Patch Notes
- Cleaned up technical way of obtaining all currencies.
- Reduced duration of entering world loading screen slightly.
- Fixed Wildfire Element Fruit Cordial wasn’t disappearing on death.
- Added 20 new benefits.
- Adjusted values of some benefits.
- Added new subscriptions types: Gold and Platinum.
- Added new shop in frame to purchase for Courage Coin.
- Reworked intermediate rewards for Prestige level upgrades.
- Added new items for Monster Card manipulations in Prestige Shop.
- Courage Coin currency, Prestige progress, and benefits from the start of Beta Season have been reset. All unspent Courage Coin currency purchased with diamonds has been saved.
- Reworked Prestige purchase frame.
- Added season timer to purchase frame.
- Added benefit search box to Prestige frame.
- Fixed renewal price was not calculated correctly with left days.
- Fixed benefits were not included in Prestige filter in Skill Book general tab.
Item Shop
- Reduced time of reloading list of categories.
- Separated many categories into logical sub categories.
- Removed gender restriction from some weapons and wings.
- Cleaned up Cosmetics tab:
- Added categories per weapon type.
- Moved Weapon/Armor Style to within cosmetics tab.
- Removed non-item shop weapons, added new cosmetic versions with no attributes.
- Excluded tank from Short Circuit.
- Reduced duration of Mimic’s Curses.
- Added more description for Dark Will effect.
- Removed jumping restriction from Heavy Component effect.
- Fixed rare client crash occurring when opening Mimic Chests.
- Changed “Once Ascended, now no more” title to provide poison effect on hands.
- Changed Gloves of the Saviour to increase heal over time by 10% additionally.
- Changed Gloves of the Enchanters to decrease healing by 10% + 2% per tier and remove all auras if you remove gloves.
- Increased Gauntlets of the Barbarian damage to 320% + 76.8% per tier, changed it to inflict stronger hand DPS instead of main hand DPS damage.
- Removed option to reset festival activities from NPCs.
- Added boosted rewards for finishing multiple festival activities.
- Added option to exchange limited number of Draconaris per day with Arthomon.
Spring Rain Festival

- Added 12 new titles.
- Added 18 new cards.
- Added new event – The Murder Bunny.
- Event starts at: Orderly
Event area(s): Varanas Central/Bunny Lair
Event goal: Help the Varanas Guard defeat the Murder Bunny.
- Event starts at: Orderly
- Added new event – Old Wabbit Lost Eggs.
- Event starts at: Old Rabbit
Event area(s): Lost Island of Atlantis
Event goal: Help the Old Rabbit find his log eggs.
- Event starts at: Old Rabbit
- Added new event – Giant Wabbit Egg Hunt.
- Event starts at: Global
Event area(s): Global
Event goal: Help track down the Giant Wabbit Egg throughout Taborea.
- Event starts at: Global
- Added new short questline – Easter Enigma.
- Event starts at: Elda Harefoot
Event area(s): Global/Heffner Camp
Event goal: Help protect the easter magic being stolen by evil powers.
- Event starts at: Elda Harefoot
Seasonal Windrunner Race

- Added new Spring Rain Festival version.
- Changed to be always visible in queue frame even when not available in current festival.
- Added new seasonal windrunner map – Fungi Village. Will be expanded in future with new maps of different themes.
Flower Festival
- Increased stack size of Love Chocolate to 999.
- Fixed PvP wing stats weren’t placeable to PvP wings.
- Added sound effect when battleground enter popup triggers.
Game Launcher
- Introduced fully new game launcher.
- Integrated patching window into launcher.
- Improved interactions with launcher during patching.
- Added comfortable way for viewing news and addons.
- Implemented some required binaries without need of extra installs on fresh computer setups.
Visual Changes
- Increased zone view distance inside Ancient Dreamland.
- Disabled roll button of Wheel of Fortune during spinning.
- Changed color of Gear Score and PvE/PvP Item type in tooltip.
- Fixed zone hyperlink tooltip headers were sometimes wrong size.
General Class Changes
- Removed cenedril death penalty.
- Corrected some skill descriptions.
- Reduced Powerhouse Sword damage gain to 5% from 15%.
- Increased Frenzy attack speed to 20% from 8%.
- Increased Spear weapon level to 265 from 245 at level 105.
- Changed Blood Whirlwind to inflict physical damage, reduced proc interval to 1s from 2, adjusted damage accordingly, changed Whirlwind to be used with 2-H Hammer.
- Reduced Fearless Rune cooldown to 60 seconds from 300.
- Changed Blood Rune Weapon to inflict 3% damage to user upon dealing damage with offensive skills instead of over time.
- Changed Unbridled Rage to do not consume HP, changed duration to 900 seconds from permanent.
- Increased Vendetta Blow aggro generation to 100% from 50%, reduced maximum possible damage to 200% from 300%, fixed it was applying damage boost to following skill occasionally.
- Changed Poison proc interval to 1s from 2, adjusted damage accordingly.
- Changed Severe Thunder to allow equipping offhand weapon additionally and reduce cooldown of Thunder to 4 seconds, but reduces Stun duration to 2 seconds too.
- Changed Leakage to cost 2 Focus instead of recovering 2.
- Changed Blasting Cyclone to inflict damage thrice instead of four times, reduced cooldown to 6 seconds from 12, changed it to require 1-H weapon.
- Reduced Frenzy physical damage to 10% from 15%.
- Increased Spirit Blade Storm damage to 565% from 282%, changed it to require 2-H Sword to be used, changed it to inflict same damage as Spirit-Cracking Blow as damage over time.
- Changed Spirit-Cracking Blow to require 2-H Sword to be used.
- Increased Spirit Wound damage per second to 965 from 723.
- Reduced Frenzied Attack duration to 900 seconds from 30, removed cooldown, reduced damage to 320% from 630%.
- Increased Moon Cleave attack count to 4 from 3. (channel time is increased to 0.75 from 0.5)
- Increased Fighting Spirit Combination damage to 720% from 360%.
- Reduced Chain of Light radius to 60 from 100, changed area type to be circle instead.
- Changed Condensed Rage to increase physical damage by 22% instead of water/light damage.
- Changed Whirlwind to do not trigger global cooldown.
- Fixed Shock Overload damage reduction was affecting other skills occasionally.
- Changed Dark Energy Punishment to cost 3% HP for every offensive skill instead of damage over time.
- Changed Endless Pulse to recover 3% HP every second additionally.
- Changed Hide and Seek → Determination: You will get 30% damage reduction while in Shield Form and 30% physical damage while in Disassembly Mode permanently.
- Reduced Substitue damage to 307% from 384%, removed 18% gun speed.
- Changed Fast Draw to require a gun instead of ranged weapon.
- Changed Shadow Figure: Increases Gun Attack speed by 18% for 30 seconds. Cooldown: 60 seconds
- Increased Wraith Attack energy cost to 25 from 15.
- Increased Blood Arrow damage gain to 41.4% from 31%.
- Reduced Song of the Storm hit amount to 1 from 3, reduced radius to 60 from 80. (removed channel time)
- Increased Combo Throw channel time to 1.5 seconds from 1.
- Changed Erosion to modify all skills to inflict poison damage instead of earth.
- Changed Malicious Intent Release → Malicious Intent: You mix the art of killing with the divinity of the earth, Earth Pulse inflicts physical poison damage around you.
- Changed Killin’ Time: Your single target hits will inflict extra 240% mainhand weapon DPS poison damage additionally for 30 seconds.
- Changed Slaughters Blessing → Inglorious Affairs: Increases poison damage by 30% for 30 seconds. Cooldown 60 seconds.
- Fixed Hell Blades was providing fire damage and received damage reduction more than intended.
- Changed Gusting Blade Rain to lose 3 seconds of cooldown instead of 1 while Hell Blades is active, changed it to lose cooldown with every thrown projectile instead of just Throw/Combo Throw, reduced cooldown reduction chance with Chaos Daggers to 25% from 50%.
- Changed Chaos Daggers to inflict damage twice while Hell Blades is active.
- Increased Create Opportunity duration to 900 seconds, removed cooldown, increased crit. hit rate to 1592 from 398, reduced Stun duration to 2 seconds from 4, reduced Stun chance to 20% from 30%.
- Reduced Gusting Blade Rain damage loss for each extra target to 12% from 20%.
- Increased Patience and Salvation maximum stack to 20 from 15.
- Reduced Awakening of the Monk to provide half of maximum stacks instead of full, reduced cooldown to 60 seconds from 90.
- Increased Sinister Methods poison damage trigger to 100% from 30%.
- Reduced Holy Surge damage to 628% from 736%.
- Removed Decay damage buff trigger cooldown, increased damage gain to 16.8% from 12.1%, reduced duration to 8 seconds from 20, changed it to apply 902 poison damage every second for 6 seconds additionally.
- Increased Warden’s Wrath damage gain to 5% from 2%.
- Changed Crazed Creed to increase physical damage by 11.5% instead of critical damage.
- Changed Disassembly Shadow to provide 72.8% physical damage instead of attack power/physical damage/hammer damage.
- Changed Dwarven Forge to let Disassemble ignore 60% defense instead of 32.5%
- Fixed Power Mechanism was buffing raid members.
- Changed Poisonous Feedback attack speed gain to 5% per stack from 4%.
- Changed Burying Mechanism to apply damage buff with no delay.
- Reduced Power Sigil damage gain to 20% from 30%.
- Increased Essence of Poison damage gain to 32.5% from 24%.
- Increased Psychic Shadow physical damage scaling to 20% from 10%.
- Changed Sacrifice of the Pirate to be toggleable skill.
- Increased Energy Well duration to 60 seconds from 50.
- Removed Meteor Shower global cooldown trigger, added 1 second cooldown instead.
- Reduced Vampiric Siphon damage to 1394 from 1640.
- Increased Shadow Protection cast speed to 16% from 12%.
- Removed Gift of the Baron heal due to performance reasons.
- Increased Forgotten Black Magic defense reduction per stack to 2% from 1%, added 2% magical damage per hit to caster.
- Increased Fire Arrow damage to 3161 from 1806.
- Changed Power of the Wind: Increases movement speed and attack speed by 23% for 30 seconds. Cost: 50 Focus Cooldown: 90 seconds
- Changed Fire Wind Cultivation → Awakening of Fire: Converts 10% of ranged damage to magical damage.
- Changed Music in your Ears → Metal in your Ears, modifies mentioned skills to inflict poison damage instead of fire.
- Changed Master of Words; Increases poison damage by 40% instead of fire damage and modifies Flame to be Growl instead to inflict poison damage.
- Changed Fire Master → Master of Metal: Modifies Fire Barrier → Sound Barrier, reduces damage received by 40% while your HP is full.
- Changed Great Fire → Great Drummer.
- Changed Great Purgatory Fire → Double Bass: Hits double bass drums, causing 3000 + 0.1 x INT poison damage which is followed by another 600 + 0.1 x INT poison damage. Cost: 1% MP
- Changed Fiery Song Extraction → Crooked Scream, changed damage type to poison from fire.
- Increased Fast Thoughts cast speed to 16.8% from 11.5%.
- Changed Bard’s Influx → Crowd Surfing
- Changed Fire Within → Solo: Noise Increases poison damage instead of fire.
- Reduced Snipe cooldown to 15 seconds from 20.
- Reduced Dark Exchange cooldown to 1 seconds from 15.
- Removed Dark Blast global cooldown trigger.
- Changed Judge of the Warlock, Ruthless Judgment costs no Psi now and gets 10 seconds of cooldown instead of always hitting critical damage and getting 20 seconds of cooldown.
- Changed Dark Music, removed 1 Psi recovery from Musical Attack, now it doesn’t cost focus and inflicts dark damage instead.
- Reduced Saces’ Fury cost to 10 rage from 25.
- Reduced Saces’ Impulse intelligence and magical damage gain to 8% from 16.1%.
- Reduced Severed Consciousness damage by 15%, increased channel time to 1.25s from 1.
- Changed Dark Method: Increases dark damage by 15% attack speed by 20% for 30 seconds if used in Willpower Blade, decreases received damage by 30% and increases aggro by 20% for 30 seconds if used in Willpower Construct.
- Changed Ruthless Judgment to have 1 Psi cost.
- Changed Harmful Whisper → Corrupted Oak: Transforms you to corrupted spiritual creatures in willpower states, Willpower Blade: Increases movement speed by 25%, max HP by 15%, area damage reduction by 35%, also makes your regular attacks trigger Charged Chop; Willpower Construct: Increases parry rate by 40%, max HP by 20%, aggro by 30%, reduces magical attack by 50%, also your normal attacks apply Resinified that increases targets received damage by 2% stacks up to 6 times.
- Reduced Charged Chop, Ruthless Judgment ranges to 50 from 200/225.
- Changed Power of the Oak to be self area spell with 80 radius.
- Changed Gift of the Nature to allow you to equip 2-H Sword, increases 2-H Sword speed and magical damage by 25.1%.
- Changed Archer Rune to do not increase channel time, increased constant focus cost to 30 from 20.
- Increased Soul Gale cooldown to 6 seconds from 4.
- Reduced Absolute Extermination cooldown to 2 seconds from 3, reduced rage cost to 25 from 30.
Spring Rain Festival
- 23 custom cards from festival monsters.
- 26 hidden custom titles from festival activities.
During the festival you can exchange Fire Zodiac materials and Pyro Draconaris for a Draco Pet.
Obtain Pyro Draconaris from:
- Lina Wabbit – exchange 12 x Earth Spirit Crystal for a reward.
- Nier Wabbit – exchange 12 x Earth Spirit Crystal for a reward.
Bringing Back the Wabbits
NPC: Kekai Wabbit
Location: Aslan Valley
Event type: Find & collect
Event location: Silverspring
Event target: Find the Lost Wabbits and put them in the boxes to bring them back
Wabbit Pursuit
NPC: Clifford Sharansk
Location: Varanas – Administration District
Event type: Hunting
Event target: Hunt players which transformed into wabbits and collect points
Stolen Rainbow Eggs
NPC: Lina Wabbit / Nier Wabbit
Location: Varanas – Central Plaza / Obsidian Stronghold
Event type: defeat monstears and collect items
Event location: Howling Mountains, Hidden Valley Mine
Event target: Collect the Stolen Rainbow Eggs
Petal Gathering
NPC: Lina Wabbit / Nier Wabbit
Location: Varanas – Central Plaza / Obsidian Stronghold
Event type: Collect items
Event location: Logar
Event Target: Collect Rainbow Petals
Happy Digging
NPC: Titan Wabbit
Location: Helen’s Farm – Howling Mountains
Event type: collect items
Event location: Howling Mountains
Event target: follow a wabbit and dig for treasures
Jump! Jump! Wabbits!
NPC: Danny Wabbit
Location: Varanas Bridge
Event type: Find and follow
Event location: Silverspring
Event target: Find the wabbit and follow him
Rainbow Egg Graffiti
NPC: Cecil Owanni
Location: Varanas Bridge
Event type: collect and exchange items
Event location: Silverspring, Varanas
Event Target: collect flowers for the paint, take the eggs to the painters and exchange.
Ethereal Spectrum Chicken
NPC: Angela Bix
Location: Varanas Bridge
Event type: Find and collect items
Event location: Silverspring
Event target: Transform into a wabbit, find the Ethereal Spectrum Chicken and collect eggs
Big Egg Giveaway
NPC: Ayester Bunni
Location: Abandoned District of Dalanis
Event type: find NPCs
Event location: Thunderhoof Hills
Event target: Find the NPCs and deliver items
Wabbit Defense Battle / Wabbit Game
NPC: Yakubi Wabbit
Location: Varanas Bridge
Event type: “tower defense”
Event target: Defend the rabbits from the invading turtles to get a reward.
Great Wabbit Sendoff
NPC: Jessica Bunni
Location: In front of Obsidian Stronghold
Event type: find and guide
Event location: Thunderhoof Hills
Event target: find your wabbits and bring them back home.

Patch Notes
- Missed in previous patch: Courage Coin currency, Prestige progress, and benefits from the start of Beta Season have been reset. All Courage Coin currency purchased with diamonds has been saved. All diamonds spent after yesterday’s patch will be restored to mail box. If you lost significant progress of Prestige obtained between yesterday’s patch and today, you might request restoration in support once you provide enough of details.
Fixed Once ascended, now no more title visual effect wasn’t working properly.
- Fixed multiple bugs.
- Added built-in .NET framework.
- Improved server status was sometimes wrong.
- Corrected permissions management for updating files.
- Added more details to patching error information popup.
- Fixed minimize to system tray option when starting game.
- Fixed Powerhouse Sword had wrong value in tooltip (just visual).
- Fixed Blasting Cyclone had wrong cooldown.
- Fixed Shadow Figure description and invisible buff.
Post Patch Notes
Following changes may not have visible effect in tooltips and descriptions until a client patch, but will have effect in action.
- Fixed Gift of the Nature was decreasing 2-H Sword speed instead.
- Reduced Enlivened Blade cost to 3 blades from 10.
- Increased Fire Concentration fire damage to 75% from 50%.
- Reduced Hell Blades fire damage to 30% from 50%.
- Reduced Toxic Splash cooldown to 4 seconds from 6.
- Increased Wind Rune damage to 35% from 21%.
- Reduced The Inferno cooldown to 7 seconds from 15.
- Increased Archer’s Agility speed gain to 30% from 15%.
- Changed Snake Poison Arrow damage over time type to ranged from physical.
- Reduced Octave Shifting cooldown to 8 seconds from 20.
- Removed The Devourer global cooldown trigger.
- Reduced Soul Sucker cooldown and duration to 6 seconds from 15.
- Changed Poisonous Integration to inflict physical damage over time instead of magical.
- Reduced Absolute Extermination channel time to 2.25 seconds from 3.
Post Patch Notes
- Fixed Gloves cooldown increments were reverted unintentionally.
- Increased Rage Crisis channel time to 1.5 seconds from 0.8.
- Increased Blood Dance channel time to 1 seconds from 0.5.
- Reduced Frenzied Attack damage to 300% from 320%.
- Reduced Moon Cleave cooldown to 3 seconds from 5.
- Reduced Earthly Strike cooldown to 4 seconds from 6.
- Reduced Redemption damage gain to 13.6% from 18.2%
- Fixed Sacrifice wasn’t working properly.
- Changed Blood Dance to inflict area damage around target instead of single target damage, increased cooldown to 6 seconds.
- Increased Keen Attack channel time to 0.5 seconds from 0.2.
- Reduced Rage Crisis channel time to 0.5 seconds from 1.5.
- Increased Frenzied Attack damage to 360% from 300%.
- Reduced Excellent Combat Training damage gain to 20% from 30%.
- Removed extra range of Snipe to allow it to get maximum benefit from Distant Friend, changed it to inflict always critical damage.
- Reduced Precision channel time bonus to 20% from 50%.
- Changed Awakening of the Monk to do not remove Patience and Salvation effect.
- Reduced Patience and Salvation duration to 15 seconds from 60.
Patch Notes
- Updated time zone adjustment for CEST.
- Added option to leave house through self portrait.
- Reduced duration of Phirius Deposit-Injector to 30 minutes.
- Increased Easy Harvest gathering buff max stack amount to 1000 from 12.
- Honoured passed away player “Johnkopytko” with NPC in front of Orkham.
- Added possibility to extend same subscription type via item.
- Added possibility to timed extend Permanent Plus subscription to higher, while keeping permanent Plus when higher expires.
- Added possibility to convert into higher subscription via item while reducing amount of total days left by duration of used item instead replacing subscription time entirely into used item duration.
- Fixed 90 days and 180 days Prestiges especially in Gold/Platinum were having too little discount versus 30 day versions. If you were affected (mostly only when purchasing/upgrading full-time version) you might contact support for verification if you should have get some PNC returned.
- Fixed Exploration benefit was not visible in all zones.
- Fixed Wardrobe Magic Expander benefit was not always behaving correctly.
Daily quests
- Reduced amount of kill/count conditions in some Prestige daily quests.
- Missed information in main .3000 patch: Removed many uncomfortable daily Prestige quests.
- Fixed Knowledge Gem V was giving too much badge title experience.
- Increased power of items from the Prestige store to increase experience, Prestige currency and quest scroll rewards.
- Fixed some prestige items couldn’t be found using bag search.
- Fixed trial Prestige popup was sometimes behaving incorrectly.
- Improved displaying of Permanent subscription in Prestige frame.
- Fixed unlocked benefits in skill book were not disabled if current Prestige subscription type was lower than required.
Auction House
- Fixed auto pricing functions were not working.
- Fixed sometimes disabled search button in Browse tab to be enabled again.
- Fixed duration and promotion timer dropdown menu was resetting always to one day.
- Fixed Dashboard tab was not showing items if still selected filters in Browse tab were active.
- Disabled confirm button in my offers tab if player has too less gold or diamonds for the auction.
- Fixed Once ascended, now no more title visual fx wasn’t working properly.
- Fixed Gloves of the Enchanter wasn’t boosting all auras properly, fixed it wasn’t removing auras when you remove gloves without being in a party.
- Updated festival rewards.
- Added new currency – Festive Ribbons. Can be exchanged for seasonal rewards with Eldoria on Varanas Bridge.
- Adjusted respawn location of Bunny Lair to inside the zone.
- Fixed Murder Bunny was counting towards daily quest limit.
- Increased time limit of Old Rabbit event from 3 to 4 minutes.
- Added chance to find additional egg during Old Rabbit event.
- Fixed some issues with Seasonal Windrunner Race map terrain.
- Added broadcast when instance was changed for “Rekindling the Easter Magic”.
- Fixed same instance for “Rekindling the Easter Magic” could be picked back to back.
- Added warning message to “Wabbit Defense Battle” festival activity while targeting wrong npc.
Game Launcher
- Fixed scrollbar in news behaving weird.
- Fixed rare crashes when removing addons.
- Fixed working on Windows versions lower than 10.
- Fixed news page was sometimes changing to blank.
- Fixed launcher was not auto updated when using manual patch.
- Fixed Play button was available during error when installing patch.
- Added option in settings to close the launcher after launching game.
- Allowed running multiple launcher instances if they are from different game directory.
- Changed launcher update to have independent version checker to reduce further sizes of patches.
- Improved weapon coupon exchange dialogue.
- Fixed some weapons were missing from free exchange with Atlas Weapon Coupon.
Visual Changes
- Fixed some visual issues of Item Shop.
- Increased scale of party class icons on world map.
- Updated models for Onyx Crystal and Osmium Ore.
- Fixed Gift of the Nature was decreasing 2-H Sword speed instead.
- Reduced Enlivened Blade cost to 2 blades from 10.
- Reduced Hell Blades fire damage to 30% from 50%.
- Increased Fire Concentration fire damage to 75% from 50%.
- Reduced Toxic Splash cooldown to 4 seconds from 6.
- Increased Wind Rune damage to 35.2% from 21%.
- Reduced Patience and Salvation duration to 20 seconds from 60.
- Changed Awakening of the Monk to do not remove Patience and Salvation effect.
- Reduced Precision channel time bonus to 20% from 50%.
- Removed Snipe extra range to allow it to get maximum benefit from Distant Friend, changed it to inflict always critical damage, removed flat skill damage, changed it to increase your physical damage by 8% for 10 seconds upon hit.
- Reduced The Inferno cooldown to 7 seconds from 15.
- Increased Archer’s Agility speed gain to 30% from 15%.
- Removed Curse Bringer cast time but added global cooldown trigger.
- Changed Ancestors Blessing: Reduces cooldown of your Combo Shot to 4 seconds and makes it shoot an additional projectile.
- Changed Snake Poison Arrow to inflict damage over time every second instead of every 2 seconds, reduced duration to 10 seconds from 12, increased its poison damage accordingly, changed it to inflict area damage within designated area of radius 20, changed cooldown to scale depending on ranged weapon attack speed, changed damage type to poison from raw physical.
- Reduced Venomous Snipe focus cost to 30 from 40.
- Reduced Poisonous Surge focus cost to 40 from 50.
- Reduced Elemental Discipline focus recovery to 8 from 10.
- Increased Blood Arrow magical damage gain to 43.56% from 36.3%.
- Changed Target Area elemental accuracy to 20% from 10%, critical damage to 15% from 10%, reduced focus cost to 2 from 3 per second.
- Increased Ice Blades range to 200 from 150.
- Removed Embrace of the Water Spirit duration.
- Changed Tide Control to allow Rising Tide to be casted while moving additionally.
- Changed Drowning Attack to recover 15% MP upon succesful hit, increased range to 200 from 150.
- Removed The Devourer global cooldown trigger.
- Reduced Octave Shifting cooldown to 8 seconds from 20.
- Reduced Soul Sucker cooldown and duration to 6 seconds from 15.
- Changed Poisonous Integration to inflict physical damage over time instead of magical, corrected description.
- Reduced Absolute Extermination channel time to 2.5 seconds from 3, increased cooldown to 6 seconds from 2.
- Increased Maestro damage gain to 60% from 50%.
- Reduced Moon Cleave cooldown to 3 seconds from 5.
- Reduced Frenzied Attack damage to 300% from 360%.
- Increased Rage Crisis channel time to 1 seconds from 0.8.
- Increased Blood Dance to be single target skill, reduced channel time to 0.5 from 1, increased cooldown to 6 seconds from 4.
- Reduced Earthly Strike cooldown to 4 seconds from 6.
- Reduced Redemption damage gain to 13.6% from 18.2%
- Reduced Excellent Combat Training damage gain to 20% from 30%.
- Fixed Sacrifice wasn’t working properly.
- Removed Connection duration.
- Reduced Soul Trauma focus cost to 15 from 25.
- Reduced Heart Collection Strike cooldown to 6 seconds from 8.
- Increased Knowledge Acquisition duration to 3600 seconds from 900.
- Removed Perception Extraction global cooldown trigger, added 1 second cooldown, changed focus recovery to be 5 per second instead of 2 focus every other second.
- Changed Saces’ Fury to be passive.
- Removed Mind Rune duration, removed magical damage bonus.
- Removed Notes from the Hell duration.
- Reduced Ethereal Blade focus cost to 10 from 15.
- Reduced Ruthless Judgment psi cost to 0 from 1.
- Changed Musical Prodigy to reduce focus costs by 20% additionally.
- Changed Corrupted Oak Spirit of the Oak bonuses: aggro to 50% from 30%, HP to 40% from 20%, parry to 50% from 40%.
- Increased Thinking Overload damage gain to 20% from 16%.
- Changed Soul Brand to recover 1 Psi whenever its triggered additionally.
- Changed Psychic Flash to modify Warp Charge to inflict fire damage instead of Warp Flash.
- Changed Blazing Barrier to provide 72% static fire damage instead of scaling from 10 to 71.9%, added 30% damage reduction at full HP.
- Changed Warp Flash → Raging Thoughts: When Willpower Blade ends, you recover 4 Psi, then until you enter to any Willpower state again, you will gain 30% cast speed.
- Changed Magical Turmoil to be passive.
- Changed Corrosive Poison proc interval to 1 seconds from 2, adjusted damage accordingly, corrected damage type description.
- Increased Energy Influx crit rate to 750 from 550, removed duration.
- Changed Elemental Weakness to do not trigger global cooldown, added 10 seconds of cooldown.
- Removed Magical Talent duration.
- Removed Wisdom and Bravery magical attack reduction.
- Removed Tide Mastery duration.
- Changed Wave Essence to increase channel speed by 32% additionally.
- Removed Fire Arrow duration.
- Removed Wind Fire Cultivation duration.
- Removed Fang Ritual duration.
- Removed Shadow Protection duration.
- Changed Kiss of the Vampire to recover 15% HP upon successful hit additionally.
- Reduced Stars of Light damage per stack to 2% from 3%.
- Removed Messenger of Light duration, reduced magical damage gain to 15% from 20%.
- Removed Perception duration.
- Changed Will of Pride cost to 10% MP from 10 Focus.
- Changed Soul Speed to recover 5 Focus whenever Fire Lightning Burst inflicts a critical damage.
- Changed Brain Shock to increase 15% magical damage and 15% movement speed instead of just magical damage, reduced cost to 10 Rage from 15.
- Increased Earth Marking duration to 60 seconds from 30.
- Removed Earth Scepter duration, increased damage gain to 50% from 45%.
- Updated currency icons file dimensions. Some addons may display currencies visually incorrect until addon is updated by developer.
Patch Notes
- Adjusted Ancient Dreamland to not require party to enter.
- Fixed it was possible to stuck Mogmogur in Madro Troll Nest (Hard).
- Fixed GetBagItemInfo was returning empty item name for some items.
- Fixed some Leave/Leave Conversation dialog options were not gray colored.
- Adjusted quests completable at Jacob to be completed at Clio once player has completed Empowered Elements.
- Improved benefit search box to work better.
- Added channel for Prestige Explorer benefit.
- Fixed some long tooltips were cutting overflow text.
- Updated cashback rewards info and added collect all button.
- Reduced requirements to obtain Eggstraordinary Hare Helper from 50 to 40.
- Fixed rewards were reduced during Old Rabbit event when handing in 21-29 eggs.
- Fixed Onyx Crystal was missing mouseover.
- Updated models for Oleander Grass and Chlorophyta Grass.
Patch Notes
- Added zone header images to most instances.
- Fixed it was not possible to finish Silvershadow Invitation quest.
- Fixed some quests from Jacob-Clio still weren’t completable with last patch.
- Fixed purchasing Rune Energy Extractor was consuming tokens but not giving item.
- Fixed it was impossible to place offer in Auction House when having 0 diamonds in backpack.
- Changed World Bosses to give debuff to party members when obtaining monster card to avoid repeatedly obtaining multiple cards to prevent excessive farming.
- Reduced World Battlefield Point requirements by 90%.
- Fixed Gorge of the Ice Giants run time ranking wasn’t working.
- Added lever to disable wall traps after Jacklin Sardo in Sardo Castle once cleared.
- Reduced bow range to 150 from 200.
- Reduced crossbow range to 135 from 180.
- Extended radius of some area damage of some mobs.
- Fixed Easter Events effect wasn’t inclusive of offline time.
- Fixed using Weakened Easter Egg on Annelia inside Grafu Castle (Hard).
- Fixed some easter events were giving multiple progress towards Easter Events effect.
- Added notification when receiving a cashback reward.
- Removed Wheel of Furniture 15 minutes free spin wait time when having active Prestige.
Exploration Benefit
- Updated world map icon.
- Fixed icon was displayed also for wrong NPCs.
- Improved that bosses are now displayed on all maps and channels.
Prestige Quests
- Fixed auto complete of Prestige quests were not always working properly.
- Fixed quests automatically ending when entering the game with the corresponding buffs active.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed headers behaviour while searching for benefits in frame.
- Fixed Harmony of Hearts benefit was providing wrong buff level.
- Fixed getting cashback rewards at 20 level was not always working.
- Fixed free transportation was not always working for permanent Prestige.
- Fixed Prestige subscription extend items could not be used in some situations.
- Fixed it was not possible to upgrade Prestige subscription when price was lower than 1 PNC.
- Fixed a visual bug with the Prestige timer when there was still time left and the subscription had already ended.
General Class Changes
- Reduced range of majority of ranged skills, adjusted projectile travel time accordingly.
- Changed Powerhouse Sword to be passive skill; Increases physical damage by 1000.
- Changed Open Flank to be usable only if target has your Vulnerable cast.
Change is about to equalize Annihilator passive of the Mage.
- Reduced Electrical Rage magical damage and defense gain to 15% from 25%.
- Removed Blood Dance damage buff.
- Changed Desperate Measures; Increases physical damage by 50% for 900 seconds.
- Increased Moon Cleave channel time to 1.5 seconds from 0.75.
- Reduced Interrupting Strike cooldown to 5 seconds from 10.
- Changed Wild Howl to passively increase self physical damage instead of modifying Savage Whirlwind.
- Changed Resist to make Blocking Stance provide additional 75.6% aggro additionally.
- Removed Blocking Stance duration.
- Removed Shield Bash aggro gain, increased critical resistance reduction to 1780 from 310.
- Removed Redemption duration and cooldown.
- Reduced Boiling Blood damage gain to 12% from 18%.
Change is about to equalize Annihilator passive of the Mage.
- Changed Accursed Shell to decrease both attack speed and magical damage by 15%.
- Changed Exploiting Shot; removed damage/attack buff, instead, Shot will inflict 281% ranged weapon DPS extra damage.
- Changed Piercing Arrow; Using Piercing Arrow will provide 16% physical damage for 12 seconds.
- Changed Weak Spot to do not provide extra buff.
- Removed Target Lock attack speed cap, raised maximum attack interval to 3s from 0.5, internal 0.2s minimum cooldown is still applied.
- Increased Elemental Discipline damage to 112% from 97%.
- Changed Bloodless to be passive skill; Increases physical damage by 8%.
- Changed Sneak Shot to be passive skill; Increases offhand damage by 10%.
- Changed Soul Storm to apply 2 seconds of Fear additionally with internal cooldown.
- Changed Low Blow to apply wound only if target has bleed casted by your skills.
- Changed Wound Attack to apply extra hits only if target has bleed/wound casted by your skills, increased base damage to 919% from 765%.
- Tripled Shadowstab bleed damage over time.
- Tripled Sneak Attack bleed damage over time.
- Increased Low Blow damage to 1002% from 835%.
- Reduced Assassin Rage duration to 20 seconds from 30, reduced cooldown to 2 minutes from 3.
- Changed Shadow Prison to be casted with point and click area with 20 radius instead of to single target, reduced range to 100 from 150, added 30 seconds of cooldown.
- Fixed Throw was applying slow due to remnant skill of old elite.
- Changed Death’s Touch to do not provide attack and accuracy, reduced cost to 20 Rage from 25, changed spell type to physical cut from magical, increased its damage to 784% from 654%.
- Changed Decay to do not provide physical damage and critical hit.
- Changed Reclaim Energy to provide 15% physical attack and physical damage additionally, reduced Rage/Energy recovery to 10 from 20.
- Increased Low Blow damage to 784% from 654%.
- Increased Poison Shroud poison duration to 12 seconds from 6.
- Removed Air Pressure physical damage buff, increased damage to 1360% from 680%.
- Changed Wind Rune damage gain to 76% from 35%.
- Reduced Punishment aggro gain to 80% from 160%.
- Increased Power of the Lion attack and damage gain to 26% from 23%.
- Changed Fast Draw to do not guarantee critical hits, added 1 seconds of cast time additionally.
- Reduced Assassins Rage cooldown to 90 seconds from 150.
- Fixed Electrocution wasn’t checking energy cost reductions to trigger Low Blow.
Annihilator and Elemental Knowledge changes will result in 8.5~% damage output reduction if you are using weapon magical damage attribute corrupted weapon. Other cases should not be affected.
- Changed Annihilator; Increases weapon magical damage by 40% instead of all magical damage.
- Reduced Elemental Knowledge damage gain to 36% from 64%.
- Changed Runic Formation to do not reduce movement speed anymore, reduced cooldown to 120 seconds from 180, reduced damage gain to 15% from 18%.
- Increased The Sage damage gain to 20% from 15%.
- Increased Will of Pride damage per stack to 15% from 10%.
- Increased Distract cooldown to 180 seconds from 120.
- Increased Earth Core Barrier aggro gain to 80% from 60%.
- Increased Earth Scepter earth damage gain to 60% from 50%.
- Increased Perception HP gain to 16.7% from 8.4% + 660.
- Changed Meditative Current to modify Electric Bolt to have 3 seconds of cooldown and be instantly casted additionally.
- Increased Rage Mana MP recovery to 100% from 2120 raw.
- Increased Elemental Explosion crit. rate and crit. damage to 998/25% from 655/11.5%.
- Increased Saint’s Resilience wand magical damage gain to 35% from 25%.
- Increased Tide Master water damage gain to 22.4% from 16%.
- Reduced Crooked Scream cooldown to 5 seconds from 10.
- Increased Solo: Noise poison damage gain to 45% from 30%.
- Fixed elemental damage skills were still inflicting fire damage instead of poison.
- Increased Brain Shock magical damage and movement speed gains to 20% from 15%.
- Reduced Traces of the Cross Sword cooldown to 10 seconds from 15, increased aggro multiplier to 2.5 from 1.1, increased radius to 100 from 75, removed target limit, increased stamina damage multiplier to 0.5 from 0.2, made it additionally inflict 150% main hand weapon DPS light damage every second for 12 seconds and upon initial cast, provide shield to raid members equal to 15% of your max. HP.
- Reduced Whirlwind Shield cooldown to 5 seconds from 6, increased radius to 100 from 75, increased shield defense damage multiplier to 1 from 0.1.
- Increased Truth Shield Bash shield defense damage multiplier to 2 from 0.62.
- Changed Holy Strength to increase physical damage instead of strength.
- Increased Explosion of Holy Might aggro gain to 135% from 90%.
- Changed Devotion to increase maximum HP additionally.
- Reduced Whirlwind cooldown to 4 seconds from 6.
- Reduced Cross Chop cooldown to 3 seconds from 4.
- Changed Animal Spirit’s Embrace to inflict damage around yourself instead to single target, reduced damage to 660% from 1320%.
- Reduced Mighty Guardian defense gain to 100% from 131%.
- Removed Punisher Guardian parry rate gain.
- Changed Master of Aggro to provide 4% parry per plate piece additionally.
- Fixed Roar of Nature wasn’t using rage cost reductions to trigger damage.
- Increased Poisonous Widow Embrace damage to 449.7%/45% from 428%/42.8%.
- Reduced Sinister Request cooldown to 20 seconds from 30, removed global cooldown trigger.
- Reduced Rockslide damage delay to 2 seconds from 5.
- Increased Natural Attack target count to 5 from 3.
- Reduced Dark Soul Essence/Chaos Guide damage gain to 25/40% from 50/75%, increased cooldown to 180 seconds from 90.
- Added new skill: The Hex: Increases your dark damage by 20% for 30 seconds. Cooldown: 90 seconds
Blazing Barrier change is about to equalize Annihilator passive of the Mage.
- Reduced Blazing Barrier damage to 45% from 72%.
- Fixed Soul Seal wasn’t resetting cooldown of Life Weave.
- Removed Wicked Inspiration duration, increased dark damage gain to 15% from 11.9%, additionally increases cast speed by 15% now.
- Changed Ethereal Blade to reduce cooldown of Dark Blast to get 1s cooldown reduction if you have Musical Prodigy.
- Changed Musical Prodigy to reduce received damage by 40% while at full HP instead of reducing received area damage by 30%.
- Increased Stone Shell damage reduction to 18% from 12%, reduced multiplier for Willpower Construct to 3x from 4.
- Increased Saces’ Impulse movement speed reduction to 24% from 16%.
- Fixed Dark Shot wasn’t using focus cost reductions to trigger Shot.
- Changed Suppressive Offensive → Tactical Offense, removed damage reduction of target, reduced cooldown to 4 seconds from 30, changed damage type to physical from magical.
- Removed Void Armor trigger block for attacks coming from already affected targets, reduced trigger chance to 15% from 50%.
- Changed Void Armor to be passive; When you use Shield Form, it provides same old effect, when you use Disassembly Mode: Effect will be triggered everytime you inflict damage with offensive skills instead. (0.2s cooldown)
- Changed Focused Conversion to convert 50 rage into 100 focus instead of 50 focus into 100 rage.
Post Patch Notes
- Changed Void Armor to have 10% damage decrement for each extra target, increased its Disassembly Mode cooldown to 0.5 seconds from 0.2
- Fixed Throw combo wasn’t applying skills properly.
#### Rogue/Bard
- Reduced Wind Rune damage gain to 60.8% from 76%.
- Reduced Thunderous Rage damage gain/attack speed reduction to 30/15% from 40/20%.
#### Champion/Mage
- Reduced Void Armor damage to 219% from 365%, changed attack speed reduction to have an internal cooldown.
- Halved Tsunami damage, added aggro multiplier to both portion of damages.
- Halved Traces of the Cross Sword initial damage, doubled aggro multiplier, increased constant damage by 50%.