Patch Notes
- Added Corruption Extractor to Item Shop.
- Added option to close loot frame with pressing ESC.
- Increased chance to obtain some rarer festival titles.
- Fixed world map wasn’t displaying new quest markers for most quests.
- Added Bank Rental token to end of Tutorial Zone quest.
- Fixed renting House Transport was only displaying two durations.
- Fixed it was impossible to use Guild Castle Transport without having House Transport active.
- Fixed rental tokens were giving more time than intended. Removed additional time from players who obtained it prior to patch.
Game Guides
- Added new game guides.
- Added category name to Tutorial titles in popup.
- Added option to search by tutorial ID in teaching frame.
- Fixed disable tutorial settings were missing for some categories.
- Added Tutorial Setting to prevent popups from automatically opening.
- Reduced level requirement of Item-Set Skill Slot Expansion to 50.
- Added Item-Set Skill Slot Expansion to Phirius Shell and Energy of Justice merchants.
- Changed Reinar in Atlantis to always be visible, regardless of questline progression in other maps.
Newbies Guild
Created new “Newbies” trial guild to which all new unique players with play time under 30 days total or after creation of character, will be added automatically. Once leaving guild, it will be impossible to return there.
Guild Castle
- Filled area with 300 furnitures.
- Added access to Guild Tower and Stable buffs up to level 5 and free cost.
- Added automatically refilled free food and potions to Guild Bank limited to 1 take per page daily.
- Added Guild Quest Board IV which will provide access to guild daily quests granting diamonds and special rewards with next patch.
- Disabled possibility to see offline members.
- Disabled possibility for Guild PK and Siege Wars.
- Increased maximum amount of members to unlimited.
- Disabled possibility to donate resources, to encourage to save them for further guilds.
- Added translatable announcements explaining features of guild and encouraging for finding further guild once ready.
Drill Ground
- Changed Drill Grounds minigames to appear on 1 page, cleaned up options.
- Fixed interacting with drill ground from far away wasn’t opening dialogue.
- Fixed announcements highlight texture was broken when reopening frame.
- Hidden some buttons from the guild frame when the player does not own a guild.
- Fixed the alignment of guild level information for some languages not being correct.
Guild Bank
- Added error when reached maximum limit of takes per page.
Guild Castle
- Increased loading view range for all furniture objects.
- Fixed copying IDs with middle mouse button wasn’t working.
- Added hyperlinks to Guild Castle servant along with changing message color.
- Added hyperlink when upgrading/destroying/creating buildings in guild castle.
Guild Contribution
- Added Atlas Ruby, Atlas Essence, Atlas Core.
- Colored and centered tooltip for resource detail headers.
- Added unlocking of undonated items upon closing frame.
- Changed Guild Resource system costs to be displayed separately from leader.
- Colored resources strings according to the resource color, removed left space.
- Fixed it was possible for guilds to have more than max gold stored in resources, causing issues.
- Fixed it was possible for guilds to have more than max rubies stored in resources, causing issues.
Guilds List
- Pinned the Newbies guild to the top.
- Unpinned the PlayerNet guild from the top.
- Fixed copying IDs with middle mouse button wasn’t working.
- Fixed selecting furniture by clicking on objects with mouse while in Furniture tab wasn’t working often.
- Removed “A Lesson” from Prestige daily quests.
- Fixed purchasing Prestige from subscription type comparison table.
Visual Changes
- Fixed Item Types were missing from item tooltips.
- Added hyperlinks to chat messages related to quests.
- Added action markers for Energy of Justice, Proof of Myth, Card Stone and Arcadia Coin shops.
- Added Wanderer Location to Atlas Defence error message when you already entered for the day.
Specific Frames
- Title Frame: Added option to click title notification in order to open title frame.
- Quest Book: Fixed bug that occurred when accepting quests that were automatically completed.
- Added
_, guildID = GetGuildInfo( ... );
Fairy Tale Festival
- 15 custom cards from festival mobs.
- 2 hidden custom titles from festival events.
During the festival you can exchange Water Zodiac materials and Hydro Draconaris for a Draco Pet.
Obtain Pyro Draconaris from:
- Fairy Tale Event Committee Member – exchange 15 x Fairy Tale Point Cards for a reward.
Little Angel Love
Event type: use spell on players
Start location: Varanas Lower City East
Event Target: use spell on players
Little Demon Mischief
Event type: use spell on players
Start location: Varanas Lower City West
Event Target: use spell on players
Magical Nautilus Shell
Event type: collect monsters via magical shell
Start location: Varanas Bridge
Event Target: find and collect squirrels
Event type: herd cows
Event Information: Varanas Central Plaza and Silverspring
Start location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event Target: use spell on NPCs
Theatrical Performance
Event type: be part of a theatrical performance
Start location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event Target: players need to speak “their lines” in a performance
Dragon Story
Event type: fight
Start location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event location: Varanas Administration District
Event Target: defeat giant dragon
Story Ceremony
Event type: use items on other players to get a reward
Start location: Varanas Bridge and Varanas Central Plaza
Event location: Taborea
Event Target: collect story elements by group with other players
Little Red Riding Hood
Event type: click on the signs to guide Little Red Hood
Start location: Varanas Bridge
Event location: Varanas Bridge
Event Target: help Little Red Hood to pick flowers and evade the wild wolf
Support Storytelling Troupes
Event type: Quest (Daily Reset)
Start location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event location: Silverspring
Event Target: finish quest
Players receive randomly 1 of 5 quests every day:
Quest 1: Pumpkin Shortage: Collect 10 Giant Pumpkins
Quest 2: Three Playful Brothers: Search for the 3 brothers
Quest 3: Apples and Boars: Capture 1 Wild Boar and purchase 5 Apples
Quest 4: Delicious Home-Baked Cookies: Answer questions and bring Reginald 10 Home-Baked Cookies
Quest 5: Wolf Costume Materials: Collect 10 fine manes from Grassland Hyenas and 5 sharp wolf fangs from Mutated Wolves

Patch Notes

- Added Chinese localization, custom content will be translated over time soon.
- Reworked Tester application forum thread along with showing up all features you gain access to.
- Reworked Game Master application forum thread along with showing up all features you gain access to.
- Fixed not being able to use Assisted Frame.
- Fixed that when loading all zones the first button gave an error.
Newbies Guild
- Added color over nickname for Newbies guild.
- Added Newbie Quest Boards I-IV to Newbies guild providing diamonds for quest completions for new players.
- You can obtain total maximum of 5000 diamonds.
- Newbie Quest Boards I-III provide daily repetitive quests, while Newbie Quest Boards IV has unique one-time quests.
- To accept & complete quests you must be either member of Newbies guild or visitor not having any character with total of over 30 days playtime (time online in minutes, usually 3-5 months of gaming).
- Fixed Belathis Undead Patrol wasn’t respawning.
- Fixed Naga Warriors and Lieutenants weren’t respawning in some situations.
- Fixed it was possible to obtain game crash with Exploration benefit active sometimes.
- The quest “Miraculous Bloodclotting Effect” has been removed from Prestige daily quests.
- Fixed an issue with displaying the color of item names in the prestige rewards selection menu (10m, 20m, etc.).
- Fixed text in the popup window when buying a season – changed from <Season days> to the correct time until the end of the season.
- If the validity time of the old subscription is longer than the season time, but the types match, you cannot buy a seasonal subscription.
- Adjusted Fairytale Dragon fight to reset correctly in some rare situations.
Visual Changes
- Fixed Game Guide hyperlinks were not always working and missing color.
- Fixed Corruption Stones were not displaying dynamic attributes when linked on chat.
- Improved crafting & gathering professions NPC dialogues when you have reached current tier limits.
Guild Announcements
- Fixed it was impossible to edit title.
- Increased maximum length of title to 48 characters.
- Fixed there were no maximum length limitations on editing title, causing issues.
- Fixed it was possible to write more than maximum amount of characters to title.
- Fixed overflowing maximum length of title was giving error with wrong message.
Guild Bank
- Added rarity color to the items in the guild bank.
- Added visual improvements for log frame in guild bank.
Mail Mod
- Added a button to remove character from character list.
Main Menu
- Colored string title buttons.
- Changed the position of the tutorial button (F10).
Public Event
- Fixed score height.
- Fixed spawn and position tooltip.
- Combined several areas into one with tooltip.
Specific Frame
- Bank: Added rarity color to the items.
- Set Skills: Added unobtained Common Skills.
- Bag: Added quality color to items in store bag.
- Party: Fixed frame crash in some rare occasions.
- Quest Book: Updated icons for uncompleted and completed quests filters.
- Added
UseItemByID( int ID )
. - Added
..., itemRarity = GetBankItemInfo( ... )
. - Fixed
were missing server timezone difference.