged it as crowd disparser attack. (2-H Axe/2-H Sword/Katana)
- Added new skill: Devastating Blow: Strike your weapon in front of you and inflict 240% main hand weapon DPS to targets in horizontal area before you, with a followup strong blow that inflicts 320% main hand weapon DPS damage to upright area in front of you. (crowd disparser attack) Cooldown: 6s Channel Time: 1s Cost: 50 Rage Requires: Great blunt weapon (2-H Hammer/Staff)
- Changed Sword Breath → Perforation: Thrusts your greatsword towards your target, inflicting 698.2% main hand weapon DPS damage and increasing your physical damage by 1% for 8s. Stacks up to 8 times. Cooldown: 3 seconds Cost: 10 Rage Requirement: 2-H Sword (not Katana)
- Increased Thundersword rage cost to 25 from 15.
- Increased Moon Cleave damage to 3520% from 3080%.
- Increased Possessed by Anger benefits to 24% from 19.6%.
- Changed Lightning Burn Overload to recover 3 Rage instead of MP.
- Changed Power Control to additionally boost maximum HP by 15%.
- Reduced Frenzy damage gain to 8% from 10%, speed gain to 15% from 20%.
- Reduced Arrow of Essence duration to 15s from 25.
- Reduced Gunslinger duration to 15s from 25.
- Reduced Assassin’s Rage duration to 15s from 20.
- Increased Reclaim Energy damage gain to 18% from 15%.
- Changed Emotional Obstruction to make Power of the Wood Spirit to inflict damage twice when its active on target.
- Changed Disassemble to ignore 32.5% of targets defense.
- Changed Dwarven Forge to increase defense ignore of Disassemble to 52%, increased cooldown to 180 seconds from 90.
- Changed Song of the Storm to inflict damage twice with 0.8s channel, increased damage to 730% + 1 x DEX from 547%, increased cooldown to 2s from 1s.
- Reduced Silence cooldown to 16s from 20.
- Reduced Elemental Catalysis duration to 15s from 30.
- Corrected Magic Archery buff name.
- Increased Holy Light Strike damage to 2713 from 2467.
- Changed Brilliance Award to stun targets if maximum stack is consumed by Holy Discharge.
- Increased Earth Surge damage to 2033 from 1798.
- Increased Earth Core Barrier MP cost increment to 100% from 80%.
- Removed Elven Mystic MP costs.
- Changed Earthquake MP cost to 2% from raw MP.
- Changed Subterraneous Blade MP cost to 1% from raw MP.
- Changed Infiltration Spirit to block Green Guardian stacks for 5 seconds so they won’t increase nor decrease.
- Removed Ion Storm initial rage cost.
- Changed Electrolysis Power to also reset aggro upon use.
- Increased Tinnitus damage over time value to 3250 from 1100.
- Changed Elemental Weakness to reduce defenses by 15% instead.
- Increased Master of Metal area damage reduction to 25% from 15%.
- Increased Growl eruption damage to 1637 from 1095, changed cost to 2% MP from raw MP.
- Changed Solo: Noise to recover 5% MP and 5 Focus every second additionally while its active.
- Reduced Chain of Light channel time to 3.5s from 5.
- Reduced Battle Monk Stance attack gain to 8.4% from 16%.
- Reduced Absolute Zero damage gain to 35% from 40%.
- Removed Power of the Oak skill.
- Increased Energy Absorb damage gain to 25% from 10%.
- Reduced Together damage gain to 10% from 18%, increased duration to 30s from 20s.
- Changed Resonation of the Wind to affect Energy Absorb cooldown instead of Power of the Oak.
- Increased Energy Absorb damage gain to 30% from 15%.
- Reduced Sepal Stab damage to 104% from 120%.
- Changed Thorn Sigil to modify Energy Absorb to provide 50% earth damage instead of modifying Power of the Oak.
- Reduced Focus of the Mother Nature duration to 15s from 30.
- Changed Dark Moon 50% elemental damage with 35% dark damage.
- Changed Necrotic Wound to have 2s channel time for 3 hits instead of single hit.
- Changed Magic Turmoil to also provide 23.4% damage over time boost, changed cost to 10% MP from raw MP.
- Increased Soul Pain damage over time value to 4250 from 2550.
- Removed Shield of Solid Mind cast time and added 1s of cooldown.
- Increased Perception Extraction damage over time value to 2550 from 1530.
- Reduced Chaos Guide set skill duration to 12s from 20, reduced cooldown to 90s from 180.
- Reduced Shadowforge’s Rage duration to 15s from 30s.
- Increased Mechanical Gamble/Secret Technique of the Ruins effect duration to 30s from 15.
- Reduced Incredible Riff duration to 15s from 30.
- Changed Can you hear me now? set skill to do not trigger global cooldown.
- Reduced Deadly Arrows damage to 544% from 816%.
- Increased Born to Kill damage gain to 32.5% from 19.5%.
- Reduced Soul Hunter damage to 80% from 90%.
- Reduced Harmony damage to 308.9% from 363.4%
- Changed Soul Blast to inflict 345% CPS dark damage twice instead of 552% dark + 552% magical.
Patch Notes
- Changed blacklist to skip GM class characters.
- Added option to buy Buried fragments for Arcadia Coins.
- Reduced Arcadia Coin price of instance movement speed boots.
Grafu Awakened
- Added -100% Dodge Rate and -100% Magical Resist rate to Mind Control effect.
- Changed Snake Charmer to have full damage reduction until snake is killed; Locked target to player who aggroes until snake is killed.
Visual Changes
- Disabled multiple of outdated skills translations.
- Fixed Accessories were missing power modifier visually.
- Fixed quest exp on exp bar was not always properly showed after changing class.
Patch Notes
- Reduced time to taken until auto passing loot from 5 to 3 minutes.
- Added limit of 1 000 to Proof of Myths.
- Added limit of 100 000 to Mirror Shards.
- Added limit of 5 000 to Badges of the Trial.
- Removed Proof of Myth and Mirror Shard rankings.
- Added Sun Temple, Tomb of Souls, New Pantheon, Entity Chamber and Aldo to Arcadia Coin event.
Boss Spawn
- Added anti slow/fear/stun effect to monsters.
- Fixed phoenix redemption inhibition was reset after killing bosses.
Inferno of Divinity
- Changed stat exchange fragments to be unbound.
- Reduced cost to exchange stats with Robert Edwards.
Gorge of the Ice Giants
- Changed stat exchange fragments to be unbound.
- Reduced cost to exchange stats with Robert Edwards.
Realm of the Forgotten Legends
- Added stat exchange fragments for Robert Edwards to Astaroth.
- Changed Almighty Cores to be unbound (sub-cores are still bound).
- Reduced amount of Almighty Core needed for a Hekhig pull to 5 from 10.
Monster Cards
- Reduced required disenchants for Festival cards by 50%.
- Fixed some monster cards were having incorrect NPC ID.
- Fixed some event monsters were being deleted instead of dying.
Visual Changes
- Added weapon glow to model preview frame.
Speak Frame
- Improved visual of Dreamland exchange dialog.
- Changed Speak options to have hyperlink colours.
- Fixed some crafting learn quests were showing recipe keyitem flag as reward.
- Added „Recall“ skill zone location to tooltip.
- Added „Owned in partner bag“ status to Mount/Pet tooltips.
Other Frames
- Loot Roll: Added Destruct Time status bar.
- Confirm PopUp: Added player and guild color on guild invitation.
- Equipment Swap: Added color to tooltip labels based on PvP/PvE type.
- Added
int zoneID = GetArcadiaCoinEventZone();
- Fixed Disassemble changes weren’t applied properly.
- Changed Tinnitus to have 3s cooldown to prevent frequent retrigger that causes damage over time to do not tick.
Post Patch Notes
Known Issues
- Grafu Castle (Awakened) – Inobtainable title Advanced Polonaise Tactics will be entirely disabled with next patch.
Patch Notes
- Increased Gear Score from Robots.
- Added chat message when abandoning quest.
- Fixed sell cost of some ammunition was incorrect.
- Changed daily buff NPCs in Atlantis to be re-usable with fee.
- Disabled pet auto fight back when owner is not currently active.
- Included more tutorials for newbies in game guides, updated some.
- Increased number of Draconaris given by festival exchanges from 10 to 20.
- Updated broadcasts encouraging for becoming Game Master and Game Tester.
- Fixed it was possible to spin Wheel of Fortune too quick causing to pay double for 1 gift.
Monster Cards
- Added Monster Card blocker for Boss type.
- Reduced base drop rate of World Boss cards from 50 to 25%.
- Fixed Monster Card blocker was only removed when obtaining card.
- Fixed server drop rate bonuses weren’t removed from obtaining new system monster cards.
- The following benefits are now available during combat:
- Auction House
- Bank
- Added option to scale card book with slider. The new function can be found in the Prestige main menu.
- Fixed visual errors when entering other players house sometimes.
Guild Castle
- Allowed players with Building permission to manage Maintenance Charges.
Public Events
- Increased limit of Energy of Justice from 10 000 to 100 000.
- Fixed issue where only 1 objective per phase would be displayed.
- Changed DPS Moon Artefact to do not share cooldown with other artefacts. Currently cooldown might be not visible in Character Frame.
Realm of Forgotten Legends
- Added additional 2x Attribute Fragments to Astaroth Awakened Chest.
- Changed Astaroth possession event to only use players who failed tactic, unless no player is found.
- Added extra 100 Gear Scores for active Corruption in weapon.
- Increased chance of getting % magical attack in Corruption for magical weapons.
- Changed Muddrass highest aggro target to persist through Chain Wrap, when still alive after.
Grafu Castle (Awakened)
- Reduced offensive attributes of some mobs.
- Removed immunity against interrupts from specific mobs.
- Fixed some effects weren’t removed when defeating Albert.
- Removed ability to share Increased Strength/Increased Energy to insidious bears.
Visual Changes
- Updated textures of menu expander arrows.
- Fixed some pets were missing „Pet“ tag in tooltips.
- Changed passive Item Set Skills to have yellow name.
- Improved displaying attribute values to cut floating zeros.
Frame Specific
- Character: Added magic hit ratio.
- Pet: Updated status bar textures.
- Roll: Added Need/Greed/Pass counters.
- Suit Skills: Added possibility to see not learnt ISS.
- Guild: Updated list member over-highlight style.
- Bag: Added removal of new item indicators when sorting.
- Bug Messages: Changed list to display first error on initial opening.
- Bag: Removed flash when the bag is open and no new items remained.
Skill Book
- Disabled incorrect text spam.
- Fixed highlight on button skills.
- Disabled clicking on maxed passive skills.
- Disabled Highlight and click on empty buttons.
- Hidden the plus button on general skills (tab 1).
- Hidden the plus button on unmaxable skills on double click.
- Added
int needCount, int greedCount, int passCount = GetLootRollItemCount(int index)
- Added
- Increased Shooting Mastery damage gain to 48.5% from 41%.
- Increased Arrow of Essence to ranged damage gain to 70% from 25%, removed attack speed gain.
- Changed Hide Scent → Scent of Hunt, increases damage of next Hidden Peril by 20% and makes it do not trigger cooldown when used, reduced cooldown to 90s from 120.
Note by GD: As the duration of Elemental Catalysis was reduced before, we changed some item set skills to balance the loss of casting speed so mages can keep up their cast burst for longer. We also added some resource management adjustments that target a rounder rotation while requiring active gameplay to recover resources. Also resource support might become more useful now.
- Removed Energy Influx MP cost.
- Changed Electrostatic Charge MP cost to 2% from raw MP.
- Reduced Elemental Catalysis cast speed to 25% from 50%.
- Increased Rune Formation set skill damage gain to 30% from 15%.
- Removed The Sage set skill damage gain, added 30% cast speed instead.
Note by GD: Our goal was to make rage management matter and let resource support become more useful for the class.
- Changed Static Field cost to 10 Rage instead of MP.
- Increased Active Mana cooldown to 90s from 60s, increased aggro reduction to 45% from 30%.
- Changed Meditative Current to change cost of Flame & Electric Bolt to 5 Rage + MP from only MP.
- Increased Rage Mana rage cost to 50 from 35, reduced cooldown to 30s from 60s, increased duration to 30s from 25.
- Changed Magical Talent cost to 10% MP from 20 Rage, removed MP gain, changed it to generate 10 Rage every 2 seconds and reduce received area damage by 32.5% additionally.
Note by GD: We added a few mana recovery, but want this class not to be self-sustaining entirely. We noticed the pet dying a lot in Grafu Castle Awakened, so we reduced the summoning time by a little.
- Reduced Flame Spirit cast time to 3s from 4.
- Changed Fire Rose MP cost to 1% from raw MP.
- Changed Fire Rose Explosion cost to 10 Focus from MP, changed it to restore 5% MP on hit additionally.
Note by GD: We shifted the Mana recovery mechanic to active gameplay from being passively triggered, so players have to actively play instead.
- Removed Tide Mastery MP cost.
- Increased Holy Influx damage gain to 30% from 12%.
- Removed Magic Drain damage gain, changed it to make Electric Outburst and Tide Burst to recover 10% MP upon hit when target is under effect of Magic Drain.
Note by GD: We wanted to fully focus on the Holy Discharge mechanic, so it becomes a part of the general gameplay of this class, by removing the MP recovery from Fiery Shield while increasing general mana costs at the same time.
- Increased Illumination MP cost to 5% from 3%.
- Increased Stars of Light MP cost to 3 % from 2%.
- Changed Fiery Shield to do not recover MP upon hit.
- Changed Saint’s Resillience to make Fiery Shield to reduce cooldown of Holy Discharge by 3s additionally.
- Increased Meteor Shower MP cost to 5% from 4%.
- Reduced Oak Walker physical attack scaling to 9% from 12%, increased damage scaling to 150% from 120%.
Note by GD: We noticed the class overperforming especially in endgame content, so we tried to change the Oak Walker to perform equal to physical Wardens. As there are too many different factors to be considered, we reserve the right to make further changes in the following patches. We also added mana management to the class, in order to add another layer of complexity to the gameplay.
- Changed Cross Chop MP cost to 2% from raw MP.
- Changed Dispel Curse MP cost to 5% from raw MP.
- Changed Frantic Briar MP cost to 3% from raw MP.
- Increased Sepal Stab damage to 125% from 104%.
- Changed Charged Chop MP cost to 2% from raw MP.
- Changed Beast Awakening to do not provide magical damage.
- Changed Power of the Wood Spirit MP cost to 1% from raw MP.
- Corrected Oak Walker was having more than intended attributes.
- Changed Natural Spring to be self-effect and recover 10% MP instead of party heal.
- Increased Thorny Vines damage over time value to 1032 from 258, changed MP cost to 2% from raw MP.
- Changed Connection → Elven Roots: Increased earth damage by 15% and reduces your MP costs by 50% for 30s. Cooldown: 60s
- Changed Blade of Destruction MP cost to 1% from raw MP, changed it to additionally reduce cooldown of Elven Guidance by 3s upon hit.
- Reduced Psychic Shadow attack scaling to 12% from 20%, increased damage scaling to 200% from 150%.
- Increased Corrosive Poison damage over time value to 5300 from 2418.
Note by GD: After DoT’s being introduced as a viable damage source, we now wanted to deepen them a little further.
- Changed Soul Pain & Perception Extraction to have internal effect cooldown to prevent DoT doesn’t deal damage upon fast spam of spell.
Note by GD: Our goal was to add consistency to the class by adding more skills to trigger Enraged for a more consistent psi and resource recovery.
- Reduced Mind Transference cooldown to 1s from 10s, increased Rage cost to 75 from 50.
- Changed Breathing Control to include Soul Trauma, Puzzlement, Heart Collection Strike and Surge of Malice too for Enraged trigger.
Note by GD: As the class is and will be a single target focussed warlock, we gave it a special Soul Crusher-like buff for single targeting, while not making Soul Crusher entirely useless to the class, as Precise Dark Magic does not feature the healing mechanic of Soul Crusher.
- Changed Will of Soul to recover 2 Psi upon leaving Willpower Blade.
- Changed Precise Dark Magic: Your single target skills will inflict 100% CPS dark damage. Mutually exclusive with Soul Crusher set skill.
Note by GD: Our goal was to create another melee sustain class that works as close as possible like our new Warrior/Mage and uses the same kind of weapons.
- Changed Charged Chop MP cost to 1% from raw MP.
- Increased Savage Power MP cost to 10% from raw MP.
- Changed Power of the Wood Spirit to spread Perception Extraction and Soul Pain to targets if any has them, reduced damage to 908.5 + 0.2 x INT from 1816.9 + 0.5 x INT, doubled aggro generation with Willpower Construct, changed MP cost to 2% from raw MP.
- Changed Organic Deconstruction to put Disassembly Mode into cooldown state fo 15s instead of 6, changed effect to be 25% attack instead of 20%, removed damage reduction.
- Changed Clone Conversion to put Shield Form into cooldown state for 15s instead of 6, changed effect to be 60% damage reduction instead of attack and damage reduction, increased area damage aggro multiplier to 500% from 100%.
- Removed Dark Energy Punishment idle SFX.
- Reduced The Best Song cooldown to 16s from 20.
Note by GD: We wanted to give the class some difficulty due to mana management and making important key elements play into this at the same time.
- Reduced Incredible Riff cooldown to 90s from 120s.
- Changed Chorea cost to 15% MP from 20 Focus, reduced dance duration to 3s from 5s, reduced cooldown to 30s from 45s.
- Increased Incredible Riff damage gain to 15% from 10%, reduced cooldown to 60s from 180s.
Note by GD: We noticed this class to overperform in every content, especially in endgame activities, so we flattened the power spikes in burst situations, while buffing the sustain damage through faster souls generation and quicker access to Cruel Harvester.
- Changed Soul Blast to steal 2 souls instead of 1.
- Increased Cruel Harvest party member share to 20% from 10%, reduced cooldown to 60s from 90s, removed focus cost.
- Changed Harmony to steal 2 souls per hit instead of 1, reduced damage to 262% from 308%.
- Reduced Soul Hunter damage to 60% CPS from 80%, changed it to generate a Soul every 3 hits instead of 5, reduced potential damage per soul to 12/25 from 25/50.
Patch Notes
- Fixed various client-sided issues with Housing, mounts and others.
- Fixed issue with accepting quests for Necropolis of Mirrors (Awakened) once you had started Grafu Castle (Awakened).
- Changed Clone Conversion to reduce movement speed by 10% instead of putting Shield Form into cooldown state.
- Changed Organic Reconstruction to reduce maximum HP by 25% instead of putting Disassembly Mode into cooldown state.