Patch Notes
- Fixed emote slash commands weren’t usable.
- Added rankings for killed bosses and world bosses in Gameplay category.
- Fixed Juice Olympics visuals weren’t visible when having Self Fx disabled.
- Fixed it was possible in some rare situations to use some mounts under water.
- Fixed some AoE spell collision types were hitting through solid objects in PvE.
World Bosses Rework
- Changed Essence of Courage model and made it wander around boss dead position until it disappears.
- Added portal to return to your previous region after defeating world bosses, if you used Snoop the Stubborn to reach there.
- Added option to teleport to world boss region for free to any Snoop the Stubborn, available when there is a world boss spawn within 30 minutes, until boss is defeated.
Changes to power allows to provide more valuable rewards for higher challenge and increase global scale of world bosses for big raid setups between community.
- Increased health pool of each boss.
- Added buff that reduces received damage and heals boss every 5 seconds, amount of damage reduction and heal will be weaker when there are more players around.
- Added option to use Assistant’s Group Finder for World Bosses.
- Changed world bosses to be considered killed by everyone for quests.
- Added 12 new rankings in Event category for Scheduled Word Bosses.
- Created broadcast texts to track world boss (de)spawns and defeats.
- Added World Boss Schedule frame with minimap button for viewing hours of spawns.
- Created information menu timers to track Scheduled World Bosses phases in their areas.
Proof of Myths
Changes to prices allows to make reworked content to not be consumed immediately by stacked up previously currency.
- Increased limit of Proof of Myths to 3 000.
- Adjusted Proof of Myth shop and furniture prices.
- Changed currency loot to be a Proof of Dread, which provides 40-70 Proof of Myth when used.
- Included end game stats to Proof of Myth shop.
- Added exclusive Kidd’s Runic Sword (Wings) as ultra rare loot to world boss gashas.
- Changed loot to be regional for everyone who dealt damage more than certain amount of boss’ maximum HP, instead of only for killer. So if you (or your raid together) inflict enough damage, you will get your weekly treasure if its available, along with Proof of Dread.
- Changed scheduled boss cards to be given random players in vicinity (maximum amount of cards given will be equal to 1/10 of players amount).
- Added loot polls and gashas providing powerful rewards such as Item Shop items, tiers, cards, mounts, pets, end game equipment and materials, consumables.
- Added chance of getting extra loot to be distributed majorly for first 3 most damage dealer raid in region along with common loot for whole region, to encourage bigger raids for everyone. This might be reduced only to top damage dealer instead of 3 of them in future.
- Weekly reward: Treasure of the Aegis.
- Changed Tornado effect to be more visible.
- Weekly reward: Treasure of the Grave.
- Expanded boss room for crowds, increased amount of Energy Stones needed to kill the boss.
- Weekly reward: Treasure of the Inferno.
- Changed Searing Flame damage to flat 250k instead of low phyiscal damage.
- Changed Slightly Scorched to be applied only to top damage dealer raid members.
- Weekly reward: Treasure of the Alimus.
- Changed normal mode to be spawned after an hour of hard mode.
- Weekly reward: Treasure of the Hippogriff.
- Changed normal mode to be spawned after an hour of hard mode.
- Weekly reward: Treasure of the Beast.
- Increased phase transition rate to 25% HP from 5% HP.
- Reduced mob spell damage to 80% maximum HP from 101-105%.
- Changed normal mode to be spawned after an hour of hard mode.
- Weekly reward: Treasure of the Priestess.
- Changed normal mode to be spawned after an hour of hard mode.
- Weekly reward: Treasure of the Sea.
- Changed normal mode to be spawned after an hour of hard mode.
- Changed extra damage over time to be applied only to top damage dealer raid members.
- Disabled invisible object at spawn of boss.
- Weekly Reward: Treasure of the Pahvalosa.
- Everything stays same, added Treasure of the Ape loot for killer raid.
- Everything stays same, added Treasue of Zhargos for killer raid.
- Everything stays same, adjusted Proof of Myth amount.
Nightmare Fydolax
- Everything stays same, adjusted Proof of Myth amount.
- Fixed furniture pick up to bag was not removing collision.
- Fixed removing collision of furniture after hiding wasn’t instant.
- Added possibility to highlight furniture items in bag while on Furnishing tab.
- Added possibility to quickly pick up furniture from frame to first free bag slot.
- Added possibility to disable clicking objects in house while on Furnishing tab.
- Disabled hovering and clicking on previously locked furnitures while in furnishing mode.
- Recalculated Decoration Scores of all furnitures to be linear and include latest price updates.
- Added possibility to move items from Furniture tab directly to first free slot in bag with right click.
- Improved categories dropdown visual.
- Changed search box placeholder to gray.
- Added tooltip to top left screen house frame toggle button.
- Reduced intensity of rarity background on list for inactive elements.
- Added info button to Decoration Points with info about it’s updating.
- Added tooltip with tips on how to insert furnitures, adjusted visual of add row.
- Changed Dark Core exchange material to be tradeable.
- Adjusted tier 11-13 rune extraction gold cost.

- Arena of Darkness: Fixed Mastery III wasn’t available in loot table.
- Talaghan: Fixed some areas of Dark Valley were causing to revive in Emergency Camp and missing world map.
- Fixed Nabod Klein was not findable on world map search.
- Fixed Atlas City Guard were too strong, making completing Rumors on Atlantis harder than intended.
- Fixed Mushrooms and Caterpillars quest.
- Reduced event reset time for Battle to Defend the Broken Bridge.
- Fixed some level 100 PvP equipment was PvE type.
Item Shop
- Improved speed of searching items slightly.
- Fixed impossibility to purchase anything when having negative PNC.
- Fixed impossibility to purchase via Reward Coins while having exact amount required.
- Fixed negative values in some places such as currencies were not displayed when being negative.
Visual Changes
- Added icons to Guild Drillground dialogs.
- Fixed Play Time displayed on party frame when first inviting to party in different zone.
- Fixed it was not possible to search by ID in Item Shop bag.
- Fixed searching was not working for Item Shop bag if it was closed.
Mail Mod
- Added time of when mail was received.
- Added creation date tooltip info hover days ago text.
- Increased maximum width of title and content in inbox list.
- Added an option in settings to set the delete speed of the mails.
Player Hyperlink
- Changed blacklist option to add/remove target to toggle based on his status.
- Removed option to invite to ride when the target is mounted or the player is not mounted.
Specific Frame
- Game Info: Improved dynamic sizing.
- World Map: Added option to scale icons.
- Minimap: Added movable timer with local and server time.
- Guild Castle: Fixed maintenance cost displayed was 4x less than actual cost.
- Blood Bars: Added option to display bar color based on remaining health percentage of target.
- Fixed Blood Arrow was not properly disabled when you deactivate it sometimes.
- Fixed Siphonic Etching was inflicting damage automatically instead of when offensive magical spell is casted.
- Added
bool GC_GetBloodBarPercColor
. - Added
GC_SetBloodBarPercColor(bool enable)
. - Added
bool isMounted = UnitIsMounted( unit )
. - Updated
..., int Order = Rankings_GetItemInfo(...)
. - Updated
..., int itemID = GetLootRollItemInfo(...)
. - Updated
..., bool IsPercent = Rankings_GetItem(...)
. - Added
WorldMap_SetIconScale(string Map, float Scale)
. - Updated
..., int CreateTime, int TimeAgo = GetInboxHeaderInfo(...)
. - Fixed
weren’t including server time zone.
Pumpkin Festival
- 28 custom cards from festival mobs.
- 1 hidden title from custom festival event.
- 9 hidden custom titles from festival events.
During the festival you can exchange Wind Zodiac materials and Aero Draconaris for a Draco Pet.
Obtain Aero Draconaris from:
- Pumpkin Festival Reward Manager – exchange 20 x Pumpkin Coins for a reward.
Lost Portal of Death
Location: Entrance of Necropolis of Mirrors (Aslan Valley)
NPC: Jason Warrens
Time: Entire Festival, can be completed only once per festival.
Seasonal Windrunner Race
Location: Battlegrounds
Time: Once a day
Pumpkinhead Says
Location: Abandoned District of Dalanis (Thunderhoof Hills)
NPC: Pumpkinhead – Between west and south gates
Time: On the hour, every 2 hours
Pumpkin Pranksters
Location: Middle city gate of Dalanis (Thunderhoof Hills)
NPC: Belle Rossly
Pumpkinhead Challenge
Location: Abandoned District of Dalanis (Thunderhoof Hills)
NPC: Pumpkinhead
Pumpkin Warrant
Location: City gates of Varanas
NPC: Ms. Pumpkin
Mr. Pumpkin
Requires completion of event quest “Pumpkin Warrant”
Location: Forsaken Abbey
NPC: Mr. Pumpkin
Ghost Hunter
Location: Central Plaza – Event Area (Varanas)
NPC: Herska
Ghost Farm
Location: Central Plaza – Event Area (Varanas)
NPC: Kathy Poole
Let’s Scream a Little
Location: Lower City West of Varanas
NPC: Mr. Ghost
Halloween Malatina
Location: Atlas (Lost Island of Atlantis)
NPC: Yolius
Trick or Treat – Part 1 (Celt Family)
Location: Central Plaza – Event Area (Varanas)
NPC: Suspicious-looking Ghost
Trick or Treat – Part 2
Location: Lower City West of Varanas
NPC: Little Anna
Colored Ribbons Exchange
Location: Dorian’s Farm (Silverspring)
NPC: Shalson
Monster Parade
Location: City gates of Varanas
NPC: Monster Parade Organizer
Kaz Madness
Location: Oblivion Shrine (Silverspring)
NPC: Kaz Bamandis and Kaz Listo

Post Patch Notes
World Bosses
- Limited Stage Fright to 36/72 for first 5th/10th minutes regardless of player amount bonus.
- Fixed dead players weren’t getting reward eventhough they are participants. (note for Sismond: but you still must be in same zone as worldboss when it is dead, Sismond would teleport you back to Kashaylan, out of Kidd’s Grave, when you revive.)
- Fixed Sismon portal was teleporting to old region.
Patch Notes
- Added Graphic Option to limit visible players to optimise performance.
- Changed Forsaken Portal of Death materials to have no live time to be stackable and disappear on end of festival.
- Fixed it was sometimes impossible to login to account, receiving false information about reaching 3 maximum devices amount.
World Bosses
- Fixed overpopulated world boss kills were crashing zone.
- Fixed some world boss tooltips weren’t showing location.
- Fixed water in Kidd’s Room was not killing causing to stuck.
- Added information when not receiving reward due using multiple characters.
- Added information when unable to use return portal due overwriting return positions.
Shared loot info of average gashas (every gasha has more or less similar percentages, but not exactly same):
Any purple artefact | 0.015% |
Golden Wings or Kidd’s Runic Wing | 0.015% |
High value tier stones | 0.015% |
Beacon of Tranquility | 0.015% |
Ray of Hope | 0.015% |
Level 105 Boost Pill | 0.015% |
Ring of the Runic Dragon (Titan/Colossus) | 0.015% |
Any Necropolis of Mirrors Accessory | 0.015% |
Ruined Mechanic Pieces (Orkham) | 0.028% |
Any Dark Core armor piece | 0.028% |
Any Orkham accessories | 0.028% |
Relatively lesser high value tier stones | 0.028% |
Perfect Titanium Hammers x5-9 | 0.028% |
Part of a Machine (Orkham) | 0.028% |
Provisions Courier’s Ostrich (30 Days) | 0.028% |
Fancy Boots (30 Days) | 0.028% |
Almighty Core x3-10 | 0.329% |
Destruction Core x3-15 | 0.658% |
Corruption Crystal x10-45 | 0.987% |
Any Permanent Bags/Bank scrolls | 0.329% |
Provisions Courier’s Ostrich (7 Days) | 0.329% |
Elite Skillbook | 0.329% |
Perfect Titanium Hammers x3-5 | 0.329% |
Item Set Skill Slot Expansion | 0.329% |
Necklace of the Darkness (Dark Core) | 0.164% |
Ring of the Ruins (Realms of the Forgotten Legends) | 0.164% |
One of random Orkham Weapons/Dark Core Weapons/HOTO Accessories/Red RoFL armors | 0.329% |
Wildfire Element Fruid Cordial x20-60 | 0.329% |
Golden Pet Experience Charm | 0.987% |
Random Permanent Mount | 1.4% |
Random Equipment Upgrading Stones 1-3x | 1.4% |
Dark Cores 1-75 | 1.4% |
Random Zodiac | 1.4% |
Draconaris x150-400 | 0.74% |
White Rarity Cenedril Material x200-2000 | 0.22% |
Green Rarity Cenedril Material x200-500 | 0.22% |
Blue Rarity Cenedril Material x30-125 | 0.22% |
Purple Rarity Cenedril Material x5-30 | 0.22% |
Orange Rarity Cenedril Material x2-7 | 0.22% |
Brown Rarity Cenedril Material x1 | 0.22% |
Random Arena of Darkness material (including blue/purple robots) | 1.4% |
Ring of Inferno (Inferno of Divinity) | 0.7% |
Frozen Ring (Gorge of the Ice Giants) | 0.7% |
Level 80 Boost Pill | 1.4% |
Monster Card Collection | 1.4% |
Edwards’ Family Gasha | 0.026% |
Random Arcadia Coin Recipe from Edwards Shop | 1.37% |
Random Buff Food | 8% |
Random Sigil | 8% |
Random Must-haves | 8% |
Random Other Consumables | 8% |
Random Charms/Tikal, Inferno, Gorge armors | 8% |
Random Pet Tool x1000-2500 | 8% |
Random Pet Transformation | 8% |
Random Utility Potions | 8% |
Random Crafting Material | 8% |
Random Arcadia Coin Shop Consumables | 8% |
Monster Cards
- Added 17 new cards.
- Fixed random card bundles were not possible to be opened without active Prestige.
- Added Wailing Fjord, Jungle of Hortek, Salioca Basin, Kashaylan and Kidds Grave to New System.
Visual Changes
- Added settings to hide broadcasts of specific types.
- Fixed using “F” key object popup could sometimes crash game.
- Fixed “Choose Target With Camera” interface option wasn’t using correct resolution.
- Updated Targonharl image.
- Increased mouse wheel scroll speed in the news section.
- Improved the visual format of the dropdown filters text.
World Boss Schedule
- Fixed chests sometimes appearing in empty slots.
- Changed it to show if boss is killed earlier than its duration limit.
- Changed it to show yellow text indicator only if spawn broadcast has been made.
Specific Frame
- Crafting: Corrected the format of the seconds for item cooldown.
- Game Info: Enabled the option to move the world boss info frame.
- Interface Settings: Added configuration options for server message options.
Patch Notes
- Changed Proof of Myth store to be usable by multiple players at same time.
- Added previous page button to some Drill Ground tutorials that were missing it.
- Fixed some Transformation Potions were causing bag/loading issues in Chinese language.
Show Other Players
- Reset setting values due issues below.
- Fixed setting values of hidden players higher than 1.
- Added advising of enabling setting in world boss area.
- Removed minimum requirement of displaying 1 other player.
- Changed setting to only hide inside crowded areas (more than 20 players).
- Disabled shadows.
- Disabled blood bars.
- Adjusted model of transformed players.
- Fixed setting was still displaying mounts.
- Changed spell effects to be disabled, regardless of Fx settings.
- Added automatic hiding of combat pets (Cenedrils and class specific) when master is transformed.
- Changed Pumpkin Festival quests to be reset via Festival Ticket rather than Daily Quest Ticket.
Visual Changes
- Added option to limit visible players in graphics config.
- Added hide costume effect option in the graphics config.
- Added option to login to last character on auto login dropdown.
Specific Frame
- QuestBook: Added frame scale feature.
- Fixed that some filters ended with colons ‘:’.
- Corrected some alignments of the instance information.
- Changed the visual style of the checkbox to automatically show the frame.
- Resolved the issue where entering through the link to the world boss party caused the information to overlap.
Patch Notes
Show Other Players
- Fixed some transformation effects weren’t disabled.
- Fixed message advising to enable option in world boss areas was appearing constantly and without hyperlink.
World Bosses Rework
Patch Notes
- Changed some broadcasts to contain hyperlinks.
- Fixed some map areas could be marked in transport book when not intended.
- Fixed some sound effects were being based on interface sound slider volume.
- Added option to reset instance to player dropdown, can only be used by party leader and solo players.
Monster Cards
- Updated chat message when using card stones, fixed it wasn’t translatable.
- Fixed “Mirrorworld Explorer” quest from Newbies guild wasn’t working in some Mirrorworlds.
- Moved Johnny Dalker one-time discounted power up pill to shop rather than using dialogue options.
- Allowed to use Johnny Dalker boost for sub classes that are under level 91, if boost wasn’t previously taken for primary class.
- Greatly reduced high Ping in crowded zones.
- Improved FPS performance in various instances and events.
- Increased amount of services to handle traffic resulting in lesser load and higher performance of servicing players.
World Bosses Rework
- Enabled Scheduled World Bosses system back.
- Increased frequency of pre-spawn broadcast messages.
- Improved boss scripts to be lightweight.
- Changed spawn timers to be client-side for performance.
- Added forced disabling all visual effects in world boss areas if there is a spawn soon.
- Limited target count of some boss area spells to 36.
- Reduced world boss heal interval from 5 to 4 seconds.
- Reduced effect of player amount in zone that makes boss easier.
- Changed loot to be given only if you have finished prequest of bosses (Kolanda and Sismond).
- Changed Treasure loot to exclude certain items if player already own them (i.e.: Class Expansion Ticket).
- Changed Arcadia Coin loot to be provided depending on amount of players in vicinity instead of random amount.
Schedule Frame
- Adjusted scheduled spawns of world bosses.
- Added interaction with boss names via Ctrl/Shift + Left Mouse Button.
- Fixed frame not being functional when world boss system is not active.
- Disabled randomized teleport coordinates for Snoop to prevent unwanted location teleports.
- Changed Kolanda and Sismond regions to be accessible through Snoop only if you finished their related quests.
- Increased amount of Raiders spawn.
- Reduced amount of spiders, increased their HP.
- Added 75% area damage reduction to small spiders.
- Fixed some Prestige features were not disabled in Battlegrounds.
- Changed boss to receive extra 5% damage reduction for each spider alive.
- Reduced initial timer of all spells so boss will start to cast them earlier than usual.
- Changed Power Draining Bolt damage to 2% per stack level each second instead of 1500 HP every 2 seconds.
- Changed it to instead increase amount of hits you need to do to make a web disappear instead of spawning another web at same position.
- Added 75% area damage reduction to small crows.
- Reduced amount of crows, increased their health pool.
- Fixed it was losing defensive attributes for a few seconds after reset.
- Removed possibility of spawning Sun and Meteors if they are already in position of target.
- Fixed Heal Over Time rate wasn’t working correctly.
- Fixed Dot Damage was not always properly including bonus.
- Fixed skipping Keycard puzzle inside Grafu Castle (Hard).
- Disabled some Orkham rankings that were no longer relevant.
- Fixed already obtained chests in Arena of Darkness weren’t being transparent properly.
- Added public event quest for “The Smoker”.
- Changed Sunken Gold Package to give minimum of 1 million gold.
- Added system messages for remaining time until Battle for the Bridge event begins.
- Fixed activating quest events on NPC wasn’t possible for other players if quest was accepted only by team members in around.
Visual Changes
- Updated textures of units bars to new style.
- Updated template of some buttons (store, static popup).
- Fixed prestige benefits weren’t having icon when picked up from action bar.
- Added over head effect icon to Badge of Trial merchant and Tutor System instructor.
Config Menu
- Changed Other setting to also hide uncategorised broadcasts.
- Added more options to toggle broadcast messages and added color to them.
Guild Announcements
- Fixed anchor position for read button when player only has this option.
- Fixed issue where view/edit frame wouldn’t close, affecting frame updates.
- Changed the text of the announcements button to view/edit, depending on permissions.
Mail Mod
- Replaced delete timer.
- Added custom mail collection speed.
- Added bulk mail sending custom speed.
- Added a search box to the bulk mail tab.
- Fixed bug with slot color after sending bulk mails.
- Changed relationship items to be light blue Mythical rarity.
- Disabled chat messages of level up of relationship with stranger.
Specific Frame
- Guild Bank: Added search box.
- Chat: Added icons to emote dropdown.
- Plant: Added rarity color to the seed name.
- House: Added “recently inserted” filter to shop tab.
- Hyperlink: Added option for open title in title frame.
- Guild Building: Sorted and colored Newbie quest boards.
- Action Bar: Formatted counterattack pet skill information in the tooltip.
- Assistant: Improved info alignment of zone, instance, world boss and party.
- Ranking: Colored the “Killed bosses” and “Killed world bosses” categories to orange.
- Guild House Style: Fixed a issue when using the mouse wheel over the castle styles list.
- Added
..., IsHeader, IsTitle = Rankings_GetItem(...)
. - Added
andbool = IsCrowdedArea()
Patch Notes
- Added confirmation popup for “Reset instance” option when in party.
- Improved some elements of Hide players model in crowds.
- Improved performance of Hide players settings in crowds and made it more frequent.
- Reverted one server communication change until improved to prevent issues with Battlegrounds and lack of response during world boss fights.
World Bosses Rework
- Fixed some issues with world boss timer.
- Fixed some issues with Mandara easy mode.
- Fixed issues with false message of inability to teleport due alt character.
Config Menu
- Added “Attack Sounds” and “Special Effects” sound sliders.
- Changed some sounds from Interface to “Sound Effects” category.