Patch Notes

Reworked Monster Cards

  • Implemented new card system: video / wiki.
  • Implemented 6 new cards to Howling Mountains.
  • Implemented NPC Asmial as vendor of new card system to Atlas City CH1.
  • Implemented user interface for Disenchanting in order to be more comfortable with new card system.
  • Reworked Monster Compendium, disabled yaCIt addon due to not being suitable with new card system.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Experience Blocker (30 Days) wasn’t working properly.


  • Changed Cat NPCs to be unfightable.
  • Implemented TooltipIDs as built-in addon.
  • Reduced Arcadian Patience rate to 1% from 10%.
  • Reduced magical damage output to 90.6% from 100%.
  • Fixed Attack skill wasn’t working in some macro functions.
  • Reduced damage output in all kind of damage formula of the player by 30%.
  • Fixed some mounts were missing ride speed information in their description.
  • Fixed some global regular attack booster effects were inflicting random damage.
  • Implemented interface setting to disable heal events if healed targets health is full.
  • Removed beginner gear from Beginner Package, therefore only way to obtain it is talking to Johnny Dalker.
  • Created a wiki page to describe essentials of Chronicles of Arcadia. Content and design will be changed in future and continued to be updated.



  • Reduced Shield Form Strength to Stamina transformation to 80% from 87%.
  • Reduced Finishing Hammer 1-H hammer damage gain to 54.3% from 57.6%, 2-H Hammer to 64.1% from 72%.


  • Fixed Chain Drive wasn’t consumed by Recovery under effect of Disassembly Mode.
  • Reduced Mother’s Blessing health gain to 10.4% from 17.6%.
  • Reduced Rune Recovery attack speed gain to 15% from 18%.


  • Changed Void Armor to have a chance to inflict damage only if target doesn’t have attack speed reduction by effect owner’s Void Armor. Changed attack speed reduction on target to be stackable with other player’s Void Armor effect.
  • Changed Rapid Spread to have 6% damage decrement for each extra target it hits.


  • Reduced Sharpened Axe damage gain to 96% from 107%.


  • Reduced Dagger Mastery damage gain to 85.9% from 92.5%.


  • Reduced Blood Arrow damage gain to 41.4% from 51.8%.
  • Increased Substitute cooldown to 60 seconds from 30.


  • Increased 1-H Axe Mastery damage gain to 98% from 93.2%.
  • Decreased Toxic Splash damage to 2568 from 5136.


  • Reduced Disassembly Shadow hammer damage gain to 82.5% from 92.5%.


  • Changed Holy Surge to do not provide damage reduction any more.
  • Increased Fearless physical damage gain to 16% from 8%.


  • Reduced Phantom Blade cooldown to 90 seconds from 180.


  • Increased Poisonous Embrace damage gain to 42.6% from 32%.
  • Reduced Poison Shroud damage over time value to 2398 from 4361.


  • Fixed Chaos Dagger was inflicting 116% with attacks made by offhand instead of 92.8%, fixed it was requiring projectile to use.


  • Increased Moon Cleave radius to 80 from 60, changed it to have visible channel bar, removed global cooldown trigger.
  • Increased Whirlwind radius to 80 from 50.
  • Increased Blasting Cyclone radius to 80 from 60.
  • Changed Slash to inflict a stronger Bleed with Spear.


  • Increased Electrical Rage duration to 15 seconds from 10, changed damage type to fire from wind, changed skill type to magical from physical.
  • Changed Thunder Sword to do not trigger the global cooldown.
  • Removed Electric Attack, Lava Weapon, Lightning Burn Weapon durations.


  • Changed Waiting Game to increase physical attack by 12% passively instead.
  • Increased Aim for the Wound damage to 1320% ranged weapon DPS from 954%.


  • Increased Redemption damage gain to 16% from 12%, increased duration to 30 seconds from 20, reduced cooldown to 60 seconds from 90.


  • Reduced 2-H Weapon Mastery damage gain to 60% from 64%.


  • Reduced Wind Chop wind damage portion to 954% from 1060%.



  • Changed Inspiration to reduce casting time of all skills for 4 seconds instead of next skill, increased trigger chance to 100% from 72%.
  • Changed Earth Chain to inflict boosted damage as extra when under effect of Nature’s Power, instead of boosting base damage.


  • Removed Focused in Nature cooldown time.
  • Increased Toxicologist poison damage gain to 114% from 104%.


  • Reduced Elemental Knowledge damage gain to 72% from 82%.


  • Changed Light Charge to Illumination; Creates an aura within designated area which inflicts 3600 + 0.3 x INT light damage to enemies within 60 radius with 10% damage decrement for each extra target, every second for 5 seconds.


  • Changed Earth Attack to increase frontal range of Earth Pulse greatly, to 250 from 120.


  • Reduced Ill Will dark damage gain to 110% from 124%.
  • Changed Warp Charge to increase magical damage by 10.3% additionally.


  • Reduced Blood Arrow dark damage gain to 22.8% from 28%, intelligence gain to 11.4% from 14%.


  • Reduced Devastating Chop duration to 10 seconds from 12.
  • Reduced Charged Chop damage to 2448 from 2720.


  • Changed Liqudation Suffering to Crime; Inflicts 4800 + 0.8 x INT dark damage to target and marks it with Crime effect for 8 seconds. Only usable under effect of Willpower Blade. Cooldown Time: 4 seconds Cast Time: 1 second Cost: 20 energy (Type of Crime effect is Elemental Weakness)
  • Changed Crime and Punishment name to Punishment, it is now increasing dark damage by 10% for 10 seconds if target has Crime effect, fixed damage gain was stacking unintentionally.
  • Fixed Shadow Slice was providing 2 Psi instead of 3, fixed Shadow was spawning Magic Cavy after death, corrected effect name.



  • Increased Elemental Discipline damage to 143.4% from 78.9%.


  • Reduced Boiling Blood damage gain to 12% from 16%.


  • Reduced Gun Mastery damage gain to 45% from 52%.


  • Increased Prayer water damage gain to 110% from 85%.
  • Increased Holy Blessing light damage gain to 100% from 80%.



  • Increased Holy Power Explosion strength gain to 30% from 18%.
  • Changed Knight of Arms to do not include Shield of Discipline.


  • Increased Holy Power Explosion attack gain to 30% from 20.6%.

Music Festival

  • 40 different stats from Heavenly Score.
  • 26 custom cards from festival monsters.
  • 22 hidden custom titles from festival activities.


During the festival you can exchange Earth Zodiac materials and Geo Draconaris for a Draco Pet.

Obtain Geo Draconaris from:

  • John Bach – exchange 15 x Notes and Musical Scores for a reward.

Cavy’s Riot

‌Event type: Kill monsters
Start location: Varanas
Event location: Varanas Bridge, Obsidian Stronghold Gates
Event Target: Find Cavy Riot and kill as many Cavies as possible
Reward: Musical Notes, Musical Scores, Phirius Potions

Musical Scale

‌Event type: Play melody
Start location: Varanas
Event location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event Target: Talk to Venus Garter, memorize musical notes and play the tune correctly

Annual Musical Horse Trials

‌Event type: Kill monsters‌
Start location: Varanas
Event location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event Target: Speak to John Bach, form a Group, pass by 3 checkpoints and fight off monsters, deliver Music Box safely to Lia Luther

Music Parade

‌Event type: Music, Interaction
Start location: Varanas
Event location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event Target: Talk to Jade Baglama, receive instrument, take part in the Music Parade

Rescue the Musical Angel

‌Event type: Fight, Puzzle
Start Location: Varanas Bridge
Event location: Forsaken Abbey
Event Target: Talk to Nedo Andus, transport to Event Location, touch platform to‌ ‌Start event, solve energy puzzle and obtain treasure box

Musical Energy Collection

‌Event type: Puzzle
Start Location: Varanas Bridge
Event location: Varanas Bridge
Event Target: Talk to Nala Melody, ‌Start musical device, solve the puzzle

Gate Keeper

‌Event type: Movement, Puzzle
Start Location: Varanas
Event location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event Target: Talk to Armosen Lok, Hit the tunes on the Musical scale

Turn the Gramophone!

‌Event type: Movement, Puzzle
Start Location: Varanas
Event location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event Target: Talk to Pullli, trade Torn Scores for Restored Score, Start the gramophone, hit the right energy boxes

Lost Magic Note

‌Event type: find and kill monsters, movement
Start location: Dalanis
Event location: Dalanis, Thunderhoof Hills

Post Patch Notes

These changes will not be applied in all zones until server restart at 10.05.2021


  • Reduced pet damage by 30% globally.


  • Fixed Balton wasn’t refilling HP sometimes. — will be applied after server restart at 10.05
  • Fixed Balton was being immune after first phase sometimes. — will be applied after server restart at 10.05



  • Changed Battle Prowl to remove bleed from Slash.


  • Fixed some class combinations were editing Slash to do not apply bleed with Spear and some classes were performing unintended behaviours sometimes.
  • Changed Slash spear bleed to be scaled with physical attack power too, reduced spear bleed boost drastically.

( Physical damage multiplier of spear bleed is reduced from fixed 10000% to “Until 2.500.000 Physical Attack; 10 * ( Physical Attack / 2.500.000 ) ^ 1.61803398875, Until 3.500.000 Physical Attack; 10 * ( Physical Attack / 3.500.000 ) ^ 2 + 1, Otherwise 10 * ( Physical Attack / 3.500.000 ) ^ 2.5 + 2”. ( Example; Multipler will be equal to 696% when player has 2.000.000 Physical attack, instead of 10000%. )


  • Fixed Imprisonment Pulse was inflicting damage twice when it is used under effect of Kinetic Explosion instead of boosting base damage. Increased its damage to 289/326% from 234/281%.


  • Reduced Thunderstorm damage to 2511 from 2737.

Patch Notes


  • Removed item unlock popup window.
  • Fixed experience reducer wasn’t usable.
  • Reduced TP bonus from house furniture.
  • Fixed deleting items were behaving like disenchanting sometimes.
  • Fixed relationships weren’t gaining experience sometimes rarely at high levels.
  • Revised monster compendium, added search box to search by name and attributes of the card.


  • Enabled UnitOrgID function for players.


  • Implemented TooltipIDs settings to interface settings.
  • Changed other IDs to be loaded only if related settings is enabled.



  • Reduced Fearless damage gain to 12% from 16%.


  • Changed Dark Soul Barrier to Dark Soul; Increases your physical attack power by 6%.


  • Increased Silent Rune Bomb radius to 75 from 60.
  • Increased Pulse Rune Bomb radius to 75 from 60.


  • Increased Bloodthirsty Blade damage to 868.8% from 615%.
  • Reduced Phantom Blade damage gain to 24% from 26%.


  • Reduced Imprisonment Pulse cooldown to 20 seconds from 30.
  • Reduced Kinetic Explosion cooldown to 40 seconds from 60.


  • Reduced Thunderstorm damage to 2310 from 2511.


  • Reduced Mother Earth’s Wrath cooldown to 3 seconds from 4, changed its boosted damage condition to be triggered with 50% chance instead of requiring lower than 40% HP, increased boosted damage to 4600 from 4220, increased base damage to 3417 from 2848.
  • Increased Mother Earth’s Blade damage to 2354 from 2140.


  • Reduced Earth Core Barrier duration to 15 seconds from 20.


  • Changed Brain Shock to increase magical damage by 6% instead of 20.8% intelligence.


  • Increased Cursed Fangs base damage to 1726 from 1439, extra damage to 850 from 709.


  • Fixed Energy Influx Strike was losing its effect sometimes.


  • Changed Strength of Ashes to remove extra area damage gain from Elemental Catalysis in exchange of increasing given magical damage.
  • Fixed Flame Spirit wasn’t having dynamic movement speed.


  • Changed name of Summon Sandstorm to Sandstorm. Increased radius to 75 from 60, reduced boosted damage to 3590 from 4080.


  • Increased Toxicologist poison damage gain to 130% from 114%.


  • Changed Earth Chain to have point and click target area, increased maximum target amount to 15 from 5, increased its damage to 1349/1868 from 1038/1557, added 6% damage decrement for each extra target.
  • Changed Summer Banquet to increase maximum HP by 8% physical and magical attack by 6% of raid members, while increasing casters maximum HP by 10%, physical and magical attack by 20% and healing power by 10%, reduced cooldown to 90 seconds from 120.


  • Reduced Moon Cleave damage to 351% from 439%.


  • Reduced Moon Cleave damage to 637% from 796%.


  • Changed Electrical Rage to have 1 second of cast time, removed global cooldown trigger.


  • Changed Stifle to do not require Vulnerable effect, increased stack amount to 15 from 10.
  • Reduced Earthly Strike cooldown to 4 seconds from 6.


  • Increased Waiting Game physical attack gain to 16% from 12%.



  • Reduced Elemental Discipline damage to 121% from 143%.

Patch Notes


  • Added output parameter to TakeScreenshot( string ), changed its output file structure to be more readable.



  • Fixed Energy Recovery was losing its effect upon reusing.


  • Changed Plasma Arrow and Charged descriptions to include actual percentual value of wind damage increment.


  • Changed Fire Rose Explosion to do not trigger global cooldown.
  • Changed Fire Rose to do not apply damage over time.



  • Fixed Silence wasn’t applying personal Holy Seal effect.
  • Fixed War Prayer wasn’t applying personal Holy Seal effect.


  • Changed Inspiration to make Fireball travel faster additionally.
  • Fixed Inspiration was applied with 1 second delay time.


  • Reduced Curse of Widow magical attack gain to 9% from 21%, added 30% cast speed effect.
  • Changed Poisonous Widow Embrace damage value to 342.8% + 10 x 34.3% CPS dark damage from 5570 + 10 x 557, changed energy recovery to 3 per hit from 2 per critical hit.
  • Changed Necrotic Wound damage to 183.3% CPS dark damage from 4800, removed global cooldown trigger, added 1 second of cast time, added 8% damage decrement for each extra target, changed cost to 5% MP from 20 energy.
  • Removed Sinister Request energy cost.
  • Increased Corrosive Poison energy cost to 40 from 30.
  • Changed Wasteland to do not modify Earth Arrow anymore.
  • Increased Dark Moon duration to 60 seconds from 30.


  • Increased Cross Thorn Blow cooldown to 4 seconds from 3, changed damage type to earth physical from raw physical.
  • Changed Natural Attack damage type to earth physical from raw physical, reduced reflection amount to 4 from 6, allowed it to reflect to a target that already got damage from the skill.
  • Changed Heart Piercing damage type to earth physical from raw physical.
  • Changed Slash damage type to earth physical from raw physical.
  • Changed Healing Wind to Fury; Inflicts 620% main hand weapon DPS earth damage twice. If the one possesses a Nature’s Power, one point will be consumed and damage will be 960% twice instead and resets cooldown of Cross Thorn Blow. Cost: 20 rage Cooldown: 4 seconds.
  • Reduced Heart of the Wild 2-H Axe damage gain to 86% from 108%.


  • Changed Numbing Dagger to Energized Hands; Increases energy recovery rate by 86% for 900 seconds. (Effect is mutually exclusive with Poisonous Hands and other effects which are not usable together with it.)
  • Changed Poison skill name to Poisonous Hands.


  • Changed Disassembly Shadow to recover 5 energy every time the Disassemble triggers.
  • Increased Pulse Rune Bomb rage cost to 30 from 20.
  • Changed Bloody Mess to additionally make every mechanism to reset cooldown of Pulse Rune Bomb when used.


  • Reduced Patience and Salvation maximum stack to 15 from 20.


  • Reduced Decay damage gain to 12% from 18%.


  • Changed Dark Soul Assail to no longer modify Soul Agility. Increased passive dark damage gain to 100% from 68%.
  • Changed Dark Soul Precision to Dark Path; Increases your movement speed by 15%.


  • Changed Elemental Repercussions item set skill to an active spell that provides effect for 900 seconds.
  • Increased Water Element of Rebirth magical attack gain to 12% from 5%, increased duration to 900 seconds from 300.
  • Fixed fairies weren’t getting scaled with magical attributes.


  • Changed Tide Control; Reduces cast time of Rising Tide to 1 second, changes damage type to CPS at value of 418.7%.
  • Increased Ice Blade damage to 345% CPS, changed it to self area spell with radius of 100 costs 5% MP with damage decrement for each extra target by 8%.
  • Changed Frost Halo to additionally increase pet owner’s elemental damage by 10%.
  • Changed Enhanced Wave Armor to Absolute Zero; Increases your water damage by 40% for 30 seconds. Cooldown: 60 seconds Cost: 20% MP
  • Changed Throat Stab to change also name, damage value and type of Throat Attack to Drowning Attack and 880% CPS water damage and removes global cooldown trigger. Cast Time: 1 second


  • Changed Chain of Light to use basic structure instead of nested spells from remnants of old mechanic.


  • Reduced physical attack gain per strength to 1.8 from 2.


  • Reduced Elemental Rampage critical damage gain to 40% from 100%, reduced cooldown to 90 seconds from 180.


  • Changed Shadow Explosion to do not increase physical attack any more, increased 1-H hammer damage gain to 40% from 24%.


  • Reduced Indomitable Spirit cooldown to 10 seconds from 20.


  • Changed Frantic Slash, Frantic Slash Marking effect to reset cooldown of Charged Chop immediately after next Charged Chop.


  • Reduced physical attack gain per strength to 1.8 from 2.


  • Increased Battle Creed damage gain to 24% from 17.5%.


  • Increased Excellent Combat Training damage gain to 40% from 36%.
  • Increased Rage Blow damage to 889% from 808%.


  • Increased Wild Slash attack speed gain to 15% from 10.9%.
  • Removed Vendetta Blow global cooldown trigger.



  • Reduced Spiritual Feedback self damage gain to 15% from 21%.


  • Reduced Power Sigil damage gain to 8% from 12%.


  • Fixed Throat Attack had false information about putting enemy spell into cooldown state after interrupting in its description.
  • Changed Wind Arrows description to include cooldown increment info.


  • Changed Snipe to trigger global cooldown.


  • Changed Snipe to trigger global cooldown.


  • Changed Self-Distortion item set skill to get lose effect when you change set skill slots.
  • Fixed Soul Crusher set skill was sharing cooldown with some other skills.

Patch Notes

Monster Card System

  • Implemented 4 new monster cards in Silverspring zone.
  • Implemented Barren Caves and Silverspring zones to new card system.
  • Added possibility to transmute 40 Astral Soul Stone into 1 Elemental Soul Stone.
  • Revised card tooltip.
  • Revised Asmial card material shop.
  • Changed cost of some materials, revised their rarity to be more suitable with their values.
  • Added global inflation for free shop in exchange for providing unlimited resource for some items.
  • Added Breakthrough stone type which is increasing certain attribute on a monster card by certain amount.
  • Added Gebo stone type which is randomly changing numeric values of all existing attributes in a monster card.



  • Fixed Fury was applying beneficial type of effect to targets unintentionally.
  • Changed Natural Attack to recover Nature’s Power every time it hits instead of every time it channeled.
  • Changed Glory Wand name to Urgent Aid; Reduced attack speed and heal gain to 11.4% from 20.8%.
  • Changed Heart Piercing to do not trigger global cooldown.
  • Changed Slash Fury to do not make Slash work flawless.
  • Increased Nature’s Blessing cooldown time to 90 seconds from 60.


  • Increased Necrotic Wound damage to 400% from 183%.
  • Increased Curse of Widow magical attack gain to 15% from 9%.


  • Fixed Elemental Repercussions set skill was providing unlimited duration unintentionally.
  • Increased Water Element of Rebirth magical attack gain to 20% from 12%.


  • Changed Throat Stab to remove interrupting effect of Drowning Attack additionally.
  • Changed Rising Tide and Ice Blades to apply Drowning effect to target for 6 seconds.
  • Changed Drowning Attack to inflict 30% more damage to targets under effect of Drowning, and splashes its base damage to targets under Drowning effect within 80 radius of target. Reduced cooldown time to 6 seconds from 12.
  • Changed Ice Blades to fan shaped frontal area effect, increased radius to 180, increased its damage to 483% from 345%.
  • Increased Rising Tide damage to 520% from 418%.
  • Changed Tide Control to be level 20 elite instead of level 30.
  • Changed Throat Stab to be level 30 elite instead of level 20.


  • Increased Dagger Mastery damage gain to 92.5% from 85.9%.


  • Reduced Salvation damage gain per stack to 1% from 2%.
  • Changed Holy Surge to do not have 6 target limit, reduced damage decrement for each target to 6% from 10%.
  • Reduced Fearless damage gain to 8% from 12%.

Post Patch Notes

Following changes may not be visible in game skill tooltips until next actual client patch but will take effect on skill output. It may not be applied to all zones except custom instances and Atlantis CH4.



  • Reduced Heart of the Wild 2-H axe damage gain to 38% from 86%.

Patch Notes


  • Changed class pets and cenedrils to get Chronicle of War/Life/Magic effects from their owners upon spawn (not in real-time).
  • Changed name of some creatures in Silverspring to remove duplicated monster cards.


  • Fixed Digestion effect of Jerath event was disappearing when the player reach 1 HP which was causing unexpected deaths.

Monster Card System

  • Sorted items by their rarity in Asmial shop.

Personal Store

  • Changed personal store to include all of 174 stones without any randomness.
  • After an item is out of stock, the player can continue to buy by paying smaller amount of diamonds or can reset stock and prices of all available items by repaying the cost of the store.
  • Increased green item quantity per refresh to 20 from 3-5.
  • Increased blue item quantity per refresh to 15 from 2-4.
  • Increased purple item quantity per refresh to 5 from 2-3.
  • Increased orange item quantity per refresh to 2 from 1-2.
  • Reduced green item extra diamond cost for out-of-stock purchases to 1 diamond and changed increment to 1 diamond for every 20 purchase.
  • Reduced blue item extra diamond cost for out-of-stock purchases to 2 diamond and changed increment to 2 diamond for every 15 purchase.
  • Reduced purple item extra diamond cost for out-of-stock purchases to 8 diamond and changed increment to 5 diamond for every 3 purchase.
  • Reduced orange item extra diamond cost for out-of-stock purchases to 30 diamond and changed increment to 20 diamond for every 2 purchase.
  • Reduced Breakthrough stones obtainable by paying green currency price to 10.000 from 24.000.
  • Reduced Breakthrough stones obtainable by paying blue currency price to 7.000 from 20.000.
  • Reduced Breakthrough stones obtainable by paying purple currency price to 1.000 from 2.500.
  • Reduced Breakthrough stones obtainable by paying orange currency price to 50 from 75.


  • Changed Static Field damage from 2520 wind + 2520 elemental damage to 3780 elemental damage.


  • Changed Energy Passage to increase damage of Static Field to 4800 elemental damage additionally.


  • Reduced Magma Blade range to 180, reduced earth damage portion to 1449 from 1932.


  • Increased Earth Core Barrier duration to 25 seconds from 15.


  • Changed elemental damage type to wind from fire.
  • Changed Industry Fire name to Cold Breeze, changed it to modify Soul Pain to inflict wind damage instead of fire.
  • Fixed Soul Pain damage over time damage value was like skill is at level 55 unintentionally.


  • Changed Magical Enlightement to Focused Beam; Removes damage loss of Static Field upon reflecting.



  • Increased Endless Pulse duration to 900 seconds, removed cooldown, changed to trigger global cooldown, increased attack speed gain to 15%.
  • Changed Indomitable Spirit to do not trigger global cooldown, added 10 focus cost.


  • Increased Death Arrives 1-H hammer damage gain to 30% from 24%, reduced cooldown to 90 seconds from 180.


  • Changed Light Pulse to generate extra aggro only if used under effect of Shield Form.


  • Reduced Hide and Seek melee damage gain to 24% from 32% and ranged damage gain to 60% from 72%.
  • Increased Pulsing Shot cooldown to 15 seconds from 10.
  • Changed Bloody Armor to reduce HP loss per second of Blood Arrow to 2%.
  • Reduced Fearless Shot cooldown to 2 seconds from 3, increased focus cost to 15.



  • Fixed The Last Resistance was affecting all friendly members.


  • Fixed some class pet effects were possible to be applied twice when there is another same type of pet in party.


  • Fixed Frost Halo was providing wrong effect to party members.


  • Reduced Arrow of Essence attack speed gain to 20% from 30%.
  • Increased Ranged Weapon Mastery bow and crossbow damage gain to 51.8% from 38%.


  • Disabled Soul Crusher set skill in Howling Mountains and Silverspring temporarily.
  • Disabled Siphonic Etching set skill in Howling Mountains and Silverspring temporarily.

Post Patch Notes

Following changes will not be visible in skill tooltips, but will affect the skill output until next actual patch in instances and Atlantis CH4.


  • Fixed Ranged Weapon Mastery change was not applied with previous patch.

Patch Notes


  • Limited total macro wait duration to 360 seconds as maximum.



  • Increased Gun Mastery damage gain to 60% from 45%.


  • Changed Target Lock; Increases your reflexes and agility for 30 seconds, Autoshot will be insanely fast during this time. (Allows Autoshot to inflict damage 5 times per second regardless of attack speed.)


  • Increased Entling Offering trigger chance to 100%.
  • Increased Hidden Peril trigger chance to 100% from 50%, increased skill cooldown to 15 seconds from 10.
  • Increased Thorn Arrow damage to 860% from 600%.


  • Changed Archer Blessing name to Archer Agility; Increases ranged speed by 8% instead of ranged damage.
  • Increased Curse Bringer cooldown time to 15 seconds from 10.



  • Reduced Ice Blades damage to 410% from 483%.
  • Increased Rising Tide damage to 600% from 520%.


  • Reduced Energized Hands energy recovery to 50% from 86%.


  • Changed Fast Draw to have 30 energy cost.
  • Changed Wraith Attack to do not recover energy per successful hit.


  • Increased Warden’s Wrath damage gain to 8% from 4%.
  • Reduced Phantom Blade physical damage gain to 20% from 24%.
  • Changed Revival to Wood Spirit’s Will; Changes Savage Power to be a passive effect.



  • Reduced Briar Technique physical attack gain per stack to 1% from 3%.


  • Allowed Soul Crusher and Siphonic Etching set skills to be used in Silverspring and Howling Mountains again.

Patch Notes


  • Fixed Savage Power was working as a passive effect.

Post Patch Notes

Following changes may not be visible in game tooltips until the next actual client patch but will affect the skill output and will not be activated in all zones except custom instances and Atlantis CH4.


  • Fixed Jerath event was killing player when aggro is reset by any source.


  • Reduced Autoshot minimum delay interval, changed it, so other skills won’t be affected by Autoshot, however Autoshot will still be interrupted by global cooldown.


  • Changed Forest Guidance to no longer increase received damage of target, instead removes travel distance delay of Snipe.
  • Reduced Entling Offering damage to 50% from 100%.


  • Changed Battle Instinct to no longer provide dexterity.


  • Increased Shock Overload maximum targets to 15 from 10, reduced damage decrement for each extra target to 6%.


  • Reduced Heart Collection Rune cooldown to 60 seconds from 90, reduced damage gain to 12% from 18%.


  • Changed Shadow Pulse to do not get affected by global cooldown.
  • Increased Fearless Blow energy recovery to 100 from 60.



  • Increased Purgatory Darkness damage to 2898 from 2133.

Patch Notes


  • Fixed fan shaped area skills were not caring about target limit.
  • Fixed items were not possible to link in Asmial’s shop.
  • Fixed cards were not having attributes on certain zones.
  • Revised general store frame.


  • Added DynamicShop_ItemLink function.


  • Changed Autoshot to get affected by global cooldown considerably lesser, reduced maximum amount that can be shot in a second to 1.67 from 5.
  • Changed Hurricane Downpour skill type to physical from magical.
  • Changed Shatterstar Storm skill type to physical from magical.


  • Removed Battle Instinct rage cost.


  • Fixed Entling Offering was not triggering with Wind Arrows.


  • Fixed Imprisonment Pulse was inflicting damage to immune targets.
  • Increased Shock Overload damage decrement for each extra target to 8% from 6%.



  • Changed Wood Spirit’s Grasp to provide effect only to the caster, increased damage gain to 8% from 5%, removed magical damage gain, increased duration to 15 seconds from 10 seconds, decreased cooldown to 15 seconds from 20 seconds.


  • Changed Defense Net to do not share same assist type as other similar effects which was causing it to do not be applied over others.


  • Fixed Truth Shield Bash was inflicting damage to immune targets.
