Patch Notes


  • Reduced max level of Easy Harvest to 20.
  • Fixed Defender’s Armor was increasing damage taken.
  • Reduced durability loss from Robot Components when gathering.
  • Changed Jason Woram to change channel to 1 when interacting with him.
  • Increased respawn time of materials inside Lost Island of Atlantis from 5 to 15 minutes.


Forsaken Abbey (Awakened)

  • Fixed some % healing skills were healing Ghoul Duke.


  • Added ranking for Slimes Bombed and Slimes Killed.


  • Fixed rewards were sometimes not given.

Visdun Fortress

  • Adjusted AFK detection behaviour.

Visual Changes


  • Added item rarity to Dreamland exchange dialogs.
  • Added icon to gathering tools purchase dialog option.

Character Frame

  • Added Reward Coins to currency list.
  • Improved visual for multiple elements.
  • Added tooltip to background checkbox.
  • Removed currently worn item from magic wardrobe quick equip bar.
  • Fixed equipment toggle button wasn’t disappearing when opening wardrobe.
  • Fixed equipment swap tooltip was showing wrong equipment slot when not having label set.
  • Fixed PvP equipment slots quick equip bar was showing items that weren’t possible to be equipped due to class limitations.

Item Preview

  • Improved rotation method.
  • Changed label strings in sliders.

Frame specific

  • Quest Book: Fixed money tooltip.
  • Guild Bank: Fixed error when hovering over empty slots.
  • Game Config: Moved the gear comparison button to another category.
  • Quest State: Changed name of tutor-type quests from normal to tutor.
  • Auction House: Added warning about not being a real player when whispering to Anonymous.


  • Added int r, int g, int b = GetDarkTextureColor().
  • Added SetDarkTextureColor( float r, float g, float b ).



  • Increased Moon Cleave cooldown to 6s from 3.


  • Changed Morale Boost to also increase damage over time of party members.



  • Changed Drums of War to provide 20% critical damage only instead of 5% critical damage + raw critical hit rate.
  • Changed Screen Attack to be active buff with 30s duration, 60s cooldown, changed it to also affect damage over time effects, increased benefit to 17.4% from 11.9%.
  • Changed Aggro Lead → Essence of the Death: Applies poison to your quiver, every ranged attack will apply poison that inflicts 690 damage every second and reduces their defense by 5% for 6 seconds.



  • Changed Reclaim Energy to provide 20% physical damage instead of 20% physical attack + 10% physical damage.


  • Changed Threaten to not be overwritten by Disarmament.


  • Changed Erosion to do not modify Poison Shroud anymore.



  • Revised some skill descriptions.
  • Removed Condensed Rage buff requirement.
  • Removed Accuracy Halo damage reduction and critical hit rate gain.
  • Changed Power Build-up to increase only spear damage, made it passive effect.
  • Changed Violent Kick → Burden of Combatan, removed modification for Ascending Dragon Strike.


  • Increased 2-H Sword maximum level to 242 from 145.


  • Changed Shield of Darkness to provide extra attack power and attack speed depending on amount of plate armor equipped, maximum at 7 pieces.



  • Increased Knowledge of Destruction radius to 150 from 80, increased maximum amount of targets to 72 from 24, changed it to be raid buff, changed it to increase damage dealt by 16% for both raid and caster, changed it to also boost damage over time effects, reduced cooldown to 60s from 90.



  • Reduced Soul Gale cooldown to 4s from 6.
  • Reduced Born to Kill damage gain to 19.5% from 32.5% (-9.9%)
  • Changed Intensity to be active buff with 30s duration, 60s cooldown.


  • Reduced Soul Sucker costs to 15 energy & focus from 20.
  • Changed Ethereal Dagger effect to stay forever on target until combat reset.
  • Increased Dark Rune damage to 162% from 108%, reduced cooldown to 60s from 90.
  • Reduced Mass Destruction cooldown to 5s from 6, reduced energy cost to 30 from 40.


  • Reduced Anger cooldown to 5s from 10.
  • Reduced Splitter cooldown to 2s from 3.
  • Changed Warden’s Flame to make Charged Chop inflict original damage twice instead of increasing its damage.


  • Reduced Poisonous Integration rage cost to 10 from 20.
  • Changed Poisonous Integration poison name to Integrated Poison.
  • Reduced Combustion radius to 30 from 40, reduced rage cost to 15 from 20.

Masked Festival

  • 16 custom cards from festival monsters.
  • 5 hidden custom titles from festival activities.


  • Adjusted rewards.
  • Added Masked Ball package for giving rewards.
  • Fixed Pisces Crystal was missing from reward loot.
  • Adjusted quest rewards to give Masked Ball medals.


During the festival you can exchange Water Zodiac materials and Hydro Draconaris for a Draco Pet.

Obtain Hydro Draconaris from:

  • Masked Ball Reward Commissioner – exchange 12 x Masked Ball Medals for a reward.

Invitation Courier

‌NPC: Rain Nahills
Location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event description: Give a Party Invitation to the required NPCs.

Ball Mask Package exchange

‌NPC: Shiani Alian
Location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event description: Exchange TP runes to Ball Mask Package

Eulogy of Spring

‌NPC: Shiani Alian
Location: Varanas Central Plaza, Howling Mountains
Event description: Collect and deliver items

The Truth Under the…

‌NPC: Masked Ball Host
Location: Varanas Central Plaza
Event description: Find and match correct NPCs.

Hero in Disguise! “Masked Striker Association”

‌NPC: Big Spyror
Location: Thunderhoof Hills
Event description: Find and kill NPCs.

Help Ikes Get His Act Together!

‌NPC: Ikes Kalefan
Location: Thunderhoof Hills
Event description: Use actionbar to move items.

Post Patch Notes


  • Added new NPC Chief Scout of the Camp to Itnal Camp (26.3, 72.1) to provide cooldown reset and provide combat buffs in exchange of Gold for testing stuff. (Only channel 1)
  • Replaced some of zero defense Punchbags with end content enemies.

Patch Notes


  • Fixed an area of Syrbal Pass wasn’t possible to use mounts in.


  • Fixed Talaghan herb models were missing textures.
  • Added respawn time, min/max harvest and resources obtained to resource tooltips.

Visual Changes


  • Added craft cooldown to recipe tooltips.
  • Added hyperlinks to some missing speak texts.
  • Changed stable building to list ride effects from highest to lower.
  • Removed tutorial alerts with same type when disabling them via popup.

Magic Wardrobe

  • Fixed dropdown when having more than 20 slots.
  • Changed equipment swap bar to always open to right side.
  • Fixed character frame visual was showing incorrectly when closing by X button.

Quest State

  • Assigned colour to NPC on info frame.
  • Removed duplicate ID on flag description.
  • Added option to copy quest ID on middle mouse click.
  • Changed “find for loose ends” to be more noticeable button.

Frame specific

  • Craft Frame: Changed recipe name to always keep quality color.
  • Store: Changed titles to show red/green for unobtained/obtained.
  • Auction House: Changed sorting method for price in the search to check currency type first.


  • Added bool CheckTitle( int titleID ).

Class related changes marked with * might be working properly only in custom instances and Atlantis until next maintenance.


  • Changed Aggressiveness to increase physical attack by 8% additionally.


  • Changed Psychic Battle Technique to do not increase physical attack anymore.


  • Reduced Whirlwind cooldown to 6s from 10 and changed its cost to 10% HP from Rage.


  • Increased Combo Throw shoot count to 3 from 2, increased cost accordingly, kept channel time same.


  • Reduced Reclaim Energy damage gain to 15% from 20%.


  • Reduced Combo Throw channel time to 1s from 1.5.


  • Reduced Dwarven Forge cooldown to 90s from 120.
  • Reduced Power Mechanism damage and attack gains to 12% from 15%.


  • Removed Rune Formation initial skill costs, reduced MP cost per second to 1% from 2%.


  • Reduced Enraged cooldown to 15s from 25.
  • Increased Flame damage to 2260 from 1965.
  • Increased Rage Mana magical damage gain to 15% from 10.3%.
  • Reduced Wisdom and Bravery damage scaling to 25% from 30%.
  • Changed Focused Beam to increase amount of reflection of Static Field additionally.
  • Changed Enhanced Intensification to increase magical damage additionally instead of magical critical damage.
  • Increased Meteor Shower damage to 1625 + 0.41 x INT / 2530 + 1.00 x INT from 1413 + 0.41 x INT / 2200 + 0.41 x INT.


  • Increased Lightning range to 250 from 180.
  • Increased Electric Explosion damage to 10350 from 9056.
  • Increased Lightning Shield damage reflection to 4250 from 3700, changed it to additionally increase movement speed by 15%.


  • Reduced Cursed Fangs damage to 1720/850 from 1935/943, increased damage over time by 92%.
  • Removed Gift of the Baron cooldown and initial HP cost, changed it to consume MP* only when you trigger its area damage.
  • Reduced Kiss of the Vampire damage to 2746 from 3090, changed skill to require self buff to be used instead of buff on target.


  • Increased Vortex MP cost to 3% from 2%.
  • Removed Wave Essence channel speed, reduced cooldown to 60s from 90s.
  • Removed Magic Drain global cooldown trigger, added 1s of cast time instead, corrected description was missing MP recovery.


  • Increased Earth Scepter damage gain to 73.3% from 65%.
  • Reduced Earth Marking cooldown and duration to 30s from 60.
  • Changed Flame Follower to make Fireball additionally inflict earth damage.*
  • Changed Earth Groaning Wind Blade → Groaning Earth: Inflicts 2925 + 0.4 x INT damage.


  • Reduced Infiltration Spirit cast time to 1s from 2.



  • Changed Curse of Widow to increase poison damage by 15% additionally.


  • Increased Toxicologist poison damage to 142% from 122%.
  • Increased Mind Vitalization poison damage gain to 30.2% from 25.2%.


  • Reduced Soul Trauma stun duration to 1s from 2.


  • Increased Slash bleed to 852 from 170, reduced proc interval to 1s from 2, reduced duration to 4s from 15.


  • Changed Will of Soul, when you leave Willpower Blade, you gain 2 Psi.
  • Increased Focus Build Up duration to 30s from 20, increased focus recovery per second to 15 from 10.
  • Increased Ranger’s Quickness cast speed and damage gains to 16% from 12%, increased area damage reduction to 50% from 45%.


  • Removed Crime travel delay.
  • Increased Shadowstab bleed damage to 1060 from 530.
  • Reduced Soul Fang energy cost to 15 from 25, removed travel delay.
  • Removed Punishment global cooldown trigger, increased damage to 92.. from 8453, increased dark damage boost to 15% from 10%.


  • Increased Blazing Barrier damage gain to 60% from 55%.
  • Increased Focus Build Up intelligence gain to 8% per stack from 7%.
  • Changed Warp Flash to make Warp Charge additionally increase your own magical damage and cast speed by 10%.*


  • Increased Ruthless Judgment damage to 3220 from 2725.*
  • Increased Power of the Wood Spirit damage to 1800 from 1598.


  • Reduced Rage Sublimation cooldown to 8s from 10.
  • Increased Rune Energy Devotion cooldown to 90s from 60, reduced damage gain to 43.2% from 48.3%.


  • Reduced Mechanic Gamble cooldown to 90s from 240.
  • Reduced Secret Technique of the Ruins cooldown to 90s from 180.
  • Reduced Shadowforge’s Rage cooldown to 60s from 90, reduced damage gain to 22% from 30.3%.


  • Increased Tactical Offense cooldown to 10s from 6.
  • Reduced Endless Rage damage gain to 10% from 20%.
  • Reduced Power Within damage gain to 10% from 12.9%.
  • Reduced Bloody Experience damage gain to 15% from 16.3%.
  • Increased Elemental Rampage attack speed gain to 30% from 20%.

Post Patch Notes

Following changes will not be visible in tooltips but will affect damage output.



  • Increased Toxicologist poison damage to 144.4% from 122%.
  • Increased Mind Vitalization poison damage gain to 30.2% from 25.2%.


  • Reduced Fury cooldown to 6s from 10.
  • Reduced Cross Thorn Blow cooldown to 3s from 4.
  • Increased Heart of the Wild damage gain to 60%.
  • Reduced Nature’s Blessing damage gain to 10% from 30%.


  • Changed Aggressiveness to increase physical attack by 8.6% additionally.



  • Reduced Gusting Blade Rain cooldown to 10s from 15.
  • Increased Hell Blades damage gain to 35% from 30%.


  • Increased Fearless damage gain to 16.8% from 12%.



  • Applied 85% damage reduction to Orkham punchbags to unify it with the instance.



  • Removed Punishment global cooldown trigger, increased damage to 92.. from 8453, increased dark damage boost to 15% from 10%.

Patch Notes

Minimap and Texture issues

Very soon launcher will trigger fixing for issues related to minimap and texture files introduced in previous patch.

You can speed up process and get it fixed already now by downloading file from given URL and replacing it in “<game-directory>/fdb/” with closed game:

Visual Changes


  • Added world maps for Seasonal Windrunner Race.

Character Frame

  • Enabled colorize all items button on wardrobe.
  • Smoothed transition when opening the wardrobe.

Craft Frame

  • Added option to add recipes to favourites.
  • Corrected coloring of recipes availability based on crafting level.

Quest State

  • Colored quests by type.
  • Colored quest index din list by state.
  • Colored name of “find for loose ends”.
  • Updated tooltip position on quest list.

Frame Specific

  • Auction House: Corrected sorting arrow direction for price and time.

Patch Notes


  • Fixed Yolius Set was giving unintended attributes on plussing.
  • Enabled Shadowmoon merchant in all channels; Interacting will switch you to channel 1.

Monster Cards


  • Added possibility to swap used card with Shift+Right click.
  • Fixed FPS drops with various UI actions and interacting with monster cards.


  • Unlocked all decks.
  • Fixed stuck on changing card decks.

Card Book

  • Added NPC track button.
  • Fixed white artifacts on textures.
  • Fixed some cards were missing visual preview.
  • Added zone tooltips when hovering on zones in dropdown.


  • Fixed white artifacts on textures in Prestige frame.
  • Fixed The Scroll of Continuous Progress, The Scroll of Long-Term Perfection, The Scroll of the All-Day Completion, The Red Triumph Scroll were not working correctly.



  • Changed refining process of artefacts from crafting artefact directly to crafting a refining stone. Using stone will retain existing modifications (Plussing, Unlocked Status, Stats, Runes).
    • Existing recipes were transferred to new refining stones automatically and old ones removed.


  • Added possibility to craft Sun Essence.
  • Added possibility to craft Splinter of Form and Splinter of Emotion.

Kalin Shrine (Awakened)

  • Added Sunspot material to Kalin Shrine (Awakened).
  • Added Sunspot requirement to craft artefacts from Kalin Shrine (Awakened).
  • Changed The Lost Moon quest to require learning Kalin Artefact recipe, rather than crafting a full artefact.


  • Fixed some effects weren’t removed on entry to battlegrounds.
  • Added possibility to buy PvP weapons and offhands for diamonds.
  • Disabled ability to capture towers whilst in hide or invisible effects.
  • Fixed Item Set Skills passives were not always removed while entering Battlegrounds.

Public Events


  • Added message when participating in event and not registered.
  • Changed initial event starting message to broadcast to all zones.

Visual Changes


  • Added prequest required to enter area with completion state to zone tooltips.

Frame Specific

  • Craft Frame: Added craft skill color to required tools text.
  • Craft Frame: Fixed selected recipe was changed while hovering on star button.
  • Character Frame: Fixed missing tooltip when clicking on the practiced frame interface.


  • Added <Layout>:SetMoneyType(int moneyType).
  • Added <Layout>:GetMoneyType() → int moneyType.


  • Reduced 1-H Weapon Mastery damage gain to 72.2% from 82%. (-5.4%)
  • Reduced 2-H Weapon Mastery damage gain to 65.6% from 75.6%. (-5.7%)


  • Fixed Electrical Rage was providing lesser than intended benefits, fixed it wasn’t refreshing duration when reused at maximum stacks.


  • Changed Slash to be Strike instead, changed it to require 2-H Hammer.


  • Changed Snipe to increase magical damage too.
  • Changed Arrow Defense to reduce both physical and magical damage by 35% instead of only 50% physical damage.



  • Increased Gusting Blade Rain cooldown to 15s from 10.


  • Reduced Power Mechanism cooldown to 8s from 30, reduced duration to 15s from 30.


  • Changed Divine Elementalist set skill to be toggleable.


  • Increased Static Field damage to 4324 from 3815.


  • Changed Shock Strike to require 2-H or 1-H hammer instead of only 1-H hammer.
  • Changed Lightning Shield to increase aggro by 150% instead of 100% if you wield 2-H hammer.
  • Changed Hammer of the Thunder to additionally increase 2-H hammer magical damage by same amount.


  • Changed Cursed Fangs damage over time effect name to Cursed Wound.


  • Changed Amplified Attack to provide percentual attack instead of raw attack. (600k attack is now 30%)


  • Changed Thorny Vines proc interval to 1s from 2.


  • Changed Thorny Vines to inflict magical damage over time instead of physical.


  • Changed Shield of Solid Mind to do not trigger global cooldown but added 1s of cast time.


  • Changed Raging Thoughts to also recover 100% MP when Willpower Blade ends.
  • Changed Psychic Flash to modify Psychic arrow to have 1s cast time, castable while moving and cost 1% MP instead of focus.



  • Reduced Void Armor damage to 187.5% from 197%.


  • Changed Electrocution cost to 10 Focus from 10 Rage.
  • Reduced Shadowforge’s Rage cooldown to 60s from 90.
  • Changed Echo cost to 10 Rage from 15 Focus, increased damage to 780% from 678%.
  • Changed Solo: Shredding to reduce its cooldown when Echo hits instead of Electrocution hits, reduced cooldown to 30s from 60, reduced cost to 25 Focus from 50.



  • Reduced Absolute Extermination cooldown to 4s from 6.


  • Reduced Fire Nova cooldown to 7s from 15.
  • Reduced Chorea cooldown to 45s from 60, reduced cost to 20 Focus from 40.


  • Increased Art of War damage gain to 56% from 48.5% (+5%)

Post Patch Notes


  • Increased Amplified Attack ratio to 7% from 5%. ( Old 600k attack buff is now 42% instead of 30% )
  • For solo play adjustments there will be further changes, but it requires server maintenance first.

Patch Notes


  • Synchronized day time cycle.
  • Fixed Ambitious Woolian wasn’t completable.
  • Increased stack size of some daily items to 100.
  • Reduced chances of back ports in Dark Core and Orkham.
  • Added option to exchange Arcadia Coins into Badges of the Trial directly.
  • Changed Tempest Height’s chests to disappear at start of next wave to help improve performance.



  • Fixed some tutorials on character frame slots were opening wrong frame.
  • Changed level up of first class to 105 level display server-wide broadcast.
  • Added 105 level beginner package on level up or login when having newbie status.
  • Improved process of using horse rental NPCs along with increasing mount speed to 70%.

Low Levels

  • Fixed beginner packages were shifted with rewards on low levels.
  • Moved Unbridled Enthusiasm on newly created characters to Magic Package.
  • Fixed newly created characters were obtaining welcome back message with patch notes link.

Monster Cards

  • Fixed tooltip related game client crash.


  • Added Elements to some festival exchanges that were missing them.
  • Rebalanced festival element types to follow clear pattern. Updated types can be viewed here.



  • Disabled emote access in battleground.
  • Disabled auto running inside battlegrounds.
  • Reduced follow range of pets inside battlegrounds.
  • Added non-ranked Training Arena (1v1) with no rewards.
  • Added ability to purchase weakened level 50 PvP foods for Atlas Tokens.


  • Rebalanced some PvP Equipment attributes.
  • Added information to mana stones that are exclusive to wing slot.
  • Changed wardrobe to be enabled; disabled weapon and wing visuals.
  • Disabled transmuting wing exclusive attributes with other attributes.
  • Added option to purchase PvP Basic Armor fragments for Badges of the Trial.
  • Added option to extract PvP stats from fragments for Badges of the Trial and Battleground Victories.

Spells & Buffs

  • Changed buffs from main world to decrement time whilst inside battlegrounds.
  • Changed buffs to be independent between main world and battlegrounds. Any buffs player enters battlegrounds with, will be restored on exit, no matter if wiped inside or expired.

Siege War

  • Changed battle history to show most recent 50 wars.
  • Fixed it was possible to use location spells through some gate styles.
  • Changed Siege War to automatically place players into party upon entry.
  • Fixed it was possible to use spells through some castle walls; including towers.

Visdun Fortress

  • Separated pre-building and joining time.
  • Fixed Visdun Towers were weaker than expected.
  • Increased maximum time of Visdun Fortress from 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Added minimum participation threshold to obtain rewards in line with other PvP arenas.

Visual Changes

  • Fixed Atlas Rush coloring in battleground queue.
  • Added team colors to player name in battleground chat.
  • Cleared player target upon reviving inside battlegrounds.
  • Changed battleground queue to only disappear on true zone change.
  • Disabled ability to buy wardrobe slots and wardrobe pages inside battlegrounds.

Visual Changes

  • Fixed dragging for scaled frames.
  • Updated interface textures and buttons.
  • Added auto reanchoring to default position to saved frames when frame was moved outside the screen.
  • Added visual fx icons overhead to class instructors, zodiac/draco instructors, pet instructors, planting instructors and horse merchants.

Quest Book

  • Disabled hiding quest book on removal of last quest.
  • Fixed quest book buttons were missing when having no quests.

Title Frame

  • Added favourites system.
  • Added highlight on hovering title.

Frame Specific

  • Macro Frame: Fixed searching.
  • Unit Frame: Rounded HP value in party frame.
  • Item Shop: Changed visual style of categories buttons.
  • House Servant Hire Frame: Disabled click on attributes.
  • Quest Search: Added NPC ID copy on middle mouse button.
  • Target Frame: Matched number font and color to Unit Frame.
  • Partner Frame : Fixed saving position on dragging and movement outside the interface.
  • Mail Box: Fixed long item names were being cut in mail subject when sent as gift from item shop.
  • Action Bars: Fixed Action Bar lock in place setting was causing action bar position to not load correctly.



  • CardNew_SetSwapCard(bool swapCard);
  • int DisplayHeight = FontString_GetDisplayHeight();
  • bool contain = EntityFindLinkFrame(string entityPath, string pointName);



  • Changed Lightning’s Touch MP cost to 1% from raw MP.
  • Reduced Thunder Sword channel time to 0.75s from 1.5, reduced range to 80 from 150, added 15 Rage cost.
  • Changed Sense of Danger MP cost to 5% from raw MP, removed global cooldown trigger, changed it to reduce magical damage received too.
  • Changed Wind Bastion: Your Enraged additionally grants maximum stacks of Electrical Rage but gets higher cooldown (60s) and 20% MP cost.
  • Changed Electric Attack; You summon a Lightning upon your target, dealing 1570% + 0.1 x INT Wind Damage. Cost: 1% MP, Cooldown: 1s, no global cooldown trigger, Range: 80
  • Changed Lightning Burn Overload; Modifies your Moon Cleave to inflict 3080% CPS wind damage with 25 Rage cost. If an enemy is hit by it, your Lightning Burn will spread to other targets around.
  • Changed Electrical Rage; Your normal attacks add a stack of High Voltage for 5 seconds, increasing magical damage by 8% and attack speed by 3% up to 10 times, when duration ends, effect will cease gradually.
  • Changed Lava Weapon → Lightning Burn: Increases 2-H Sword attack speed by 35%, Also while wearing a 2-H Sword, your Lightning’s Touch will apply Lightning Burn that inflicts 975 wind damage every second for 8s.
  • Changed Possessed by Anger, Berserk modifications stays same, changed to provide 5% area damage reduction for each stack of Electrical Rage, and changes it to recover 10% MP per second and give 15% movement speed if you are at maximum stack.



  • Increased Toxic Splash damage over time effect to 3047 from 2423.


  • Reduced Disarmament cooldown to 2s from 3.


  • Increased Poison Shroud damage over time to 1687 from 895, reduced initial hit damage to 586% from 992%.


  • Increased Kick DEX damage to 1 from 0.4, changed damage type to poison.
  • Changed Demonstration of Evil to modify all skills to inflict poison damage instead of water.
  • Changed Holy Surge → Disturbing Mist to inflict 1 x DEX additional damage, changed damage type to poison.
  • Changed Sinister Methods to apply a poison that inflicts 975 poison damage every second for 4 seconds additionally.


  • Fixed Energy Influx Strike wasn’t inflicting guaranteed critical damage with Electrocution.


  • Removed Intensification MP cost.
  • Changed Fireball MP cost to 1% from raw MP.
  • Changed Thunderstorm MP cost to 2% from raw MP.
  • Increased Energy Well cost reduction to 50% from 43%.
  • Changed Elemental Phoenix MP cost to 1% from raw MP.
  • Changed Elemental Weakness MP cost to 1% from raw MP.
  • Removed Silence MP cost, reduced cooldown to 20s from 24.
  • Changed Meteor Shower MP cost to 4% from raw MP, removed cooldown.
  • Increased Purgatory Fire damage to 2193 from 1462, increased radius to 80 from 50.


  • Increased Flame MP cost to 2% from 1%.
  • Increased Static Field MP cost to 2% from 1%.
  • Increased Intensification duration to 25s from 20.
  • Changed Electric Bolt MP cost to 2% from raw MP.


  • Fixed Cursed Fangs damage over time wasn’t proccing when its casted too frequently.
  • Changed Kiss of the Vampire damage over time effect name to Venomous Kiss and increased its value to 1290 from 860.


  • Increased Electric Outburst MP cost to 4% from 2%.
  • Removed Magic Drain global cooldown trigger, added 1s cast time, castable while moving.
  • Removed Wave Essence cast speed bonus, changed it to allow casting whilst moving when its active.


  • Increased Holy Discharge damage to 1132 from 1000.


  • Replaced Earth Core Barrier aggro gain with MP cost increment.
  • Increased Earth Marking MP recovery to 20% from 10%, removed global cooldown trigger.


  • Increased Lightning Shield aggro gain for 2-H hammer to 250% from 150%.


  • Increased Growl damage to 2730 + 0.1 x INT from 1820.
  • Changed Master of Metal to reduce received area damage by 15% additionally.
  • Changed Solo: Noise to increase damage over time power by 30% additionally.
  • Changed Great Drummer to spread Tinnitus to all targets if any target that get hit has it.
  • Changed Rapid Concentration to increase Elemental Catalysis damage to 60% from 40%.
  • Changed Metal in your Ears to modify Musical Attack to also apply Tinnitus that inflicts 1100 poison damage every second for 12s.
  • Reduced Musical Attack cast time to 1s from 2, increased damage accordingly to prevent damage loss, reduced focus cost to 5 from 15.
  • Reduced Crooked Scream cast time to 2s from 3, increased damage accordingly to prevent damage loss, changed it to require instrument to be used.


  • Implemented Healer’s Resolution skill, provides intelligence equal to your wisdom.
  • Changed Bone Chill to be single target skill with 1s cooldown, no global cooldown trigger, increased Slow rate to 35% from 20%, increased damage over time accordingly.


  • Changed Chain of Light to heal around self instead of target.


  • Removed Lightning global cooldown trigger.
  • Changed Icewind Blade damages to 975% CPS from 615 flat magical damage.
  • Changed Freeze to increase all elemental damage by 3% instead of only water and wind.


  • Changed Prayer of Tribulation to inflict 1950 + 2 x WIS water damage around your target with every trigger, added cooldown of 4s.


  • Increased Musical Joy movement speed to 12% from 6%.
  • Changed Musical Attack to inflict area damage around your target.
  • Changed Aquatic Knowledge to also reduce cooldown of Healing Salve to 10s from 30.


  • Changed Spirit of the Oak to provide 80% aggro to the owner.
  • Changed Power of the Wood Spirit to have 0.8 x STR extra damage per hit.


  • Changed Pulse Mastery to do not provide aggro and defense anymore.
  • Changed Coat of Arms to be used only on self, increased defense gain to 120% from 30%, added 30% aggro bonus.


  • Increased Parrying Nature aggro gain to 75% from 20%.


  • Increased Frantic Briar damage to 943 from 726.
  • Increased Cross Chop damage to 1950 from 1625.
  • Increased Power of the Wood Spirit damage to 1047 from 860.
  • Changed Power of the Oak to do not make Sepal Stab applied with all skills anymore.
  • Reduced Oak Walker attack scaling to 60% from 70%, reduced damage scaling to 3200% /300% from 4000%/500%.


  • Increased Master of Aggro aggro gain per stack to 12% from 8%.


  • Implemented Healer’s Resolution skill, provides intelligence equal to your wisdom.


  • Removed Heart Piercing Nature’s Power recoveries.
  • Removed Cross Thorn Blow Nature’s Power recoveries.
  • Changed Natural Attack to provide Nature’s Power with every hit.
  • Changed Nature’s Blessing → Unrestrained Rage: Increases physical damage by 15% but also increase rage consumption by 30%, toggleable.


  • Removed Healing Arrows cast time, reduced cooldown to 8s from 15.


  • Changed Curse of the Widow to reduce heal power by 50% additionally.
  • Changed Magic Turmoil to have 60s cooldown and 30s duration instead of passive, reduced damage gain to 15.6% from 21%.
  • Changed Curtain of Darkness to increase cooldown of Withering/Weakening Seed to 30s from 20, reduces their duration to 15s from 20 but makes them recover 3 Nature’s Power instead.


  • Reduced Essence of Vitality cooldown to 2s from 5.
  • Increased Mechanism Feedback cast speed gain to 2% per stack from 1%.


  • Reduced Soul Trauma cooldown to 6s from 10.
  • Reduced Shield of Solid Mind focus cost to 15 from 25.


  • Reduced Mind Transference cooldown to 10s from 20.
  • Changed Defensive Formation → Concentration Stance: Increases cast speed by 43.6% and movement speed by 21.8% while recovering 5 Focus every second.


  • Changed Blood Arrow to recover 1% HP instead of costing HP, increased dark damage and intelligence gain to 12% from 8.4%.


  • Increased Flaming Heart Strike MP cost to 2% from raw MP.
  • Changed Thinking Overload to cost 10% MP, removed Focus recovery, changed it to additionally reduce all costs by 25%.
  • Changed Saces’ Cracking Spell → Selfish Saces; Modifies Surge of Awareness to grant 20% attack but only applies to you, also Mass Charge will not be available. (passive)


  • Increased Corrupted Oak Walker area damage reduction to 45% from 35%.


  • Increased Rune Energy Influx aggro gain to 85% from 50%.
  • Changed Feedback Defense to be a permanent effect, changed it to share 8.6% of casters physical defense to raid members around, removed its damage reflection, removed rage costs.


  • Changed Rune Pulse to trigger Recover without critical hits.
  • Changed Feedback Defense to additionally provide 9.6% heal power to caster.


  • Fixed Dark Energy Punishment was not toggleable entirely.


  • Reduced Rhythmic Delusion cooldown time to 10s from 20, reduced accuracy debuff duration to 3s from 10.
  • Changed Misanthrope → Measure Rest, reduced duration to 10s from 15, reduced cooldown to 120s from 180, removed immunity.


  • Changed Tempo to do not reduce your own aggro.


  • Changed Harmony to generate a Soul per hit, independent from natural Soul generation.
  • Changed Noble Souls to provide cast speed for each Soul being hold, up to 19% at 666 Souls.
  • Changed Soul Blast to do not require a Soul to be used, changed it to instead generate a Soul.
  • Changed Immaterial Recurrence to generate 2 Souls per hit, independent from natural Soul generation.
  • Changed Spiritual Rune to make Souls be generated with every proc instead of every 4, also each proc will reduce cooldown of Harmony by a second while its active.
  • Changed Soul Hunter: Your single target skills will inflict extra damage and provides a Soul for every 4 proc of this, up to 666 souls. Souls will not provide any damage.
  • Changed Cruel Harvester to release all collected souls to provide 25 physical & 50 magical damage for each Soul, and shares 10% of this benefit with all party members for 30 seconds, also provides 25% cast speed to the user.


Visual Changes


  • Corrected regular buttons visual.

Frame Specific

  • Coolsuit Frame: Removed irregular left border from background.
  • Auction House: Reduced opacity of highlight and centered text of tree search buttons.
  • Recipe Store: Fixed recipe wasn’t selected correctly when placing cursor over the currency.



  • Increased Lightning Burn damage over time value to 8025 from 975.


  • Fixed Earth Arrow skill wasn’t present.
  • Fixed Healer’s Resolution was disappearing upon receiving heal.


  • Fixed Healer’s Resolution was disappearing upon receiving heal.



  • Fixed Poisonous Wound wasn’t using physical DoT formula.
Categories Patch Notes
