Patch Notes

Class Balance
- Balanced class skills.
- Revised healing dots formula.
- Revised healing spells formula.
- Revised magical damage formula.
- Removed damage and heal dots value cap.
- Clarified some skills and buffs descriptions.
- Added Elements section to character frame.
- All talent points got reset for redistribution.
- Fixed wisdom wasn’t properly included in heal formula.
- Disabled parry and block chance for physical heal spells.
- Added trial weapon vendor to custom instances for limited time.
- Fixed magical item set skills were inflicting damage lower than expected.
- Changed weapon profficiency levels are increasing depending on sub class.
- Fixed ranged spells weren’t using ranged weapon level for miss chance calculation.
- Fixed issue that was disabling offhand weapon while reaching high attack speed values.
New content
- Added 6 new backpack pages.
- Added new relationship potion recipe to Allana Edwards shop.
- Added new Item-Set Skill Slot Expansion item to William Edwards shop.
- Added owner of (de)buffs to their tooltips.
- Updated Russian translation with many content.
- Corrected heal bonus values in character frame.
- Replaced Druid 99 set skill with battle resurrection.
- Increased exchange values of diamonds -> gold at Agnes.
- Corrected cenedrils weren’t scaling with magical attributes.
- Added color for elemental damage strings in some spell descriptions.
- Added possibility to change character classes in other player’s houses.
- Fixed some effects were disappearing during execution of prevent dead buffs.
- Fixed visual of Rock Giant Khat transformation potion.
- Fixed Tactical Attack cooldown was sharing it with Bloodlust.
- Fixed on-screen-info dots damage was missing elemental color.
- Fixed bosses were randomly changing targets while having high aggro.
- Fixed beginner equipment had more than intented defense and health.
- Fixed some boss spawned loot objects were hidden by graphics settings.
- Fixed instruments were stucking if you use a spell when cast is about to be done.
- Fixed Elemental Repercussions was reducing received healing instead of heal power.
- It is known that both Polish and German new spells translation is not completed yet.
Realm of Forgotten Legends
- Allowed instruments in Balton.
- Added regular stat pool with 20% chance to golden weapons.
- Fixed energy/focus regeneration was blocked in Jerath event.
- Corrected stats of Realm of Forgotten Legends lower body sets.
- Fixed Jerath event was adding permanent heal block even after leaving zone.
- Fixed a bug that rolling stone event in RoFL wasn’t removing movement speed effects properly.
Interface changes
- Added title preview to title packages.
- Updated slots texture in suitskill frame.
- Added autosize for displaying chatframe tabs.
- Added craft cost and crafted amount to recipe tooltip.
- Disabled clicking on bloodbar when casting AoE spells.
- Added dropdown menu for pet and cenedril hyperlinks.
- Added equipment requirement information to skill tooltips.
- Fixed item hyperlinks weren’t showing preview correctly sometimes.
- Fixed player frame was sometimes wrongly showing damage indicator.
- Fixed chatframe tabs weren’t clickable and name wasn’t showing correct sometimes.
- Added
event. - Added
reader forGetObjectInfo
. - Migrated npcs 109900-109944 to 139300-139344.
- Migrated cards 771900-771915 to 777500-777515.
- Fixed
was clearing cenedrils while swapping sometimes. - Added
event. Updated scrutinizer addon with it. - Changed
events for all kind of pets to show them as skill of owner.
Masked Festival
- 16 custom cards from festival monsters.
- 5 hidden custom titles from festival activities.
During the festival you can exchange Water Zodiac materials and Hydro Draconaris for a Draco Pet.
Obtain Hydro Draconaris from:
- Masked Ball Reward Commissioner – exchange 10 x Masked Ball Medals for a reward.
Invitation Courier
NPC: Rain Nahills
Location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event description: Give a Party Invitation to the required NPCs.
Ball Mask Package exchange
NPC: Shiani Alian
Location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event description: Exchange TP runes to Ball Mask Package
Eulogy of Spring
NPC: Shiani Alian
Location: Varanas Central Plaza, Howling Mountains
Event description: Collect and deliver items
The Truth Under the…
NPC: Masked Ball Host
Location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event description: Find and match correct NPCs.
Hero in Disguise! «Masked Striker Association»
NPC: Big Spyror
Location: Thunderhoof Hills
Event description: Find and kill NPCs.
Help Ikes Get His Act Together!
NPC: Ikes Kalefan
Location: Thunderhoof Hills
Event description: Use actionbar to move items.
General Skills
Holy Strike
- Increased damage to 637% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
- Aggro modifier increased to 10 from 2.5.
Defense Technique
- Increased parry rate to 1169 at level 104.
Primary Skills
Shackles of Light
- Reduced cooldown to 30 seconds.
- Effect duration increased to 16 seconds.
- Aggro modifier increased to 186% at level 104.
- Reduced cooldown to 15 seconds.
- Reduced cooldown to 12 seconds.
- Reduced received healing to 16.2%
Knight / Mage
Light Energy Weapon
- Increased damage to 2180 Light damage.
- Changed duration to unlimited amount of time.
- Skill Change: Lowers the cooldown of Holy Shield by 2 minutes and enhances its effect.
- Holy Shield is now blocking all damage incoming to party members and heals 5% HP every second.
Magic Healing
- Increased healing effect to 3%.
Knight / Priest
Holy Light’s Fury Compassion of Holy Light
- Skill Change: Increases your heal power and received healing by 8%.
Concentration Practice
- Increased critical hit rate to 635 at level 55.
Holy Protection
- Aggro amount changed to 35%.
Angel Salvation
- Reduced cooldown to 5 minutes.
Knight / Rogue
- Skill no longer requires to do a critical hit to use.
Crazy Blades
- Increased critical hit rate to 756 at level 104.
- Now increasing physical defense by 28% at level 104.
Leopard Instinct
- Increased duration to 20 seconds.
- Cooldown reduced to 90 seconds.
- Skill duration increased to 20 seconds.
- Damage reduction lowered to 10%.
Blind Stab Mastery
- Blind stab is now also reducing received damage by 10%.
Dance of Two Blades
- Cooldown reduced to 5 seconds.
- Added aggro modifier.
Panther’s Blessing
- Skill change: Recovers 5% HP and MP when an attack is dodged.
Knight / Scout
Arrow of Vengeance
- Reduced cooldown to 10 seconds.
Sacred Resistance
- Skill duration increased to 20 seconds.
- Increases 28% physical defense at level 104 instead of dexterity.
Disregard Danger
- Increased parry rate to 680 at level 55.
Heavenly Arrow
- Reduced cooldown to 30 seconds.
- Aggro increment increased to 10%.
Sacred Protection
- Skill change: Reduces taken damage by 15% and increases damage by 15% for party members, lasts 20 seconds.
Blood Punishment
- Blood arrow now additionally increases light damage by 20%, aggro by 50%.
Knight / Warrior
Survival Instinct
- Increases strength instead of dexterity.
- Duration increased to 30 seconds.
United Efforts
- Skill duration increased to 12 seconds.
Authoritative Deterrence
- Duration increased to 10 seconds.
- Decreased damage dealt on target to 20.6%.
General Skills
Urgent Heal
- Increased mana cost to 1595 at level 104.
- Decreased heal amount to 451 points at level 104.
Blessed Spring Water
- Replaced water resistance effect to 8% healing taken increment at level 104.
- Changed to raid effect.
- Increased mana cost to 1176 at level 104.
- Added extra 2% heal to regeneration effect.
Magic Barrier
- Changed to raid effect.
Primary Skills
- Increased mana cost to 2637 at level 104.
- Decreased heal amount to 1962 points at level 104.
- Increased water damage to 115% at level 55.
Healing Salve
- Decreased healing effect to 14.9% at level 55.
- Increased mana cost to 1036 at level 55.
Group Heal
- Increased mana cost to 3914 at level 104.
- Decreased heal amount to 897 points at level 104.
- Decreased healing effect to 25.9% at level 55.
Holy Candle
- Changed initial skill cost to 5% MP
- Cooldown reduced to 30 seconds.
- Removed effect duration.
- Decreased healing effect to 27% at level 55.
Priest / Champion
Heart Rune Energy
- Decreased heal amount to 471.8 at level 104.
- Effect duration increased to 30 seconds.
Diamond Light Activation
- Decreased healing effect to 27.1% at level 55.
- Increased duration to 30 seconds.
Beacon of Regeneration
- Added possibility to do critical heal from this effect.
- Decreased heal amount to 763 at level 104.
- Removed limit of heal output.
Healing Diamond Light
- Corrected heal multiplier as «Wisdom» in tooltip.
- Increased mana cost to 755 at level 104.
Rune Footstep
- Decreased healing effect to 10.2% at level 104.
- Increased duration to 15 seconds.
Light Connection
- Increased mana cost to 2755 at level 104.
- Decreased movement speed bonus to 20.6% at level 104.
Priest / Knight
Divine Incarnation
- Increased mana cost to 5000.
- Reduced healing effect to 10%.
Enhanced Grace of Life
- Changed to raid effect.
Holy Power
- Increased mana cost to 1568 at level 55.
- Increased duration to 30 seconds.
- Removed 3 heal limit for removal of effect.
Priest / Mage
Angel’s Blessing
- Increased mana cost to 3007 at level 104.
- Increased mana restore amount to 3754 at level 104.
- Changed to raid effect.
Angel’s Carol
- Increased mana restore amount to 4190 at level 104.
- Restoration scales with healing formula.
Priest / Scout
Curing Shot
- Increased mana cost to 4065 at level 104.
Embrace of the Water Spirit
- Changed to raid effect.
Area of Light Chain
- Increased heal radius to 180.
Priest / Rogue
Shadow of Fury
- Changed to raid effect.
Priest / Warlock
Prayer of Tribulation
- Increased effect duration to 20 seconds.
- Decreased heal amount to 758 at level 104.
Spirit Embodiment
- Decreased heal amount to 2014 at level 104.
Spirit Spring
- Enhances Blessed Spring Water to increase its healing effect to 15.28% at level 104.
Life Surge
- Skill Change: Caster drops a totem which will channel effect instead of caster.
- Increased mana cost to 8%.
Priest / Warrior
Battle Monk Stance
- Increased raw physical attack effect to 5022 at level 104.
- Increased percentage physical attack amount to 38.4% at level 104.
Fighting Spirit Combination
- Increased damage to 714% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
- Increased health recovery to 540 HP at level 104.
Condensed Rage
- Increased health recovery to 5042 HP.
Explosion of Fighting Spirit
- Increased damage to 704% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
- Increased damage with Accuracy Halo to 1024% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
Ascending Dragon Strike
- Increased damage to 1386.4% DPS at level 104.
Accuracy Halo
- Increased attack power for raid members to 10%.
- Removed delay on use of Clone Conversion, Organic Destruction, Disassembly Mode, Shield Form.
Set Skills
Disassembly Mode Runic Enhancement
- Skill change: Increases maximum HP by 20% and reduces taken area damage by 10% in Disassembly Mode.
Primary Skills
Shield Form / Disassembly Mode
- Added Disassembly Mode skill along with Shield Form.
- Reduced Stamina into Strength transformation of Disassembly Mode is reduced to 20%.
- Shield Form isn’t levelable anymore and Strength into Stamina transformation is fixed at 87%.
Rune Energy Influx
- Increased duration to 20 seconds.
Agitated Whirlpool
- Reduced cooldown to 120 seconds.
Imprisonment Pulse
- Increased radius of designated area.
Remodeled Body
- Increased duration to 20 seconds.
- Allowed to use in Disassembly Mode state.
Runecraft – Fortify
- Increases physical defense by 58% at level 55 in Disassembly Mode.
Chain Drive
- Increased chance to proc to 80% for all cases.
Last Line of Defense
- Changed activation HP requirement to 50%.
Kinetic Burn Kinetic Explosion
- Skill change: Resets cooldown of Imprisonment Pulse. Within next 20 seconds, first Imprisonment Pulse will be 20% more powerful.
Rune Overload / Shock Overload
- Added Shock Overload skill along with Rune Overload.
- Shock Overload: Your normal hammer attacks will carry an extra Shock Strike damage. Consumes 5 rage every second. Effect ceases when caster enters Shield Form state. (Only usable in Disassembly Mode)
- Rune Overload is limited to be usable only in Shield Form.
- Rune Overload ceases when caster enters Disassembly Mode state.
Champion / Mage
Endless Rage
- Skill Change: Increases rage by 10 every 2 seconds and increases physical damage by 30% for 30 seconds.
Elemental Rampage
- Skill Change: Increases your critical physical damage by 100% for 30 seconds.
Obstacle Force Field
- Imprisonment Pulse is now increasing received damage for targets by 2%, stackable up to 6.
Elemental Defense
- Increases magical defense by 100%, reduced magical damage received by 30% and physical damage received by 10%.
- No longed reduces healing taken.
Champion / Priest
Divine Vengeance
- Added 5 seconds of cooldown.
- Removed Shield Form requirement.
- Removed being attacked requirement.
- Reduction of Holy Aura cooldown lowered to 5 seconds.
- Increased damage to 818% main hand weapon DPS.
Salvation Engraving
- Increased duration to 20 seconds.
- It isn’t reducing aggro of caster now.
Light Pulse
- Increased damage to 590% main hand weapon DPS.
- Reduced cooldown to 4 seconds.
Reviving Blast
- Reduced inability to move effect time to 4 seconds.
- Cooldown reduced to 3 minutes.
Rune Energy Consecration
- Increased duration to 20 seconds.
- Party members getting benefit of skill depending on their main classes now.
Way of Frenzy
- Skill Change: Increases stamina and physical attack by 8%.
Holy Attack
- Increased damage to 798% main hand weapon DPS.
- Reduced cooldown to 8 seconds.
Righteous Explosion
- Skill Change: Inflicts damage to target and when it hits, increases physical attack speed by 20% for 15 seconds.
- Increased damage to 1690% main hand weapon DPS.
- Cost changed to 10 Rage and 3% MP
- Increases physical attack speed by 20%.
- Cooldown changed to 15 seconds.
Champion / Rogue
Shadow Pulse
- Increased damage to 584.1% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
- Cooldown reduced to 3 seconds.
- Cast time increased to 2 seconds.
Shadow Explosion
- Reduced physical attack increment to 10%.
- Added physical damage increment for 8%.
- Allows to use similiar buffs together.
Smoke Diffusion
- Changed to raid effect.
- Reduced inability to move effect time to 4 seconds.
Champion / Warlock
Endless Pulse
- Reduced HP consumption to 10%.
- Increased physical attack speed rate to 24% at level 55.
- Increased effect duration to 20 seconds.
Dark Energy Strike
- Changed damage type to main hand weapon DPS dark damage from magical dark damage.
- Increased base damage to 694% main hand weapon DPS.
- Increased dark damage portion to 278% main hand weapon DPS.
Soul Forge Mystery
- Increased critical physical hit rate to 644 at level 104.
- Added 15% critical physical damage to effect.
- Dark damage effect duration increased to 30 seconds.
Rune Siphon
- Changed damage type to main hand weapon DPS dark damage from magical dark damage.
- Increased base damage to 580% main hand weapon DPS.
- Increased dark damage portion to 226% main hand weapon DPS.
- Cooldown Reduced to 4 seconds.
Heart Collection Rune
- Skill change: Increases your physical damage by 18% for 20 seconds.
- Cooldown increased to 90 seconds.
Blast of Remorse
- Skill change: Inflicts 910% main hand weapon DPS damage to targets within range and knocks down them for 5 seconds at level 104.
- Cost changed to 25 rage
- Coldoown reduced to 10 seconds.
Champion / Warrior
Arc Strike
- Cooldown reduced to 6 seconds.
- Increased damage to 642% main hand weapon DPS.
Eye for an Eye
- Effect duration increased to 30 seconds.
Blast of Vengeance
- Skill change: Inflicts 424% main hand weapon DPS damage targets within a range of 200 and taunts them all.
- Decreased dcooldown to 15 seconds.
- Cost changed to 20 rage.
- No longer adding inability to move effect to caster.
Determination Rune
- Effect duration increased to 18 seconds.
Superior Suppression
- Increased damage to 580% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
- Decreased cooldown to 8 seconds.
- Changed physical critical hit rate to physical critical damage, 28% at level 104.
Deadland Protection
- Skill change: Reduces received physical damage by 30% and magical damage by 10%.
- No longer reducing receive
- Added 75% aggro increment to Spirit of the Oak.
- Added 75% aggro reduction to Chiron the Centaur.
General Skills
Charged Chop
- Grants extra aggro if Spirit of the Oak is summoned.
Savage Power
- Increases magical attack power too.
Power of the Wood Spirit
- Grants extra aggro if Spirit of the Oak is summoned.
- Increased target amount to 6.
Primary Skills
Thorny Vines
- Added damage as 605% main hand weapon DPS at level 104 on hit.
Protection of Nature
- Decreased received healing effect to 10.8%.
Magic Interference
- Increases received damage for target as 6.2% at level 104.
Cross Chop
- Reduced cooldown to 4 seconds.
Frantic Briar
- Reduced cooldown to 6 seconds.
- Grants extra aggro if Spirit of the Oak is summoned.
Two-Hand Weapon Mastery
- Increased damage value to 71% at level 55.
Elven Guidance
- Changed mana restoration amount to 20.6% at level 104.
Sepal Stab (Pet)
- Increased damage to 1590 at level 104.
Warden / Druid
Remove Curse
- Cooldown increased to 60 seconds.
- Increases physical and magical attack power and damage of party members by 5% for 20 seconds.
Earth Spirit Essence
- Increased damage to 1660.
- Skill change: Increases physical and magical damage by 15% for 900 seconds.
Thorn Sigil
- Skill change: Charged Chop, Power of the Wood Spirit, Frantic Briar and Cross Chop now deals additional magical earth damage.
- Charged Chop: 1600 + 0.3 Intelligence
Power of the Wood Spirit: 820 + 0.3 Intelligence
Frantic Briar: 1080 + 0.3 Intelligence
Cross Chop: 1288 + 0.3 Intelligence at level 104.
Beast Awakening
- Removed Blade of Protection relation of skill.
- Added inflicted damage portion as 20%
- Added physical and magical power raw value as 1090 at level 104.
- Added physical and magical power percentage value as 17.6% at level 104.
Quick Reflexes Magical Awakening
- Skill change: Allows you to use wand. Increases wand and staff damage by 21.5% at level 55.
Natural Spring
- Corrected wrong radius info as 100.
- Changed heal amount to 10% for party members.
Blade of Protection
- Reduced cooldown to 4 seconds.
- Added extra 872 + 0.3 Intelligence magical earth damage portion at level 104.
- Changed base damage to 506.8% main hand weapon DPS.
Briar Control
- Removed Thorn Sigil relation of skill.
- Reduced received healing effect to 25%.
Warden / Mage
Wind Chop
- Reduced cooldown to 2 seconds.
- Changed damage type to physical wind damage.
Narrow Escape
- Reduced cooldown to 300 seconds.
Spiritual Feedback
- Skill change: Increases physical critical damage of Oak Walker by 30%.
Pet Enhance
- Increased damage effect to 50%.
Warden / Rogue
Achilles’ Heel Strike
- Increased physical critical hit rate to 644 at level 104.
- Increased damage to 756% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
Gravel Attack
- Increased damage to 818% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
- Increased damage to 644.8% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
- Increased effect duration to 20 seconds.
- Changed inflicted damage effect to 30% physical damage.
Thorn Upgrade
- Restores 10% MP when Thorny Vines ends.
- Thorny Vines: Increased damage to 775.2% main hand weapon DPS.
Critical Feeling
- Increased number of attacks to 5.
- Added 100% critical physical damage to effect.
Enemy Sigil
- Skill change: Applies Enemy Sigil on target. When target has Enemy Sigil, Charged Chop, Power of the Wood Spirit, Achiless’ Heel Strike and Gravel attack will gain 30% more damage.
Warden / Scout
Beast Tamer
- Added physical critical damage for pet as 15.56% at level 104.
Valiant Shot (Pet)
- Reduced cooldown to 4 seconds.
Win-piercing Arrow (Pet)
- Increased duration of attack speed buff to 15 seconds.
- Reduced cost to 30 focus.
- Reduced cooldown to 3 seconds.
- Reduced exhaustion period of pet to 15 seconds.
Warden / Warrior
Double Chop
- Increased damage to 623% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
- Grants extra aggro only if Spirit of the Oak is summoned.
Pulse Mastery
- Increased damage to 1046% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
Beast Chop
- Increased damage to 766% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
- Grants extra aggro only if Spirit of the Oak is summoned.
Will Attack
- Increased effect duration to 15 seconds.
- Modifies Frantic Briar to deal damage twice.
Warrior / Champion
Blood Rune Weapon
- Skill change: Consumes 5% HP every second in order to increase physical critical damage by 28% and physical attack power by 14%.
Unbridled Rage
- Increases 24% physical damage additionally at level 55.
- Increased strength effect to 24% at level 55.
- Increased effect duration to 20 seconds.
Stifling Attack
- Reduced cooldown to 6 seconds.
- Increased damage to 746% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
Enhanced Shock
- Reduces cooldown of Shock Strike by 3 seconds additionally.
- Increases damage of Shock Strike by 50% additionally.
Bloody Slash
- Increased damage to 704% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
Bloody Battle
- Removed 6 seconds of waiting after critical hit requirement.
- Changed recovery to 25% of maximum HP and 50 rage.
- Changed cost to 10% HP.
- Increased cooldown to 30 seconds.
Vendetta Blow
- Reduced cooldown to 3 seconds.
- Increased damage to 902% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
- Damage of this skill will be increased depends on current HP of caster. Maximum extra damage achievable is 50% at 10% HP.
Blood Whirlwind
- Cooldown of Whirlwind reduced to 10 seconds additionally.
- Cost of Whirlwind reduced to 20 rage additionally.
Warrior / Druid
Rose Vine
- Skill change: Increases physical critical damage by 40% for 900 seconds.
Guardian’s Pledge
- Replaced critical physical resist effect with reduction of received damage by 15%.
- Increased effect duration to 30 seconds.
- Increased damage to 580% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
Irresistible Force
- Duration increased to 15 seconds.
- Reduced cooldown to 6 seconds.
- Increased damage top 1534 main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
- Replaced accuracy effect with increase of physical and magical attack by 8.8% at level 104.
- Effect cannot be triggered again for 40 seconds after initial use.
Revival Slash
- Removed Recover effect.
- Slash is refreshing 50 rage with 25% chance now.
Warrior / Knight
Throw Shield
- Added aggro modifier.
- Reduced cooldown to 4 seconds.
Ignore Pain
- Reduces taken damage of party members by 30% while in effect additionally.
Heroic Surprise Attack
- Changing Surprise attack into an area skill
Surprise Attack now inflicting damage to 15 targets within range of destination. - Increased rage recovery amount to 25.
- Increased damage to 570% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
- Cooldown of Surprise Attack is changed to 6 seconds.
Whirlwind Battle Technique
- Reduces cost of Whirlwind to 20 rage.
- Reduces cooldown of Whirlwind to 5 seconds.
- Adds aggro modifier to Whirlwind while a shield is equipped.
Blocking Stance
- Increased parry rate to 1273 at level 104.
Shield Bash
- Added aggro effect as 171% at level 104.
Concentrated Precision
- Replaced accuracy effect with maximum HP as 27% at level 104.
- Skill change: Makes your Throw shield hits cause the target to take an additional 5% damage.
Warrior / Mage
Electrical Rage
- Reduced effect value to 15.4% per stack at level 104.
Power Control
- Makes Whirlwind deal 2960 wind damage at level 104 additionally.
Warrior / Priest
Defender’s Roar
- Effect duration reduced to 60 seconds.
- Increases critical damage of party members by 14% additionally at level 104.
Magic Barrier Perfection
- Decreases also received physical damage.
- Increased damage to 1596% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
Interrupting Strike
- Increasing received damage for target by 5%.
- Increased rage recovery to 50.
Blood Retention
- Replaced rage recovery effect with 18% physical damage increment for 20 seconds.
Warrior / Rogue
Blood Dance
- Increased damage to 942% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
Splitting Chop
- Increased damage to 1378% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
- Reduced cooldown to 8 seconds.
- Removed Weakened effect requirement.
Desperate Measures
- Increased effect duration to 300 seconds.
Keen Attack
- Increased damage to 694% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
Attack Launch
- Adds physical damage effect as 20% to Berserk additionally.
Warrior / Scout
Skull Breaker
- Increased damage to 704% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
- Reduced cost to 15 focus.
Sword Breath
- Increased damage to 694% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
- Reduced cost to 15 focus.
The Final Battle
- Changed target HP requirement for extra damage to 50%.
- Increased base damage to 580% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
- Increased maximum damage to 1648% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
Aim for the Wound
- Increased damage to 954% ranged weapon DPS at level 104.
- Reduced cost to 15 focus.
Waiting Game
- Increased physical attack power rate to 10%.
Battle Focus
- Increases damage of Shot by 30% additionally.
- Reduces cost of Slash to 10 rage additionally.
Warrior / Warden
Battle Creed
- Increases physical critical damage additionally as 17.5% at level 55.
Air Tremor
- Reduced cost to 5% MP.
- Increased damage to 570% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
Warrior / Warlock
Rage Blow
- Increased damage to 808% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
Psychic Battle Cry
- Skill change: Increases physical attack power by 24% and physical critical damage by 10% for 20 seconds.
- Increased cooldown to 3 minutes.
Spirit-Cracking Blow
- Increased damage to 803% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
- Reduced cooldown to 8 seconds.
Spirit Blade Storm
- Increased damage to 280% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
- Increased duration to 20 seconds.
- Reduced cooldown to 20 seconds.
Excellent Combat Training
- Skill change: Increases physical damage by 40% for 30 seconds.
Psychic Whirlwind
- Increased damage to 538% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
Psychic Ghost Step
- Increased damage to 342% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
Lightning Spell
- Increased damage to 704% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
- Reduced cooldown to 6 seconds.
Speed Slash
- Increases damage of Slash by 10%.
- Reduces cost of Slash to 15.
- Ranged attack speed is limited to 0.5.
General Skills
- Increased damage to 352% ranged weapon DPS at level 104.
Blood Arrow
- Removed 55 level upgrade limit.
- Changed duration to unlimited.
- Added 10 seconds of cooldown for after effect deactivated.
Primary Skills
- Reworked cooldown system, now it is entirely based on attack speed instead of flat values.
Mana Drain Shot
- Increased damage to 528% ranged weapon DPS at level 104.
- Reduced cooldown to 15 seconds.
Eagle Eyes
- Added critical damage as 11.4% at level 104.
- Increased physical critical rate to 649 at level 104.
Combo Shot
- Reduced cooldown to 6 seconds
- Increased damage to 409% ranged weapon DPS at level 104.
- Added ability to cast while moving for 15 seconds.
Wind Arrows
- Increased damage to 425% ranged weapon DPS at level 104.
Piercing Arrow
- Increased damage to 564% ranged weapon DPS at level 104.
- Reduced cooldown to 10 seconds.
Reflected Shot
- Increased damage to 595% ranged weapon DPS at level 104.
- Reduced cooldown to 6 seconds.
- Changed skill level to 25.
Scout / Druid
Curse Breaker Curse Bringer
- Skill change: When the target is under the effect of Snake Poison Arrow, this attack deals 1740% ranged weapon DPS at level 104.
- Changed skill level to 20.
Unbinding Magic
- Skill change: Adds 10% movement speed effect to Detection.
- Skill change: Increases physical attack power by equal to 50% of ranged damage for 1800 seconds.
Soul Blessing
- Skill change: Removes cast time of Snipe and increases its damage to 2048% ranged weapon DPS at level 104.
Snake Poison Arrow
- Increased damage to 580% ranged weapon DPS at level 104.
- Reduced cooldown to 8 seconds.
- Changed skill level to 15.
Elven Eye
- Increased physical critical hit rate to 1070 at level 104.
- Increased physical critical damage to 57% at level 104.
Archer Blessing
- Skill change: Increases ranged weapon damage by 8%.
Scout / Knight
Repelling Arrow
- Increased damage to 570% ranged weapon DPS at level 104.
Enhanced Armor Perfection
- Enhanced armor is now reducing received physical damage additionally.
Healing Shot
- Increased damage to 528% ranged weapon DPS at level 104.
Armor-piercing Arrow
- Increases damage of Disarmamanet additionally as 503% ranged weapon DPS at level 104.
Scout / Mage
- Increased damage to 352% ranged weapon DPS at level 104.
Wilderness Campaign
- Increased effect duration to 20 seconds.
Cursed Arrow
- Increased damage to 390% ranged weapon DPS at level 104.
Wind Return
- Increased effect duration to 60 seconds.
Scout / Priest
Mana Arrows
- Reduced cooldown to 15 seconds.
Spiritiual Leader
- Reduced cooldown to 180 seconds.
Revival Engraving
- Increased increment of healing received and reduction of damage received to 11.8% at level 104.
- Increases damage of Snipe by 25% additionally.
Drums of War
- Increased effect duration to 15 seconds.
- Added critical damage as 5% to effect.
Screen Attack
- Increased inflicted damage increment to 17.6% at level 55.
Scout / Rogue
Weak Spot
- Increased damage to 528% ranged weapon DPS at level 104.
- Reduced cooldown to 8 seconds.
- Increased physical critical hit rate to 644 at level 104.
Poisonous Bite
- Increased damage to 632% ranged weapon DPS at level 104.
Sapping Arrows
- Increased defense reduction to 18.6%.
- Increased duration to 30 seconds.
- Added 6.5% physical attack power to caster for 30 seconds.
Exploiting Shot
- Increased duration to 20 seconds.
Scout / Warden
Thorn Arrow
- Increased damage to 600% ranged weapon DPS at level 104.
Hidden Peril
- Increased damage to 642% ranged weapon DPS at level 104.
- Hidden Peril effect is now disappearing when Snipe cast is ended instead of at start of cast.
Entling Offering
- Reduced damage of second portion of Shot by 40%.
Charged Power
- Reduced Charged Chop cooldown to 10 seconds.
Scout / Warrior
Battle Instinct
- Added 32.3% physical critical damage at level 104.
Vital Reflection
- Increased extra damage requirement to 50% HP.
Accurate Targeting
- Increased physical attack power rate to 8%.
Breathing Obstruction
- Skill change: If target is under the effects of Mana Drain Shot, Snipe will deal extra halved damage and target will be silenced for 5 seconds.
General Skills
- Increase MP cost to 1612 at level 104.
- Decreased heal amount to 456 at level 104.
Mother Earth’s Protection
- Increased effect duration to 10 seconds.
Primary Skills
Briar Entwinement
- Increased damage to 1630.4 at level 104.
Blossoming Life
- Added 2% extra heal.
- Increased MP cost to 1176 at level 104.
Knowledge of the Earth
- Increased earth damage increment to 104% at level 104.
Pure Healing
- Reduced heal effect to 25.9% at level 55.
Summon Sandstorm
- Increased base damage to 1538 at level 104.
- Increased extra damage to 1808 at level 104.
Restore Life
- Reduced heal amount to 1214 at level 104.
- Increased MP cost to 1612 at level 104.
- Increased damage to 1600 at level 104.
Curing Seed
- Reduced heal effect to 14.9% at level 55.
- Increased MP cost to 1036 at level 55.
Mother Earth’s Fountain
- Reduced base heal amount to 836 at level 104.
- Reduced extra heal amount to 1006 at level 104.
- Changed to raid effect instead of all friendly objects.
Concentration Prayer
- Changed to raid effect.
Druid / Mage
Earth Chain
- Increased radius to 80.
- Removed damage decrement with each hit.
- Increased maximum targets to 5.
Summer Banquet
- Skill change: Increases maximum HP and attack power of party members by 6% for 30 seconds and increases your healing by 8%.
- Cooldown reduced to 300 seconds.
Inspiration Display
- Skill change: Enables Earth Arrow to inflict extra 1204.8 + 0.3 x Intelligence fire damage.
Holy Fury
- Skill change: Enhances your Body Vitalization to affect party members and increases it’s power significantly up to 34.24% at level 104.
Sounds of Season
- Skill change: Increases your magical damage by 10% and fire damage by 70% at level 104.
Druid / Scout
Warm Spring
- Added 2% extra MP recovery.
Spirit Shackles Mother Nature’s Guidance
- Skill change: Converts 20% of ranged damage into magical damage.
Mother Earth’s Blessing
- Skill change: Increases your healing by 15.4% for 20 seconds at level 104.
- Cooldown increased to 120 seconds.
Camellia Flower
- Changed to raid effect.
Druid / Warden
Enhanced Briar Shield
- Makes your Briar Shield apply to entire raid.
- Changed heal to affect only raid members.
- Briar Shield will increase received healing by 5% and reduces received damage by 5%.
Briar Life
- Briar Shield will increase your healing by 8% instead.
Extended Recovery Recovery Expert
- Enhances heal of over time power of Recovery instead.
Mysterious Grace
- Changed to raid effect.
Druid / Warrior
Glory Wand
- Increases healing instead of received healing.
Heart of the Wild
- Increased melee weapon damage increment to 50%.
Healing Wind
- Changed to raid effect.
Awakening of the Wild
- Changed to raid effect.
Primary Skills
Dagger Mastery
- Increased dagger damage increment to 92.5% at level 55.
Rogue / Champion
Confusion Mechanism
- Increased mechanism duration to 10 seconds.
- Reduced cooldown to 30 seconds.
- Reduced cost to 10 rage.
Stepping Mechanism Remodeled Assassin
- Skill change: Reduces Assassins Rage cooldown by 60 seconds and adds 8% physical damage effect to it.
Pulse Rune Bomb
- Inflicts 1064% main hand weapon DPS at level 104 if target is under effect of Silent Rune Bomb.
Burying Mechanism
- Increased effect duration to 10 seconds.
- Changed to be effective within 100 radius.
- Reduced cooldown to 30 seconds.
- Increased reduction of critical resistance to 1650.
Guidance Feedback Poison Feedback
- Skill change: When under Normal attacks increases physical attack power by 1% for 15 seconds, stacks up to 25 times.
Foot Mechanism Power Mechanism
- Increases attack speed, cast speed and attack power of raid members by 5%, effect will be 10% for caster.
Silent Rune Bomb
- Increased damage to 724.8% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
Mechanism Activation Spike Electric Influx
- Removes cooldown of Electrocution and replaces it’s interruption effect with a bleed effect.
Nerve Gear Bloody Mess
- Skill change: Wound Attack inflicts additional hit with Electrocution bleed.
Electrocution Mechanism Disassembly Shadow
- Skill change: Enters Disassembly Shadow state for next 30 seconds in order to increase physical damage by 18.2% and physical attack by 10.92% at level 55.
Rogue / Druid
Hysteric Vengeance
- Skill change: Increases your physical critical hit rate by 986.8 and physical attack power by 8% at level 104%.
Killin’ Time
- Increased duration to 20 seconds.
- Increased critical damage to 53% at level 104.
- Removed use limit.
- Cooldown reduced to 120 seconds.
Malicious Intent Release
- Skill change: Reduces cooldown of Earth Pulse and makes it deal 562% main hand weapon DPS physical earth damage at level 104.
Poison Antibodies Poisonous Embrace
- Skill change: Increases dagger damage by 36.4% at level 104.
Slaughter Blessing
- Increased attack power to 10%.
Rogue / Knight
Lion’s Protection
- Increased attack power to 15.56% at level 104.
Courageous Guard
- Increased duration to 10 seconds.
- Increases damage of party by 5% additionally.
Reckless Warrior
- Increased attack power to 5%.
- Increased duration to 10 seconds.
Holy Light Protection
- Reduces physical damage taken additionally.
- Increased reduction to 35% at level 55.
Searing Light
- Changed damage type to physical.
- Increased damage to 530% main hand weapon DPS damage at level 104.
Punishment Thrust
- Increases physical damage by 8% additionally.
Rogue / Priest
Quickness Aura
- Changed to raid buff.
- Increased duration to 15 seconds.
- Increases physical attack power by 18% additionally.
Slowing Poison
- Removed cast time.
- Increases casters attack speed by 15% additionally.
Demonstration of Evil
- Party members get full effects of Sinister Methods now.
Wound Tear
- Increases damage of Wound Attack by 15% additionally.
- Effect duration halved.
- Reduced cooldown to 6 seconds.
Sinister Methods
- Increased critical hit rate to 644.
- Increases physical critical damage by 15% additionally.
- Increased duration to 15 seconds.
- Increased trigger cooldown to 30 seconds after effect ends.
Rogue / Scout
Deadly Shot
- Increases damage of Shot by 15%.
Combat Master
- Increased physical critical hit rate to 649 at level 104.
- Increased extra damage requirement to 50% HP.
Energy Thief
- Increased effect duration to 30 seconds.
Tongue Poison Blood Poison
- Skill change: Blood Arrow increases physical damage now.
Rogue / Warden
Bloodthirsty Blade
- Increased physical critical hit rate to 682 at level 104.
- Increased damage to 615.8% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
- Increases physical damage by 10% on successful hit additionally.
- Increased duration to 20 seconds.
- Increased trigger cooldown to 30 seconds.
Emotional Obstruction
- Reduces physical damage additionally.
- Changed to be affect area around target.
Phantom Blade
- Increased damage to 699% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
- Increases physical attack power by 10% for 30 seconds.
- Increased Oak’s live time to 30 seconds.
- Reduced cooldown to 180 seconds.
- Adjusted Oak’s to get stronger depends on caster’s attributes.
Crazed Creed
- Increased critical damage to 27% at level 104.
Wound Patch
- Recovers 5% HP additionally.
Group Panic Wardens Wrath
- Skill change: Allows to wear Chain equipment and increases damage by 8%.
Rogue / Warlock
Dark Soul Barrier
- Increases physical and magical attack power by 5% additionally.
- Increased duration to 15 seconds.
Dark Soul Smelt
- Skill change: Covers your weapons with darkness, normal attacks causes 232% main hand weapon DPS physical dark damage at level 104.
Soul Agility
- Increases physical attack power by 17.5% instead at level 55.
Soul Curtain
- Skill change: Decreases cooldown of Soul Stab and Ghostly Strike to 4 seconds.
Rogue / Warrior
One-Hand Axe Mastery
- Increased damage increment to 87.5% at level 55.
Poisonous Infection
- Increased damage to 865% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
- Reduced cooldown to 6 seconds.
- Requires 1H axe.
- Increased effect duration to 20 seconds.
- Increased damage to 865% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
- Requires 1H axe.
Toxic Splash
- Makes Poison Explosion trigger infection effect to spread poison and deals half of Poisonous Explosion damage to enemies around target.
Death’s Touch
- Increased effect duration to 15 seconds.
- Increased damage to 609% main hand weapon DPS at level 55.
- Requires 1H axe.
Poison Spray Poisonous Explosion
- Reduced cooldown to 8 seconds.
- Increased damage to 1385% main hand weapon DPS at level 104.
- Removed spread effect.
- Requires 1H axe.
Reclaim Energy
- Skill change: Restores 20 rage and 20 energy every 5 seconds for 900 seconds.
Poison Battle Technique
- Increases physical damage by 8% additionally.
Rogue / Mage
Enchanted Throw
- Reduced damage to 330% main hand weapon DPS + 8 x projectile damage at level 104.
- Removed effect duration.
Enlivened Blade
- Removed target limit.
- Reduced cooldown to 8 seconds.
Vengeance Sting
- Skill change: Hide is now increasing your movement speed instead.
Day of Rain
- Reduced cooldown to 6 seconds.
Set Skills
Shetamb’s Think Tank
- Decreases intelligence increment to 15%.
- Changed to a passive skill.
General Skills
- Changed magical bonus damage to magical damage.
Fire Ward
- Added magical damage reduction as 11.4% at level 104.
- Changed to raid buff.
Primary Skills
Elemental Catalysis
- Increased duration to 30 seconds.
- Increased proc chance to 30% from 10%.
Electric Explosion
- Increased base damage to 2556 + 0.2 x Intelligence.
- Increased charged damage to 3076 + 0.3 x Intelligence.
Wind Knowledge Master of Staves
- Skill change: Increases staff and wand damage by 16% at level 55.
Fire Knowledge Elemental Knowledge
- Skill change: Increases all elemental damage by 83% at level 104.
Plasma Arrow
- Increased damage to 2021 + 0.10 x Intelligence at level 104.
- Increased magical critical hit rate to 644 at level 104.
- Increases magical critical damage as 23% at level 104 additionally.
Meteor Shower
- Changed damage type to wind damage.
- Changed to inflict damage within 100 radius around target.
- Increased damage to 1080 + 0.10 x Intelligence at level 104.
- Added increased damage as 1308 + 0.10 x Intelligence at level 104 if target is under effect of Thunderbolt Paralysis.
- Increased damage to 2655 + 0.10 x Intelligence at level 104.
Energy Influx
- Increases magical critical damage by 5% additionally.
- Increased magical critical hit rate increment to 545 at level 104.
Mage / Champion
Brain Shock
- Increased intelligence increment to 35% at level 104.
- Increased effect duration to 30 seconds.
Voltage Seize
- Skill change: Usable under effect of Electric Current which is applied everytime Electric Bolt invoked.
Ion Storm
- Increased damage to 1065 at level 104.
- Reduced cost to 10 rage.
Ion Barrier Voltage Influx
- Skill change: Increases magical critical damage by 25% and wind damage by 18%.
Electric Current Arc
- Increases Plasma Arrow damage to 2541 + 0.1 x Intelligence at level 104.
Electrostatic Charge Expertise
- Effect increases wind damage by 20% additionally.
Lightning Shield
- Removed cooldown.
- Increased duration to 900 seconds.
- Increased inflicted damage to 1850 + 0.4 x Intelligence.
- Reduces received damage by 30% additionally.
- No longer gives Electric Current effect on receiving an attack.
Mage / Druid
- Increases magical attack power by 24.8% at level 104 additionally.
Control Flame
- Skill change: When a target is hit by Flame, earth damage will be increased by 30% for 30 seconds.
Magma Blade
- Increased earth damage portion of skill to 1288 + 0.15 x Intelligence at level 104.
- Reduced cooldown to 4 seconds.
Earth Attack
- Increased effect duration to 30 seconds.
Infiltration Spirit
- Increased effect duration to 30 seconds.
Magic Target Mother Earth’s Blade
- Skill change: Inflict 2140 + 0.2 x Intelligence earth damage on the target at level 104.
- Increased MP cost to 537 at level 104.
Green Guardian
- Increased heal recovery to 20%.
Boiling Rock
- Skill change: Makes Magma Blade always deal critical damage.
Elven Mystic
- Skill change: Within 30 seconds, every offensive skill will give 4% critical magical damage for 10 seconds, stacks up to 5 times.
Pulse Link Mother Earth’s Wrath
- Skill change: Inflicts 2848 + 0.2 x Intelligence earth damage on the target.
- If target’s HP is under 30%, damage will be 4220 + 0.4 x Intelligence earth damage.
Mage / Knight
Messengfer of Light
- Reduced light damage portion to 16% at level 55.
- Increases magical damage by 5% additionally.
Light of Day
- Increased effect duration to 30 seconds.
- Increased light damage increment to 16%.
Concentrated Attention
- Skill change: Makes Fireball inflict extra 2982 + 0.3 x Intelligence light damage at level 104 and reduces it’s cooldown by 2 seconds.
Saint’s Resilience
- Skill change: Makes your Shield of Discipline usable without shield.
Mage / Priest
Shine of the Holy Aura Holy Influx
- Skill change: Increases magical damage by 20% for 30 seconds.
Magic Drain
- Increased effect duration to 30 seconds.
- Increasing critical magical damage by 8% additionally.
Mage / Rogue
Cursed Fangs
- Skill change: Inflicts 1505 + 0.21 x Intelligence dark damage to target. If caster isn’t under effect of Dark Fang Exhaustion, hidden projectiles will deal 81.8 + 0.01 x Intelligence damage every 2 seconds for 12 seconds at level 104.
- Changes cost type to 520 MP at level 104.
- Reduced Fang Ritual extra damage to 742 + 0.14 x Intelligence at level 104.
- Skill change: Silences target for 10 seconds and lowers magical defense by 10% for 30 seconds.
- Skill change: Summon two shadows that distract nearby enemies and allow you to disappear, erasing all aggro for 10 seconds. While in effect, shadows will inflict 3268 + 0.3 x Intelligence dark damage every 2 seconds to closest enemy.
Shadow Protection
- Reduces received area damage by 32% at level 55 additionally.
- No longer increasing movement speed when getting an attack.
Night Refuge
- Skill change: Within next 60 seconds, you will absorb 3 attacks.
- Added 120 seconds of cooldown.
- Added cost of 30 energy and 10% MP.
Kiss of the Vampire
- Skill change: Can be used when the target is under the effects of Cursed Fangs and Inflicts 3061 + 0.3 x Intelligence dark damage. If caster isn’t under effect of Kiss of the Vampire Exhaustion, hidden projectiles will deal 79 + 0.01 x Intelligence damage every 2 seconds and increases magical damage by 25.8% for 30 seconds at level 104.
Fang Ritual
- Reduced dark damage increment to 16%.
- Increases magical critical damage by 16% additionally at level 55.
Shadow Shroud
- Skill change: Inflicts 3705 + 0.4 x Intelligence dark damage to targets within the designated area, slowing their movement by 30% and for each hit, your area damage will be increased by 1% for 15 seconds, stacks up to 10 times.
Gift of the Baron
- Skill change: You sacrifice 5% HP every second and siphon life from enemies within a range of 80. Inflicts 1625 + 0.2 x Intelligence dark damage to targets. While in this state, increases all friendly targets physical and magical damage by 5% and heal them for 10% of your HP every 2 seconds. Only one effect can heal at same time.
- Added cost of 10% HP.
Pride of the Baron Shadow of the Baron
- Skill change: Transform into a shadow, increasing maximum HP and Intelligence by 12%, area damage by 15% and inflicted aggro by 50%.
- Passively modifies Purgatory Fire to be Purgatory Darkness to inflict extra 1449 + 0.1 x Intelligence dark damage.
Mage / Scout
Fire Arrow
- Increases critical magical damage instead of critical hit rate as 15.4% at level 104.
- Revised skill damage to 4155.4 fire damage at level 104 of Shot skill.
Fire Rose Explosion
- Skill change: Ignites Fire Rose on target and inflicts 3710 + 0.8 x Intelligence fire damage.
Flame of Fire
- Increased damage to 3264 at level 104.
Fire Rose Storm
- Removed trigger cooldown.
- Increases percent magical damage 16.6% additionally at level 104.
- Increases raw magical damage by 520 additionally at level 104.
Strength of Ashes
- Skill change: When Flame Spirit is summoned, caster gains an increase in magical damage by 15%.
Fire Rose
- Skill change: Plants a rose seed inside the target. If caster isn’t under effect of Fire Rose Exhaustion, it will inflkict 62.8 + 0.01 x Intelligence fire damage every 2 seconds for 20 seconds at level 104.
Flame Spirit
- Removed cooldown.
- Changed cost to 20% MP.
- Added 4 seconds of casting time.
- Added -100% received area damage to Flame Spirit.
- Reuse is recalling pet now.
- Decreased pet size to 50%.
- Increased pet HP modifier to 0.8 from 0.02.
Power of the Wind
- Revised skill damage to 4155.4 wind damage at level 104 of Shot skill.
Magic Crossflow
- Skill change: When Flame Spirits Flame of Fire hits, it will increase casting speed for caster and Flame Spirit by 5% for 15 seconds, stacks up to 6 times.
- Removed cooldown.
Wind Fire Cultivation
- Transforms 20% of ranged damage into magical damage additionally.
Mage / Warden
Earth Surge
- Removed reduction of hit rate.
Feedback Savage Feedback
- Skill change: Makes Savage Power increase 10.7% magical attack and 6.5% magical damage instead.
Follower’s Ground
- Increased Intelligence and Stamina increment to 23% at level 55.
- Increased duration of earth damage effect of Absence to 30 seconds.
Earth Scepter
- Reduced earth damage increment to 16% at level 55.
Earth Marking
- Skill change: Increases critical magical damage and earth damage by 15% for 30 seconds.
Earth Core Barrier
- Skill change: Reduces received damage by 60%, increases casting speed by 20% and makes skills inflict damage second time with 40% reduced damage for 10 seconds.
Mage / Warlock
Elements of Pride
- Increased wind and fire damage per stack to 10%.
- Increased effect duration to 30 seconds.
Fire Lightning Burst
- Reduced cost to 10 focus.
- Increased cast time to 3 seconds.
- Removed cooldown.
- Decreased both damage portions to 1545.6 + 0.2 x Intelligence at level 104.
Deep Inspiration
- Resets cooldown of Elemental Catalysis additionally.
Elemental Extraction
- Skill change: Each of Flame, Electric Explosion and Fire Lightning Burst will apply special extraction effects on target and when all extractions are completed, Elemental Extraction will be applied for 30 seconds which will decrease defense of target by 30%.
Mage / Warrior
Magical Talent
- Increases maximum HP by 21.8% additionally at level 104.
Elemental Explosion
- Increases critical magical damage by 11.4% additionally at level 104.
- Increased magical critical hit rate increment to 649 at level 104.
Activate Mana
- Transforms 20% MP into 100 rage and reduces aggro by 20% for 30 seconds.
Meditative Current
- Increased effect duration to 20 seconds.
- Reduced trigger cooldown to 20 seconds.
Wisdom and Bravery
- Reduced increment of Intelligence from Strength and Stamina to 35%.
Magical Enlightenment
- Changed MP regeneration to 2610 + 5% every 5 seconds at level 104.
- Changed HP regeneration to 26100 + 5% every 5 seconds at level 104.
Rage Mana
- Increased effect duration to 20 seconds.
- Reduced magical damage increment to 20.4% at level 104.
Enhanced Intensification
- Reduced magical critical damage increment to 13.4% at level 104.
Meditation Path
- Increased effect duration to 20 seconds.
- Reduced trigger cooldown to 10 seconds.
General Skills
Psychic Arrows
- Reduced cost to 15 focus.
- Increased casting time to 3 seconds.
- Added 0.3 x Intelligence damage modifier.
Warp Charge
- Reduced cost to 20 focus.
- Added 0.3 x Intelligence damage modifier.
Soul Pain
- Skill change: Inflicts torture upon the target’s soul 24 seconds. When the caster isn’t under effect of Soul Pain Exhaustion, it will torture enemy by inflicting 419.5 + 0.1 x Intelligence dark damage every 2 seconds for 24 seconds at level 104.
Weakening Weave Curse
- Increased cast time to 2 seconds.
- Increased maximum target amount to 10.
- Increased effect duration to 30 seconds.
Pure Soul
- Increased Intelligence increment to 11.4% at level 104.
Surge of Malice
- Increased maximum target amount to 10.
Primary Skills
Perception Extraction
- Skill change: Steals targets senses for 60 seconds to refresh 2 focus every 2 seconds. When the caster isn’t under effect of Perception Extraction Exhaustion, it will torture enemy by inflicting 252.6 + 0.1 x Intelligence dark damage every 2 seconds for 60 seconds at level 104.
Shield of Solid Mind
- Reduced cost to 25 focus.
Ruthless Judgment
- Added 0.3 x Intelligence damage modifier.
- Increased extra damage HP requirement to 50%.
- Increased effect duration to 30 seconds.
Mind Barrier
- Reduced cost to 3 Psi.
- Increased received healing to 14.4% at level 104.
- Increased effect duration to 12 seconds.
Ill Will
- Increased dark damage increment to 110% at level 104.
Knowledge Acquisition
- Reduced cost to 10 focus.
- Increased cast time to 3 seconds.
- Added 0.4 x Intelligence damage modifier.
- Changed damage to 2700 x 0.4 x Intelligence at level 104.
Opportune Strike
- Reduced damage increment to 21.8% at level 104.
Willpower Blade / Willpower Construct
- Increased cooldown and effect duration to 30 seconds.
Sublimation Weave Curse
- Changed to raid effect.
Heart Collection Strike
- Added 0.2 x Intelligence damage modifier.
Beast’s Roar
- Added 0.2 x Intelligence damage modifier.
- Increased effect duration to 10 seconds.
- Increased movement speed reduction effect to 4 seconds for non-players.
Soul Trauma
- Added 0.2 x Intelligence damage modifier.
- Increased stun effect duration to 6 seconds for non-players.
Otherworldly Whisper
- Reduced cost to 2 Psi.
- Increased effect duration to 24 seconds.
Surge of Awareness
- Increased effect duration to 20 seconds.
- Increased cooldown to 40 seconds.
- Changed to raid effect.
Saces’s Embrace
- Added 0.2 x Intelligence damage modifier.
Warlock / Champion
Saces’ Fury
- Skill change: Increases magical critical damage by 15% for 900 seconds.
- Increased cost to 25 rage.
Rune Energy Devotion
- Increased effect duration to 30 seconds.
Psychic Extension
- Reduces cost of Electrocution to 15 rage.
- Reduces cost of Energy Influx Strike to 20 rage.
Mind Rune
- Increases magical damage by 1840 at level 104 instead of Intelligence.
Saces’ Impulse
- Increased effect duration to 300 seconds.
Psychic Tap
- Increased effect duration to 30 seconds.
- Increased proc chance to 50%.
Warlock / Mage
Flaming Heart Strike
- Increases 3 Psi always.
- Reduced cooldown to 20 seconds.
Focus Building
- Increased Intelligence increment per stack to 15%.
- Reduced maximum stack amount to 3 times.
- Changed active cost to 2 focus per 2 seconds.
Saces’ Cracking Spell
- Increased effect duration to 25 seconds.
Soul Seal
- Changed to raid effect.
- Reduced damage increment to 10%.
- Increased effect duration to 15 seconds.
Warp Flash
- Changed to raid effect.
Soul Brand
- Reduced damage increment to 5% per stack.
- Changed damage increment type to all elemental damage.
Thinking Overload
- Increased casting speed increment to 25%.
- Reduced cooldown to 180 seconds.
Warlock / Priest
Healing Fortune
- Skill change: When Psychic Arrows inflicts a critical hit, your healing ability will be enhanced by 12% for 20 seconds.
Ring of Comfort
- Reduced cost to 4% MP.
- Reduced cooldown to 8 seconds.
- Changed to raid effect.
- Added 1 x Wisdom heal modifier.
Soul Enlightenment
- Reduced received heal increment to 17% at level 104.
Divine Assistance
- Skill change: Increases magical damage and heal power by 16% for 900 seconds.
Protection Weave Curse
- Regenerate will be more powerful and will increase Intelligence and Wisdom values of target by 10%.
Psychic Rising Tide
- Skill change: Makes Rising Tide an instant spell but adds 5 seconds of cooldown. When Rising Tide inflicts a critical hit, your healing ability will be enhanced by 12% for 20 seconds.
Touch of Faith
- Damage over Time change: If caster isn’t under effect of Touch of Faith Exhaustion, it will torture enemy by inflicting 298.2 + 0.1 x Intelligence dark damage every 2 seconds for 24 seconds.
Spreading Pain
- Changed cost to 10% MP and 15 focus.
- Increasing magical critical damage by 25% and magical attack power by 18% for 30 seconds.
Warlock / Rogue
Soul Poisoned Fang
- Damage over time change: If caster isn’t under effect of Soul Poisoned Fang Exhaustion, it will torture enemy by inflicting 340.8 + 0.1 x Intelligence dark damage to target every 2 seconds for 22 seconds.
Ready and Waiting
- Increased effect duration to 30 seconds.
- Increased Intelligence increment to 20%.
End of Thought
- Added 0.3 x Intelligence damage modifier.
Psychic Projectile
- Increased damage to 1942 + 0.2 x Intelligence dark damage at level 104.
Soul Hit
- Adds 0.3 x Intelligence damage modifier to Shadowstab additionally.
Soul Raid
- Increased effect duration to 30 seconds.
- Increased dark damage increment to 30%.
Crime and Punishjment
- Added 0.8 x Intelligence dark damage modifier.
- Corrected extra damage increment.
Shadowstab Guile
- Gives Psi always.
Warlock / Warrior
Psychic Slash
- Adds 0.3 x Intelligence damage modifier to Slash.
Heart Fence
- Increased effect base duration to 5 seconds.
Heart Death
- Not extending effect duration of Slash anymore.
Mind Transference
- Skill change: Converts 50 Rage into 6 Psi.
Consistent Heart Strike
- Added 0.4 x Intelligence damage modifier.
Enhanced Mind Transference Psychic Warrior
- Skill change: Reduced received damage by 50%, increases aggro by 50% and magical damage by 30% for 30 seconds.
- Revised magical damage formula.
- Corrected Tikal and Salifus strings.
- Fixed Ah-Patnar-Unicob was a chicken.
- Temporarily disabled bag sort function.
- Fixed Magic Instruments weren’t working while being out of party.
- Fixed Scout hit rate was broken.
- Fixed Scout skill Snipe wasn’t working.
- Reduced Intelligence modified damage over time effects’ damage to 10% of previous values.
- Removed duration of Mage/Scout skill Flame Spirit.
- Fixed Mage/Rogue skill Gift of the Baron wasn’t working as area effect.
- Updated French translation.
- Restored bag sorting function.
- Fixed some on-hit skills had delay.
- Reworked minimap quest tooltips.
- Fixed experience debt wasn’t using server rates.
- Fixed heal formula wasn’t including wisdom properly.
- Fixed Tikal quests were having wrong monster targets.
- Allowed Provisions Courier Mount in Inferno of Divinity.
- Fixed Realm of Forgotten Legends mob skills was dealing unintended damage.
- Corrected Research Expert quest wasn’t changing bottle positions when it is done.
- Replaced wand/staff damage attributes of Warden/Druid and Mage to magical damage.
- Fixed Scout skill Autoshot wasn’t levelling weapon.
- Fixed Scout/Druid skill Focus wasn’t working properly.
Scout / Druid
- Reverted Knight Holy Strike 1000% aggro modifier.
- Fixed Knight/Scout Blood Arrow wasn’t working correctly.
- Fixed Rogue/Mage skill effect Hide was disappearing sometimes.
- Fixed Champion skill Shock Overload was consuming rage on hits.
- Fixed Mage/Rogue skill Gift of the Baron was interrupting casts while healing.
- Increased Shot skill damage of Mage/Scout to 4096 Wind/Fire Damage at level 104 and removed global cooldown trigger from skill.
- Added immunity to Conrack, Zak’Vi, Glacis instead of locking HP.
- Fixed heal formula was using wrong multiplier, defined 42.000 wisdom as lowest effective limit.
- Fixed Mage/Scout 70 elite was capped.
- Reduced Mage/Scout skill Wind Fire Cultivation convertion rate to 10%. (Description will be changed with Patch
- Revised heal spells formula.
- Fixed minor elements in character frame.
- Fixed pet crafting levels was limited to 61.
- Fixed Hall of Survivors (Easy), Hall of Survivors (Normal) and Hall of the Demon Lord (Normal) was limited to one entrance per day.
- Changed Mage set skill Shetamb’s Think Tank to a passive skill.
- Reduced Mage set skill Shetamb’s Think Tank Intelligence increment to 15%.
- Reduced size of Mage/Scout pet to 50%.
- Increased Mage/Scout pet HP multiplier to 80% from 2%.
- Fixed Mage/Scout passive Strength of Ashes isn’t disappearing when class is changed.
- Reduced radius of Mage/Rogue skill Gift of the Baron to 80.
- Reduced damage of Mage/Rogue skill Cursed Fangs by 30%.
- Reduced Mage/Rogue skill Shadow Shroud area damage boost stacks to 1%.
- Fixed Mage/Rogue skill Shadow Protection was increasing received area damage instead of decreasing.
- Reduced Mage/Rogue skill Shadow of the Baron Intelligence increment to 12%, aggro increment to 50%.
- Changed Mage/Warrior skill Bravery and Wisdom wasn’t working with Shetamb’s Think Tank.
- Reduced Mage/Warlock skill Fire Lightning Burst elemental damage by 20%.
- Reduced stack amount of Mage/Warlock passive Element of Prides to 2, increased damage increment per stack to 10%.
- Disabled heal effect of Champion/Warlock in Jerath event.
- Removed 10% MP cost of Psychic Rampage skill of Champion/Warlock.
- Fixed Priest set skill Slipstream of Healing was interrupting casts.
- Fixed Warlock/Mage effect Soul Seal was disappearing when getting attack.
- Fixed Warlock/Champion effect Psychic Tap was disappearing when getting attack.
- Fixed some client crash types.
- Optimized client and server performance.
- Fixed multiple client and server memory leaks.
- Revised heal over time formula.
- Changed way of healing scaling with level.
- Fixed pets weren’t getting affecting by instruments.
- Removed possibility to click Jerath exit portal twice.
- Fixed instant magical skills were inflicting 20% lower damage.
- Allowed to use Warden, Warden/Druid and Scout/Warden Briar Shield effects together with Druid/Warden.
- Corrected Mage passive Master of Staves description.
- Increases Mage Plasma Arrow effect Charged duration increased to 10 seconds.
- Increased Mage passive Eruption damage to 200% because new magical formula has weakened it.
- Reduced Mage/Scout skill Shot damage by 20%.
- Reduced Mage/Scout pet heal multiplier to 0.08 from 0.8.
- Blocked Mage/Scout pet to go close to target for melee attacks.
- Increased Mage/Knight skill Holy Light Strike cast time to 3 seconds.
- Increased Mage/Warden skill Earth Core Barrier duration to 20 seconds.
- Changed Mage/Warden passive Savage Feedback to modify only magical damage increment.
- Changed Mage/Priest passive Rising Tide Mastery to active skill Tide Burst that has 3 seconds of cast time and inflicting 2358 + 0.2 x Intelligence damage at level 104.
- Changed Mage/Priest Boiling Impact passive to Tide Mastery active skill thats increasing water damage by 16% for 900 seconds and allows Tide Burst inflict water Eruption damage.
Mage / Warden
- Fixed Warden/Druid skill Connection wasn’t refreshable.
- Changed Warden/Druid passive Thorn Sigil adds 2 seconds of cast time to mentioned skills.
- Added earth damage increment to Warden/Druid passive Magical Awakening as 65.5% at level 55.
- Corrected Warden/Druid passive Magical Awakening description was missing maximum level information.
- Changed Warden/Druid skill Earth Spirit Essence to a passive skill that is making Oak Walker sacle with magical attributes and changes Sepal Stab damage type to Earth, stacks 3% magical damage on owner up to 5 times. Restored TP for it.
- Fixed Warden/Warrior passive Will Power description was wrong.
Warden / Druid
- Changed Druid/Mage skill Summer Banquet to raid effect.
- Disabled Scout/Knight skill Healing Shot heal in Jerath event.
- Reduced Knight/Scout Blood Punishment received heal effect to 15%.
- Fixed Warlock/Champion Saces’ Impulse heal effect duration was wrong.
- Fixed Warlock/Champion effect Psychic Tap was disappearing while getting attacked.
- Reduced Champion Shock Overload damage for offhand hammer hits by 30%.
- Fixed Champion/Warlock skill heal Indomitable Spirit was working only in Jerath event.
- Changed Champion/Warlock Psychic Forge effect to increase physical damage instead of physical attack.
- Reduced Champion/Warlock skill Dark Energy Punishment physical attack increment to 21.5% at level 55.
- Corrected Rogue/Warden skill Wound Patch maximum level, restored TP for it.
Rogue / Warden
- Fixed class pets weren’t getting buffs from instruments.
- Changed follow range of Realm Raiders in Realm of Forgotten Legends to 2000 from 300.
- Increased Warden/Druid passive Thorn Sigil cast time increment to 3 seconds. (Cast time in tooltip will be changed after next patch.)
- Fixed Warden/Druid Oak Walker was usuing wrong attributes for critical and damage.
Warden / Druid
- Fixed Mage effect Plasma Effect duration wasn’t increased along with Charged effect.
- Fixed Mage/Warden skill Earth Surge had cooldown after skill rework. (Cooldown in tooltip will be changed after next patch.)
Mage / Warden
- Fixed Mage/Priest effect Plasma Effect was affecting target instead of caster.
- Changed Warden/Druid effect Beast Awakening physical attribute increment to decrement. (Description will be fixed with next patch.)
- Changed Warden/Druid effect Beast Awakening, skills modified by Thorn Sigil now inflicting increased earth damage up to 50% more depending on attack speed buff caster has. This increment won’t get affected by attack speed effects provided by equipment. (Description will be fixed with next patch.)
Warden / Druid
- Fixed a lot of bugged strings in Russian translation.
- Fixed crash caused by using emote on target with long name.
- Fixed Provisions Courier’s Ostrich Mount was blocking entrance to Inferno of Divinity.
- Fixed Shetamb’s Think Tank was being ineffective after death.
- Fixed Rogue skill Shadowstab was applying bleed without dagger.
- Reduced Rogue/Champion skill Silent Rune Bomb cooldown to 4 seconds.
- Reduced Rogue/Champion passive Poison Feedback stack amount to 5 and increased physical attack increment per stack to 5%.
- Increased Rogue/Champion passive Remodeled Assassin physical damage increment to 24%.
- Reduced Rogue/Champion skill Pulse Rune Bomb cooldown to 8 seconds and cost to 20 rage.
- Added 2-H Hammer requirement to Rogue/Champion skill Burying Mechanism. Skill also now inflicts 1016% main hand weapon DPS wind damage to target on use.
- Removed Rogue/Champion skill Disassembly Shadow cooldown and duration, added 92.5% hammer damage at level 55 and allows your hammers apply bleed effect with Shadowstab. Also while in this state, your offensive skills will inflict 330% main hand weapon DPS Wind Damage to enemy. Also refreshed 15 rage every 2 seconds.
- Reduced Rogue/Warlock Soul Stab, Ghostly Strike and Dark Soul Smelt damage values to 50%.
- Reduced Rogue/Warlock Soul Stab maximum and Ghostly Strike base damage to 543% and Soul Stab base damage to 470.6% at level 104 and reduced their cost to 15 focus.
- Changed Rogue/Warlock skill Energy Conservation Eye of the Darkness into a passive; Modifies Shadowstab, Low Blow and Wound Attack to inflict Dark Damage, but lowers their damage.
- Fixed Warlock/Champion passive Psychic Tap wasn’t providing absorb shield.
- Changed Scout Speed Shooting Mastery Shooting Mastery to modify ranged damage instead.
- Increased Warrior/Mage Electrical Rage effect amount per stack to 20.6% and changed magical attack power increment to magical damage.
- Changed Warrior/Mage passive Power Control to modify Blasting Cyclone to inflict Wind Damage but removes Knockdown effect from it. Also changes cost type of Whirlwind to 5% MP, Blasting Cyclone to 8% MP and reduces their cooldown to 10 and 4 seconds.
- Changed Mage/Scout skill Shot to don’t be ranged weapon dependent for cooldown, skill miss rate will be calculated depends on main hand weapon now.
- Following changes are applied only in custom instances and will be fixed for all zones on next maintenance.
- Fixed Rogue/Warlock skill Wound Attack extra damages weren’t reduced.
- Fixed Rogue/Champion skill Disassembly Shadow rage recovery was doubled.
- Removed damage and heal output randomness.
- Increased time of showing recently added items as “new” in item shop.
- Equalized physical and magical defense of Secret Temple of Tikal creatures.
- Added -75% aggro to Warden pet Oak Walker.
- Reduced Mage/Scout skill Shot damage by 30%.
- Corrected Mage/Scout passive Fire Rose Storm description.
- Reduced Mage/Rogue Kiss of the Vampire magical damage increment to 16% at level 104.
- Changed Mage/Rogue Shadow of the Baron intelligence increment to 8% magical damage increment.
- Changed Mage/Rogue skill Shadow Shroud into a passive that increases area damage by 20% but also increases received damage by 10% at level 104.
- Added hammer requirement to Rogue/Champion mechanisms.
- Added hammer requirement to Rogue/Champion Disassemble effect.
- Fixed Rogue/Champion skills were giving Mechanism Activation Spike buff unintentionally.
- Changed Rogue/Champion skill Burying Mechanism requirement to hammer from 2H hammer.
- Increased Rogue/Warden passive Warden’s Wrath physical damage increment to 24%.
- Changed Rogue/Warden skills Weak Point Strike, Bloodthirsty Blade and Phantom Blade damage types to earth damage.
- Changed Rogue/Warden passive Warden’s Wrath to increase Charged Chop damage additionally and change damage type of Charged Chop, Shadowstab, Low Blow, Wound Attack to earth damage.
Rogue / Warden
- Changed Warrior set skill Guardian of the Pass to a raid effect.
- Changed Warrior skill Aggressiveness duration to 900 seconds, removed cooldown and added 10 rage refresh every 2 seconds.
- Increased Warrior/Mage Whirlwind and Blasting Cyclone damage to 200%.
- Increased Warrior/Mage Blasting Cyclone cooldown to 8 seconds and added Knockback effect back.
- Changed Warrior/Mage passive Possessed by Anger passive to modify Berserker to increase 21.8% magical attack power at level 55.
- Increased Knight/Mage Holy Light Domain duration to 12 seconds.
- Changed Knight/Mage skill Light Energy Weapon to increase magical damage by 20% at level 104.
- Fixed Warden/Warrior skill Double Chop had an unintentional delay.
- Fixed Warden/Rogue skill Charged Chop had wrong damage information in tooltip.
- Increased Warden/Druid skill Beast Awakening attack speed / damage output relation ratio increased, and this boost will be doubled if weapon is wand.
Warden / Druid
- Corrected Champion skill Disassembly Mode was misleading addons.
- Fixed Champion skill Shock Overload was interrupting skills of target on hit.
- Fixed Champion passive Runecraft – Fortify was giving 27 level buff for Disassembly Mode instead of 55, at max level.
- Increase Priest class physical attack multiplier per strength attribute to 1.5 from 0.8.
- Reduced Priest/Warrior skill Ascending Dragon Strike cost to 20 rage.
- Reduced Priest/Warrior Fighting Spirit Combination skill cooldown to 3 seconds.
- Changed Priest/Warrior Light Healer Fighting Spirit to give 50 rage when Fighting Spirit Combination hits additionally.
- Changed Priest/Warrior Vindictive Strike to a passive Changes cost of your Slash to MP and makes your Berserk also increase Physical Attack Speed.
- Removed Scout/Rogue skill Sapping Arrow magical defense reduction.
- Following changes might not be applied on all zones until next patch.
- Fixed Rogue/Warden skill Charged Chop wasn’t working.
Rogue / Warden
- Improved skill type in skill tooltips.
- Allowed some stun effects in Realm of Forgotten Legends creatures.
- Changed heal over time effects aren’t using elemental boosts anymore.
- Changed Housekeeper potion Clear Thought to be usable together with any buff.
- Changed Druid/Scout Healing Arrows to a raid effect.
- Fixed Druid/Mage skill effect Mother Earth’s Protection was disappearing randomly.
- Fixed Druid/Mage passive Quick Heal heal amount wasn’t scaling with heal attributes, and changed MP restoration amount to 10%.
- Fixed Mage set skill The Sage wasn’t working as intended.
- Removed Warlock/Priest skill Divine Assistance cast time.
- Reduced Warlock/Priest Ring of Comfort wisdom modifier to 3 at level 104.
- Fixed Mage passive Elemental Knowledge effect wasn’t appearing in character frame.
- Changed Mage skill Phoenix to inflict elemental damage depending on subclass, also removed global cooldown trigger.
- Removed channeling from Mage set skill Earth Splitting Explosion: Inflicts 2000 + 0.3 x Intelligence Elemental Damage to all targets within 100 radius every second for 5 seconds.
- Changed Mage/Rogue passive Shadow Shroud to an active.
- Fixed Mage/Warden skill Earth Surge wasn’t interrupting while moving and wasn’t triggering extra damage with Earth Core Barrier.
Mage / Warden
- Disabled Warden passive Vitality Explosion in Jerath event.
- Changed Warden/Druid skill Beast Awakening physical attribute loss to static values.
Warden / Druid
- Changed Rogue skill Blind Spot, removed being at behind requirement, it moves you to behind of target now.
- Changed Rogue set skill Bloodless, removed being at behind requirement, it moves you to behind of target now.
- Removed Rogue/Champion skill Silent Rune Bomb silence effect.
- Reduced Rogue/Champion skill Pulse Rune Bomb effect durations to 2 seconds.
- Reduced Rogue/Champion skills Silent Rune Bomb and Pulse Rune Bomb distance to 80.
- Reduced Priest set skill Blessing of Rebirth cooldown to 15 seconds.
- Fixed Priest set skill Water Element of Rebirth was staying even when you change set skill or class.
- Removed Priest set skill Water Element of Rebirth cooldown and increased duration to 300 seconds.
- Reduced Priest/Scout Curing Shot heal to 75% and changed it to a raid effect.
- Halved Priest/Mage skills Angel’s Blessing and Angel’s Carol MP regeneration.
- Reduced Priest/Knight Sacrificial Cure requirement to 40% HP and changed maximum heal amount to 100% at level 55.
- Fixed Warrior/Mage skill Electrical Rage was increasing magical attack instead when caster don’t have 70 elite.
- Following changes will be applied only to custom instances until next patch, except a few exception.
- Fixed some heal spells was still working inside Jerath event.
- Fixed Rogue/Warden was crashing RoFL.
- Fixed Rogue/Champion 70 elite wasn’t increasing hammer damage as intended.
Rogue / Warden
- Fixed Mage/Rogue skill effect Shadow Shroud wasn’t cancelable.
- Fixed Warden/Druid skills was initially inflicting higher damage than intended values without any attack speed buffs.
Warden / Druid
- Revised healing formula.
- Blocked teleport-to-behind mechanic in Jerath event.
- Removed cooldown of Housekeeper potion Clear Thought.
- Fixed excessive low heal and magical damage on low attributes.
- Changed custom Wisdom stats’ magical attack portion to maximum HP.
- Increased one-time limit of sending in-game mails and added warning message when trying send mail over limit.
- Increased Scout skill Snipe damage by 30%.
- Increased Warrior skill Slash damage by 10%.
- Increased Warrior skill Open Flank damage by 30%.
- Increased Warrior skill Probing Attack damage by 30%.
- Increased Warrior skill Aggressiveness refresh rage interval to 8 seconds.
- Corrected Rogue set skill Bloodless description.
- Corrected Rogue/Warrior skill Death’s Touch description.
- Reduced Champion Skill Rune Pulse damage by 20%.
- Reduced Champion skill Shock Overload damage by 15%.
- Fixed Champion skill Shock Overload was hitting over objects.
- Increased Champion passive Chain Drive proc chance to 100%.
- Fixed Champion/Rogue skill Shadow Pulse description was wrong about attribute based damage.
- Removed Mage skill Fireball global cooldown trigger.
- Changed Mage skill Purgatory Fire cooldown to 2 seconds.
- Clarified Mage/Priest skill Tide Mastery description.
- Changed Mage/Priest skill Essense of Magic to self buff.
- Fixed Mage/Priest Rising Tide was inflicting fire damage.
- Removed Mage/Priest skill Rising Tide global cooldown trigger.
- Changed Mage/Priest skill Tide Mastery to increase range of Rising Tide to 225.
- Decreased Mage/Rogue skill Cursed Fangs damage by 30%.
- Removed Mage/Rogue skill Purgatory Darkness fire damage portion.
- Added 3 seconds of cast time to Mage/Rogue skill Kiss of the Vampire.
- Increased Mage/Knight skill Stars of Light damage by 100%.
- Removed Mage/Knight skill Light Charge global cooldown trigger.
- Removed Mage/Druid skill Magma Blade global cooldown trigger.
- Changed Mage/Druid skill Elven Mystic stacks to increase Magical Damage instead but reduced increment to 3% per stack.
- Reduced Mage/Druid skill Mother Earth’s Wrath cooldown to 5 seconds and changed extra damage HP requirement to 40%.
- Removed Mage/Warden skill Earth Groaning Wind Blade global cooldown trigger.
- Fixed Mage/Warden skill Absence wasn’t usable on creatures those has Fear resistance.
Mage / Druid
Mage / Warden
- Changed Druid skill Concentration Prayer to give extra 10.4% magical damage and 5.2% physical damage to raid members and increased it’s duration to 900 seconds.
- Changed Druid/Warden skill Mysterious Grace to self buff.
- Changed Druid/Warrior skill Awakening of the Wild to self buff and allowed to use together with similiar effects.
Druid / Warden
- Corrected Priest set skill Water Element of Rebirth description.
- Fixed Priest skill Holy Candle wasn’t usable together with Healing Salve.
- Revised Priest set skill Slipstream of Healing to make combat log more clarified.
- Changed Priest skill Amplified attack to increase magical attack too, and increased increment to 18%.
- Reduced Priest/Rogue skill Wraith Halo magical attack amount to 2% and added 5% received heal boost.
- Changed Priest/Scout Embrace of the Water Spirit to convert 20% of ranged damage to magical damage and no longer affects raid.
- Reduced Priest/Warrior skill Accuracy Halo physical attack amount to 2% for party members and added 5% received damage reduction.
- Increased Warlock set skill Chaos Guide duration to 20 seconds.
- Changed Warlock set skill Path of Anguish to stack every second without movement requirement, and increased stacking effect duration to 30 seconds.
- Reduced Warlock/Mage skill Focus Building effect sound volume.
- Changed Knight/Mage skill Holy Light Domain to increase extra 21.8% magical attack at level 104.
- Revised heal formula.
- Corrected Amulet of Death description.
- Disabled Teleport-To-Behind mechanic against siege war gates.
- Fixed quick slots in character frame weren’t including new 7-12 bagpack pages.
- Allowed to override damage food with Hot Stew instead of immuning effect for self cast.
- Reduced Mage skill Flame damage by 20%.
- Corrected Mage skill Thunderstorm had wrong effect in description.
- Reduced Mage passive Elemental Knowledge elemental damage increment to 73% at level 104.
- Halved Mage/Warden skill Absence effect at level 55.
- Removed Mage/Scout skill Fire Rose global cooldown trigger.
- Changed Mage/Scout skill Fire Rose Storm to have 2 seconds of casting time.
- Changed Mage/Scout passive Fire Rose Storm to increase magical damage when Fire Rose Explosion is used instead.
- Removed Mage/Champion skill Voltage Seize global cooldown trigger.
- Changed Mage/Champion skill Brain Shock cooldown to 30 seconds, reduced rage cost to 15.
- Changed Mage/Champion passive Electric Current Arc to increase cast time of Plasma Arrow to 3 seconds.
- Changed Mage/Champion passive Electric Explosion Expertise to increase cast time of Electric Explosion to 3 seconds additionally.
- Increased Mage/Champion passive Electric Current Arc Charged state rage recovery to 5, and now increases cast time for Plasma Arrow to 3 seconds.
- Changed Mage/Champion skill Ion Storm to inflict damage on target when you use offensive skill. Reduced cooldown to 20 seconds, reduced cost to 2 rage per second.
- Changed Mage/Champion passive Voltage Influx to modify Electric Bolt to increase its damage to 2430 + 0.3 x Intelligence at level 104, removes casting time but adds 3 seconds of cooldown.
- Changed Mage/Druid passive Earth Attack to provide self buff instead.
- Halved Mage/Druid passive Infiltration Spirit magical defense reduction at maximum level.
- Changed Mage/Warlock skill Deep Inspiration to don’t reset cooldown of Elemental Catalysis anymore.
Mage / Warden
Mage / Druid
- Removed Warlock set skill Chaos Guide focus cost.
- Changed Druid skill Savage Blessing to a raid effect.
- Removed Druid skill Rockslide global cooldown trigger.
- Removed Druid skill Withering Seed global cooldown trigger.
- Removed Druid skill Blossoming Life global cooldown trigger.
- Removed Druid skill Weakening Seed global cooldown trigger.
- Removed Druid skill Mother Earth’s Wrath global cooldown trigger.
- Changed Priest skill Amplified Attack to a raid effect.
- Removed Priest skill Regenerate global cooldown trigger.
- Removed Priest set skill Blessing of Rebirth global cooldown trigger.
- Changed Priest skill Ice Fog 3 Holy Void to have 3 seconds of cast time and inflict 1640 light damage to target at level 104.
- Changed Priest skill Grace of Life to raid effect, disallowed it to overwrite Touch of the Unicorn and Exquisite Potion of Life.
- Changed Priest skill Ice Fog 1 Holy Blessing to provide 114 x 10.4% + 114 wisdom, 110% light and water damage at level 104.
- Changed Priest skill Bone Chill to an area effect and added slow. Slows targets within designated area by 20% for 12 seconds and inflicts damage every 2 seconds.
- Changed Priest skill Ice Fog 2 Vow of Silence to silence target for 8.4 seconds at level 55. Effect duration will be halved if target is a player and have 18 seconds of cooldown.
- Fixed Priest/Scout skill Embrace of the Water Spirit wasn’t working properly.
- Increased Priest/Champion skill Heart Rune Energy Wisdom modifier to 0.60.
- Changed Knight/Priest skill Holy Protection to a raid effect.
- Reduced Knight/Warrior skill Authoritative Deterrence damage increment to 12.8%.
- Removed Warlock skill Soul Trauma global cooldown trigger.
- Removed Warlock skill Warp Charge global cooldown trigger.
- Removed Warlock skill Surge of Malice global cooldown trigger.
- Removed Warlock set skill Psychic Power of the Ant Queen focus cost.
- Removed Warlock skill Heart Collection Strike global cooldown trigger.
- Increased Warlock set skill Path of Anguish effect duration to 40 seconds, reduced focus cost to 10.
- Increased Warlock set skill Dead Spirit Protection duration to 10 seconds, reduced focus cost to 15.
- Increased Warlock set skill Siphonic Etching effect duration to 30 seconds, HP regeneration to 8% and reduced focus cost to 15.
- Disabled Warden/Druid passive Natural Spring in Jerath event.
- Changed Warden/Mage passive Spiritual Feedback to increase your and Oak Walker’s physical damage by 30%.
Warden / Druid
- Reduced Warrior/Priest skill Barbarian Battle Cry cooldown to 15 seconds.
- Increased Warrior/Priest passive effect Blood Fury Battle Cry duration to 20 seconds.
- Changed Warrior/Priest Combat Expertise to additionally remove HP requirement of Survival Instinct.
- Changed Warrior/Priest passive Morale Boost to increase damage of next 10 attacks of party members. Also Berserk increases your physical damage by 13.1% now.
- Changed Warrior/Priest skill Defender’s Roar, removed cooldown, changed critical damage rate for you to 21% and to 7% for party members. Changed MP cost to 5%, increased duration to 900 seconds.
- Increased Warrior/Warden passive effect Savage Strike duration to 15 seconds.
- Added Warrior/Warden skill Attack Weakener an additional 20% physical damage increment.
- Fixed Warrior/Scout skill Blood Arrow effect wasn’t disappearing on re-use of skill.
- Removed Warrior/Rogue skill Frenzied Attack cost and increased effect duration to 20 seconds.
Warrior / Warden
- Fixed Champion set skill Runic Enchantment wasn’t working properly sometimes.
- Reduced Champion/Warlock skill Endless Pulse attack speed increment to 18.5% at level 55.
- Reduced Champion/Warlock skill Dark Energy Punishment attack increment to 16% and increased damage over time to 6.5% at level 55.
- Following changes will be applied only in custom instances until next patch.
- Fixed Mage/Scout Fire Rose Explosion wasn’t providing buff.
- Fixed Warrior skill Open Flank wasn’t consuming Vulnerable effect.
- Fixed Warrior skills those using Vulnerable was applying damage buff to target.
Patch Notes
- Reverted heal over time effect formula.
- Added effect icon for Astaroth flame event.
- Fixed crashes that occurs with long chat messages.
- Added a buff that gives wisdom equal to 50% of your stamina which will stay until end of class balance.
Priest / Scout
- Halved Curing Shot heal amount.
- Reduced Plasma Arrow damage by 25%.
- Reduced Electric Explosion damage by 25%.
Mage / Champion
- Reduced Plasma Arrow damage by 20%.
- Fixed Brain Shock had wrong cooldown.
- Disabled Ion Storm trigger for area effects.
- Halved damage of Ion Storm, reduced maximum stack to 4.
- Corrected description of Ion Storm wind damage increment.
- Decreased Electrostatic Charge Expertise wind damage increment to 10%.
Mage / Warlock
- Fixed Electric Explosion was inflicting lower damage than intended with level 70 elite.
Mage / Warden
- Decreased Earth Surge damage by 20%.
- Decreased Earth Core Barrier extra damage portion to 40% from 60%.
Post-Patch Notes
Following changes will be applied only in custom instances and Atlantis until next patch.
- Changed Arcadian Patience buff to be cancelable. You will re-obtain buff by changing zone or during logging in.
- Fixed Arcadian Patience was consuming 2 rage every second. You may still see rage loss in combat log but it won’t be effective, only in chat.
Patch Notes
Realm of Forgotten Legends
- Adjusted damage multiplier for instance zone.
- Added immunity to Astaroth math event to prevent fake damage generation.
- Added immunity to Nayat at certain points to prevent fake damage generation.
- Increased Realm of Forgotten Legends creature levels by 1.
- Corrected Realm of Forgotten Legends creature races.
- Corrected Realm of Forgotten Legends creature Magma Elemental had lower defense than intended.
- Disabled all kind of absorbing shields in Jerath event.
- Reduced Rock Giant Khat crystal catch radius.
- Allowed to use Experimental Dwarven Ale in Jerath event.
Game launcher
- Fixed various issues.
- Added option to restore interface backup.
- Added automatic interface backup once per day.
- Corrected some skills were inflicting different damage types than tooltip says.
- Added Haidon’s Arcane Arts effects to custom auras.
- Fixed Experimental Dwarven Ale was interrupting some effects which are being interrupted under attack.
- Fixed Experimental Dwarven Ale wasn’t working if caster have magical immune.
- Adjusted miss rate for some class skills.
- Reworked visual of skills in suit tooltip.
- Fixed channels in social frame were missing members list.
- Added 5th return value «quality» to GetGoodsItemInfo().
- Fixed house frame was showing only 3 styles.
- Added 3rd input value «int power» to SetSpellPoint().
- Fixed lag occuring while upgrading a class spell.
Warrior / Warlock
- Reduced Psychic Whirlwind damage by 20%.
- Reduced Lightning Spell damage by 30%.
- Increased set skill Soul Crusher recovery to 8%, increased duration to 30 seconds and reduced cost to 20 focus.
- Reduced set skill Spatial Rift cost to 25 focus.
- Fixed Consistent Heart Strike wasn’t refreshing full duration of Psychic Weakness.
- Fixed Psychic Warrior was sharing same cooldown as Fast Lane effect.
- Fixed Crime and Punishment wasn’t having increased damage with Perception Extraction, Soul Pain and Soul Posioned Fang against monsters.
- Reduced cooldown of Purgatory Fire to 1 second, changed cost to 8% MP.
- Reduced Shadow of Baron area damage effect to 8%, increased aggro increment to 75%.
- Removed Demoralize global cooldown trigger.
- Reduced Kiss of the Vampire damage increment to 10%.
- Added Fire Damage portion back to Purgatory Darkness skill, changed cost to 25 Energy.
- Changed Ion Storm to affect area spells too.
- Fixed class pet wasn’t scaling MP, based on owner attributes.
- Reduced Emotional Obstruction damage reduction to 10.5% at level 55.
- Reduced Warden’s Wrath passive damage to 8%.
- Changed Phantom Blade to increase physical damage by 18% additionally.
- Fixed Phantom Blade pets were disappearing after 10 seconds.
- Reduced Pulse Rune Bomb damage by 30%, increased level 0 damage of it by 30% and reduced increment per level to make it work logical.
- Reduced Silent Rune Bomb damage by 30%.
- Fixed Frantic Briar had doubled damage unintentionally.
- Reduced Sepal Stab damage by 90%.
- Fixed Sepal Stab wasn’t triggering on magical critical hits.
- Reduced Frantic Briar magical damage portion by 20%.
- Reduced Will Attack damage portion by 50%.
- Reduced Shock Overload hit distance to 75 from 100.
- Changed Endless Pulse cost to 8% HP, fixed it was consuming 40% unintentionally.
- Removed HP requirement for Indomitable Spirit, increased cooldown to 20 seconds
- Removed Holy Blessing water damage increment.
- Fixed Holy Void was inflicting +-10% random damage.
- Corrected Prayer description about water damage increment.
- Changed Light Healer Fighting Spirit to modify Slash and Whirlwind to inflict water damage. Also modifies Chain of Light to inflict 340% light damage at level 104.
- Changed Fighting Spirit Combination, Explosion of Fighting Spirit and Ascending Dragon Strike to inflict physical light damage.
- Changed Accuracy Halo to make Chain of Light work as an area effect.
- Fixed Accuracy Halo of Fire Fairy was overriding by other Priest/Warriors with worse effect.
- Corrected Fighting Spirit Combination description.
Post-Patch notes
Following changes will be applied only in custom instances until next patch.
- Holy Blessing passive was increasing wind damage instead of light damage.
- Fixed some skills were rollbacked to old versions of them unintentionally.
Patch Notes
- Changed Probing Attack to inflict 922.4% main hand weapon DPS if target is under effect of your own Slash bleed.
- Removed Bloody Battle cost.
- Increased Bloody Slash damage by 20%, reduced HP cost to 4%.
- Increased Stifling Attack damage by 20%, reduced HP cost to 4%.
- Changed Blood Rune Weapon critical damage increment to physical damage.
- Changed Vendetta Blow to increase damage depending on target’ missing health instead.
- Changed Unbridled Rage; Increases Strength and physical damage by 18% at level 55 for 900 seconds.
- Fixed Speedy Slash wasn’t increasing damage of Slash properly
- Fixed Fearless Blow damage wasn’t being increased correctly with required condition.
- Increased Fearless Blow damage by 20%, removed rage cost, reduced cooldown by 10 seconds.
- Fixed Rune Energy Consecration wasn’t refreshing rage correctly
- Changed Elemental Defence to modify rage cost of Heavy Bash to MP when active.
- Changed Sentence Execution to reduce cooldown of Fearless Blow to 10 seconds instead of by 10 seconds.
- Increased Disaster Appears duration to 20 seconds, changed critical damage increment to 5% physical damage increment.
- Reduced Purgatory Fire MP cost to 5%.
- Added 3 seconds of cooldown to Explosion of Fighting Spirit.
- Changed Ascending Dragon Strike to be usable only when target has Fighting Spirit Strike applied by you.
- Removed Fighting Spirit Combination global cooldown trigger, halved its damage. It is now applying Fighting Spirit Strike upon landing hit.
- Increased damage of Wind Arrow by 25%, removed global cooldown trigger and changed focus cost into 2 pieces of ammunition. This skill will have extra cooldown when using crossbow.
- Disabled Revival in Jerath event.
- Changed Fearless to self buff, changed cost to 5% MP.
- Increased Wound Attack damage increment by Wound Tear to 30%.
- Reduced Slowing Poison cooldown to 15 seconds, extended effect duration to 15 seconds.
- Changed Shadow Walker to increase cooldown of Sneak Attack by 3 seconds instead of 10.
- Fixed Wound Tear wasn’t increasing damage of Wound Attack as much as mentioned increment value.
- Increased damage of Kick by 100% and changed cost to 2% MP, removed global cooldown trigger, changed damage type to water damage.
- Reduced Sinister Methods trigger cooldown to 15 seconds after buff ends and changed critical damage increment to physical damage increment.
- Changed Demonstration of Evil; no longer allowing you to give Sinister Methods effect to party members, it instead modifies all offensive skills to inflict water damage instead.
- Changed Mana Surge; Holy Surge: Inflicts 622% damage to your target and up to 10 targets around it at level 104. Also reduced your received damage by 20% for 15 seconds while having 5% MP cost and 6 seconds of cooldown.
- Changed Power Mechanism description as it had misleading information.
- Corrected Poisonous Explosion description was missing main hand weapon DPS.
- Reduced Poison Shroud cooldown to 6 seconds.
- Changed Erosion to additionally modify all skills to inflict earth damage.
- Changed Malicious Intent Release to remove global cooldown trigger from Earth Pulse.
- Changed Shadow Smash; no longer extending duration of Poison Shroud, makes it inflict extra 986% main hand weapon DPS earth damage on hit.
- Halved Explosion of Power attack power increment.
- Changed Oak Walker to use extra Sepal Stab when your Charged Chop lands a critical hit instead.
- Reduced Connection magical damage to 5%.
- Removed Blade of Protection physical damage portion.
- Reduced Magical Awakening magical damage increment to 10%, earth damage increment to 40%.
- Fixed skills modified by Thorn Sigil weren’t generating extra aggro on magical damage portion of hits when Spirit of the Oak is summoned.
- Changed Thorn Sigil to remove physical hits from related skills and additionally modify Thorny Vines to inflict earth damage. It also modifies Power of the Oak to increase magical damage and earth damage instead.
- Reduced Pet Enhance boost to 30%.
Post-Patch notes
Following changes will be applied only in custom instances until next patch.
- Fixed Blade of Protection wasn’t inflicting damage.
Patch Notes
- Implemented Poison Damage.
- Added colors for damage values in skill tooltip.
- Fixed God’s Redemption Ticket wasn’t usable on some cases.
- Fixed AdvancedAuctionHouse was broken on JP, CN, KR, TW languages.
- Blocked possibility of having more than one food at same time in boss room in Jerath event.
- Fixed crash occuring on reloadUI/logout/character selection return/game close related to bag frame.
- Reduced damage of Scorched Claw in Inferno of Divinity, Surt, to make it suitable with new magical formula.
- Increased maximum spear level to 282 at level 104.
- Implemented Spear of the Will to sealed heavy weapon recipes.
- Added 10% damage decrement for each extra target to Chain of Light.
- Reduced Battle Monk Stance physical attack power increment to 18.4%.
- Changed Power Build Up to increase Spear damage by 114.8% at level 55 instead of staff damage, removed its cooldown.
- Fixed Kinetic Explosion wasn’t providing 10 rage upon using.
- Removed Shock Overload 30% damage reduction for offhand hammer hits.
- Added 10% damage decrement for each extra target to Imprisonment Pulse.
- Corrected description of Disaster Appears.
- Changed Sentence Execution to recover 60 energy at level 104 via Fearless Blow.
- Reduced Shadow Explosion heal reduction to 20%, added 15% 1-H Hammer damage.
- Changed Shadow Pulse to consume Chain Drive upon using, when Shadow Pulse lands a critical hit, it will trigger extra Rune Pulse damage but value will be halved.
- Reduced Psychic Rampage heal reduction to 20%.
- Added 10% damage decrement for each extra target to Blast of Remorse.
- Changed Psychic Forge to make Fearless Blow refresh 100 rage instead when it is active.
- Increased Enraged rage recovery to 100.
- Added 10% damage decrement for each extra target to Whirlwind.
- Reduced Blood Dance cooldown to 4 seconds.
- Reduced Splitting Chop cooldown to 6 seconds.
- Removed energy stealing from Exhaustion, added 25 energy and 50 rage recovery chance instead.
- Changed Keen Attack to require 1-H Weapon and usable only when target is Weakened. Also it increases physical damage by 20% for 10 seconds instead.
- Increased Spirit-Cracking Blow damage over time by 900%.
- Added 10% damage decrement for each extra target to Lightning Spell.
- Added 10% damage decrement for each extra target to Psychic Whirlwind.
- Added 10% damage decrement for each extra target to Psychic Ghost Step.
- Changed Divine Battle Spirit to recover 10 rage and focus every second for 60 seconds. Removed focus cost.
- Changed Lightning Spell movement speed to 12% attack speed which lasts 8 seconds. Reduced cost to 20 rage.
- Fixed Vendetta Blow was inflicting 0 damage against weapon training targets in Atlantis sometimes.
- Changed Blood Rune Weapon to remove global cooldown trigger of Slash while in effect. Reduced HP cost to 1% per second and removed initial cooldown but adds 10 seconds of cooldown when effect ends.
- Added 10% damage decrement for each extra target to Air Tremor.
- Changed Mental Bestiary to increase damage of Slash by 20% regardless of race of target.
- Removed Barbaric Execution HP requirement for 50% more critical hit chance for Savage Whirlwind.
- Changed Air Tremor to increase physical damage of caster by 10.3% at level 104 additionally for 10 seconds, reduced MP cost to 2%, removed global cooldown trigger.
- Fixed Defender’s Roar percentage health boost had wrong duration.
- Changed Morale Boost to increase physical and magical damage of party members by 5%.
- Changed Interrupting Strike damage calculation to main hand weapon DPS as 637.1% at level 104, reduced cost to 20 rage.
- Reduced Rose Vine critical damage to 25%, added 18% physical damage at level 104.
- Changed Recovery of Life to decrease cooldown of Whirlwind by 20 seconds and its cost by 30.
- Changed Tremor; Applies Unbalanced debuff instead of reducing target’s accuracy, reduced cooldown to 3 seconds.
- Changed Remove Magic -> Earthly Strike; Inflicts 952% main hand weapon DPS damage to target and adds Slash Expert buff for 20 seconds which is removing global cooldown trigger of Slash.
- Removed Waiting Game cooldown.
- Reduced Blood Battle physical damage increment by 40%.
- Changed Calm; Your Slash has 50% chance to restore 25 focus, Skull Breaker has 50% chance to restore 25 rage.
- Changed Aim for the Wound cost to 1 piece of ammunition, changed rage recovery to 50 at level 55 with 100% chance to occur.
- Removed Lightning Burn Weapon 5% damage loss.
- Removed Lightning’s Touch global cooldown trigger.
- Changed Wind Bastion to reduce cooldown of Shout to 20 seconds, change cost to 5%MP. Reduced duration of effect to 10 seconds and reduced received damage reduction to 15%.
- Changed physical critical hit rate of Lava Weapon to 1000 magical critical hit rate at level 104, unified damage of it with electric attack.
- Added 10% damage decrement for each extra target to Frantic Briar.
- Fixed attack speed buffs from Animal Spirit Eclipse and Assault of the Animal Spirit weren’t affecting damage of Beast Awakening modified skills.
- Fixed Autoshot was being stucked sometimes.
- Fixed Wind Arrows wasn’t having extra cooldown with crossbow sometimes.
- Added 10% damage decrement for each extra target to set skill Shatterstar Storm and Hurricane Downpour.
- Increased Entling Offering extra damage by 30%.
- Added 10% damage decrement for each extra target to Gryphon Bash.
- Added 10% damage decrement for each extra target to Ignite.
- Reduced Elven Eye critical damage increment to 25%, reduced cost to 3% MP per second.
- Fixed Searing Light wasn’t inflicting light damage.
- Fixed Dark Soul Assail wasn’t disappearing on some cases.
- Fixed Emotional Obstruction wasn’t changed against players.
- Halved Disassemble damage.
- Fixed Burying Mechanism wasn’t inflicting wind damage.
- Changed Poison Feedback 25% attack power stack to 15% physical damage.
- Changed Electric Influx to modify all offensive skills to inflict wind damage instead.
- Changed Silent Rune Bomb and Pulse Rune Bomb damage type to wind damage, reduced their maximum target amount to 8, added 10% damage decrement for each extra target.
- Added 10% damage decrement for each extra target to Poison Shroud.
- Reduced Kick cooldown to 1 second.
- Added 10% damage decrement for each extra target to Holy Surge.
- Increased One-Hand Axe Mastery axe damage increment to 95.3% at level 55.
- Changed Deadly Shot to modify Shot to inflict damage based on main hand weapon additionally as 596% at level 104.
- Changed Wraith Attack to inflict damage up to 10 targets, reduced damage reduction for each extra target to 10% from 50%, changed to circular area effect.
- Changed Coerce; Increases damage of Low Blow by 20%, reduces its cost by 5 energy. When Low Blow doesn’t land a critical hit, it will restore consumed energy by it.
- Reduced damage of Weakening Weave Curse by 15%.
- Increased Knowledge Acquisition focus regeneration to 5 per second.
- Added 10% damage decrement for each extra target to Surge of Malice
- Increased Beast’s Roar damage by 150%, added 10% damage decrement for each extra target to it, limited movement speed reduction effect at level 55.
- Changed Opportunity Strike; Increases critical chance of Puzzlement by 20%. If Puzzlement won’t do a critical hit, it will reduce its cooldown by maximum of 20 seconds at level 104.
- Decreased Psychic Tap damage increment to 20%.
- Clarified string of Rage Sublimation and blocked it when conditions aren’t fulfilled.
- Decreased Saces’ Impulse Intelligence increment to 64% and added 12% magical damage at level 104.
- Added 10% damage decrement for each extra target to Purgatory Fire.
- Added 10% damage decrement for each extra target to Elemental Phoenix.
- Added 10% damage decrement for each extra target to set skill Earth Splitting Explosion, fixed it wasn’t working without sub class, corrected its description.
- Increased Cursed Fangs damage by 15%.
- Reduced Purgatory Darkness energy cost to 10.
- Decreased Kiss of the Vampire cooldown to 15 second, decreased effect duration to 10 seconds.
- Changed Brilliance Award to self buff.
- Fixed Energy Influx wasn’t providing 5% magical critical damage.
- Changed Energy Recovery to increase magical attack by 8% additionally at level 104.
- Reduced Shot damage by 10%.
- Reduced Fire Rose Storm magical damage increment to 10% at level 104.
- Reduced Strength of Ashes magical damage increment to 5%, it is passively modifies Elemental Catalysis to increase 60% magical damage instead.
Post-Patch notes
Following changes will be effective only in custom instances until next patch.
- Fixed Opportunity Strike wasn’t working.
- Fixed Heart Collection Strike had incresed damage unintentionally.