Patch Notes
- Changed Ancient Dreamland to also progress waves when all monsters are dead.
- Changed guild bank to always be open, and clicking lever directly opens guild bank interface to allow interaction for multiple people at once.
- Fixed ping packet loss when entering game.
- Added packet loss information to Ctrl+X frame.
- Fixed sometimes PNC amount was not correctly refreshed due overloaded service.
- Added debug information for backports, if they happen to you please contact us for sharing it.
- Fixed further zone memory leak issues and reduced laggy code which was decreasing zone performance.
- Added experimental resolution scale option for GPU cards that are not working correctly with low resolution monitor (for example RX5700 with 1920×1080).
Cooldown System
- Fixed some custom skills weren’t showing their original cooldown & ticking 1s cooldown until their actual cooldown ends.
- Disabled auto running with left and right mouse button in Garden of Eden.
- Fixed issues with using movement keys whilst holding left and right mouse button.
- Added Chaos Vortex: Evil, Arcanium Chamber, Hall of Earth, Hall of Water, Hall of Fire, Hall of Chaos, Bloody Gallery to collectible system.
Monster Cards
- Changed Dreamland Demon to always have 5 stars.
- Added 81 new cards to Chaos Vortex: Evil, Arcanium Chamber, Hall of Earth, Hall of Water, Hall of Fire, Hall of Chaos.
As introduced months ago, you can purchase gathering tools from gathering instructor NPCs, with different rarity providing you extra bonuses of success chance, speed and efficiency.
- Changed gathering tools to be required to harvest resources.
- Added Basic resource tools to gather starter quest rewards. For players who have already completed these quests, they will be given automatically on first login.
- Added 4 new gather tool slots specific for each gather type + fishing bait. Items from old slot will be automatically removed and placed into your backpack on login.
- Added Enriched Resource nodes which have rare chance to spawn. Granting extra resources and having higher resource count before depleting. As well as granting 10% additional gathering experience.
- Added pet death message.
- Changed regular pets to be immune to damage in Arcane Forge.
- Fixed it was possible to attempt to summon your pet whilst dead.
World Bosses
- Removed card gasha from loot pool.
- Fixed bosses weren’t having their buffs rarely.
- Added tooltip for prestige items that can be added to vault.
- Added number to currency bonuses message when amount is 1.
- Improved resource update when changing zones for Resource Locator benefit.
- Fixed Resource Locator benefit was sometimes not working despite being active.
- Added success message when moving furniture to/from Depot.
- Added more detailed errors about unability to store items in chests.
- Fixed highlight furniture in bag is not deactivated when closing housing frame.
- Added External type for some furnitures (external house styles and guild castle).
Visual Changes
- Login: Improved the password error code to track failed attempts per account.
- Colored craft skills display options.
- Improved the clock to save its position when moved.
- Restored empty xml element, quest tracker for old addons.
Chat Frame
- Added tooltip for resize button.
- Added hyperlink cursor and tooltip over chat tab.
Frame Specific
- World Map: Improved zoom out to parent area for some zones.
- Game Info: Improved the frame to save its position when moved.
- Mail Mod: Added handling of long mails content through a slider.
- Guild Building: Improved the format of the tooltip for the foundation description.
- Added
ResolutionScale_SetValue( float resolutionScale )
. - Added
float resolutionScale = ResolutionScale_GetValue()
Festival of Fire
- 7 custom cards from festival mobs.
- 8 hidden custom titles from festival events.
During the festival you can exchange Earth Zodiac materials and Geo Draconaris for a Draco Pet.
Obtain Geo Draconaris from:
- Ajis – exchange 5 x Festival of Fire Voucher for a reward.
- Lujken Lajet – exchange 5 x Festival of Fire Voucher for a reward.
Rune Chessboard
NPC: Rune Chessboard
Event Target: Align one or more lines of crystals of the same color to obtain points
Start location: Next to bridge in front of Varanas
Ignite the Holy Fire Altar
NPC: Dorimy Laso
Event type: mini-game
Start location: Next to bridge in front of Varanas
Party Pest Control
NPC: Ajis
Event type: find and defeat
Start location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event location: Varanas Gates
Event Target: Find mice and drive them away with the use of the Flame Altar
Iron Chef
NPC: Drake Gates
Event type: Collect Items & Cook
Start location: Varanas Gates
Event location: Silverspring – Oblivion Shrine
Event Target: Collect food in Silverspring and cook it at Varanas Central Plaza
NPC: Ethan Bryce
Event type: Cure Monsters
Start location: Varanas Bridge
Event location: Silverspring (Around Varanas Gates)
Event Target: Cure the sick monsters with Flame Powder.
Flame Fortune
NPC: Giselle Fred
Event type: Help NPC/Collecting Points
Event location: Taborea
Event Target: Collect Runes in the Magic Circle and throw them at the Altar.
Light the Pyre!
NPC: Lujken Lajet
Event type: Help NPC/Control Fire
Start location: Thunderhoof Hills, outside Dalanis City
Event location: Thunderhoof Hills, outside Dalanis City
Event Target: Control the fire with water and catalyzed runes as the NPC wants it.
Drive Beast
NPC: Aishas Gracia
Event type: Help NPC, defeat monster
Start location: Varanas Bridge
Event location: Dust Devil Canyon
Event Target: (Group) Defeat the Ice or Fire monster by either assisting NPC or assisting your group.

Patch Notes
- Fixed long offline messages were not being sent.
- Increased max stack size of some refining stones to 100 that were missing increased limits.
- Added Alchemist’s Smelting Crystal to auto sell armor and weapons below purple rarity upon obtaining for 90% of original sell cost without need of using NPC.
- Added error when obtaining backport.
- Improved performance of zones to reduce lags/ping.
- Reduced chances for backports (they can still happen with high ping).
- Added Bolinthya Rift: Invasion to Collectible System.
Monster Cards
- Adjusted some cards to require disenchants only.
- Fixed some new cards weren’t possible to be obtained.
- Disabled card blocker effect from Targonharls Essence.
- Added some cards to Arcanium Chamber halls that were missing.
- Fixed that cards were wrongly showing star upgrade possibility sometimes.
- Reduced requirements for Prestige quest “Even Heat Needed”.
- Fixed locking furniture wasn’t working properly sometimes.
- Fixed it was impossible to place furniture with Furnishing Select option.
- Fixed “All” category filter option was including also buttons to add new furniture/servant/players.
- Fixed closing housing frame was disabling Highlight Furniture option, reapplied it to default enabled.
- Fixed it was impossible to click some objects on surface of others while in Furnishing mode with Furnishing Select option disabled.
Arcanium Chamber
- Fixed various issues inside Halls.
- Added option to donate 300,000 gold at once to Chaos Vortex and Arcanium Chamber.
Bolinthya Rift
- Renamed Bolinthya Rift zones to use separate names based on mode: Invasion and Wave Defense.
- Fixed issue when being inside Malatina Course of Terror during daily reset.
- Adjusted icon for Ancient Treasures Investigation Record to distinguish it from Daily Quest Ticket.
Nostalgia Instances
- Removed Talaghan Material Pack from “The Envoy” store.
- Limited purchase of Speciality Talaghan Material Pack to 5 per week.
- Reduced damage of monsters by 30%.
- Improved respawn locations inside some areas.
- Added information that Arena of Darkness bets starts once there are at least 3 players signed in.
- Allowed to disenchant higher tier resources.
- Fixed it was possible to disenchant quest items.
- Fixed it was possible to disenchant gathering tools.
- Added gathering tools to Inspect Frame.
- Disabled runes from gathering tools tooltips.
- Changed gathering speed to cap at 0.5 second.
- Removed old method to break down resources due new with disenchanting.
- Reduced XP obtained when processing resources.
- Increased base XP obtained from gathering resources.
- Adjusted Gathering XP formula to reduce XP faster the higher level difference between player and resource.
Character Frame
- Improved gathering tools alignment.
- Fixed gatherings tools zoom wasn’t restarted on hide.
- Fixed placement of the new item indicator for gathering tools.
- Updated gathering slot textures for unequip slot in Quick Equip Bar.
Visual Changes
Item Set Skill
- Activation: Added option to copy ID with Middle Mouse Button.
- Extraction: Added option to copy ID with Middle Mouse Button.
Key Binding
- Increased height of frame.
- Changed menu panel to be always visible when opening the frame.
- Fixed it was impossible to insert more than one item hyperlink to chats.
- Pet: Fixed hyperlinking pet skills.
- Pet: Added option to copy ID with Middle Mouse Button.
- World: Merged interface and video/audio tabs.
- Login: Added tooltip for experimental resolution scaling feature.
Frame Specific
- Inspect: Centered description text.
- Game Guides: Increased maximum text size.
- Craft: Added option to display all recipes per craft.
- Store: Added total price amount in bulk purchase popup.
- Buff: Added option to copy IDs with Middle Mouse Button.
- Loot: Added option to copy IDs with Middle Mouse Button.
- Partner Bag: Added option to copy ID with Middle Mouse Button.
- Macro: Added option to open edit frame with double-click plus directly while it was opened for other macro before.
- Updated
..., ID = GetPetFoodFeedItem()
- Updated
..., ID = GetPetFeedItem(int Index)
- Updated
..., ID = GetBootyItemInfo(int Index)
- Updated
..., ID = GetSuitSkillInfo(int Index)
- Updated
..., ID = SkillPlateUpdate(int Index)
- Updated
..., ID = GetCraftItemInfo(int RecipeID)
- Updated
..., ID = GetPetItemSkillInfo(int PetIndex, int Index)
- Updated
..., ID = GetPetEquipmentItem(int PetIndex, string Slot)
- Updated
..., ID = GetPetTalentSkillInfo(int PetIndex, int Index)
- Updated
..., Owned = GetCraftItem(int CraftType, int CraftSubType, int Index)
- Updated
..., ID = GetPetPossibleProductItemDetail(int PetIndex, int Product, int Index)
Patch Notes
- Fixed it was impossible to extract Item Set Skills.
- Fixed it was impossible to swap equipment with same item ID.
- Improved error messages on entrance portals to Bolinthya Rift.
- Disabled fisherman NPCs that are meant for upcoming Fishing update.
Alchemist’s Smelting Crystal
- Added shorter versions for special usages.
- Improved description to mention it’s only meant for looting from monsters.
- Fixed it was also selling items purchased at merchants and obtained from quests rewards.
- Fixed some issues with collectibles displaying in world map from Bolinthya Rift.
- Fixed some collectibles were missing models or being underground since earlier patch.
Monster Cards
- Fixed Card – Entling was assigned to wrong zone in tooltip / Card Book.
- Added information to card tooltip and card info in Card Book when it is lootable from other source.
- Fixed “Click to Move” option was disabled in furnishing mode outside of select furniture mode.
- Fixed it was impossible to interact with furniture with left click while in Furniture tab and enabled “Camera Movement With Left Key” option.
- Reduced requirements for Prestige quest “Giant Wolf Claws”.
Patch Notes
- Reduced price of Teaching Certificate to 250.000 Gold.
- Change middle mouse button to copy player name instead of ID.
- Fixed Reset Instance option was not always teleporting out correctly.
- Fixed it was impossible to post “Destansı” word to chat in Turkish localization.
- Adjusted effect Alchemist’s Smelting Crystal to disappear after being AFK for 5 minutes.
- Reduced occurrences of “Client movement error”.
- Improved performance of Say messages from NPCs.
- Fixed player backport debug was causing FPS flickering.
- Improved slightly performance of zones during World Boss fights.
Discontinued Honor Points and Badge of the Warriors currencies due to excessive amount of PvP-related currencies. Shops and previously obtained currency has automatically been converted to Atlas Tokens:
- 1 Badge of the Warrior => 10 Atlas Tokens
- 10 Honor Points => 1 Atlas Token
- Disabled Ancient Memento to Honor Point exchange NPC.
- Disabled Honor Point material, supply and recipe merchants.
- Moved remaining Woram Honor Merchants from Mercenary Square to Hall of Records.
- Fixed it was impossible to interact with furniture before opening Housing frame before.
- Halved repair costs of gathering tools.
- Added novice gather instructors to Itnal Camp in Lost Island of Atlantis.
- Added clicking cursor to clickable tabs and benefits.
- Fixed Resource Locator benefit was not always working.
- Added gray color to placeholder text in the search boxes.
- Improved formatting of benefit boost description tooltips.
Arena of Darkness
- Fixed mail subject when losing a bet inside Arena of Darkness.
Bolinthya Rift: Invasion
- Fixed entering solo or as party leader wasn’t working correctly.
Chaos Vortex
- Added current progress to each phase on NPC dialogues.
- Fixed reward phases weren’t reached after donating gold milestones.
- Fixed Nano Bug was not spawning properly.
- Reduced offensive attributes of Hunter Phantom.
- Increased spawn chance of Hunter Phantom with every puzzle successfully cleared in instance.
Ystra Labyrinth
- Adjusted bosses to reset instance when last player leaves the portal.
Visual Changes
- Added number formatting to repair cost inside stores.
- Fixed some tooltips were appearing off the screen.
- Changed unowned recipes to appear with 50% opacity.
Minimap buttons
- Added compatibility for Addon Manager show/hide buttons.
- Fixed Broken Gear Frame visible status was not reapplied when hidden.
- Added popup with information if item is character-bound.
- Added ability to use right-click to add and remove items from trade.
- Corrected total price when purchasing in bulk.
- Added
bool Tradeable = GetItemTradeState(string ItemLink)
Patch Notes
- Added encyclopedias for Planting.
- Added Notifications settings tab with options to hide specific warning messages.
- Fixed Shadowmoon Merchant broadcast was mentioning discontinued currencies.
- Renamed upcoming reward for Collectibles from Weapon Shard to Cosmetic Fragments.
- Added error message when animation is already in progress from another player during “I’d Tell You, But…” quest.
- Improved general client performance slightly.
- Fixed “$notowned” Auction House filter was freezing game and being slow afterwards.
- Fixed artefacts and Golden Cicada Skin were causing FPS flickering in client and zone performance loss.
World Bosses
- Fixed sometimes boss buffs were applied too late.
- Added Eternal Gathering Tools to Item Shop.
- Disabled some unobtainable gathering recipes.
- Added Gathering information to Character Frame.
- Fixed it was possible to increase success rate beyond level 100.
- Reduced number of rare resources spawned inside Atlas simultaneously.
- Rebalanced gathering bonuses from titles, title system and robot components.
- Updated error string when gathering in same area without leaving for long time.
- Reduced kill and collect requirements for all prestige quests.
Bolinthya Rift
- Fixed Bolinthya Rift: Wave world map wasn’t displayed inside zone.
- Adjusted “The Fourfold Stratagem” collectible model, and renamed.
- Fixed collectible bosses weren’t being counted in Bolinthya Rift: Invasion.
- Fixed World Map player cursor and Minimap weren’t displayed in Bolinthya Rift.
Drill Grounds
- Disabled Call of the Horns game.
- Added guild resources as rewards (amount given depends on score and level of Drill Ground).
Grafu Castle (Awakened)
- Fixed it was possible to get stuck once completing Albert and dying before opening the door.
Jungle of Hortek
- Increased some stack sizes of some quest items from 10 to 100.
- Fixed some minigames were sending players to incorrect positions upon leaving.
- Changed visual style of tabs.
- Moved Broadcast section to new Notifications tab.
- Fixed that when you are in more than one private channel the alignment was not correct.
Visual Changes
- Added color to guild resources in various strings.
- Added Chinese world map to Lost Island of Atlantis and Talaghan.
Auction House
- Added possibility to use middle mouse button on item icons to copy ID.
- Removed “This item has no price history” message while searching items on browse list.
Frame Specific
- Mail: Limited maximum visible length of subject.
- Whisper Manager: Fixed it was closed on zone change.
- Fixed Soul Trauma was sharing cooldown with Shadowstab.
- Added
GetGuildResourceColor(int Index)
- Added
bool IsOwned = OwnedRecipe( int RecipeID )
- Updated
AuctionBidHistoryRequest( ..., bool EmptyNotif )
- Added
toGetPlayerAbility(string Type)
Patch Notes
- Fixed Eternal Tools Gathering Speed bonuses were higher than intended.
- Fixed Orkham gloves would give you their set effects even when unable to wear them.
- Changed Alchemist Crystal to stop working when inactive, rather than removing effect.
Some of these fixes were applied on live server already before patch.
Action Bars
- Fixed action bars were updated even when inactive.
- Fixed action bar visual issue with skill global cooldown spells and pots.
- Fixed FPS stuttering caused by many spells.
- Disabled effect of experimental Resolution Scale option due various issues.
- Improved performance of Orkham Gloves.
- Improved performance of all world bosses slightly.
- Improved some elements potentially causing common backports.
- Improved performance of zones during activities in crowded areas.
World Bosses
- Adjusted some rare loot quantities given.
- Changed World Bosses to not give rewards to inactive players.
- Adjusted inactive players to not effect boss damage reductions.
- Disabled all forms of teleportation for alts to World Boss area during timer and fight.
- Moved Reward loot from being automatically given to a reward chest that must be clicked.
- Increased HP of stones.
- Fixed lava pit wasn’t killing you.
- Fixed Card Package was not giving stars and values correctly.
- Added cashback to purchasing prestige daily quests completion.
- Fixed changing class inside Ancient Dreamland and Arcane Forge was causing you to lose 1x life.
- Fixed wearable items from Prestige Vault were not appearing in Character Frame quick selection.
- Fixed obtaining Purified Stones from 30 Minutes Online reward was adding them to Vault instead Transmutor for some players.
Chaos Vortex
- Reduced cooldown to be opened from 72 to 36 hours.
- Changed Chaos Vortex to be always open for 12 hours, regardless of killing final boss.
Lost Island of Atlantis
- Reduced strength of Atlas Guards slightly.
Visual Changes
- Updated header button icons of some frames.
- Fixed tooltip of vehicles was showing amount of riders incorrectly.
- Fixed selling diamonds and gold in Auction House were not showing amount in Mail message.
Character Frame
- Removed indentation in gathering bonuses tooltips.
Store Frame
- Added Restock Time, Max Sell Count and Restock Count to frame and tooltip of limited items.
- Added more elements to UI hide options.
- Fixed the max value of UI Scale slider in login settings.
- Added the ability to move the frame from any part of it.
- Added compatibility for fSlimUI and Cenedril Helper addons.
- Improved Hide Pets and Sigils game setting to do not even load objects.
- Moved the options for hiding UI elements from Minimap to new Settings tab.
- Updated frame texture.
- Updated expand button icons.
- Fixed minimap expand button was showing hidden buttons from settings.
- Updated Prestige Mini image and description.
- Added
event. - Updated
_, IconPath = GetSpeakOption(int Index)
- Updated
_, SellProduce, SellMax = GetStoreSellItemInfo(int Index)
- Fixed
incorrect usage could be used to bypass Trash/disenchant checks resulting in item loss.
Patch Notes
- Increased server bandwidth for crowded areas like world bosses.
- Improved further code to reduce most common occurrences of backports.
- Added back option for collecting debug information for backports. Please contact Grox on Discord if you are experiencing reproduceable backports and willing to help gathering information that can help solve the issue.
World Bosses
- Added message when boss dies indicating to claim reward from Reward Chest.
- Improved possibility to loot from reward chest when leader destroys party before claiming loot.
- Improved message about not dealing enough damage for boss to show as red warning in chat and on screen.
- Fixed Skill Book wasn’t updated after receiving gifts from online time benefits.
- Fixed clicking hyperlinks to open Vaults from gift messages was causing interface error.
Visual Changes
- Fixed action bar visual issue when using Hide Empty Slots setting.
- Fixed some items were shown doubled in Quick Equip inside Character Frame.
Patch Notes
- Fixed Arena of Darkness PvP Deaths and Highest Kills rankings.
- Fixed Malatina Event Repeat Ticket was added to Seasonal instead Eternal Vault for Permanent Prestige owners.
Some of these fixes were applied on live server already before patch.
- Improved performance of all services.
- Improved zone performance during crowded area time.
- Improved zone performance lowered by players newly loading to crowded area.
World Bosses
- Added visual effect for Reward Chest.
- Removed Strange Radiance from bosses.
- Improved activity checker for some cases.
- Added reward requirements in boss tooltip in Schedule frame.
Visual Changes
- ChatFrame: Updated tab highlight texture.
- Minimap: Fixed 1 px offset and checkbox expand button highlight.