Patch Notes
- Improved “Drink up!” quest cutscene.
- Restored Snoop the Stubborn to Tasuq.
- Allowed to use Uppercase letters in guild names.
- Allowed to rename guilds using “Guild Rename Voucher”.
- Added “Actions” auto slider.
- Fixed whisper sound was in sound effects instead of interface.
- Moved some interface and sound effects to Actions sound type.
- Changed Rogue’s “Perfect Slice” back to non-distance dependent sound.
Reset Instance
- Added orange color to option in character portrait dropdown.
- Changed Reset Instance popup to also appear from addon calls, preventing accidental resets.
- Fixed Sirloth stuck when entering under 40% HP due to recent audio changes.
- Fixed duplicate Sirloth’s in Hall of the Demon Lord (Awakened) when dying after certain point.
- Following changes has been applied on live server a few days ago without maintenance:
- Reduced code load on player reviving.
- Improved performance of aggro Artefact code.
- Reduced code load of removing non-player objects.
- Improved performance of Warrior’s “Survival Instinct”.
- Reduced heavy code load of some tactic-related functions.
- Increased connection failure limit over which disconnect happens during high ping.
Scheduled World Bosses
- Fixed teleporting was sometimes blocking characters without having alt in world boss area.
- Following changes has been applied on live server a few days ago without maintenance:
- Removed fatal punishments of Sismond.
- Reduced amount of time Zalkenrys spends on air.
- Fixed alt checker was taking wrong players as alt sometimes.
- Added possibility to receive reward by clicking teleport crystal after getting disconnect during fight.
- Removed constant heal of Zalkenrys and reduced high-level state heal to 3.000.000 HP per healer object instead of 1%.
- Changed automated crowded area option to force disable over head damage and heal numbers on other players for performance.
- Following changes has been applied on live server a few days ago without maintenance:
- Disabled updating rankings in zone during fight.
- Added resetting skill cooldowns every 2 minutes to reduce their delays.
- Disabled increasing of connection failure limit causing disconnect during fight.
Visual Changes
- Enabled mouse wheel in zoom sliders.
- Fixed garbage values being printed when trading and moving away from player; removed duplicate message about trade being cancelled.
Frame Specific
- Login Settings: Added new volume sliders.
- World Map: Added coordinates search box.
- Rune Exchange: Fixed money icon & improved highlights.
- Chat Frame: Created coords hyperlink and made it open in the frame.
- Whisper Manager: Added a warning pop-up when closing many chats.
- Minimap: Added a submenu in the options to show/hide minimap buttons.
- Renamed
to avoid possible addon code conflicts.
Autumn Banquet Festival
- 8 custom cards from festival mobs.
- 7 hidden custom titles from festival events.
During the festival you can exchange Fire Zodiac materials and Pyro Draconaris for a Draco Pet.
Obtain Pyro Draconaris from:
- Fez William – exchange 15 x Autumn Banquet Vouchers for a reward.
Provision Collection
Location: Varanas Gates
NPC: Provisions Supervisor
Event Target: Collect food bags from the farms and deliver to the Bridge at Varanas
The Roast Ostrich Feast
Location: Logar, Varanas, Silverfall, Obsidian Stronghold, Valley of Preparation
NPC: None
Event Target: Eat and enjoy festival food served on event tables, get buff and title.
Cinnamon Leaf
Location: Whole Taborea
NPC: Fez William
Event Target: Trade collected items for rewards from NPC.
Colorful Feather Prayer
Location: Dalanis City Gate
NPC: Lavanda Vitt
Event Target: Feed the Ostriches & pluck their feathers!
Ostrich Caravan
Location: Silverspring
NPC: Lorence Hollow
Known Issue: Ostrichs sometimes don’t spawn or despawn after event start
Lost Eggs
Location: Varanas Gates
NPC: George Makov
Event Target: Trace and brought back lost ostrich eggs.
Errand (chain quests)
Location: Varanas Central Plaza
NPC: Anoraf Laiken
Duck Out
Location: Outside The Kingdom of Lechif
NPC: Florent
Egg Thief
Location: Varanas Gates/Silverspring (Southwest Farm)
NPC: Chamo/Kardly Auck
Event Target: Collect and exchange items in order to earn a reward.
Ostrich Code
Location: Varanas Gates
NPC: Ostrich Caretaker
Event Target: Find the correct order of emotes to communicate with Ostriches.

Patch Notes
- Fixed Thomas Bennet was missing hyperlink to Activity Reports.
- Fixed using Proof of Progress was possible to grant 70 elite skill.
- Changed auto use spells to not deactivate when swapping and removing targets.
- Fixed it was possible to talk with Laath Tawan and gain 60 elite without meeting level requirements.
World Bosses
- Fixed clicking to portal was providing reward even though you weren’t eligible due to missing prequest.
- Adjusted difficulty for less crowd hours.
- Fixed an issue which was causing bosses to not receive any damage reduction unintentionally.
Damage Ranking
- Fixed it sometimes being cut in chat after boss death.
- Sorted player list appearing in chat from highest to lowest damage among group.
- Fixed some players without raid wasn’t counted even though they had enough damage.
Schedule Frame
- Fixed treasure indicator was showing negative time value when it is available.
- Changed the way it applies anti-skill debuff.
- Added 2-10% damage over time per 3 seconds as area spell for up to 36 players.
- Changed the way it applies lasso debuff, changed it to apply 90% slow instead of root, reduced amount of players who can get the debuff.
- Changed spawned mobs to have damage reduction too.
- Reduced area damage reduction of stones to 50% from 75%.
Duration of Season 3
- The new Season 3 will be active 3 months: until 28.02.2025 (inclusive).
Progression Transfer
- Prestige Experience:
- Regular Pass: 10% EXP retained.
- Plus Pass: 15% EXP retained.
- Gold Pass: 20% EXP retained.
- Courage Coin:
- Gold Pass: 10% Courage Coins retained.
- Diamond Purchases: 100% retained.
Mini Battle Pass
We’re excited to introduce our new Prestige Mini Battle Pass – a free battle pass system that allows new players to experience premium features!
- To activate it, simply visit the Prestige Store menu:
- Reach 35 hero level without the help of NPC Johnny Dalker or 100 level if you choose to contact him.
- The previous 7-day trial system has been deleted with this update.
- Content:
- 3 daily quests.
- 48 level rewards.
- 23 basic benefits.
- Special Prestige backpack.
- Ranks: Neophyte I to Lord IV (16 levels).
Changes to subscription types and reward conditions
- Platinum Pass Changes:
- Platinum Pass is being discontinued.
- All Platinum privileges are being transferred to Gold Pass.
- Subscription Price Reduction (3-month period)
Subscription Type | Old Price | New Price |
Regular Pass | 30 PNC | 20 PNC |
Plus Pass | 55 PNC | 40 PNC |
Gold Pass | 90 PNC | 60 PNC |
- Reward Adjustments. Due to price changes, we’ve adjusted reward quantities in:
- Prestige Item Shop
- Daily Online Rewards
- Prestige Level-up Rewards
- Purchase Rewards for:
- Quests
- Boosts
- Currency Courage Coin
- Prestige Experience
- Benefit Changes:
- All rewards from benefits are now seasonal and will only be available during the current season. These items will be removed at the start of each new season.
- Detailed reward information is available below.
Prestige Rewards Vault
We’re excited to introduce a new dual-vault system for Prestige rewards that will revolutionize your inventory management experience!
- Eternal Vault Tab
- Your permanent collection will include rewards from:
- Prestige level-up milestones.
- Prestige Shop purchases.
- Premium Prestige Item Store bonuses.
- Prestige menu rewards (quests, boosts, currency, and XP).
- Your permanent collection will include rewards from:
- Seasonal Vault Tab
- Starting Season 3, this vault will store temporary rewards that expire at season’s end:
- Daily login rewards, also 10/20/30/60/90 minutes.
- Goblin Mines Repeat Tickets.
- Note: [Pure Mana Stones] are exempt from seasonal restrictions and remain permanent.
- Legacy Items: All rewards obtained before Season 3 remain permanent but cannot be transferred to the new vault system.
- Starting Season 3, this vault will store temporary rewards that expire at season’s end:
- Permitted Actions
- Auto-sort rewards into appropriate tabs based on type.
- Equip items directly to character slots.
- Sort items within vault tabs.
- Right-click to use items.
- Restrictions:
- The vault is not a traditional inventory replacement and has the following limitations:
- No transfers to main inventory.
- No item trading.
- No item deletion.
- No character-to-character transfers.
- No movement between Eternal & Seasonal tabs.
- The vault is not a traditional inventory replacement and has the following limitations:
Benefit System Rework
- Replaced an additive system with a substitutive system.
- Example: If at Neophyte +1%, at the next rank +3% = final bonus +3% (not +4%).
- Rebalanced values
- A point reduction in some values.
- Increased power 90% of the benefits.
- Higher subscription requirements for select benefits:
- [Prestige Experience]
- [Prestige Courage Coin]
- [Daily Quests]
- [Wheel of Fortune]
- [Nickname Display]
- [Cashback for Prestige Experience]
- [Cashback for Courage Coin]
- [Ancient Mementos from Instances]
- [Arcadia Coins from Instances]
- [Mirrorworlds: Free Entrys]
- Shifting most beneficiaries to an interest-based system.
Comparison Prestige Benefits
Benefit comparison frame between all types of subscriptions: Mini, Regular, Plus & Gold Pass has been updated due to:
- Addition of the Prestige Mini Battle Pass
- Removal of Platinum Pass.
Boost Enhancement
- Increased bonuses when a player auto-completes quests and has an active boost.
Type | Old +% | New +% |
Auto-Complete Quest: Courage Coin | +2% | +5% |
Auto-Complete Quest: Prestige Experience | +3% | +5% |
Rebalance of Prestige currency and experience gain
- The amount of Courage Coin currency received has been increased by 1.5 times.
- By increasing the benefits and boosts, the amount of experience received has also increased. Now level 20 with all bonuses can be reached in just 42 days.
Prestige Item Store
- Item purchase limits have been removed.
- Increased prices in the Prestige Store:
- Items for monster cards by 25%.
- Prestige items by 40%.
- Increased the required number of purchases to get a free award
Type | Old Quantity | New Quantity |
Mini Pass | – | 10 |
Regular Pass | 6 | 10 |
Plus Pass | 5 | 8 |
Gold Pass | 4 | 6 |
Rewards for buying Prestige experience
- Increased experience gain.
- Increased experience gain in the Prestige experience reward menu when buying: quests, boosts and currency.
- Now you get additional experience in progress rewards not only when buying currency, but also for quests and boosts.
Visual Changes
- Update the visual style of some tooltips.
- Formatted current ranks and reward chest tooltips.
- Implemented a new scaling method on the frame.
- Added a third state to the auto-show button (Press).
- Changed the visual style of the top buttons (close, scale, auto show).
- Updated visual style of header buttons on user agreement and purchase pages.
- Formatted the tooltips for the reward descriptions, boosts, currency information, experience, and other submenus.
Visual Changes
- Card Book: Updated visual style of the header buttons.
- Updated
..., ZoneID = GetQuestInfo(int Index)
. - Added
float r, g, b = GetItemQualityColorPrestige( int quality )