Patch Notes
- Take free Restoration Card (1 use) from .PlayerNet platform.
- Take part in new Seasonal Windrunner Race during current festival.
- Take part in contests, events and receive gifts – Join us for the 10th Anniversary Celebration in Celebria!
- Added 137 new weapons and 4 offhands.
- Fixed Proof of Myth limit was lower than intended.
- Changed Magic Perfume effect to have no time limit.
- Increased maximum stack of Everlasting Love Cake Slice to 100.
- Limited crafting time to minimum 0.5 second to prevent various issues.
We are presenting you new page listing all changes introduced in 10 years of Chronicles of Arcadia’s history: Codecks
- If you have friends who didn’t try Chronicles of Arcadia, but have experience with Taborea or didn’t play for a while, send them this link and wait for their reactions!
- If you record videos, streams or want to help us promoting Chronicles of Arcadia in your social medias, feel free to use this link as well, we really appreciate your involvement!
Assistent Frame
We are excited to introduce the new Assistent Frame, a comprehensive support tool designed to enhance your gameplay experience. The Assistent Frame keeps you up-to-date with the latest news, guides new players through the game, and encourages active participation in in-game content. With its array of features, the Assistent Frame is your go-to resource for navigating challenges, discovering tips, and staying informed about everything happening in the game. Whether you are a seasoned player or just starting out, this feature will be an invaluable addition to your journey.
- The default key to open Assistent Frame is „U“.
- Overview Tab:
- This tab is designed to provide information about news, active promotions, including Item Shop and Diamond Promotions, events and forum contests.
- Provides quick access to the Item Shop, Game Website, Account Website, Forum, Wike and Game Guides.
- Activities Tab:
- This tab is designed to guide new players by all game systems via task-list.
- Will be unlocked in one of the following patches.
- Guild Tab:
- This tab is designed to help players find and join a guild that suits their playstyle. Players can browse a list of guild advertisements or create own.
- Will be unlocked in one of the following patches.
- Levels Tab:
- This tab contains a list of benefits and their associated level requirements, designed mainly for new players
- Includes links to Wiki and Game Guide where available.
- Zones Tab:
- This tab contains a list of of various areas within the game along with their details and prequests.
- Zones with Arcadia Coins Rush Events, Beginner Zones, and PvP Rush Event are highlighted and displayed at the top.
- Party Tab:
- This tab is designed to help players apply for dungeons or raids and create their own groups with desired levels and roles.
- The search function displays all active groups. Players can apply directly to a group or whisper the Party Leader.
Seasonal Windrunner Race
- Added 5 new titles.
- Added 8 new cards.
- Added Seasonal Windrunner Race – Chicken Race.
- Added new lobby system for Seasonal Windrunner Race – In future there will 4 different maps to race inside, released in different festivals.
- Added item quality colors to content and subject.
- Changed C.O.D mails to return after 12 hours like before.
- Replaced base mail box frame with reworked built-in Mail Mod addon.
- Fixed chat frame not having New Mail message when sender was having Prestige Priority Mail benefit.
- Known issue: total amount of gold and diamonds is not displayed correctly, currently based on currently visible mails.
Public Events
- Increased maximum score required.
- Increased Public Event Score given by some quests.
- Added 18 new unique cards for Justice Workshop members.
- Removed requirement of winning event to purchase rewards.
- Added new stat rewards, obtainable from Samuel Warren in Atlas.
- Improved drop rate of some quest items during public event quests.
- Reduced number of score given by repeating same quest repeatedly.
- Changed Public Event system to be active every 30 minutes, in one specific zone.
- Changed reward structure from top 3 players earning rewards to every player based on participation.
- Increased price of all existing items for Energy of Justice by 10x, in line with currency limit increase from previous patch.
- Disabled fall damage.
- Reduce price of core furniture building components drastically.
- Fixed furniture preview was not having removed collision on cancelling.
- Fixed it was possible to have multiple furnitures previewed at same time.
House Energy
- Added exact house energy amount to tooltip.
- Added number formatting when spending house energy.
- Reduced house energy amounts for opening and keeping furniture slots drastically.

Furniture Slots
- Increased maximum furniture slots from 1000 to 2000.
- Changed furniture slots purchase fee to be one-time fee (even if slots are downgraded afterwards).
- Increased free furniture slots amounts when having external style active (Small +5, Medium +15, Large +40).
Monster Cards
- Fixed some Grafu Castle (Awakened) cards weren’t obtainable.
- Doubled maximum chance for looting new system card from elite monsters (change applied week ago). Current rates can be found here:
- Gift & Sale, Player to Player:
- A new button with a special „Gift & Sale“ frame has been added to the Prestige purchase menu, allowing you to sell or gift a battle pass.
- How it works for the seller:
- Enter the recipient’s nickname, select the type of battle pass, set the price in diamonds and submit the offer.
- How it works for the buyer:
- After the seller sends an offer, you will see the sender’s nickname, the cost of the PNC battle pass, and the asking price in diamonds.
- Gift:
- If you want to give a gift, the process is the same, but without the price in diamonds. The recipient only needs to accept your gift without any additional conditions.
- Prestige subscription items have been removed from the PNC store.
- Removed some items from Prestige Store rewards.
- Fixed multiple issues.
- Disabled World Shutter inside custom instances and battlegrounds.
- Fixed some Chrysalia monsters had shorter than intended respawn time.
Dark Core
- Removed minimum required Gear Scores to enter instance.
Gorge of the Ice Giants
- Increased damage of catapults.
- Added name and tooltip to fires.
- Increased radius of Glacis Portal.
- Increased movement speed of Hehkig.
- Reduced power of some negative effects.
- Increased number of fires spawned from 4 to 5.
- Added initial Iced Wooden Box to base of towers.
- Reduced duration of some stuns and silences from monsters.
- Changed Catapult Ammo to drop to all party rather than giving to random player directly.
Grafu Castle (Awakened)
- Reduced HP and Defense of Insidious Bears.
Grotto of Horror
- Fixed Water Spirit’s Protection wasn’t affecting damage from DoT’s.
- Removed Barrier of Aggregate of Desperation as soon as boss is dead.
- Added bigger barrier behind Grotto of Horrors entrance portal to prevent unwanted portal skip.
Inferno of Divinity
- Fixed Heimdall’s Blacksmith wasn’t always removed on boss end.
- Fixed a rare bug where it was possible to fall through the floor after being teleported by Hydra’s Charmer.
Siege War
- Fixed guild registration wasn’t blocking players in multiple guilds correctly.
- Fixed guild pairing was being influenced by time registered when there was odd number of guilds registered, rather than solely guild score.
Visual Changes
- Added class colors to popup asking to join to party.
- Fixed player human male model was using elven sit animation.
- Added markers for Tutor NPC, Exchange Merchants in Atlas, Teleporters.
- Improved mounts and pets tooltips „Owned“ status to show „In Bag“ when stored in regular backpack.
Frame Specific
- Item Set Skills: Fixed skill chat link.
- Item Set Skills: Fixed non-existent knight skill.
- Advanced Auction House: Added unlearned recipes to $unowned search filter.
- Added
arg1 FunctionID, arg2 OpenEnergy = HOUSES_SLOT_CHANGED
event. - Excluded „ui“ type hyperlinks from
. - Added new xml event for Frame
- Updated
..., CreateTime = GetInboxHeaderInfo(...)
- Disabled
usage from events. - Removed
. - Added multi texture for
- Fixed Perfect Slice was inflicting water damage instead of poison.
- Fixed Perfect Slice wasn’t providing Grandmaster after 3 stacks.
Anniversary Festival
- Festival will lasts for 10 days.
Treasure Riot
Event type: find and collect items
Start NPC: Kekonee
Start location: Varanas Bridge
Event Target: Find a collect the set of cards to trade them with Kekonee.
A Magical Method of Disaster Aversion
Event type: transform into a frog, find and collect monsters
Start NPC: Sebastian
Start location: in front of Dalanis City
Event location: Thunderhoof Hills
Event Target: find and collect frogs
Frog Killer
Event type: find and kill monsters, collect items
Start NPC: Witch Daila
Start location: Logar and Heffner Camp
Event location: Howling Mountains, Coast of Opportunities
Event Target: find and kill magic frogs to collect items
Candara Frog Contest
Event type: like a battue
Start NPC: Ivan Asla
Start Location: Varanas City
Event location: Varanas City
Event Target: drive frogs through race course
Sea of the Frogs
Event type: collect items, defeat monsters
Start NPC: Misian
Start location: Heffner Camp
Event location: Coast of Opportunities
Event Target: collect ingredients, transform to a frog, find items and defeat guards
Flogg’s Fortune Cookie
Event type: find and collect
Start NPC: Flogg Shuiss
Start Location: Varanas Bridge
Event location: Varanas Bridge
Event Target: use transformation potion and speak to frogs to obtain items
Space Supremacy
Event type: collect within the time
Start NPC: Gredd Starchaser
Start Location: Varanas Bridge
Event Target: capture the colored space balls within a limited time
Clear the Playground
Event type: capture monsters
Start NPC: Fell Cage
Start location: Varanas Bridge
Event Target: Use the net to capture the Light Crows flying above the ground
Research Materials
Event type: capture monsters
Start NPC: Dennis Jones
Start location: Varanas Bridge
Event Target: Use the scent to capture a Greedy Ball floating in space
Retrieve the Space Balls
Event type: capture items
Start NPC: Abu Brokenlamp
Start location: Varanas Bridge
Event Target: Retrieve the Faulty Space Balls to be repaired
Frog Transformation
Event type: transform into a frog, find and catch monsters
Start NPC: Standler Luya
Start location: Varanas Bridge
Event location: Silverspring
Event Target: find the fairies and touch them in right order
Alalis Trial
Event type: Find the NPC
Start NPC: Peacher
Start Location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event Target: Follow Alalis closely and find her.
Buzzkill – Help the Cook
Event type: find, collect and deliver items
Start NPC: Convokenz Rushman
Start Location: Varanas City Entrance
Event location: Lake of Magic Mist
Event Target: find items and bring them to Convokenz Rushman

Patch Notes
Seasonal Windrunner Race
- Fixed it was requiring 8 players to transfer players from Lobby to map.
- Improved disappearing of furniture object when removing it.
- Fixed sometimes it was impossible to click into interactive furniture when hovering camera from wrong angle.
Mail Mod
- Added more filter buttons.
- Fixed missing textures on edit boxes.
- Disabled again COD time time limit until further fix.
- Fixed displaying amount of gold and diamonds in the mail inbox.
- Removed requirement of filling description for sending a message.
- Fixed Mail Mod was unintentionally overwriting other mail addons.
- Changed gold currency color in inbox to red for negative amounts (COD) and yellow for positive amounts.
- Fixed zone names in party tab were not using client language.
- Fixed wrong sizing of messages in overview tab upon game start.
- Fixed anchor of date tooltip in overview tab when slider was used.
- Added handling when assistant data wasn’t being received correctly.
- Fixed an issue where auto show was not working correctly at game start sometimes.
- Fixed edit party function in party tab was not saving the own level limit during party setup.
- Added Realm of Forgotten Legends (Hard) and Secret Temple of Tikal (Easy) to instance dropdown in party tab.
- Improved the layout of the conclusion section in the party tab to better align with the order of the number frames for required roles.
- Known issue: when opening Party frame, selected zone is Orkham, but showing Dark Core information in right panel.