Launcher Changelog
This page is dedicated to publishing the changes made with each update of the launcher. The modifications are listed point-by-point, including new features, bug fixes, and enhancements to the user interface. Each update is thoroughly documented here immediately after its implementation. Keep visiting to stay updated with the latest modifications to the launcher.
- Improved addon installation reliability by adding locked file detection and an automatic retry mechanism.
- Enhanced addon installation reliability with robust error handling for files in use by other applications.
- Strengthened addon installation reliability through improved user feedback with specific error messages.
- Added new «Debug» section in settings with «Movement Log» and «Chat Log» options.
- Added automatic log files management.
- Added a setting to enable/disable addons; downloads are blocked when disabled.
- Improved file handling during settings reset for international file paths.
- Access to all available addons by implementing proper API pagination.
- Added launcher version to Integrity Report.
- Visual corrections in the settings.
- Enhanced automatic repair of ‘RuneDev.ini’ and clarified reset warning message.
- Fixed a DPI scaling issue that sometimes prevented the launcher from starting on older versions of Windows 10.
- Improved game version detection to prevent unnecessary large patches.
- Enhanced debugging capabilities for missing automatic backups by capturing all exceptions related to backup creation
- Added Retry button for refreshing server status. It appears when the server is offline, under maintenance, or no internet connection is detected. The button is disabled for 10 seconds after each attempt.
- Enhanced Integrity Report Generation.
- Fixes in server status check.
- Added automatic settings backup notification and improved backup path resolution for relative InterfaceSavePath.
- Fix download speed calculation for patch downloads.
- Included crash report screenshots in the ZIP archive.
- Added automatic game updates popup for users with disabled auto-update option.
- Improved the Integrity Report functionality.
- Fixed server status checking, automatic game updates, and Play button management.
- Implemented visual enhancements.
- Added a notification when the launcher is started without game files.
- The time format now matches the system settings.
- Updated Play button content dynamically when installing a single patch.
- Removed all submenu elements from the Addons section.
- Added filters to the Addons page.
- Added launcher startup loading screen.
- Fixed an issue where the Play button could get stuck on ‘Verifying files’.
- If an error occurs while restoring a backup, the logs will now provide more detailed information.
- The launcher now checks the server status using a faster API method, with a fallback system in place for reliability.
- Added new settings in the Video tab.
- Added a warning if the game client is running before resetting settings.
- Various bug fixes and improvements.
- Fixed news layout scaling issues – improved image aspect ratios and container dimensions to ensure consistent display across different screen sizes and regional settings.
- Added Windows 7 compatibility support and crash fix for missing system libraries.
- Refactored Play button state management system for better control and visualization of launcher operations.
- Added a visual indicator to highlight the currently active section in the menu navigation.
- Implemented window resizing functionality and refreshed post-based views for improved responsiveness.
- Added an option for automatic game updates in settings.
- Enabled dynamic window resizing for the launcher based on the user’s screen resolution.
- Added saving window size and position to RuneDev.ini.
- Improved integrity reporting and crash handling to ensure accurate client IPv4 detection and usage.
- Removed redundant timestamps from integrity reports.
- Optimized crash reporting system: improved crash file handling based on game version and implemented proper initialization sequence.
- Made various UI improvements.
- Resolved some bugs encountered during patch installation.
- Set the General tab in settings as the default view.
- Added a Player Count Limit option in settings.
- Displayed build date for pre-release versions.
- Added new audio controls for Special Effects, Attack Sounds, and Action Sounds in Audio settings.
- Added icons to submenu items.
- Fixed an issue causing the launcher to crash after some time when there were unsent files in the Crash folder.
- Implemented additional optimizations and minor fixes to improve application stability.
- Redesigned the launcher update window, providing more detailed information and allowing it to be minimized.
- Improved addon download speed and reliability.
- Added a link to legal documentation with clear indicators for upcoming changes.
- Added download speed and file size information during game patch downloads.
- Improved the layout of the Diamond Promo menu item.
- Added a ‘Scroll to Top’ button for easier navigation.
- Enhanced the visual alignment and added success icons to network and file integrity reports.
- Disabled Video and Audio settings when configuration files are missing to prevent issues.
- Enhanced launcher stability when processing crash reports, reducing submission errors.
- Improved how the launcher handles multiple instances to avoid conflicts when opened from different locations.
- Implemented better error logging, ensuring only one unique error log per day to reduce duplicates.
- Improved how the system handles connection errors, reducing server timeout issues.
- Enforced secure connections (TLS 1.2) to address potential SSL problems.
- Updated the system to better handle incomplete configuration saves, now informing users when settings are only partially saved.
- Improved handling of incomplete configuration saves, now notifying users when some settings are only partially saved.
- Added new graphic for relationship events.
- Improved addon download process and added error logging; implemented an error notification window when issues occur.
- Fixed the addon download counter.
- Resolved issue with game updates during maintenance periods.
- Enhanced server status check (previously caused errors during the first launch after an update).
- Clicking the tray icon when the Launcher is visible now minimizes it to the tray.
- Fixed and improved crash report submissions.
- Displaying more information during integrity report generation.
- Adding system configuration information to the integrity report.
- Improvements in sorting the integrity report.
- Fixing errors that could occur during update installation.
- Added automatic submission of launcher error logs.
- Added the ability to close notification windows.
- Improved the download speed of the texture0.fdb file and added a link for manual download.
- Enhanced the appearance of the update download window for the launcher.
- Improved sorting in the integrity report.
- Optimized integrity report generation by approximately 80% (depending on CPU and disk performance).
- Fixed free disk space check on C drive during game update.
- Added counter to Diamond promo.
- Added an error message with a reload button in case of loading posts failure.
- Improved handling to prevent automatic switching to the News page when resuming internet connection and checking server status.
- Implemented network diagnostic data sending to support.
- Enhanced server status checking.
- Optimized file handling in the launcher update procedure.
- Implemented file checksum verification and automated download/replacement process for texture0.fdb to fix potential visual bugs in the game.
- Added functionality to show the launcher when clicking the tray icon.
- Fixed issue with minimizing to tray.
- Fixed the problem where updating the game during maintenance was not possible.
- Scroll in the menu is now visible upon hovering over any menu item.
- Fixed detection and download errors for certain addons.
- Enhanced launcher update process to ensure downloaded files remain intact, including fixes for error messages during maintenance.
- Added option for emergency launcher version rollback.
- Implemented more frequent server status checks during offline or maintenance periods.
- Added new graphics for the «Rotation Promo» and the latest post now visible in the «News» section.
- Improved the launcher update process to enhance its reliability.
- Fixed issues with downloading newly released addons.
- Reduced waiting time for server availability information.
- Updated settings to simplify usage without affecting user-saved settings.
- Removed unnecessary files after updating.
- Added a new «Recommended» tab to the «Addons» menu, clearly marking recommended addons.
- Enhanced security features to improve safety within the game.
- Made changes to the user interface.
- Improved the patch launch process to reduce the chances of errors with the patch.
- Added additional logging for potential errors during patching.
- Improved application performance and stability through system component updates.
- Fixed an issue where the Play button could appear as available without checking for updates.
- Fixed installation issues for certain addons, which could cause game errors.
- ‘Unsaved changes’ notification in settings no longer appears during integrity report generation.
- Close button in the title bar now completely exits the launcher, except during patch installation when it minimizes and installs in the background.
- Added a field for the launcher version in settings and a button to redirect to the launcher’s changelog page.
- Updated news loading system to include additional promotional posts, enhancing speed and reducing RAM usage.
- Post about completed maintenance will no longer appear after 24 hours have passed.
- Implemented some small bug fixes and enhancements.
- Changed launcher update to have independent version checker to reduce further sizes of patches.
- Fixed scrollbar in news behaving weird
- Added option to settings to close the launcher after launching game
- Fixed launcher was not auto updated when using manual patch.
- Fixed rare crashes when removing addons.
- Fixed working on Windows versions lower than 10.
- Fixed news page was sometimes changing to blank.
- Fixed Play button was available during error when installing patch.
- Added option in settings to close the launcher after launching game.
- Allowed running multiple launcher instances if they are from different game directory.