Patch Notes

Realm of Forgotten Legends
- Opened gates of new large hard mode 12-man and normal mode 6-man instance in Chamber of Elements.
- Added new login screen.
- Added 3 new loading images.
- Added 34 new monster cards.
- Added new ultimate weapons.
- Added 7 new furniture recipes.
- Added 4 new pet transformation potions.
- Added 6 new player transformation potions.
- Added 7 new titles (a few only in hard mode).
- Added new ultimate accessory equipment item-sets.
- Added new refined and ultimate upper and lower body equipment item-sets.
Gorge of the Ice Giants
- Fixed several issues in Outpost.
- Added new stat material to Glacis.
- Reduced amount of waves at Zak’vi.
- Added Pingou and Glacis furniture recipes.
- Decreased critical hit resistance on monsters.
- Increased chance for Hekhig run during escort.
- Added removal of defeated penguins on Pingou.
- Added instance stats exchange at Robert Edwards.
- Added possibility to clear random freeze on Zak’vi.
- Disabled force display of « Heavenly stab » spell on Iglis.
- Fixed Melte, Energy Ball, Frozen Tiger Pelt furnitures guild castle skin.
Performance improvements
- Updated DirectX to version 9.0c.
If you get « Error assembling VS » on game startup please install newer DirectX. - Improved performance of buff frames.
- Improved performance of mouseover unit tooltips.
- Reduced amount of visual effects in some Champion spells and buffs.
- Limited maximum amount of visual effects in spells, buffs and environment.
For beginning players
- Reworked starting gear.
- Increased amount of Talent Points on level boost.
- Added new package for beginners on level 35 or 85.
Game launcher
- Added diamonds promo information.
- Added option in settings to change default SaveVariables directory.
- Fixed bone scale modifiers reuse issue.
- Fixed walk sound effects of some mounts.
- Fixed
filter in Advanced Auction House. - Fixed Scarlet Fire Dragon mount was missing walk sounds and jump inplace animation.
- Updated WoWMap.
- Reworked transport book.
- Updated French translation.
- Increased Arcadia Coins limit.
- Changed GM chat color to orange.
- Added Fearless rune tier XI/XII/XIII.
- Changed system chat messages color.
- Added 2 new furniture chests recipes.
- Added sword damage to Berserk of Nature.
- Added light unit name color when targetting.
- Changed class color of champion and warlock.
- Added 94 new buyable slots in transport book.
- Added possibility to quick wear items from itemshop bag.
- Increased amount of diamonds obtained for ancient mementos exchange.
Mouseover unit
- Added
event for mouseover unit hp change. - Added
event for mouseover unit mana change. - Added
event for mouseover unit skill mana change.
- Added
tooltip:AddIconLine( textL, float rL, float gL, float bL, int iconRow, bool wrap )
. - Added
tooltip:AddDoubleIconLine( textL, textR, float rL, float gL, float bL, float rR, float gR, float bR, int iconLeftRow, int iconRightRow, bool showR, bool wrap )
. - Added
tooltip:AddDoubleEqualLine( textL, textR, float rL, float gL, float bL, float rR, float gR, float bR, int anchorType 0-4, int alignL 0-2, int alignR 0-2, bool wrap )
- Added global buffs variable
. - Changed
GetEquipBySlot( index 1-240, slot )
. - Changed return value
id = TB_GetItemName( index )
. - Changed stat hyperlink colors in
. - Added timestamp and copy button to
on chatframes. - Added
{ { string Name, string Texture, int Count, int ID, int Type, int LeftTime, bool GoodMagic, int Index }, … } = UnitBuffsInfo( unit )
Music Festival
- 40 different stats from Heavenly Score.
- 26 custom cards from festival monsters.
- 22 hidden custom titles from festival activities.
During the festival you can exchange Earth Zodiac materials and Geo Draconaris for a Draco Pet.
Obtain Geo Draconaris from:
- John Bach – exchange 15 x Notes and Musical Scores for a reward.
Cavy’s Riot
Event type: Kill monsters
Start location: Varanas
Event location: Varanas Bridge, Obsidian Stronghold Gates
Event Target: Find Cavy Riot and kill as many Cavies as possible
Reward: Musical Notes, Musical Scores, Phirius Potions
Musical Scale
Event type: Play melody
Start location: Varanas
Event location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event Target: Talk to Venus Garter, memorize musical notes and play the tune correctly
Annual Musical Horse Trials
Event type: Kill monsters
Start location: Varanas
Event location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event Target: Speak to John Bach, form a Group, pass by 3 checkpoints and fight off monsters, deliver Music Box safely to Lia Luther
Music Parade
Event type: Music, Interaction
Start location: Varanas
Event location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event Target: Talk to Jade Baglama, receive instrument, take part in the Music Parade
Rescue the Musical Angel
Event type: Fight, Puzzle
Start Location: Varanas Bridge
Event location: Forsaken Abbey
Event Target: Talk to Nedo Andus, transport to Event Location, touch platform to Start event, solve energy puzzle and obtain treasure box
Musical Energy Collection
Event type: Puzzle
Start Location: Varanas Bridge
Event location: Varanas Bridge
Event Target: Talk to Nala Melody, Start musical device, solve the puzzle
Gate Keeper
Event type: Movement, Puzzle
Start Location: Varanas
Event location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event Target: Talk to Armosen Lok, Hit the tunes on the Musical scale
Turn the Gramophone!
Event type: Movement, Puzzle
Start Location: Varanas
Event location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event Target: Talk to Pullli, trade Torn Scores for Restored Score, Start the gramophone, hit the right energy boxes
Lost Magic Note
Event type: find and kill monsters, movement
Start location: Dalanis
Event location: Dalanis, Thunderhoof Hills
Patch Notes
Realm of Forgotten Legends
- Adjusted mob spells.
- Corrected stat icons.
- Corrected Astaroth drop table.
- Corrected accessory attributes.
- Added missing mobs back to instance.
- Reduced Puncture duration to 180 seconds.
- Corrected Rock Giant Khat behaviours as intended.
- Corrected spells of creatures at entrance of instance.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing Balton spawn sometimes.
- Re-adjusted amount of required monster kills to spawn bosses.
- Fixed an issue that was allowing digested player use heal items/skills.
- Added new raid instruments.
- Fixed instruments were not giving buff properly sometimes.
- Fixed guild towers were not giving buff properly sometimes.
- Added possibility to use absolute directory path in InterfaceSavePath.
- Added possibility to get new beginner gear from Johnny Dalker with additional dialogue.
- Allowed having guitar and lute/rattle and tambourine at same time with still sharing same cooldown.
Patch Notes
- Fixed new pet transformation potions.
- Added new core recipes to Allana Edwards shop.
- Changed mystical raid instruments to sealed ones.
- Fixed visual of placed Pingou furniture in guild castle.
- Added 7-days unicorn mount to William Edwards shop.
- Adjusted difficulty on boss fights in Realm of Forgotten Legends (Hard Mode).
- Allowed damage dealers partipicate in Realm of Forgotten Legends B1 tactics.