Patch Notes
Known issues:
- Detailed durability of items currently shows it as * 100 more instead float point.
- Addon Manager addon can make it impossible to hide some minimap icons properly.
- Corruption attributes are not showing visually properly including HD and tier power.
- Mirror Worlds frame can’t be opened – Temporary way to open is chat command (use in any chat):
/run WeekInstanceFrame:Show()
. - Some hyperlinks might be showed as [LINK1] and so on with disabled translation option. Temporary enable it again at Settings > Interface > Communication > Translate Hyperlinks.
- Fixed some game crash reasons.
Fixed Draco buffs were providing more bonus than in descriptions.- Added 9 furnitures and 3 weapon skins as Valentine’s contest rewards.
- Added option to exchange Earth Spirit Crystal to Spring Rain Festival Repeat Ticket.
- Increased maximum stack size of Salt to 10k.
- Fixed weight and length of Bass and Carp fishes.
- Changed Golden Fish sales to be affected by Loss of Negotiation.
- Added Pet Metamorphosis Elixir – Golden Monoceros.
- Fixed issues with Pet Metamorphosis Elixir – Player and reenabled to Item Shop.
- Added player hyperlinks to decline ride messages.
- Fixed it was possible to accept ride whilst being under movement limiting effects.
- Renamed Amulet’s “durability” to “charges”.
- Added thousands normalization to big values in Durability.
- Changed durability displayed in tooltip to show full item durability.
Weapon Experience
- Reduced weapon experience gained from auto attacks by 70%.
- Reduced main hand auto attacks experience for 1h weapons by 50%.
- Increased main hand auto attacks experience for 2h weapons by 100%.
- Added weapon experience to spells cast by player for equipped weapons. Excludes spells cast by items, spells cast to player. Ranged spells will only effect bows, other spells will effect main hand and offhand, assuming you can wear both weapons.
- Moved respawn point of Forsaken Abbey closer to instance entrance.
- Fixed Arcanium Chamber didn’t close correctly after 72 hours of opening.
- Added confirmation popup when selling items that would take you over maximum gold limits.
- Fixed selling items to store and going beyond gold cap wouldn’t set your money to maximum limit.
User Interface
- Fixed combat meters were overflowing health over 2KKK.
- Added system message when copying name in unit popup dropdown.
Character Frame
- Fixed hovering area of tabs.
- Fixed scrolling issue in weapon skills tab.
- Fixed position of expand button in crafting list.
- Fixed 1px offset scroll frame for the crafting tab.
- Improved currency hyperlinks were not translated into local language with enabled message.
- Fixed currency/weapon linking to chat was always possible independent of key combination described in tooltip.
- Added option to preview item to recipes hyperlink.
- Enabled the possibility to save unowned recipes to favorites.
- Added Ctrl + Left click preview to recipe result and ingrediements.
- Added specific errors of reasons when not being able to join guild.
- Fixed bug that frame was not possible to be opened when player is not in a guild.
Key Define
- Added shortcut for World Boss Schedule.
- Improved alignment of navigation buttons.
- Improved search function for specific hotkeys.
- Added a button to restore default keys of individual shortcuts.
- Fixed bug when writing space in search box was blocking scrollbar.
Item Shop
- Changed search results to be sorted alphabetically.
- Changed ruby bonus text color from white to green.
- Fixed freezes when reloading list of items every 5 minutes.
- Added possibility to copy ID and preview items from Dashboard.
- Added information to tooltip that player receives the bonus for free when buying the item.
- Changed visual appearance of world map coordinates.
- Timer: Changed local computer time color, improved tooltip, aligned to bottom of minimap by default.
- Dock: Added new frame for collecting minimap buttons in a compact way: use Drag & Drop on icons or Ctrl + Right-click. You can set amount of empty buttons in settings and reset docking to default by button in dock.
Public Event
- Added black background.
- Changed hover area details tooltip to whole frame.
- Adjusted default anchors so event information doesn’t overlap.
- Included debuffs in buffs scale configuration.
- Added case for new settings if variables are not read or the dropdown is affected by any interface error.
Frame Specific
- Store: Enabled interaction with full item block.
- Use Object Popup: Reduced slightly length of frame.
- Action Bars: Changed minimum alpha of unused bar to 10%.
- Loot: Added dynamic sizing of frame daepending on amount of items.
- Magic Wardrobe: Fixed costume sets weren’t updated when changing gender or removing items from wardrobe.
- Frame Rate: Added the possibility to link packets, fixed anchor error, improved movement and description tooltip.
- Mail: Added a popup message when you try to collect more gold than the limit, as well as when you try to collect items manually from the viewer with a full backpack.
- Remove gathering bonuses from
. - Fixed
heal value was possible to overflow. - Added
events. - Added optional argument
string KeyBindingName
. - Added
TargetEnemyByName(string Name)
andTargetFriendByName(string Name)
. - Moved minimap icon init function from
tox MinimapButtonTemplate_OnLoad
. - Added usage limits to
when used from macros due to performance issues.
Spring Rain Festival
- 5 custom festival activities.
- 41 custom cards from festival monsters.
- 38 hidden custom titles from festival activities.
During the festival you can exchange Fire Zodiac materials and Pyro Draconaris for a Draco Pet.
Obtain Pyro Draconaris from:
- Lina Wabbit – exchange 12 x Earth Spirit Crystal for a reward.
- Nier Wabbit – exchange 12 x Earth Spirit Crystal for a reward.
Bringing Back the Wabbits
NPC: Kekai Wabbit
Location: Aslan Valley
Event type: Find & collect
Event location: Silverspring
Event target: Find the Lost Wabbits and put them in the boxes to bring them back
Wabbit Pursuit
NPC: Clifford Sharansk
Location: Varanas – Administration District
Event type: Hunting
Event target: Hunt players which transformed into wabbits and collect points
Stolen Rainbow Eggs
NPC: Lina Wabbit / Nier Wabbit
Location: Varanas – Central Plaza / Obsidian Stronghold
Event type: defeat monstears and collect items
Event location: Howling Mountains, Hidden Valley Mine
Event target: Collect the Stolen Rainbow Eggs
Petal Gathering
NPC: Lina Wabbit / Nier Wabbit
Location: Varanas – Central Plaza / Obsidian Stronghold
Event type: Collect items
Event location: Logar
Event Target: Collect Rainbow Petals
Happy Digging
NPC: Titan Wabbit
Location: Helen’s Farm – Howling Mountains
Event type: collect items
Event location: Howling Mountains
Event target: follow a wabbit and dig for treasures
Jump! Jump! Wabbits!
NPC: Danny Wabbit
Location: Varanas Bridge
Event type: Find and follow
Event location: Silverspring
Event target: Find the wabbit and follow him
Rainbow Egg Graffiti
NPC: Cecil Owanni
Location: Varanas Bridge
Event type: collect and exchange items
Event location: Silverspring, Varanas
Event Target: collect flowers for the paint, take the eggs to the painters and exchange.
Ethereal Spectrum Chicken
NPC: Angela Bix
Location: Varanas Bridge
Event type: Find and collect items
Event location: Silverspring
Event target: Transform into a wabbit, find the Ethereal Spectrum Chicken and collect eggs
Big Egg Giveaway
NPC: Ayester Bunni
Location: Abandoned District of Dalanis
Event type: find NPCs
Event location: Thunderhoof Hills
Event target: Find the NPCs and deliver items
Wabbit Defense Battle / Wabbit Game
NPC: Yakubi Wabbit
Location: Varanas Bridge
Event type: “tower defense”
Event target: Defend the rabbits from the invading turtles to get a reward.
Great Wabbit Sendoff
NPC: Jessica Bunni
Location: In front of Obsidian Stronghold
Event type: find and guide
Event location: Thunderhoof Hills
Event target: find your wabbits and bring them back home.
The Murder Bunny
NPC: Orderly
Event location: Varanas Central/Bunny Lair
Event target: help the Varanas Guard defeat the Murder Bunny.
Old Wabbit Lost Eggs
NPC: Old Rabbit
Event location: Lost Island of Atlantis
Event target: help the Old Rabbit find his log eggs.
Giant Wabbit Egg Hunt
Event location: Taborea
Event target: help track down the Giant Wabbit Egg throughout Taborea.
Easter Enigma
NPC: Elda Harefoot
Event location: Taborea/Heffner Camp
Event target: help protect the easter magic being stolen by evil powers.
Seasonal Windrunner Race
Location: Battlegrounds
Time: Once a day

Planned Patch Notes
Following list will include possible changes that may be appear along with upcoming patch. Please consider that this list doesn't represent the actual patch content and might be different when patch is released.
Modified changes will be highlighted with yellow color, declined changes will be highlighted as strikethrough, changes that might be delayed to another patch with considerably high chance will be highlighted with purple color.
Consider that not all changes are guaranteed to be applied with next patch even if they aren't highlighted with purple color. Some changes might still stay in Planned Change Log even after a patch gets implemented.
Auction House
- Added option to prolong existing auctions.
- Added option to promote existing auctions.
- Changed skill book sorting to always sort by actual skill level (including elites) and without alphabetically order to avoid indexing changing based on translations.
It will require one-time updating them in macros/addons now.
Item Shop
- Changed item sorting to alphabetical.
Mounts & Pets
- Fixed pets were summoned too early on zone change causing them to aggro enemies and run constantly around at high speed.
Object Blood Bars
- Added enemy cast bar.
- Added PvP skills to each main class combinations.
Siege War
- Allowed Guard Tower to summon archers to deal damage and give effects to enemy players within range.
World Map
- Added possibility to mark positions on world map.